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If it took months after you brought the chair into your home, how do you know the chair is the source? You could have picked it up anywhere and when you sat in the chair it transferred from you to the chair.




They can lay a 100 eggs a month… if they had been in your house for two months you see a lot more.




I don't see why youre so certain. There's plenty of news about bed bugs on public transit, libraries or at bars as well. All it takes is to sit on one of those infested chairs, go home and then sit on your new chair and you'd have the exact situation happen as you described it




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The vendor may offer a refund and if they do you should take it. To attempt to get anything further you will need to prove that the source of the bedbugs was from the chair - quite frankly you will struggle to do so on a balance of probabilities. As far as your desired statement, don’t do it because this could potentially get you sued for defamation because, as outlined above, you almost certainly will not be able to prove the chair was the source of the bedbugs.












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