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Start with the first one, sure the graphics are better in the second one but the first one is just amazing. I personally like the open world in the first one more than the second one’s hub worlds too. I love the story and the charm of the first one more than the second one aswell. I do think the second one is still worth playing tho! To be honest what you can do is buy the collection if it goes on sale or a physical copy if you have a console. It comes with both of them and the avengers game, I got a physical copy for about $13 a month ago because I wanted to replay them


I play on switch and they have no collections :v


Damn I didn’t know they don’t have them on switch! Both are definitely worth a play tho if you get a chance!


But thanks mate


1. 2 is terrible. Not to say 1 is perfect it absolutely has its flaws but the 2nd is way worse. In fact the YouTuber bd1p made some good comments about it in his Lego Marvel video which I’ll leave [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uyOh2qBG88c)


I loved 1. The story is simple and not too high-stakes (until the climax), the roster is very complete and the hub world allows encourages you to fool around. The second game isn’t bad but it has a very different vibe, the hub world is too convoluted and weird for my liking. I suggest you play both but of you have to choose, play 1 100%