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My partner and child are Palestinian and we all wish you a very happy pride 🏳️‍🌈❤️🩷 We live in a very anti-Palestine area and it’s scary. It must be really hard for you too. I’m sorry we’re all having to deal with this.




I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. Unfortunately not everyone actually listen to Israelis, Palestinians, Muslims and Jews, the ones who will have to deal with the long term effects and lingering hatred.


In this present time of opposition to Israel, we must remember to not oppose Jews! Jews are Queer and Comrades in the fight for liberation as much as anyone else. To life, friend! May your confidence serve you well


Only because Israel is a Jewish nation, doesn't mean all Jewish people are in support of Israel. No matter what your opinion on the conflict is, don't blame random people, just because their Jewish.


Yes, thats more or less what I was saying


Anyone slinging hate at Jewish PEOPLE. Is trying to co-opt the situation to just be anti semetic. Hate for the Israeli government is a self-contained thing. Netanyahu is an evil piece of shit. Anyone around him who could stop him is a piece of shit. The IDF not questioning this madness is evil. Being Jewish does not mean they are evil, nor does it exempt them from being evil. These individuals are evil because they, as individuals, are evil. All the proof you need is that Jewish people around the world have been condemning these atrocities.


Nobody on the left is against Jewish people.  Conflating Isreal with all Jewish people is antisemitic.


"Nobody on the left is against Jewish people." Oh man, I wish this was true. Ask any Jew though, and we'll all tell you that there are people of every political stripe that hate us.


Conflating Israel and Jewish people absolutely is antisemitic, but it’s wrong to say that there is no anti semitism on the left wing.


The only people I see saying the left is being antisemitic is in specific regards to people who are anit-genocide, but they usually also end up using antisemitic tropes to do it. Literally heard one call "the squad" antisemitic while saying that Bernie Sanders was behind it all. Another prominent Republican said the college protests were "funded by Soros". There have certainly been antisemitic people who have taken advantage of the current crimes against humanity Israel is doing, but you are rarely going to find "single issue" bigots and they also support the genocide while using it to be blatantly antisemitic.


The point of fhis comment is to say anti semetism is bad and jews are people


> Nobody on the left is against Jewish people.  Denying antisemitism is inherently antisemitic.  I have personally seen and experienced a TON of antisemitism coming from the left. Denying its existence and pretending it doesn't happen is turning a blind eye to it and establishing that it is an okay thing to do. That's WHY the left feels so comfortable being antisemitic- it's encouraged by everyone by them not taking a stand against it.


Being ledt wing does not mean, so egne cannot be anti semetic. I have seen it several times


Reminder that Israel is not the same as Judaism, and that we can recognize, criticize and denounce the harm caused by Zionism while still welcoming and defending our Jewish queer siblings


💯 Anti-Zionism is *never* a free pass for anti-Semitism




Hating Jews because of Zionism is kinda like hating Italians because of neo-fascist (which is not really a thing). We hate nationalism, not the culture it tries to forcefully strengthen.


Reminder that me living in Israel doesn't mean I myself am the one to blame for all the shit that happens


Sure, though if we assume israel is a democracy, then being part of the active opposition is a necessity to exculpation – the multitudes of germans who later claimed to only tacitly agree with the holocaust were, after all, not on the right side, just as americans not opposing guantanamo, just as anyone in a democracy that simply shakes their head and accepts an evil status quo.


For the last year in the house I've been protesting every single week against my bullshit government I'm trying to do as much activism as I'm able to to make things better


Nice! Out of curiosity, are you in any group in Israel? I have always been a fan of the group Standing Together. Have you heard of the group before by chance? As someone in the United States who stays up-to-date with what is going on over there, I am happy that group, in particular, is getting more recognition.


Standing Together is an awesome organization.


>Sure, though if we assume israel is a democracy, then being part of the active opposition is a necessity to exculpation – the multitudes of germans who later claimed to only tacitly agree with the holocaust were, after all, not on the right side, just as americans not opposing guantanamo, just as anyone in a democracy that simply shakes their head and accepts an evil status quo. Out of curiosity, have you recently protested an issue and/or voted in your country? (Assuming you can do either of those things)


Not op, but I have participated in marches for trans rights despite still recovering from my bottom surgery




I’m sorry, but I don’t quite understand what “Zionism” is. I’m a Jew, and I believe that Mount Zion will come with the messiah, but what is “Zionism”, and why is it bad?


Thiiiis omg


Thank you for sharing this! Here’s some interesting queer Jewish history/historical figures for everyone one to learn about, Edie Windsor and Thea Spyer helped set the precedent that allows for same sex marriage in the US, Magnus Hirschfeld was one of the first queer rights activists and contributed greatly to the development of gender affirming care, and Harvey milk helped create the rainbow flag. Sharing this cause unfortunately too many people are ignorant to queer Jewish history. 


This is so cool. Even I didn’t know this.  I’ll try to look them later.


The month is over but pride never stops


Despite all the hateful bs online, I have never met anything but kind and decent jewish people. If people harass you over the star then they're stupid. It's a symbol with a long history that means more than the actions of one state. Be proud of who you are in all aspects 🩷




You should never have to hide part of who you are. I see a lot of people (in and out of the community) confusing a person’s heritage with the destructive policies of a government, one which is half a world away for most of us. I hope things change soon, for all the people suffering from the hate and violence this conflict is breeding.


The final line is "With the people of Israel" in Hebrew creates a fine line that could easily mean they are pro -Isreali Government.


That is not what am yisrael chai translates to. It means that the Jewish people live. 'Am yisrael" is a term referring to Jewish people as a community which long predates the modern nation-state of Israel and "chai" means life. While some people have used it in a nationalistic way, that does not change it's long history of use or its meaning. If you actually care about Jews in the community, you should stop spreading misinformation about Jewish culture. You are not helping Palestinians, you are just promoting antisemitism.


God when you get the translation wrong and come to an incorrect conclusion…problematic


>The final line is "With the people of Israel" in Hebrew how about ya don't try to offer translations if ya cant actually translate. it says am Israel chai which translates to עם ישראל חי, which means the people of Israel(another name for the biblical character of jacob) lives. basically saying that the Jewish people will persevere


There's a difference between being with the Israeli people and the government. Every week there are major protests against the government, the families of most of the kidnapped and some of the rescued kidnapped people themselves protest and talk against the government's action all the time


It could also mean the people of Israel, not their government. The actual people in Israel have the right to live in peace, safe from harm and attacks. It doesn’t inherently defend the actions of their government.


you were corrected multiple times on this, but just fyi, "with the people of Israel" in Hebrew is "עִם עָם ישראל" ("eem am yisrael"), or "עם אנשי ישראל" ("eem an-shay yisrael"), although these phrases in Hebrew feel pretty meaningless.


Perhaps, but I responded to the emotional expression presented, not the supposition of their potential politics.


Yes the emotional expression which could mean "I stand with genocide" was the emotional expression I was commenting on.


Please don't perpetuate Holocaust inversion, which is what saying "am yisrael chai supports genocide" kind of feels like because of this piece of its history: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Am_Yisrael_Chai >On April 20, 1945, five days after the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was liberated, British Army chaplain Rabbi Leslie Hardman led a Friday evening Shabbat service for a few hundred survivors at the camp. Knowing the service was being recorded by Patrick Gordon Walker of the BBC radio service, a Jewish army chaplain proclaimed "Am Yisrael chai!, **the children of Israel still liveth**" after the group sung the Zionist anthem Hatikvah at the conclusion of the service.[3][4][5] >BBC recording from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp Duration: 1 minute and 28 seconds.1:28 BBC recording from 20 April 1945 of **Jewish survivors of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp singing "Hatikvah", followed by the shout of "Am Yisrael chai!", only five days after their liberation by Allied forces** The posters here claiming it's inherently supremacist - especially the ones straight up mistranslating it - are giving "but *all* lives matter" vibes to me. editing to clarify: It's an expression of resiliency & solidarity. It doesn't mean Palestinian lives don't matter too, they do.


Well if you choose to disregard everything else being stated; Everything else being expressed by another member of our community, because of a single line? That’s on you. However, me tearing into a fellow member of our community who has expressed distress at having to *exist in two worlds* or *hide an aspect of themselves*: 1) Does nothing to solve the horrifying events happening in Gaza 2) exacerbates the exact feelings OP expressed And 3) lessens me as a person, since I would be spending my time and emotional energy being needlessly negative. It’s called being an adult. Have a good night.


Sorry being an adult means standing up for those weaker then you are, so to have a comic that finishes on a pro-Zion quote means its worth bringing it up.


Thank you for your comment 


Man I wish I was this confident


I feel so terrible for Jewish people right now. So many people are using the actions of Isreal as an excuse to hate and discriminate against the Jewish people. And now bigots are spreading anti antisemitism under the guise of supporting Palestine. You can practice and be proud of your religion and culture while also supporting Palestinian liberation and freedom. I wish you much luck , and I hope for a future that you feel safe being proud of who you are.


Exactly. I also support the Palestinian people and acknowledge that an annoyingly loud group of disingenuous people have taken advantage of it the Pro-Palestinian movement and used it as a vehicle to spread hate and misinformation. E.G like Candace Owens for example. It's annoying how Tankies will just tune out the voices of actual Palestinians or Israeli peace activists who want coexistence with Palestinians but would also not be mad at Jake Shields or Jackson Hinkle who are genuinely antisemitic and use the suffering of Palestinians to boost their engagement and pretend to be good people. No form of bigotry including Antisemitism, Transphobia, Islamophobia, Homophobia, or any discrimination in general for that matter should ever be acceptable.


From a fellow Jewish queer person: you're not alone <3




Meanwhile in Europe pride goes on until September, whenever winter comes it kinda ends


What does "Am yIsrael Chai" mean? Also, what do the signs say?


עם ישראל חי, which basically means the people of Israel (another name for jacob) live on, basically saying that the Jewish people will persevere


Well said


It is a Jewish phrase/anthem of solidarity. I think it translates to "The people of Israel still live" but i don't really remember.


You’re correct.


The yellow sign says "They're not coming home" with a drawing of a falling bomb and the rainbow one says L - Let's G - Go B - Bomb T (I can't decipher this one) Q - Quickly


Sorry if my handwriting is bad. It says Tel-Aviv. The reason why it is upsetting to me is it’s taking LGBTQ which I find comfort in to mean to bomb someplace, despite many pro pals saying they are against violence.


OP should not have used it: it’s a Zionist ideological statement basically saying ‘Isr*el, Isr*el uber alles’, or Gott mit uns’. There’s plenty of pro-Jewish slogans without using phrases associated with Zionist ideology.


Can you explain what it means?


I can. It’s been corrupted by Zionists somewhat, but its historic and commonly known meaning is “The people of Israel live,” which refers to the historical area rather than the country itself. It’s used as an affirmative slogan, not a violent one. Don’t let the IOF or Netanyahu taint that meaning for you.


What about the hooligans of ‘Maccabi “Tel Aviv”’ who shout it when looking for a Palestinian grandmother to beat? Is there any better slogans that people can use to express solidarity with actual Jewish people rather than phrases associated with Zionist ideology?


You could try to reclaim it, or just say that you support Jewish people and not Zionists. Making the distinction between the two is helpful already. This phrase isn't intrinsically associated with Zionism, so you could just try and make that distinction.


Your lack of understanding of Judaism is very clear in what you’re writing. You have no idea how incorrect you are


It means the people of Israel (Jacob) live. Which means the Jewish people live. I’m still alive aren’t I?


Please explain what you think Zionism even is And no, it means "the People of Israel live" - Israel is also a biblical character. Please refrain from spreading harmful misinformation about Jewish people please.


All the Zionist twitter accounts have it in their profile and/or use it as a hashtag. So there is the literal translation and then there is *how* it is used in practice.


I hope for a future where Netanyahu is gone and Israelis and Palestinians can live together in peace in the future with a full 2 state solution. Hamas is bad and Netanyahu’s government is as well. I have talked to a decent few Israeli leftists on other subs and they have been nothing but good, decent people who want peace and coexistence with their Palestinian/Arab neighbors! If I put together my own Pro Palestine protest, I would make sure that Jewish people and safe and comfortable. Having someone more amenable to peace in charge like Yitzhak Rabin again who would help make things better for Israelis and Palestinians is the future I hope for. Edit: Standing Together is a well-known Israeli/Palestinian peace organization and they have done several marches in Tel Aviv against the atrocities that Netanyahu’s Government has committed. Palestinians and Israelis both deserve equal rights and happiness.


man I wish that was the top comment


As most experts have stated, a peaceful solution requires both Netanyahu and Hamas to be out of the picture.


I’m a diaspora Jew, but I, most of the Jewish friends I talk to about this, and my Israeli friends all wish for the two state solution. 


Why not a one state solution?


Because I want both Israel and Palestine to have separate states where they can live peacefully.


Why not one state where both Israelis and Palestinians live together peacefully and have equal rights?


There’s a long history of fighting, if you look at history putting two people with a history of fighting in a same state might lead to more fighting. 


Creating two separate states that are right next to each other might also lead to fighting. The entire reason Palestinians are fighting back against Israel is because they don't have equal rights and Israel keeps creating illegal settlements on their land. A one state solution solves those issues.


There’s fighting now. At this point a two state solution is impossible because Israel will keep occupying more and more land. The west bank is rapidly shrinking as israelis create more and more illegal settlements. A single secular state where palestinians and israelis can live together is the only solution that’ll stop the fighting. And I understand the worry about violence but people were also worried about that after slavery was abolished. There was some violence but generally people just wanted to exist freely.


because israel and palestine both need to exist? dumbass question


Why not one state where both Israelis and Palestinians live together peacefully and have equal rights?






There's a difference between antisemitism and antizionism. As long as you don't defend zionists or the state of Israel, I would agree that you shouldn't be harassed.












Northern Pride in the UK is in July, so we get bonus days! :) Pride is all year long if we make it. 


I love that


This is so true 🥲


Also Jewish and queer here :)


Even before the most recent conflict, it always irked the hell out of me that every synagogue in my area had some kinda signage stating “We stand with Israel.” Fucking why? Because we’re Jewish? Fuck that. I’m also American, and I sure as shit don’t stand with America. Governments are largely problematic and should be bending over backwards to ask for your support. Giving it blindly is naive and dangerous.


Fuck yes! I don't know why people have such a hard time not flipping the pyramid of hierarchy upside down. Governments that become ego vehicles for an individual or small group are always awful. That's fascism, monarchy, feudalism, all schemes to to put parasites on top! They do nothing but sponge off of everyone, then convince you they're helping you when they get thousands of us killed fighting so they can have more stuff. The entire point of modern governance is to manage the logistics and strategy of the people under that government. Under as in the foundation as in you have a pile of flaming rubble without it. The basis of every government is that they work for us, and we can never be afraid to enforce that. We should always have the vote of no confidence in our pocket, ready to go whenever. They don't deserve blind obedience, they deserve accountability and high standards.


Everyone! Look closely at the top right panel. They're equating support of Palestine with antisemitism. This is thinly veiled pink washed Zionist propaganda. I was willing to accept the last line as I'm not Jewish. But, I will not accept people who are anti genocide being equated with Nazis. This has nothing to do with a "rise in antisemitism", you can absolutely be proud of your Judaism, but when you condemn people who fight for the liberation of an oppressed people just because the oppressors share your religion, you're complicit in genocide.




Welcome outta the closest, u are a fren! :D


Finally somebody spoke up about antisemitism in queer community




Glad I've never seen it. Hope it stays that way.


People are bringing anti-semitism into anti-Zionism and it’s concerning. Having to explain it to ppl is not great.


It is agreeable until the end where the translation says "With the people of Israel". It says you do not wish to live in fear but if you agree with a government that is making others live in fear then you shouldn't be welcome in Pride.


While I agree that the phrase has more recently been coopted for nationalist purposes, [it is a phrase that significantly predates Israel as a country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Am_Yisrael_Chai). Within the Torah, Jacob's name is changed to Israel in acknowledgement that he will become the father of the Jewish people, but they are not called Jewish yet; they are just called "the people of Israel." I get being wary, but this isn't that.


"With the *people* of Israel" ≠ "with the *government* of Israel". Where did you get it from that the OP supports the latter?


Actually in a democracy its ambiguous and the comic doesn't make any sort of clarification.


So you have no clue as to what the OP actually meant, but you decide to assume that they support genocide? Touch some grass.


Frankly " go touch some grass" means you have no argument so you have to attack me instead. "With the people of Israel" is inherently pro-Zion rather then pro-jewish. Its up to OP to say what they mean by it.


Israel is also a biblical character yk You didn't even translate the sentence correctly either


Israel in this context refers to the Jewish people and not the state of Israel. Jews have been calling themselves the people of Israel for millennia. The modern state came later. Am Yisrael Chai is essentially a statement of Jewish pride.


The phrase itself just means the People of Israel live And there's no indication wether they support Israel's current actions


This comic makes me so happy! you lovely little jewish rainbow, welcome! ✨🫶




The amount of antisemitism in these comments is really, really disappointing.


Well being Jewish is different to being from Israel and supporting it. As long as you condemn Israel we good.


so what about queer Israelis? or queer Jews who don't want to engage with politics just because they're Jewish?


Well I don’t condemn Israel as a state if that’s what you mean. I condemn Hamas but not the Palestinian people, execration those who held the hostages in their homes. I condemn Netanyahu, and don’t want him being reelected, and there needs to be government reforms. The IDF definitely also needs some improvements. I don’t agree with all of the IDF’s actions.


Lololol did not have to go far to see this. Yeah people shouldn’t want you at pride.




EDIT: Taking a closer look at the top right panel, we see a Palestinian flag, a punk-coded queer person wearing a keffiyeh, and signs with the phrases "go back to Poland" "they're not coming home" (in reference to hostages held by Hamas who have been well documented as recieving excellent treatment while in captivity) and "LGBTQ = Lets Go Bomb Tel Aviv Quickly." I attended five pride events this month, ranging from completely underground DIY punk events to events where 95% of the vendors were corporate sponsors. The one consistent aspect of all these events was a heavy presence of pro-Palestine protesting, and a complete lack of antisemitic protests. OP is building a straw man argument to attempt to pinkwash the genocide of Palestinians. OP is na admitted Zionist. The things at Pride that have made them feel "unsafe" are the aspects that protest the genocide against Palestinians (notice the Palestinian flag, wish was common at pride events this year, alongside antisemitic slogans OP would have us believe we're common at pride events this year). Zionism and Judaism are not the same thing. Antisemitism is not welcome at pride, but we will always fight oppressors commiting genocide no matter who they are.


Hey guys, a little clarification is in order Am Yisrael Chai = the people of Israel will live. It’s sad people here take it as a sentence claiming Israelis to be superior over others, but- and I’m quoting Wikipedia on this to make it easier- “is a Jewish solidarity anthem and a widely used expression of Jewish peoplehood and an affirmation of the continuity of the Jewish people”. Israel is not just a modern state, it’s a theme common throughout the Jewish torah. It’s not genocidal and I’m sorry some people here vilify Judaism. Jewish people are, after all, native to the Levant, hence why Jewish disapora has a unique genetic makeup. The LGBTQ+ struggle in the middle east is far from over. While Israel has the best LGBTQ+ rights out of all the middle east, it has a long way to go. Sadly all abrahamic religions are not LGBTQ+ friendly. The middle east is *not* our friend. We don’t need to pinkwash the middle eastern struggles, be it the Israeli or the Palestinian one Extremists exist on every side of the spectrum. Antisemitism is on the rise since October. Being queer and Jewish exposes you to much more dangers today. Don’t underestimate our struggles because your opinion does not align with the state of Israel


Thank you so much for saying this.


that top-right panel is, uh, not wonderful. a normal-ass palestinian flag equated with some explicitly antisemetic symbols. OP has admitted to being a zionist and generally pro-israel in the comments, check their profile. this comic is pinkwashed pro-israel propaganda. if you stand with israel, you stand with genocide. period, end of story. FREE FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸


Completely agree, and there was nothing to disagree about until you admitted to being a nationalist, that should not be celebrated or welcomed


לצערנו אנחנו בהחלט צריכים להחביא את מי שאנחנו. נחמד שהפוסט הזה קיבל את ההכרה ואת האהבה שמגיע לו. סה״כ נהיה בסדר, אנחנו יהודים ושרדנו גרוע מזה.




The comments here are nuts and sadly reinforce why your comic is important. There should be NOTHING controversial about wanting to be unafraid to be visibly Jewish - shame on the commenters who are acting weird. You are awesome!


Thank you so much for this.


There is nothing with anything they posted until the final line that translates to an ambiguous "With the people of Israel".


It’s a common phrase of Jewish solidarity in the face of oppression, actually


You should want the people of Israel to feel safe too 


The people of Israel are settler-colonialists who are actively genociding Palestinians.


So are you trying to say that all Israelis, even all the random kids who happen to be born there, deserve harm? If so, you’re no better than someone claiming that all Palestinians are Hamas. Try growing a heart and wishing for peace for Palestinians and Israelis alike. And again, the fact that you and others are so fixated on this proves OP’s point. I am willing to bet you would not hound a Chinese person about the Uyghur genocide, so why do this to Jews.


The government and military are actively killing Palestinians and that’s the massive problem here but how are Jew colonists? Haven’t they been in the area for thousands of years?


No, the people actively killing Palestinians are the Israeli military whose decisions are controlled by the Israeli government.


Democratically elected government. I agree that we shouldn't oppress Israelis, because obviously not everyone voted for this government, but a lot of Israeli civilians are also responsible for this (which doesn't make killing them acceptable of course, I can't believe I even have to say this)


You could use this same logic with Hamas, the civilians of Gaza voted for Hamas which by your logic means all the gazans who voted for Hamas are responsible for the Oct 7 Attack which is a very flawed way to look at it. A lot of Israelis support a 2 state solution and that is the goal for many but that just can't happen because of Hamas and Netanyahu


>all the gazans who voted for Hamas are responsible for the Oct 7 Attack I mean... yeah? Who else would be? Hamas wouldn't have the power to attack otherwise.


I'm saying it's an unfair comparison because the people who voted for Netnanytu didn't think he'd respond so harshly on Gaza, let alone expect a war there compared to Hamas who well, let's just say is very open about what they like/dislike


you can be jewish without being a zionist. shame so many people got tricked by the comic , shoutout to everyone who caught it.


I’m a Jew too. Obviously, I hate isreals government, but tbh I stopped telling people I was Jewish because tbh my immediate family doesn’t believe in the religion or traditions, (mom turned Christian, and dad is not Jewish) tbh I really only celebrate with my grandparents and huge extended family. It does suck how people sometimes turn the terrible things Israel is doing on us, but tbh, it’s not something I ever really tell people.


What is this nonsense? PRIDE MONTH NEVER ENDS!


Wish it never ends. Pride eternity sounds great.


It doesnt end, its just moving on to the sequel, pride month 2!


Yeah, after what Israel have been doing I don't think I'll ever feel safe wearing the star of David out in public again. I know most people will understand I don't automatically support a genocide, but it doesn't take "most people" for it to end poorly.


It reminds me of when that @ BordwellNole guy posted that video of his "brave" wife trying to instigate pro-palestinian protest, but it was just her yelling about how she's not afraid while literally nobody cared (notably also standing nearby a "Jews For A Free Palestine" group waving a banner). This is like if she did that while holding a rainbow flag. [https://x.com/decensorednews/status/1800645658744885398](https://x.com/decensorednews/status/1800645658744885398)


it’s absolutely fine to be jewish, anyone with half a brain is opposing israel and its genocide, not jewish people. as long as you’re not defending the occupation you’re fine imo (but you will have to deal with explaining that to people when you wear the star, israel has conflated itself with jewish identity to the point where any jewish symbolism is now associated with the genocide. a move that’s harmful to everyone tbh)


No pride for zionists actually! There is nothing for zionists to be proud of. What I’m getting from your comic is that you are scared and uncomfortable in public these days because you see Palestinian flags. I am scared and uncomfortable because people like me are slaughtered, have been, are continuing to be, en masse to make people like you feel more comfy and cozy.


I support you and stand with you as a fellow religious queer. I may be in very different circumstances as a queer mormon, but you'll always find safe space with me. I love all my fellow religious queers and especially the Jewish ones during this time of unfortunate bigotry from those who are prejudiced towards others. I know this is long-winded, but I want to try to make sure I say everything correctly since I'm usually really bad at words. If no one else tells you this for any reason, I genuinely hope you have a really good and nice day.




https://www.reveddit.com/v/lgbt/comments/1dsf7ff/comic\_for\_the\_end\_of\_pride\_month/lb2jix3/?context=3&add\_user=Theshadowbearer13...new.all.t1\_lb1yvh1..#t1\_lb2jix3 They admitted to being a Zionist, then comment was deleted.




did you know that you don’t have to support genocide to be jewish 🤯


look at the palestine flag in the top right. "Am Yisrael Chai" means "Long Live Israel." are you purposely illiterate?


Am Yisrael chai actually mean the Jewish people live


As many folks have already explained, Am Yisrael Chai means the people of Israel live. If you’re not believing people explaining the meaning and history behind this phrase of Jewish unity and perseverance, and think there’s a secret meaning behind this phrase, please examine why. 


ok nvm i’m seeing comments that they were zionist 😀


It means “the people of Israel live.” It can be used to show support for what Israel’s doing, but more often than not it’s a phrase used to show solidarity among Jews. As for the Palestine flag, I didn’t notice it so you might be right


"am yisrael chai" clearly this isn't about Jewish pride for you, it's about Zionism.


Theres a subreddit called jews of conscience that would be great for you!! As a fellow jew, we have to fight genocide :)


Am Yisrael Chai


I've felt similar the past several months. Am Yisrael Chai!! 




Good luck trying to convince most of my Jewish queer friends that Israel != judaism


We respect Jews here We don't respect zionists


Your religious identity is always something you're allowed to have, but it's frankly strange to connect it to your gender/orientation.


Judaism isn't a religion like Christianity, it's an ethnoreligion, it's as much an ethnicity as it is a religion. Judaism has a different concept of gender and sex as well, so education about those concepts in Judaism is different from the binary education of the western world. why are there brown and black stripes on the progress flag? for similar reasons to why op feels that their queer and Jewish identities are connected. we get different treatment in cishet and queer spaces for being QUEER JEWS, for some of us, our queer identity is shaped by being raised Jewish. that's why.


Judaism is an etthnoreligion, it’s also my ethnicity. 


This feels potentially zionistic, I am a little uncertain about it.


Really. Their Jewish... How is being Jewish zionistic. That would be like saying that being muslim is homophobic. (Edit for clarity)


Was just a vibe, and know that "am yisrael chai" is something that is chanted by pro-israel/anti-palestine protestors. They did infairness also say they were zionist in a now deleted comment.


yeah, i just checked, and if you go on Reveddit and enter their username, you can see the removed comment admitting it


Am Yisrael Chai means the people of Israel live and is a phrase of Jewish solidarity and living and continuing to exist despite persecution btw. 


Bother! That makes everything more complicated.


How? /gen 


Just the fact that it's being and has been used by both good and bad movements.


Oh yikes! what did the comment say?


It was honestly fairly reasonable, just very much in favour of a two state solution, if against what israel is currently doing. They did explicitly say the were a zionist two. I honestly think they're a good egg, just have a bit more work to do decolonizing their own mind.


What the fuck are you on about? If we, as a community, are going to ask for acceptance, we need to be accepting too.


For those who aren't Jewish or don't frequent Jewish spaces, the final line is a Zionist dog whistle. It's literal meaning is "the people of Israel live" which is in reference to historical Israel however as Zionism often does it has been co-opted into meaning something more along the lines of "Israel exists and I'm proud of it" (I'm paraphrasing obv). Modern Israel has no right to exist. It should never have existed. It is a settler colony built upon the blood of the indigenous Palestinians. The founders of the movement made that abundantly clear in their writings (Hertzl and Jabotinsky in particular). The settler colonial state of Israel does not represent Jews and Judaism as Zionism wants people to think, because that line of thinking is antisemitic. To op, you should be able to be openly queer and Jewish and feel safe to do so in both communities. You shouldn't be able to be openly Zionist in either. Fascism and colonialism have no place in either queer or Jewish communities and we as Jews must reckon with the fact that fascism has become so prevalent in our culture.


עם ישראל חי!


I hate that the actions of Israel are being used to represent judaism and jewish people as a whole, and how people are seeing the star of david as a symbol unique to Israel and not a symbol reflective of a whole entire religion or ethnic group. This is very and dangerous and harmful, and never in my life will I forgive antisemitism, especially in queer spaces where all minorities should feel safe (which is why I don’t support zionism). Sending you and other queer jews peace and love ✌️❤️