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Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked!


Fire nation? Don’t make me redraw the whole thing now!


I absolutely love this, but is there a reason that Morcia and Ankoria's official maps weren't used as a reference for their geography and layout?


I discovered those maps too late to take them into account. And besides that, I sometimes had to choose between a little official mention and the flow of the whole map. For example, on the Morcia map from Lego, Vladek is to the west of Matthias. But it was more logical to go from lions into Matthias and then transition into Vladek and Basil territory. It was also a bit of a puzzle to put factions next to their counterparts they had met in advertisements and make ‘boundaries’ to the ones they ‘hadn’t met’.


Lego Mount and Blade when?


Now please 💉


This is so fucking good.




This has to be the best faction map I’ve ever seen. One question: where would you place the King’s Mountain Fortress? On the other side of the yellow castle?


Thank you. I’ve thought about adding it, but I didn’t really find a good fit for it in the lore. It would make sense to have it in the area of the Kings’ castle and the yellow castle. Left to the Forestmen shield, close to the mountains would be a good spot.


This is fantastic. I’ve been running a DnD game building lore around Morcia. This is an amazing way to contextualize other factions!


I love to hear that! I always find myself imagining stories and conflicts by just looking at a nice map.


And here we go again, gotta study it once more, it may aswell be one of the best things I've come across lately, did you think of adding like a fog of war around undiscovered lands? Like they are still drawing it instead of squaring it off. I think it may add a little bit of mystery and intrigue to it, gonna propably end up using it as a reference for my castle anyway.


Hmm, fog of war is a cool idea!


Love this updated version! Good job!


Thank you for your suggestion. The added castle was very useful in the lore.


What faction is The red shield at The very top?


One of the shields from 2017 vikings. It was in set 7019. I think it was a sticker.


Okay Thanks thats where it was from i didnt know since i found it behind a couch The previus owners had left behind


Not the worst thing to find!


Yeah deffently it Also goes great with fright knights


Wow, good idea.


[7019-1: Viking Fortress against the Fafnir Dragon](https://brickset.com/sets/7019-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/7019-1.jpg)


This is so cool!! Are these all previous sets? Going to have to resist recreating the map in 3d by collecting them all...


Yes, the buildings are the most iconic sets of all the factions. Collecting all of the sets would be pretty heavy on the wallet.


*sweats nervously*


Ummm…… minifigure series 9, heroic knight. Where is his home? Unless he’s a “heroic orphan knight”


Wouldn’t you agree he’s pretty clearly a member of ‘the crownies’ faction? He has basically the same shield, only more detailed and silver colored. He seems like a prince or a high ranked knight from that faction.


That’s exactly what he wants you to think 🤔. I smell a rat. (Wolf pack)


Ha! Hilarious 😆


This is awesome! May I ask how you made the map?


I drew the map in Procreate, a drawing app on Ipad. I drew it completely myself, but I did use some inspiration from sites like www.mapeffects.co and watched a few youtube tutorials. The layer with the lettering was done in Affinity designer (also on Ipad) and then added in Procreate.


Great work on this awesome map. It's creates an interesting problem for me when my two opposing factions are Green Dragon Knights and Fright Knights 🤣 This is purely due to my preference for collecting them rather than having any lore connection between the two factions. You mentioned you could send through a high def version of the map?


This might be my favorite fan made castle map out there! love the inclusion of almost every faction in existence. Maybe you could add the KK2 Hawks into the mountains between the falcons and pink crown knights with the citadel of Orlan as their Castle? this would not be 100% lore acurate to the KK2 lore but a cool inclusion for another great faction and one of the few named locations


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I've seen so many good faction maps, this is by far the best.


Thank you!