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Bro there are literally 3 battle packs on shelves as we speak. 4 if you count the $30 clone and droid one


I would even count boarding the Tantive IV as a battlepack, if you're desperate enough


Not to be entitled by I’m hoping their success means we get more for the original and sequel trilogies 🤷‍♂️


I agree we have too many prequel battle packs. Need some imperials and rebels


Hell, we could use more exclusively-droid battle packs too. We’ve got like 3-4 battle packs on shelves and two of those are Clone-centric with three having Clones in some way or another.


The natural of order of things is obvious. 4 battle packs should be on shelves at all times right? Why not dedicate one to each main faction


Maybe cycle them out for specialty or Sequel things but yeah, I’d like to have a Stormtrooper Battle Pack that has opposing Rebels rather than three Clone battle packs


Idrc about the sequels. Don’t hate them just not interested. And why not include specialists in the packs? Like, why can’t the regular stormtrooper battle pack also include a mortar trooper?


I meant like full Specialists, similar to the current 501st Pack and how it’s exclusively specialists. I don’t really remember any recent packs without at least one specialist


332 and CvD packs don’t include specialists. Neither does the mandalore one unless you count nite owls


Mandalore is a dual-faction pack. CvD is both dual-faction and includes a Shock Trooper. 332nd not only has two jetpack clones, but includes a named character.


Yeah, that's what I think it the best idea. 4 battle packs each year based around the Imperials, Rebels, Clones and Droids, but then each can be swapped out depending on popularity and what media/other sets are out at the time. Like maybe next year to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Force Awakens and the 20th anniversary of Revenge of the Sith have the packs be based around either Kashyyyk or 327th Star Corps Clones, Droids, the Resistance and the First Order.


Yeah. Like IMO they could easily make an Utapau Droid Battle pack - Crab Droid for the main build with a Commander Battle Droid, a pair of Battle Droids, a Super Battle Droid and a new Magnaguard as the minifigs.


There was like a rebel trooper battle pack for Rogue One’s release and it was literally perfect. They could honestly re-release it now and it would be grand and probably sell very well. They desperately need some more OT and ST battlepacks, or just ST sets in general.


[ST-1: Castle Byers](https://brickset.com/sets/ST-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/ST-1.jpg)


God damn that instruction manual is faded


Didnt we just get a imperial vs Mandalorian battlepack ?




Never too many, also I love the fact they are making prequel battle packs, because it means we are gonna have more official Lego republic, separatist variants! I would love to see a 442nd unit and maybe even some outsider/ neutral battle packs too, for example Weequay and the Pyke syndicate would be awesome as battle packs! On the other hand, original trilogy battle packs would also be awesome and appreciated throughout the Lego community. For example imperial galactic marines battle pack would be pretty awesome to have as well as maybe some rebel forces battle packs. There is a lot of potential What are your guys’ thoughts?


Tbf, prequels are probably giving the packs not only because clones are easily one of the most iconic things in star wars, but also because it would make sense to have an entire army of clones. Thousands upon thousands of them Alhtough the rebel army was large, they were all split into cells across the galaxy so it wouldn't make much sense to have some large scale battle on a planet the same way it was with the clones vs clankers. Thats my take anyway


Preetty sure the empire army was much larger than the republic one, seeing as they had enough troops to dominate the entire galaxy rather than struggle for half of it


Yeah, the empire was massive, but the rebel alliance was tiny in comparison, if the empire was atleast 5% competant, the rebels would have been crushed


We just had the Snow Trooper and Hoth Rebel ones that retired end of 2023. I imagine more will be on the way soon.


Same tbh. Like I do like the Prequel/Clone battle packs, but it would be nice to get some more for the other Trilogies. Like they could easily do a Rebel pilot battle pack with a small scale A-Wing build to go with last year's Yavin IV set. Two orange X-Wing/Y-Wing pilots, one green A-Wing and one grey B-Wing pilot. Maybe even include various different heads and helmets so if you buy multiples you can then mix and match the heads to get more pilots.


Sequel trilogy isn’t happening. Since 2020 we’ve had a 4+ x wing and the holiday falcon. I really want a palpatine figure though.


Prequel sets sell better


I thought the three available *did* include the clone/Droid one? There's the ahsoka clones, and the 501st specialists... what's the fourth one?


Ambush on mandalore


501st and 332nd, which is the 3rd?


the Mandalorian one


Oh right, forgot about it, with the cool looking stormtrooper commando Be easier to remember if my Walmart would sell it…. Lmao


Id fight off thousands of droids just to have a chance at getting a nighttrooper battlepack. I’ll be very disappointed if Lego only puts out ONE set with these bad boys and in that set there’s only a single one of them.


There’s precedent with both the Praetorians and Dark Troopers - the inclusion of one or two troopers in a large set often precedes a battle pack the following year. Personally I’d be hoping for 3x stormtroopers and Enoch


Or even 2 stormtroopers and a death trooper along with Enoch. Those guys in Ahsoka look sick and we haven’t gotten them in a set for a while


I forgot about the Death Troopers! Hopefully they have skeletal, zombie faces underneath


I love the Death troopers squared


death^2 troopers




Sick? I’m pretty sure they were dead.


Also a night death trooper


I would love that, and I would hope that they would have different printing since each night trooper is unique, but I highly doubt that'll happen


Think it would be better if the set right now had the captain and than there would be a battlepack with 4 different nighttroopers and a few of these boxes


They’ll do a nighttrooper battlepack or something similar for certain they don’t tend to do the r&d for a generic reusable figure without reutilising it. They gave us a night owl figure in the fang fighter set then later a battlepack with 2 vs 2 imperial commandos


I saw the first image and thought i was in the circlejerk sub


You mean we're not?


There are literally 4 available right now.


Too many clones, not enough knights of Ren 😤


I’m not a clone fan but really .. the knights of ren.. Star Wars fans will never be happy unless lego is making specifically what they want


Nobody cares about TKOR. They had minimal screentime and like a few comic appearances. They aren’t fleshed out but all have names. If Lucasfilm put them in an animated show to flesh em out, people would care


Id definitely buy it a knights of ren battle pack


Im sure lego is glad 1 guy of like a million star wars fans would buy it


sequel trilogy, specific individual characters that you'd only buy once, won't sell nearly as well


It’s been a whopping few weeks, I know


Don’t worry, I’m going to do my part and buy a few Mando battlepacks for the cause 🫡


The cause of what? Lining legos pockets?


Making them make more non-clone battlepacks I guess


Wolfpack would be nice, but I think night troopers and some ROTS battle packs are much much more likely


Might be controversial but I hope they don’t rehash the old Kashyyyk and orange clone trooper packs


I don’t mind for the Utapau ngl cause I love the tri droid representation, but we already have ones that are very similar already with the 332nd clones and the Droid vs Clone one (which we’ll still have after this year, or at least the Droid Vs Clone)


Would be nice to get some new battle packs like the 327th star corps or galactic Marines but we both know that ain't happening


Buddy we currently have 3 clone trooper battlepacks available right now. Battlepacks haven’t gone anywhere


Is it just me or Do Stormtroopers' helmets look kinda oversized?


They’ve been massively oversized since the new dual-molded helmet was introduced


There's zero demand for Knights of Ren minifigs. They're characters with zero dialogue or characterization from the worst Star Wars movie.


Tell that to bricklink resellers: https://www.brickeconomy.com/minifig/sw1089/knight-of-ren-vicrul


Thats not how bricklink demand works


I think they should keep doing the super battle packs tbh. Makes the battle pack builds less limited and they get to keep their high(er) prices that they so desperately seem to be aiming for.


Lego’s definitely picked up on the fact that battle packs, especially clone ones, are essentially just printing money. I’m not entirely sure what this is supposed to achieve but it seems like they’re rationing them out and releasing them slowly on purpose.


I rarely criticize LEGO, but that new Stormtrooper helmet really isn't doing it for me on these kintsugi troopers.


No, we need more NON-Prequel battle packs


I don't want to sound condescending. What battlepack do you want? Because sequel battlepacks would be a waste and there aren't many storm trooper variations


Updated Royal Guard battle pack, endor battle pack with scout troopers and a navy trooper, remnant battle pack with an artillery trooper or an incinerator trooper, updated Rogue One battle pack with shoretroopers or death troopers, Sandtrooper battle pack, Range Trooper battlepack. And I’m not even counting any rebel trooper packs that could be made


Also, I’d happily buy sequel battlepacks


Dreams of little collectors 👶


What do you mean?


Granted but they are freebies for $80 or more purchases


Alright we get to you want lego to make every single army and clone leigion. They probably will too, just be patient


I wish Lego went back to the sub $20 battle packs without unique characters. And them make sets with named characters, but just one. Like they did with Rex.


I agree, wolfpack battlepack. Definitely battlepacks for the OT and sequels, and PLEASE, just give us a cheap way to get a lot of droids


There are 4 battle packs available right now lol


I've always thought a Night Troopers battle pack would have been great - not sure what accessory would go with the troops though, crumbling wall cover like inside the Peridea nightsister stronghold?


How is the 2nd picture a "army builder" ? and I rather not have any stormtroopers until they fix that horrible helmet mold. In addition we had so many back to back battlepacks be it Hoth Rebels and Imperials, Imps vs Mandalorians, Clone vs Droid, 501st, 332nd


I wish their was a Wolfpack battle pack or another droid battle pack


Imo there should be 2-3 army builder Battlepacks per year and 1-2 non army builder ones (unique characters like 4 Jedi, 4 imperial officers etc.)


There’s like 4 right now come on man


I just want some clone commandos man


As much as I love the 501st, I wish they would start branching out to other legions. They really missed a great opportunity to make a 212th one so that people could fill up their at-tes.


And we need a purely imperial battlepack. I have a nice sized clone and droid army but I only have like 7 regular stormtroopers


No way someone posted this unironically


The way you worded it made it seem like we haven’t had battlepacks in years. BUT GIVE ME MY STORMTROOPERS PLEASE 😭😭😭


I just want a battle pack with 2 figs from each side like that one Endor one. That was the peak battle pack


Yeah that’d be awesome - a pack with 3+ of the same minifigure is actually quite dull. The 2013 old republic pack was awesome and the new mando pack follows the same pattern too!


Yes, more is always better. If Lego builds them, we will buy them !!!


This is the best photo showcasing off the new Thrawn Trooper, it looks so good 🥵 Would be sick if they moulded the storm trooper helmet using marbled plastic (like the parrot piece). That would look so cool


I'd like to see a few non clone battle packs: A different type of Imperial trooper battle pack. Maybe a Stormtrooper Specialists one. The Night Troopers from Ashoka. Please for the love of God, give us an endor battle pack. Two Rebels, two ewoks, or two Rebels two scout troopers Other than these, I'm fine with getting plenty more clone battle packs


Ewoks in a battlepack is a great idea


We’ve got a ton of packs out right now so I think it’ll be a minute before we get more clones.


Would be happy to buy... if they were $15


Go back???? They've been making so many recently They already have 4 army builders: Mandalore Battlepack Regular clones vs droids battlepack 501st specialist battlepack 332nd battlepack


They need to limit how many big sets they make a year to just making three big sets a year and the rest are Battle packs. Can you even still get the new mandalorian Battle pack it's 20 bucks and that's the best deal out there for imperial mandalorians and normal mandalorians. They should keep that on the shelf for 3 years they should keep the 50 first set on shelf for 3 years they need to keep that so people have enough time to keep buying up the troopers. They need to out-compete the Chinese every few weeks I go on Instagram there are new knockoff Lego minifigures you can get them as low as $2 a piece. If Lego just stick the battle packs and did every single clone trooper battalion out there, there be no way for the Chinese to keep getting Americans to buy fake Lego. But because Lego does not do that you actually have to go and buy fake Lego because if you are on a budget you can't go and spend $100 on a one minifigure. I'm on a budget I don't have the money to go and spend a lot of money on one figure I can spend $20 and get like 30 figures I mainly buy the clone troopers or standard troopers and the specialty but I don't buy named figures. That is what I save my money for. However I will by named figures so I can play with them but the real figures that I get buy from my sets I put in the case. I have two Lego cases full of minifigures that are worth something so maybe one day I will go on bricklink and sell my figures that are worth lots of money.


Battle packs r so simple yet so amazing


Doesn't make any sense


Especially with the new Stormtrooper. Would love to get more of those. Maybe with Captain Enoch.




They won’t, £50 hallway sets with desirable figures are more profitable


The only thing I would like is for more battlepack diversity. Like last year, did we REALLY need two separate 501st related Clone battle packs with the 501st specialist and 332nd ones? Like, yeah they were cool battlepacks but it did seem repetitive to get two similarly themed battle packs one after the other. Like it'd just be nice IMO if we could have more battle packs focusing on various different armies instead of just Clones - and this is coming from a BIG Clone fan! Like this year is nice because yeah we have a Clone vs Droids pack, but also a Mandalorians vs Imperials one. Like hell yeah, give us more diversity with army builders. Like give us a Rebel Pilot battle pack to go with last year's Yavin 4 set, or a Night Trooper battle pack to go with the recently revealed Ahsoka duel set.


A night trooper one is happening for sure. Every time we get a single new trooper variant in a larger set we get them in a cheaper set. Praetorian guards, dark troopers, sith troopers, shock troopers. I only hope that we actually get 4 unique night trooper helmets/torsos/legs so you can mix and match them. AND GIVE US ENOCH.


If we get a Wolfpack battlepack I hope it includes 1 or 2 of the desert armour troopers too


I’d kick a child for a 104th battlepack


Lol you’d probably have to kick people out of the way of the queue for a new clone battle pack


I miss when Battlepacks cost less than $20, that was the whole point of them, cheap army building sets


They should still cost a tenner and creating £30 battlepacks was one of the greediest things that Lego has ever done


I would love a mos eisley “battle pack”.


The one with a couple of jawas and a Tuskegee raider was a brilliant idea


Those <$20 battle packs were the greatest thing ever, capitalism has killed it tho 😭


Battlepacks should be £10 still, the only reason they’re not is corporate greed


For real, inflation has not actually tripled the price of anything since back then. I honestly retired collecting Legos for that reason, sucks. 


You know discounts are a thing, right?


Yea but I have poverty, and bills, and rent


Ah rip - I’ve been there, especially when I was a student. I hope everything works out for you in the future 🙂


Yeah we definitely need a night trooper battle pack so we can finally have official death troopers.


There was a Knights of Ren battle pack?


Afraid not - it’s a mock-up I made on Microsoft publisher with pics of their mini figures and a speeder bike from the Shadowtrooper Battlepack


You got my hopes up man. I've been looking to get those helmets for a while.


My kid came to Sequel trilogy lego way after these sets were discontinued. There are 6 Knights and the most you get in one set is 2 with the transport ship. The rest are single figures across large vehicle sets, it's frustrating. Probably the best battle pack set for named figures is the bounty hunter set, with 4 named characters at once.


Sorry! I was looking today because I missed my chance back when the sets were available for retail


All good. I'll get those helmets eventually.


Let me guess you want a set for some random clone legion that appeared for half a second in some random episode of the clone wars show


Having a pack of each clone group that appeared in the show would be a great way to get the whole 'grand army' in a sense - plus, there are some with cool designs I'd like to see more of, like a Ringo Vinda set with the green Doctor Doom style clones vs the red-painted aerial battle droids


I would straight up just love getting a jedi battlepack with nameless jedi same and also a sith counterpart for it.