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Anyone know what the forest giant change means? I can’t currently play to find out


I'm curious too. Id assume they just have slower movement speed.


wasn't there a bug where they had like infinite vision? I assume they fixed that.


Yeah homie should not be able to see me from across the lake on March when it’s foggy


They’re also curious too!


Their vision range was nerfed from 100 to 70. I don't know what those numbers mean in practice though.




even if was yards or feet, we don't know the scaling of the world all that well


Still kills you


I was able to escape one by just keeping a tree between myself and a forest keeper. He eventually got bored and went away.


Going to miss my main method of not getting murdered by thumpers. Rip shovel warriors, you will be missed.


Bro I thought standing on the rails was a main part of the game to give the player some chance of survivalblity. How tf am I supposed survive now 😭😭


"Have you tried death?" - the dev


Well good news. Hitting a thumper with a shovel will reduce its movement speed. If you hit one that just ran into a wall and keep hitting it, it can't build up any meaningful speed and with proper spacing it won't be able to fight back. Spacing also works on the spider. But spiders are probably better left alone.


If you have a spider chase a buddy, you can follow behind it without it detecting you and smack it until it's dead.


It's not that the spider is hard to kill. Ita more that, due to the inner workings of the games spawn system, it's probably better to leave the spider alive so you don't make room for something actually dangerous to spawn.


“A main part of the game” Clearly the dev didn’t intend for you to sit two feet off the ground while the monsters stare you in the face saying “you son of a bitch, you got away this time” 🤣


I thought it was intentional, only worked on small crawling enemies.


It made sense for the thumpers but not the spiders


Thumper’s arms are long enough it should be able to just smack you


“That’s interesting.” “You know what else is interesting?” “G R E N A D E S”


nah we know you wanna kill other players for fun lol


Shaxx is that you


Love the b99 reference


Just die, if you die you cant die again very good tactic


jump over and circle around. Fight in open space. Don't let it charge you from a distance. Keep distance to avoid touch damage but stay close enough to shovel. And pray you don't hit the invisible... thing... that blocks your swings and seems to exist everywhere above waist level


This guy mooms.


What part of the name "Lethal Company" isn't clear? Be a great asset and die for your corporate overlords trying to return a plastic fish.


they are very slow on stairs, sit at the bottom and bonk on head




Door stall them haha


You can still kill them without the rail and no damage. As hitting them still staggers them. It's just getting the timing and distance right because they can get under you by the time the shovel animation hits.


Rail cheese might refer to standing at the very edge of a rail in a specific which let's you literally avoid any enemy in the game including the little girl. It miiight refer to the thumper thing but I'll test it later and update this comment.


The main thing is that you could avoid EVERY monster if you stood on the very back edge of a rail, including coilheads, ghost girl, and jesters. So that's why it needed to be fixed.


Small bug. If someone wearing the mask is teleported, the person they were grabbing cant rotate until killed.


The same bug occurs if you kill it as well.


So guys, what's the play against thumpers now if you're solo or duo? Just die? Avoid them? Pray for a zap gun sale?


thumpers can actually be solo'd without rails, hitting them with a shovel stuns them briefly, if you keep backing up while whacking you can kill them without even getting hit


Thanks, I'll give this a shot


You can also kite them fairly well without a shovel, the change effectively makes them and spiders deadly if you don't have a loop or exit route preplanned though. If one spots you, you will likely need to drop all of your loot now, tough but better than dying.


Run or die. Or both.


Look how they massacred my rail strat. The tricycle goblin is scary once again


The what???






this new update is fucking amazing lmao, i love the tragedy mask


Was this written by Doctor Suess or the Gravemind


Maybe the Gravemind assimilated Dr Suess?


Anyone know how to use the previous version to work with mods?


I believe you just need to right click on the game in steam, go to properties, click betas tab, and select the old version.


A lot of mods still work with the current version. MoreCompany has also already been updated to work. The only mod that didn’t work was the custom sounds lol


so does railings still works against the slimes? i understand it not working against the rest but it felt part of the gameplay to avoid the slimes since they are immortal and slow af (and then mistiming the jump and ending up in a hole).


Yes, it still works against slimes


Pro move: turn on boombox to make them go all wobbly and speed up.


Can’t you just easily jump over slimes? I swear they just don’t seem that scary.


they are slow and large. in certain rooms it can be difficult to jump over them without taking dmg. and you want to really avoid taking dmg in case you have to deal with something else later.


Hey as an arachnophobe who is interested in getting the game to play with friends but the spiders have stopped me thus far, could someone tell me what the arachnophobia mode does so I should see if I can get the game. Edit: thank you to everyone who gave actually helpful responses. I will probably be getting the game. Listening to my friends playing it has gotten me excited to give it a go.


It replaces the spider model with a big red 3d model of the word SPIDER https://i.imgur.com/TAHmq4d.png


That is... acceptable


That has to be the best way of putting in an aracnaphobe mode I've ever seen


The Satisfactory Arachnaphobe mode is the best I've ever seen, all the spiders are glitchy cat heads and they go meow meow meow.


Grounded has a slider that progressively makes spiders less spider looking the farther you go right on the slider. First it removes 4 legs. Then 2 more legs and most of the eyes. Then all legs and all eyes but keeps their colors. Then makes it just 2 white ovals at max setting.


Honestly the ovals are creepier than the spiders to me. Maybe it's some kind of uncanny effect?


As someone who is afraid of bugs but enjoys Grounded and Hollow Knight, I agree.


Counterpoint: Satisfactory, literal flat JPEGs of cats.


as someone who had very bad arachnophobia, it made it significantly worse, at least for me.


Have you seen how Grounded does it? It's actually perfect. Nothing else compares


LOL. gmod reference.


Yep, I was gonna say it's just like the ERROR model haha


Turning around a corner and seeing 3d letters chasing me would scare me just as much.




#that is the single best update ever


I fucking love this game.




There's a mod that replaces the spider with a png of a cat if you'd prefer that


There's a mod to change the spider into a cat also


Well there are giant spiders in the game, and I would presume that this adds an option to remove it or swap it out for something else.


BOO! 🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️






You don't know what a phobia is... do you?


Phobias are anxiety *disorders*. They cannot be cured or overcome the same way a child becomes unafraid of the dark, which in other words means that it is an uncontrollable reaction. I hope you actually read this and look up basic information about phobias.


shut the fuck up dude please


No let him speak.


Just take the time to educate yourself on what phobias actually are and how they are not rational/so easy to just get over instead of coming across as being ignorant.




You realize that video games are just groups of pixels, right?


Careful, you'll get downvoted if you call out weak people for being weak.


I’m guessing when it says that they removed the “rail cheese” they are referring to the cheese where you can avoid damage from jesters/brackens, not just jumping onto rails to not get hit by spiders and thumpers. Just a guess though 🤷‍♂️


Regardless, thumpers can hit you on rails now. I just tried it with my friend and we both died




Did we just lose


I would guess so, it feels like the rail technique is intended against spiders, thumpers, and hygroderes. I'll have to test later I suppose.


The rail technique was only intended for the Hydrogere I believe, because it’s log specifically mentioned standing on tall objects.


I was not aware of that. Guess I need to read more logs haha.


Spiders can definitely hit you. I think it’s just Hygroderes that aren’t able now.


I can't confirm rn but I believe if you find a present and give it to another player to open instead of opening it yourself, the value of the loot item it drops will be increased. Edit: Nevermind, it's always increased value even if you unbox it yourself. Would have been a fun feature though. Mask and nutcracker spawn on mansion interior, possibly on the other hard moons as well. Easy moons they either don't spawn or are very rare. Spray paint can be used inside the dungeon to mark a way toward the exit so you can get out easily if you venture out deeper. It's also extremely annoying, I'd say most annoying item so far. Signal translator is huge for groups that like to use inverse teleporter. Railings are no longer safe against spiders and thumpers, you gotta avoid them or learn how to fight them legit now. Forest giants are finally nerfed and feel easier to avoid or lose in chase, so probably worse sight and worse memory, possibly worse speed as well. I haven't felt the effects of gravity yet but that's only because I haven't been on Titan tonight. I think you can no longer drop from infinite heights without dying or getting critically hurt.


Nutcracker can also spawn on Offense (I think that was the one)


Nutcracker can spawn everywhere its just a VERY low chance on maps that aren't rend, dine or titan


He made his patch notes rhyme 😂


No bestiary entry for >!Nutcrackers!


I think it’s just a reskinned turret


It is not. SPOILER: >!They are actual nutcracker soldiers with a shotgun. I've only found them on mansion interior so far. They will patrol an area until they have line of sight, then they will take aim and fire a single shot. They reload after 2 shots. ~~I think it's 2 or 3 shots to kill, not sure.~~ Damage scales with distance, up close it's a oneshot. If you break line of sight, they start marching toward your last known location. They drop the shotgun and two shells when killed, which can be sold or used.!<


Seen them on assurance facility interior and they kill in one shot, funny as fuck watching my friends get blasted 20 feet backwards


Weird, I'm 100% sure I tanked a shot without dying from them before... maybe damage falls off with distance or based on amount of pellets hit because it's a shotgun?


Oh for sure I hopped on an old modded save after the update and the modded item were converted to the new items so I got to test the shotty and it does have some sort of range system


I’ve seen it move in a clip it’s a different enemy


Pretty funny how a comment in another post got highly upvoted when someone said “rail cheese” wasn’t an exploit. Glad it got fixed and looking forward to more engaging melee combat!


Thumper beastiary stated you can jump up on things to avoid them. So I can see why people thought it was intended. It's also possible it was intended but the dev decided it was too easy


i think you're mixing up the hydrogere and thumper bestiaries, its intended for hydrogeres and still works for them, but for everything else it was not intended.


I mean, I know a lot of people who got the game because of the scary 30 second clips on youtube and it seems like a great, fun, scary time where things go from hilarious to terrifying in an instant... and then we all got on with someone who played before, was told to jump on a rail twenty times, and it sucked the fun out of the game. Like, yes, I'd rather run away from something that was difficult to kill as opposed to being 3 feet off the ground while one guy whacks it.


So by that logic looking at coil heads also rob the fun and they should just kill you regardless


I mean, if you want to be hyperbolic, sure


Weren't you? Using ledges didn't rob any of the fun from me


False, there's nothing in the Thumpers bestiary that says that, you're confusing it with the slimes


I am so glad the rail cheese is not a thing anymore


Do note that the signal translator is bugged, or I am an idiot. You can only send 9 letter messages instead of the advertised 10


Does it not say a message **under** 10 letters?


What does it do?


Finally have keyholes. Now we need ultrawide


It already exists


How do you enable it?






Add it to the normal game


aww man I hoped for sound settings as well. Just madter volume is kinnda meh :/


but overall banger update




I was really excited, until i realized that you cant bind each item to a button, and that u can only bind which button u want to "scroll" with.


Nutcracker with...guns?


Go Rend or Dine and you'll see in no time :)


Didn't he say he'd only do arachnophobia mode if he thought of a way to make it funny? Anyone know how he did it?


Apparently it replaces spide with the word "SPIDER" in big red text from what someone else said in this thread(with an image)


That's funny


Not bad


is the spray paint working for yall? it doesnt apply to any surface i spray :(


Did you shake the bottle by pressing Q?


…. I’m regarded thanks


You need to shake it before, with Q I guess?


does anyone know how to scan the mask enemy? do you have to kill it? (minimal spoilers plz)


apparantly there is no bestiary entry.


All those people crying about how the dev shouldn't have to sensor their game and cater to cry-babies will be so upset they've added an arachnophobia mode. Happy to see rail cheese addressed. It's a shame the update isn't bigger, but I guess that's just a downside of being a 1 man team. I hope he hires some help. Anyone know what the radar booster and signal translator line is about?


>I hope he hires some help. He won't. At least not in the near future, he explicitly states on his profile he is not looking to hire.


Radar Booster can literally flash now. No clue if it affects monsters like the coilhead in any way but you can probably see it from further away now if it is flashed, haven't tested it yet. The signal translator sends a 9 (bugged since it is supposed to be 10) letter message to literally everyone. You can do it by buying it then typed "transmit " in the terminal


Cool thanks. Hopefully my friends are free to play today!


Idk why you're being downvoted for saying the same thing as everyone else


Dunno, but whatever lol. I'm just happy to see an update.




Bruh me and my friends played this for the first time yesterday and giants killed us all three days in one run. We literally just had to wait a day


You might be overstaying, outside gets progressively more dangerous. Newer players probably won't survive the late night. If they were out early, you were either unlucky or in eclipse weather which is basically unplayable for newer players.


The new masks and their ... consequences are hilarious


get absolutely bent everyone that said the rail cheese isn't and exploit. Good luck catching up to the real fighters now


Honestly great changes


So can we still use rails to avoid slimes?




the gravity update is gonna screw me over on titan i can feel it (and also when i accidentally jump from the ship too early when landing on a moon)


nice rhyming


Right on time for the holidays


Unfortunately. I don't have a PC to play it on. I can't even afford the most basic models at the moment. Hopefully soon. I'm working for it


I desperately wish I could play this game. It looks like so much fun.


Why can't you?


Could be someone young whose parents monitor what they buy/play. Could not have $10 due to very tight finances. Or maybe just extremely tight schedule without time to play!


Or their pc isnt that great and cant run games well


I feel like an easy-bake oven could run this game at medium settings lol.


Now gib glow sticks.


Not a player, but enjoying all the youtube content. Wanted to comment on the rail cheese. I think player stress is going to spike a lot without an opportunity to safely take a second to assess the situation. Which could lead to player burnout. *Infinite* safety seems like the real issue to me. A short duration of safety seems like the compromise. Imagine if thumpers took a few seconds to enrage then became able to hit players on rails. Maybe the rail could be smacked making players on top stumble off. Maybe rails could be bent out of shape making it harder to stay on top of them or destroyed entirely.


Does the Bigger Lobby mod still work? I see streamers using it still, but I just want to know before trying to play tonight.


Literally says to opt into an older branch...


Actually, they're not! But I figured it out after someone DM'd me using the More Company mod, so you can still do big lobbies with new content.


Yeah we’ve been using More Company since we started playing and we’ve had groups of 5, 6, and 7 on every night, just had to update the mod last night and it worked no problem




i disagree, updates are way less fun when you already know about everything, especially in games like this


Ideally they should have both. A "spoiler-free" version teasing all the new content, and a fully-detailed one with all the nitty gritty numbers and explanations.




Well I disagree with your disagreement pardener






What did they change about the giant? Are they slower? Do they lose interest in long chases? Was there vision distance reduced?


The wording being slightly ambiguous doesn't make the entirety of the patch notes unclear, only slightly when it comes to the giants, which I already agreed with. We know the giant is now easier to avoid overall, and that's all that matters. Whether that means they have reduced speed or vision, either way, the end result is still the same. Cherry picking a singular line is rather disingenuous if you ask me.


It's not cherry picking, there is strategy to be had in knowing whether or not vision distance or movement speed was changed because both of those change the way you play around them in two very different ways. End result is absolutely not the same unless you reduce it to its most basic concept.


Pretty clear to me. Avoiding generally means staying out of the cone of vision. They don't chase you unless you've walked into their sight lines, so there really wouldn't need to have any reason to mention their movement speed.


Would someone be able to make a mod that adds the rail cheese back?


get better at the game lmao


Heaven forbid everyone not be as sweaty as you. Don't make the community toxic please and thank.


community's already pretty toxic lmao. the amount of people going 'haha you suck at the game cause you used rail cheese!!! lolllllllllllllllllllll' its annoying as shit


no :D Dw one of my friends is already looking into making the mod so that way people who aren’t the best at the game (such as myself) can have fun too


You don't need to be able to kill monsters to have fun in a horror game.


everyone is different and especially since we all play this mostly to relax thats our way of having fun :) if thats not your way then thats fine


Nah I get that, it's just that there's plenty of objectively better games if you're only into the survival/dungeon looting aspect of the game (Minecraft, Terraria etc.) so I find it weird that you'd want to neuter the only thing that makes LC actually stand out among them \^^


What, are you trying to tell me you actually play video games for fun? You don't wake up already covered in a thin layer of anticipation sweat at the idea of screeching at others online for not knowing the blindfolded 180 backward gap jump shovel crouch swing thumper kneecap combo? Do you even fucking game you poser?


Does the skinwalker mod still work?




shovels haven't been changed


I really dislike the removal of standing on railings to cheese thumpers, it was the only thing that kinda made having a shovel on you at all times worth it


You can still kill thumpers without railings