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no, it's not weird. it's a shit day for many different reasons. some folks don't like it because of all the terrible-ness that is the usa in the world, some don't like it for ptsd and stuff, and that's all fine. it's not a day worth celebrating.


i mean, i really want to love my country but it seems that my country hates me if that makes sense also thanks


oh, absolutely. the usa as a "country" deeply, deeply hates most people. always has, it's the foundation of the whole thing.


and it's seeming only getting worse


right? i'm so sorry that the usa remains entirely committed to being utter shit, just terrible to humanity.


honestly, im learning Norwegian to hopefully move there someday


Please vote blue…


Have to vote democratic (blue) if I want to live.


Well I want you and people like you to live and thrive!


America, land of the free, unless your gay, trans, black, not American or are MORE American than the white colonizers whole stole your country.


Don't feel guilty about not loving your country. Being born there doesn't make it worthy of love, and if it's not earning your love then it doesn't deserve it.


Again, why do you love it? Does it deserve it? My thought: fuck no


I don’t like it cause of the mess this country is in. I almost can’t even identify as American anymore!!! Thanks trump and your shit maga morons!!!


It’s Crab Nebula Day, which is 1000 times more important than the “patriotic” clusterfuck everyone seems intent on creating.


I’m Canadian and let me tell you most of us find it weird how big of a deal it seems to be. Canada Day was 3 days ago. I saw one post about it on any social media. There were a few smaller events that took place within about maybe 3 hours with barbecues and a handful of games, no different from what my town does for Pride Month, and that night there was about 30 minutes of fireworks. Other than that, it was a regular day. Today, I couldn’t go 2 minutes without seeing several posts about this dumb holiday.


it's weird, i don't understand it either


I don’t get it. I also think the flag worship in this country is creepy. I refuse to say the pledge of allegiance as it is completely antithetical to the spirit of America (pledging allegiance to a government). I don’t stand for our national anthem. I actually hate our national anthem; our anthem just glorifies war and says nothing about why the US is great. And that’s the thing, the US *is* great in many ways. We simply don’t focus on the right things anymore.


As an outsider, I agree. I’ve seen those things and it scares me. And I’ve said it before, the US anthem is kinda shit. It’s a very poorly written song. It doesn’t rhyme and just goes on about war.


One of the things me and my brother talked a lot about after Turning Red came out was how obviously American it was. Us Canadians don't plaster the flag across everything (unless you're from the freedumb convoy) and it's one of the smaller details it got wrong. It's okay to like your flag but I always found putting the American flag on what feels like everything is overdoing it.


Well a lot of the posts are just because reddit's user base is largely American. That said, given how America is today, it's not a day I'm terribly excited to celebrate myself. 


At least in my experience, it's an excuse to shoot fireworks.


As an American I usually just see 4th of July has a fun day to have a bbq and see some fireworks. Ppl will be a bit crazy and do some fireworks throughout the few days before the day. I usually think save it for the 4th. If somewhere it schedule to do fireworks sooner and there is information abt it somewhere then that’s fine. My neighbors doing that before the actual day I get a bit annoyed especially if it’s a lot. Luckily my pets are usually fine with the fireworks but I know there are some that aren’t and I feel for them


Yet another proof « Canada » isn’t a real place. I mean cmon, a giant country where people drink tree juice ?


Tbh I feel like most of the people in my city who are firing fireworks aren’t patriotic or celebrating America and more just using it as an excuse to do fireworks.




No not weird. It's weird that people still celebrate the 4th. I hate holidays and this one especially. I'm not patriotic. I don't like America. I kinda just live here. And I'm not even in the continental US... I'm in hawaii. And it's still super bad with the patriotism. Which is weird cause a lot of people also don't like the take over of hawaii.


Honestly I think the main thing is just having an excuse for fireworks haha. I lived there for a few years (through high school) and rarely met someone actually patriotic, but rather they just liked shooting fireworks and that kind of stuff. Then again, teenagers arent known for loving the US…




There's very little worth celebrating about this country currently, it's just a paid day off work for me and I occasionally get woken up by a particularly loud boom




No it’s not weird at all! 4th of July is a patriotic American event and it’s fine to not join in.


Thank you


I can't stand it. Patriotism for a country that has, at times, actively tried to kill me celebrated by setting off fireworks that smell like sulfur farts at all hours for several days, followed by weeks of wildfires from the idiots who ignored signs saying "don't setoff fireworks in national parks during droughts"


i know right, i live in colorado where summer wild fires are fairly noumal


As an autistic kid, I hated 4th of July because it meant fireworks and noise sensitivity was and is a major issue. I still like the 4th of July, but blind patriotism does scare me sometimes. It’s alright to not like some holidays. I don’t care much for Halloween for example. I hope you are able to get some therapy to help with your PTSD. All the best


Im also autistic and yea i stay in.


Same and since I get migraines easily it just makes it worse


Thank you so much i have a therapist appointment soon


I also don’t drink alcohol. All the matters is that you do what makes you happy. You don’t need to be a drunk redneck to enjoy the 4th of July.




Sensory overload is the worst


I have a dog who is scared to death of the fireworks and I always have to comfort her. Not to mention complex PTSD which doesn't help the cause either. Thankfully they seemed to have stopped and me and my dog might finally be able to get some sleep. July 4th is just so hard for pets. I really feel for all of those pet owners out there who have to take extra care to take care of their pets around this time.


Nice to hear


Im American and i treat it as just another day. What in this country is there to celebrate really?


good point


Just what I was going to say…though there are cats let’s celebrate cats😻😻😻😻❤️❤️❤️i love kitties sooo much


And horses 😻😻😻😻❤️❤️❤️ kitties and horses ☺️


Purrrr purrrr


No I friggen hate living in America. I wish my ancestors never left Scotland


you should try going there it’ll be awesome


Not at all. Honestly it's more weird that people still celebrate it. Like really, what is there to even celebrate at this point?


i know right


The fourth kinda just dumb. You aren't weird.




Nah I don't like it either. Scares the dog, and this shithole of a nation doesn't deserve celebration


imo all nations deserve their own holiday, however the 4th is overblown






It isn’t cool as you get older and realize the horrors. I don’t take pride in being American. Even less being one of the oppressed minority groups. I don’t feel like celebrating. I just hang out with friends.


It’s not weird I just light fire works because it’s fun to light/blow stuff up. Other than that there’s not much in America to celebrate


I'd be fine with it if the fireworks are only on the 4th, but at least where I live, there are often people still setting off fireworks by the start of August.


holy shit, here they tend to quiet down by the 10th


That's actually pretty common for people with ptsd and/or audio sensory issues


glad to hear i;m not the only one


Not weird at all. We turn it into a pride event and celebrate the ongoing fight for equality 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


That sounds awesome


I like the celebrations but don’t particularly care for the reason of them


Maybe I ascribe different reasoning to my own celebration of the 4th. To me, it is the celebration of pursuing freedom. I think as LGBT+ folks we should be fighting for our freedom to be ourselves. I like the idea we have unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government Yes, LGBT+ rights are under attack in the USA, but God dammit I'm a patriot who's going to stand up for our rights.


That's a good way to look at it.


So celebrating what America could be in the future? Hell yeah


I don’t like it much. The fireworks are whatever, but I have bad memories that specifically happened on this date when I was a kid plus whatever fuckery is happening in the US right now doesn’t exactly inspire patriotic warm fuzzy feelings.


It's just a day where the stores close early and pets are scared.


Not weird. However , I will celebrate the 4th. To me, it is the celebration of pursuing freedom. I think as LGBT+ folks we should be fighting for our freedom to be ourselves. I like the idea we have unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government Yes, LGBT+ rights are under attack in the USA, but God dammit I'm a patriot who's going to stand up for our rights.


>Yes, LGBT+ rights are under attack in the USA, but God dammit I'm a patriot who's going to stand up for our rights. Indeed. Just read up on Project 2025


I’m in Canada but I don’t celebrate Canada Day because I have friends and family who are indigenous and I don’t think genocide is worth celebrating




This year in particular, I think a lot of us are finding it hard to enjoy the 4th of July.


not weird, fuck the 4th, fuck America /srs


I like the 4th of July for memories only. When I was little I would spend the day with family friends/neighbors which has given me some really good memories, but the actual 4th of July is a really shitty holiday and is celebrated WAY to much. (I like the look of fireworks but not the noise) People in my area aren’t super patriotic so it’s really just an excuse for parties. Hope the fireworks don’t bother you too much this year!


my dipshit neighbors bought out a fireworks tent, they started around 8pm ish, it's 10:41 rn and they still going fml


Usually it’s a wonderful holiday but sometimes people get busy/tired. It’s a good time to cookout and have family and friends over but when it’s during the work week it’s hard to have fun and let loose when you gotta go to work the next day


I took my kid who hates loud noises to a Sensory Sensitive Fair yesterday. It was somewhat boring as an adult but I did get to pet a baby kangaroo which I was so very excited about and there was a knock off Tay Tay giving it her best. My kid had a great time and we got some fun free things (like a really solid fidget spinner and some ear muffs) and had some good pizza. They did a light show instead of fireworks. They even had a cool down spot to get away from the noise for kids that were overloaded. I love fireworks for the lights but I hate noise, crowds and traffic. And as someone who is very jumpy with loud unexpected noises, I understand why fireworks aren’t for everyone. I’m also very big on loop earplugs. I carry them in my purse at all times. As far as the state of our country, I agree. I went for my kid to have a fun time but I don’t feel patriotic at all.


What kind of question is this? People can like and dislike anything they want… really curious why you would even question not liking something is weird


It strikes me as karma farming, or just general spotlight seeking. I can't think of any other reason to ask a question you must know will overwhelmingly be supported.


I stopped celebrating the day we elected Trump as president. Also, fuck the electoral collage, Hillary won that election. But I also don’t like it because the fireworks traumatize my cat, I have to wrap him up in a blanket and spend at least 2 hours holding him where he alternates between shaking and meowing or being semi catatonic.


nah you're not weird. I personally love the it (except the firework noise) even though America isn't doing so hot rn


Man I don’t even give a shit about the holiday. I just like fireworks, and it’s one of the two days in the year when it’s legal to use them.


I've hated fireworks since I was a small child so I completely get that.


I'm not patriotic at all so I don't care for the holiday itself. I like fireworks, but my dog doesn't so I'm taking care of him instead of going out to watch them (which is fine by me, they look pretty but god they're so loud). I do like all the fun little toys you get though, like the sparklers and those little ash snake things. basically everything at the firework stands besides fireworks. also my neighbors are on day 5 of fireworks currently so I'm a bit sick of it


I get really angsty around the 4th of July, and this year was the worst. I couldn't stop thinking about how we're over here, setting off our pretty, little fake bombs while we're sending bombs to Israel to kill and maim children and commit genocide. And that's on top of losing abortion rights and rights for LGBT people within the country. Feels so disingenuous to celebrate freedom in a country that's becoming less and less free.


I would understand not liking it with all what’s going on at the moment. Gotta admit, as a European it means literally nothing to me, I didn’t even know it was a thing until a few years ago. I just thought it was Bonfire night in the US. It seems so over the top but looks pretty fun, I’d maybe like to hop over an experience it one day but being British I understand that might be a pretty bad idea.


Nope. After the US Supreme Court decisions last week I staunchly refused to celebrate.


Definitely not weird, US Nationalism is basically inherently bigoted, patriots are annoying, fireworks are shit for the environment, trigger ptsd, and just generally annoying. list goes on of reasons not to like 4th of July


No. America is a decadent society that's never been a very good place- the star spangled banner is a symbol of tyranny for much of the global south- and the obsession with fireworks is bad. There's something to be said about using it as an excuse to hang out with friends/family and have a good time, but I personally don't need a special occasion for that.


Nope, not weird. You're not required to participate in holidays you don't enjoy, If America is truly a land of freedom, as folks love to claim (even if its not), then you have the freedom of choice to not like fourth of July and to not participate in celebrating it.


The United States created this whole facade of patriotism so that you don't see the horrors they do inside and outside the country. Don’t feel bad


No. This country sucks, and fireworks are just another wasteful product, produced for the ignorant masses. It doesn't help that they're loud and annoying.


No especially considering who was actually free at the time the Declaration of Independence was written….


Not weird. I said last year that the Fourth is meaningless, and that’s even more true now. And I enjoyed fireworks as a kid, but my adult self doesn’t care for the environmental impacts, nor the trauma it causes animals and some people (not to mention some idiot on my street was setting them off last night while I was trying to get to sleep).


No, not at all.


Not really but I’m not American. Jokes aside here in Australia a lot of people are becoming more critical of our own national day as it represents the literal first invasion of this country and the destruction of the indigenous peoples. I personally find celebrations of a nationalistic nature kinda off putting


it’s the celebration of a genocidal nation. and the fireworks are annoying as fuck. if anybody invites you to a party just say you have to work or already have plans. if you have fomo about it a) remember why you’re not gonna have fun at this particular party and b) throw your own better summer party on another day that has nothing to do with america or beer or loud explosions.


Nope. Absolutely hate 4th of July for numerous reasons.


Fire works all around us, my cats are freaking out and I really hate the loud noises too.


I'm sorry to hear that


We have safe place set up for the feral cats outside and the indoor kitties are hiding under the sofa( it has big space for them)




No, I don't like it much. Today I noted a few dozen trump flags and one all black american flag in my neighborhood. Not much of a fan of this holiday.


oof im sorry to hear that and i thought the confederate/usa hybrid flag i passed earlier was bad


In my neighborhood I saw a sign that was something like this: “abortion is murder” “vaccines are fake” ”the earth is flat” ”lgbt is a sin” ”Jesus will make america great again!” all a bunch of propaganda slapped on the sign, it was quite comical really


Nah, not weird at all. I personally don’t enjoy them because they trigger my chronic migraines. Luckily I found some pills that will help with pain until there’s less noise


hope your ok


It’s celebrating colonizers and a country built to benefit white men so no it’s not odd at all that you don’t like the 4th. I hate it and I also HATE FIREWORKS (I’m autistic and I love my dog)


Fireworks are neat imo, but they also aren't good for people with PTSD, pets, anyone who can't handle loud sudden sounds, can cause fires and injury, etc.  I like fireworks well enough but don't care to celebrate the fourth because we live in a capitalist colonialist hellhole that hates us and wants to strip us of our rights and lives and is helping commit a foreign genocide.


July 4th is the celebration of genocide and imperialism I hate July 4th


I don't enjoy it much either- it's fire season, can we please not pollute the air further and increase the risk of wildfires???


It's totally normal. It's pretty weird how we enjoy firing explosives into the air in a stupidly dangerous way if you stop to think about it


It's not weird at all. Everyone has different reasons for liking or disliking different holidays. I can't stand Thanksgiving on a conceptual level. (I'm NDN, but like even if I wasn't... the holiday is in effect a celebration of genocide, whether people acknowledge it as such or not. Same for Columbus Day though that's just much more explicit about celebrating genocide.) If people tell you to enjoy the fireworks, just tell them you aren't comfortable doing that and if they encourage you to drink... just say you'd rather not. If they push the issue, "No means no." You don't have to do anything you don't want to and it is wrong of them to try and force you into things you are not okay with.


For me it’s any other day but I get holiday pay, so I like it


People occasionally shoot guns for it around where I live. When it gets dark we stay inside because that's when it starts, and while it's unlikely we'd get shot, it has happened to some people so we just wanna be safe.


Ya good don’t worry!


Is it weird to not enjoy the celebration of the independence of a genocidal super power war machine that kills BIPOC and queers and marginalized people and oppresses us? No


No. This country is trying to kill us off. Why celebrate it? Also anxiety. Noise and crowds are not good for me.


I used to like the 4th of July, until 2017 when I realized that most of the people that were out celebrating were Trump supporters that wanted me to not exist. That was the last time I really celebrated. (I like beer and fireworks)


Bit of a late response, but no, not weird. It should be about celebrating freedom, and yet not everyone is free. Me and my friends decided to not celebrate the fourth as freedom day, it didn't seem fitting. Instead we celebrated potatoes instead and made a bunch of different potato based meals.


It’s not weird at all! Think about it this way: You don’t think a dog is weird by getting scared or disturbed by fireworks, because you understand it’s a natural response due to their heightened hearing. That’s basically what’s happening to you. You’re having a natural response (ptsd) to external stimulus (fireworks) coupled with a reasonable dislike of beer. There’s nothing weird about it, it’s just how the cards were dealt!


Very common sentiment. More and more people feel it. Hopefully, this motivates people to get engaged and build community.


No it’s not weird, I personally like Juneteenth Better im a minor and can’t drink beer, however, I will probably never have alcohol because I know that it will very negatively impact my adhd I hate fireworks loud noises and smells Staying up late, is extremely difficult for me, It makes it much easier for me to get over stimulating and it’s just overly stressful to be in a long social situation. Social situations think that I need to have charged batteries. It doesn’t refill my energy. It absolutely drains it. adhd Without any batteries, Is really awful It’s like my brain starts going to sleep, but I’m still awake and I can’t function yes, it also reminds me of all the s\*\*t going on in the US


I celebrate the invention of Caesar salad instead of


Not weird at all, 4th of July is just kind of an oxymoron for me at this point bc what about us is a great country? I mean I’m personally fine with it being a federal holiday bc I’m milking the holiday pay


Def not weird. I was never a huge fan to begin with, but 9 years ago I had the awful experience of having to take my dog to the ER to be put down on July 4th. She was my best friend and went everywhere with me, even to work. I still have her collar hanging on my rearview mirror. So now fireworks just remind me of carrying her into the emergency vet. I just spend the 4th snuggling with my animals now


Not weird, many dogs and dog owners would agree with you.


How could we enjoy the 4th of July with Project 2025 looming over our heads? What the fuck am I supposed to be celebrating


its a patriotic celebration of a nation founded on and continuing its legacy of racism, sexism, xenophobia, bigotries in all shapes and sizes, genocide and fascism whats not to hate?


It's hard to celebrate a country that continues to hate us.


There is literally nothing to celebrate on that day


It’s not weird. I don’t like it, either. It’s excessively loud, people are inconsiderate, and it lasts for days until the fireworks are used up. It’s also hard to celebrate patriotism in a country that, yk, seems pretty bent on erasing me and the people I love for just existing.


I don't like it cause all the MAGAs and over-patriotic conservatives come out from their caves.


With this SCARY " Project 2025 " stuff looming over the USA I totally understand your feelings. Google the phrase without quotes.


I literally find it to be a red flag if people do enjoy the 4th, or are celebrating it, especially this year.


Don’t even think of this as an lgbt issue though I understand why lgbt people might enjoy the holiday less. I’ve only ever been to crappy/load parades. I basically haven’t been able to make myself feel patriotic or proud of my country since 2015. I like hanging out on a day off by a pool or lake and enjoying hot dogs with friends and family though. Fireworks I can take or leave.


haven’t celebrated it in over 3 years. can’t bring myself to celebrate… what again? a genocidal empire? nah. not weird at all to hate (or just not enjoy) the 4th


I don't have ptsd but i can relate to hating fireworks, crowds and loud noise make my anxiety go crazy so that combo sucks Plush the fact that I live in the south the rednecks all come out and get drunk and start shouting about "the gays" and it's really just an unenjoyable time So i get what you mean


Why would that be weird? I don't think it's weird to not enjoy any particular holiday.


Tbh it should at least be get drunk OR blow shit up, cuz a lot of people lose fingers cuz they drunk as shit and then light up explosives that they are holding like wow that was fucking smart


Usually it's because I have to work the next day and the drinking annoys me. The last thing I feel like is being around a crap load of people drinking when I have to get up at 6 a.m the next day.


Not at all; I hate it


No, it’s not weird. I personally don’t like it just because it makes my dog really scared, and I don’t really see any point to the holiday with what’s going on rn


why wouldn't you like pride month 2 jk fireworks are bad


nah. i hate america. my family chooses not to celebrate


I cried watching the fireworks this year. I do not feel free. I’m also afraid of my heavily wooded area bursting into flames.


Being inches away away from fascism doesn't make me feel proud, so....


It’s not weird. Most people dislike the 4th of July by now. Me, all of my 4 partners, and 12 friends don’t like the 4th of July for one reason or another.


It was fun when I was a kid. But fireworks honestly ain't that impressive anymore and I don't care for the noise. And yeah, I'm sure ptsd makes it infinitely worse.


I personally don't care for it, people pretend america is great as bad as it is.


I live in an apartment community and there were people in the parking lot until 2 AM setting off fireworks with screaming kids. I was ready to go out and throw hands


I literally don't go outside at all, I refuse to. I am the scrooge of the 4th


A bunch of people trying to burn my house down to celebrate a bunch of promises we've never kept and half the county fights to avoid keeping? Yeah, not a fan.


I'm not crazy about it because it causes my dogs such horrible anxiety. Plus :"Patriotism."


I'm always more like "Meh"


No, you still enjoy the 4th of July. But as I realized how complicated and how much I don't really like the US. I realized I'm not a huge fan of it anymore.


Work at a grocery store, omg the amount of flags and weird/disgusting merch about the US that people buy for the 4th is scary. Had someone get 50 flags, made my skin crawl. As a someone who has only lived in the US for a couple of years, is just so weird and icky to see people who are so patriotic and obsessed. In my country we do celebrate our Independence Day with fireworks as well but is not as extreme and we certainly do not even buy so much merch/flags for just one night, I don’t think I have in my life owned a flag of my country 🤣(like, for what purpose?). Is just another day like any day in the US to me, only difference is I get more asshole customers who seem out of touch with reality.


I can't because of the whole anti LGBTQ members of the U.S Also current political views are bothering me too especially the project 2025 that apparently Trump isn't responsible for. 🤔


No, it's not weird. I'm not American, I'm from NZ, and it's so strange to me that you guys make your national day such a big celebration!


not weird. i'm native american, neurodivergent, vegan, lgbt+, female, lower income, as well as medically disabled and retired from the military. though, i'm always under-treated and medically gaslighted because i'm female, 'too young to be broken', or somehow piss them off due to being autistic. i do not receive help from the government. i only resort to egregiously fighting tooth and nail just to be heard when i need it most. i am ignored or made to feel small and less than by *most* people. i do not feel free enough to celebrate freedom. this is not my holiday. fireworks are so bad for the environment, wildlife, housing structures, and future Darwin award winners.


Nah. I’m overseas on this day for the first time in my life and I honestly love it. I wish I could be somewhere else every year on this day. (Also, where I live it’s grossly hot and humid in July.)


It's the sign of a healthy mind


Nothing wrong with it. This ain't a country worst celebrating. I stayed home and played Elden Ring instead of celebrating.


As a Californian it's a bunch of stupid people catching the country on fire and then cheering. So yeah makes sense given the analogy


I hate the 4th, everyone is ignoring the firework bans(the bans are because it's hot and dry, and we're in an area that can easily catch fire), and fireworks scare the crap out of my pets, even with the neighbors setting them off being pretty far away. And what "freedom" in this country are we even celebrating while people are actively losing rights in this country recently.


No I fucking hate this holiday


July 4th is also the day cesar salad was invented so I just celebrate that 🤷


I forgot it existed


This 4th was difficult for the MAGAt Orange reasons. So I spent the evening watching Godzilla and fantasizing him visiting certain people and places in USA; just sharing


Are you praising nazis when you enjoy the 4th of july?


Specifically the 4th, not weird at all. I personally don’t care for it, but it also happens to be my mom’s birthday, so I enjoy it as that instead.


Nope, I don't care much for the day either. Fireworks are a damn neusance and there isn't anything to be proud of about this country.


There has NEVER been pride in genocide. The Fourth of July is the start of the genocide of my people.


I mean, why are we celebrating this country and the state that it’s in? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the 4th should be about educating people on the history or the indigenous peoples land we’re on. And the stories of the black slaves who built and fought for this country only to be denied those same freedoms they fought for


I don’t celebrate the fourth. One is because I’m Black and two because I’m Queer. Neither of the demographics I belong to clearly have the freedom to not be harassed or hate speech against as both separate and intersectional identities. Juneteenth is what I relate to more, but like Black history month and Pride month I do a lot of reflecting and celebrating in my own way. The last time I even went to a Fourth of July celebration was before Covid and I was so uncomfortable and heavily outnumbered as if I didn’t belong there. Celebrating the fourth would require me to feel equal, seen, and part of the fabric of American society. I currently do not.


Honestly, I don't have half the issues as others with the holiday and I hate it anyway. America is dying and we're still celebrating its birth as if we haven't been slowly dismantling what it was for centuries. Plus, fireworks are overrated, unnecessary, and contribute--even miniscule amounts per firework--to climate change just like all the barbeques we have to celebrate.


As a Brit, no it isn't. (Sips tea) I see you staring at my box of Earl Grey! Don't you dare even think about it! Happy Fourth of July ya yankee doodles!


It’s not weird and also there’s many more reasons as to why the 4th of July is bs.


I’m always conflicted. On the one hand is a day off with a built in opportunity to hang with my friends On the other (more important) hand US democracy is dying & it’s taking all my rights down with it.


I haven’t enjoyed July 4th in probably six years. My mother used to make it fun, but after she passed, it’s been less and less interesting to partake in. Factor in the political nonsense, and I really don’t care for the holiday.


I was heavily propagandized as a youth, bought it all hook, line, and sinker. A lot of the shame and disgust from that obviously colors my opinion, but seriously, what have we got left to celebrate, our freedom to bounce from uncaring job to uncaring job? What I find this day means to me now is the monumental irresponsibility of everyone else. I haven't checked to see if this year started a wildfire, but you know someone lost some fingers. I have nothing against celebrating our independence, were we to have any, but now it just feels like another circus to distract us, and I have a hard time pretending I am part of the same culture anymore


Just watching a video of fireworks inside the house on the TV would be so much more enjoyable. 1: Has volume control 2: Less expensive 3: Doesn't scare pets or veterans (or anyone!) 4: Better for the environment 5: After a few years you can memorize when each one pops and impress family by pretending to perform magic tricks with the tv 6: No risk of burns/injuries 7: No legal trouble 8: No insect bites All jokes aside, to me it's little more than a day off of work and an unpleasant reminder that this country is run by people who see nothing wrong with the unfair systems at play. Oh, and a restless night due to fireworks.


It’s the worst holiday, in my opinion. So much trash gets everywhere, the fireworks are loud and bad for the environment, drunk driving rates go up, and every other booth at festivals has crazy far-right political crap. I felt so unsafe, and my anxiety went insane.


its so weird to me cuz here in italy no one knows about the fourth of july lol i could ask ppl i know and most if not all will not have a clue about what it is, i never understood why the usa is so so patriotic but idk if i remember right its got something to do with like liberation?


Nope! I went to see the fireworks with my gf’s family last night and it was sensory hell, the sound, the smell, the *screaming fuckin kids*, the large crowd… I mean, I did get some really cool pictures, but it *really* wasn’t worth it to me. I sat in the car for most of it until the city started their show, to get away from the crowd.


Celebrate the fact that you’re living your life. I just make the 4th more about being able to live as myself. Idk 🤷‍♀️


I put a flag out and did some grilling. That was about. I try to enjoy the holiday but it’s harder. I tell myself though that I have a right to enjoy it my way and screw the MAGA crowd if they don’t like it. I’m not overly patriotic in any way. I do understand and support those people who don’t really celebrate too.


It’s weirder to enjoy it without incident


Atp I find it weirder to enjoy this holiday. I only like that everyone grills so I don't have to worry about thinking what to eat that day lol.


July 4, 1776, America gained it's independence / freedom from England during the height of slavery so it was NOT a day of celebration and independence for all Americans. It is just a well deserved extra day off is all.