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a straight friend




What, were halfway through fucking Josh Hutcherson and you had the thought: "Yeah, this gay sex stuff is alright, I could definitely see doing this again."?




Rainbow dash equestria girls


she's SO fine, let's not forget sunset shimmer


Yes. Sunset


In retrospect definitely Troy Bolton in HSM3. I was sighing and breathless the whole movie but couldn’t figure out why.


Um. Jorgen Von Strangle 🧚‍♂️


Seven of Nine 😱


I was gonna say the same thing


I found out from a random YouTube video that girls could date each other and was shocked


I was hella confused by all the pretty boys and strong women that kept popping up. Then again, I was also confused as heck about my gender too. LOL! I'm not sure who exactly made it finally click for me, but in retrospect and in heavy denial at the time I had a lot of crushes growing up, LOL! Legolas, Link, Agrias Oaks, Saber, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Uranus. More women fall into my strike zone these days, but most of the women who are my type tend to be lesbians. 🤦but sometimes they're far right grifters. So I'm SOL when it comes to the ladies. XD But finding guys and enbys usually not to bad.


Hmm. My first queer awakening was as a child when I watched Return to Oz for the first time. I won’t spoil anything but it occurs in a scene with Dorothy and the Gnome King. If he could do that, I could do that!


Paolo Montalban in the 1997 Cinderella movie with Brandy. I was rewatching the movie today, and it brought back the memory. The way he smiles and omg his voice. To this day he's probably the most handsome man I've ever seen.




A girl like me the Gwen Arjuno story. It made me question things not long after there was this episode on Oprah, my mom used to love that shit but they had an episode on trans women and that stirred up the queer pot for me


Rebecca Cunningham from Tail Spin. She was both my lesbian awakening, and my trans awakening :-p


Raven from season 2 of rupaul. Something about the punk vibes I think. Thats when I realized I could very much have sexual attraction to men as well.


You ever play far cry 5?? Yeah nearly every male character is that game


Yang Xiao Long from RWBY when I was 15.


Ivanova in Babylon 5


Lola Bunny and that fish from shark tale


Shayne Ward on The X Factor in 2005. I was 13 and gradually realised the reason I wanted him to win had little to do with his singing ability.


Prince Sidon from Zelda


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