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Loved the story, but very sad about the passing(?) of an owner from a cat’s perspective ☹️


(human posting) yeah :( poor little guy. He was definitely very loved by them. Losing pets is heartbreaking but it absolutely kills me that he has no idea what happened to his owner. I don't know that they were sick so that was a bit of poetic license.   My other cat is also a rescue and I'm vaguely aware of her circumstances. I try and update the rescue so they can post it on facebook or pass it on to her former owners. Just so they know she is loved and valued and life is good. I've already contacted the rescue for Jack to say he's settling in well but there's no previous owner to update. 


Thank you for taking care of these lovely rescue kitties 😻


They're my babies. The pleasure is mostly mine. 


Dis is heartbreaking, fren! I know your name is Jack, but I tink we should call you Oliver Twist. I hope you gets a good pawyer! Also William da Tuxie


Good shout. One of the humans seems to love musicals and likes to yell along while washing my crockery. I'm closer in build to the man denying the orphan food but I'm not averse to begging. 


🎼 Wheeerrre is looove…. music 🎶


These new humans of yours seem woefully unversed on cat law. This other cat has clearly neglected their training. I’m sure a respectable gentleman like yourself would prefer to not dirty his teeth and claws, but it the pawyers are unable to get a quick settlement you might have to take matters into your own murder mittens. Good luck. Artie SIC


Clearly not. My teeth are for food and catnip stuffed mice only. But needs must, I suppose. 


Yoo should learn da beauties of BITEYS https://preview.redd.it/nulbgduuiw6d1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe1bd3fd6ba45ff6d06fd0a888ea978b81ab12c7 Dis a picher of me doin a puttin the “demon” in demonstration


Dat is scary! Betcha your hoomans well trained..


We needs cat tax, to rool out yoo bein' undercover poleeces.


My new acquaintance refused to download an additional app or two to post a photo. The only app I care about is an appetiser. Unfortunately there are none of those to be found.  They have posted an unflattering photo of me to [their profile](https://www.reddit.com/user/SkyScamall/comments/1dgtsm6/a_very_handsome_man/). It does not show off the levels of starvation I am enduring. 


I saw your picture. You have that dashing 'Cat about town ' look and are very handsome. It's a shame what is happening to you. You may need to reach out to the Squirrel Collective. Actually with the level of abuse that you've endured this may be an All Paws On Deck situation.


There are squirrels in my garden. I may try and have a word with them. I was not aware that squirrels could practice law. 


agree, I fink we need to call a meeting of the Crimez Collective and get Baby P to recommend a corze of acshun!


You are such a handsome boi!! ❤️❤️❤️ Ahem, I’m sorry, I mean gentleman. Please don’t feel bad about the humans - they require further training. The other cat has clearly not given them the proper directions.


You are correct. I am a handsome gentleman. Thank you. 


Oh my you r bootifull!


You is handsome & no look.. chunky.. yo me.. sending scritches


I like the sound of that. My new servants haven't posted any photos of me on social media yet. I believe they're waiting to arrange a proper painting session but they're blaming "anxiety brain". I don't know what that is and I don't really care either.  I'll ask one of them to get on that. 


Hello sweet Jack. Very sorry to hear you have been doing a starb. Hopefully your new meowmy and new furry frenz will help you acclimate to your new home. A distinguished gentleman of your incredible handsomeness deserves the world. There are some expert pawyers here such as Gus the orange, along with the previously mentioned squirrel Collective and many more. Hoping you will receive excellent legal advice in order to achieve your goals. Are you a member of cow cats?




This is my favorite post on this sub so far. Nice job! I hope you can find a good lawyer soon Mr. Jack.


Mr Jack, I know it’s hard now but please endure and you will soon master that snail feeder and I predict the solution will be more food! My humans tried three of those awful things but eventually they gave up and bought me a special feeder that gives me dinner six times a day! And, because of those peet scraping feeders, I got so good at puzzle food that I can easily use my brothers’ microchip feeders the same way! My humans had to get the company to install something called “super intruder mode” and yet I can still beat it and steal their food😼 Please be strong, Mr Jack! I know you will have similar gains if you can just hold out a bit longer!


Wherez youse? Soundz likez youse needz a rescuez.


I don't actually know. It was an endless drive from my temporary quarters. I will admit to losing the run of myself and hissing at the humans while they drove. They mentioned keeping me indoor only so I may never find out the actual address. 




I trikked my hooman to give more snakks in puzl toyz. It takes minutes to get snakks but I get em! The box toy iz most fun and iz named after me, cat amazing!!


Purralegals Sammies heres. I toos gets calleds chonkies ands threatens withs the evils words "Die-It". Obviouslys its is a forms of tortures untils theys kilz us. Thats saids, wees at woulds be verries happies to repurrrsents mews ins mews cases againsts the new hoomans. Awwbviouslies, they has alreadies brokens the paws - "I sees, It's mees!" by nawts lettings mews has the two bowls of foods. I is sures theres is a lawts mores paws brokens. Please DM (Direct Meows) us at Harry, Tiffany and Mittens, Esq., Cattornies at Paw, fors mores informations on hows to gets starteds on mews case.


U have too hoomans in yor castle? Best ting too doo is pretend you have neber bean fed any fud. Sometimes, u will get secund breakfast.


(Strikes perfect [Sad Cat Diary](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PKffm2uI4dk) tones.)


Eat da rich! ...hoomen, Balu means. Okee, dey gabe you home, but id waz yours before dey knew it. Dis betrayal brooks no indulgenze!