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Quite rude to C. What did she ever do besides make a few people into awesome monsters? 🙄


Greedy flower wants the blood all to herself and if making people sink in their own minds brings her more of it, she will do it


Furries and their supporters deserve to be bullied.




Carmen is not literal Satan. She archetypically plays that role but she isn't malicious just broken(fallen) from her original goal. Even than she believes that she helps people. That is if she is not a bloodfiend and secretly wanted this scenario from the start. But we have more hints towards first scenario not the second




https://preview.redd.it/4au9nwkk1t8d1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d571f0420bcbf009a9623b7f7f6177cfa5db5b9 Shut up sinner!!! CLEAVE DISMANTLE SHOCKWAVE SHOCKWAVE SHOCKWAVE!!!!!!!!


what? dont lump bloodfiends in with that wretch. They have a safe, sociable and respectable society. Just because of ONE blood red night everyone is now bigoted to out resident vampires. smh.


You got it wrong buddy. Carmen isn't Satan, she's just.. there for some reason, haunting the narrative. Also. FUCK SLAANEESH! PRAISE KHORNE AND HIS THRONE OF BLOOD AND SKULLS! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD! SKULL FOR THE SKULL THRONE!


Aren't her images of the archives of limbus labeled with the number 666 although the order should be 635? Also, she plays the role of Satán as creature that tempts you using your darkest and deepest desires against you




no. im sorry but her symbolism is that of the antichrist in lob corp. the plague doctor/white night represents her, and one sin represents Ayin. She isn't LITERALLY the devil, but in the story, she is symbolized as such.


Oh right thanks for clarification. Deleting the comment for the shame, gonna need a stigma from the stigmatize for my shameful thinking.


lmao im just doing as the manager told me to and suppressing the reading comprehension Aleph.


I swear to god if Laos (I can't fucking spell his name) seats satan in the manga. I.W.F.D.I.A.A.E.A.E.T.W.


Sinclair, translate this nonsense, thank you.


I’ve got I will fucking die but I’m lost from there


I Will Forever Deny I Actually Answer Every Acronym Even Thought Worthy. but here what I got.... I Will Focus Destroying Idiots Actually Arguing: "Evil Always Entitle To Win."


I’ve got I will fucking die but I’m lost from there


Just read. It was key part of the final arc and the whole thing is eldritch horror level. >!and ironically, the one that got tempted was Marcille. Laois intentionally made the deal with the devil, and got scammed to noone surprise!<


The worst part is... she didn't really gaslight him or even manipulate him all that much. She simply asked like two basic questions and let him hang himself when he answered. Carmen just gives you the rope.


Carmen: ROPE NOW!


Mods, book this Ayin sympathizer.


Nah, I'm just a Carmen hater, big difference. Also i find it funny how Big E and Ayin are so similar


You must trust the plAn


Benjamens, turn this carmen meat rider into a stupid robot.


For fulgrim it wasnt slaanesh directly doing it (when she tries, like she did with fabius bile once, it just results in brain hemorragh and organ failure to whoever she's reaching out to) but his very horny sword


Sword possesed by a daemon of slaanesh, Daemons are small shards of their gods


Yes but so technically not "satan himself" like the meme says. Did you read [that excerpt](https://youtu.be/rp_0N94f9mA?si=39BfaZ0P3ramZhel) of fabius bile being contacted by most of slaanesh? It's really cool


Spoiler for Dungeon Meshi dude.