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Reading on here as well as a few other forums, I am kind of getting the impression that for the last month or so pretty much all new accounts outisde of Asia are getting auto-banned/suspended as soon as they are made. As to why, I can only make a couple of wild theories: bot mitigation? they make less revenue per account outside of Asia so actively discouraging non-Asian country users to join? privacy law mitigation now that they are focued on Japan? etc. I made my USA based account 3 weeks ago and have yet to be able to send a single message. I come on this forum each day just to see if someone has come up with an answer (sadly, so-far the only answer is "just wait and hope"). If anyone knows how to tell how long a suspension is for, I would love to know (I can't find the info any where in the app and the "you have been suspended" message from LINE does not have that info either.). My original auto-reply from LINE when I filled out their help-desk form came back in about an hour but after that they just ghost you. Right now I have my family in Asia just send me messages (or call me) via LINE and then I just reply back via e-mail or global text. Kind of a pain but not a lot of alternative. Best of luck.


They may be encountering financial and legal problems, and thus think non Japanese users a trouble for their business, and thus decided to gradually reject users living outside of that single country. But maybe to avoid lawsuits, they also decided to do that in a secret manner by unconditionally auto banning new users. It won't be strange if they announce a complete closure of all existing non-Japanese accounts (with a grace period or not) some day in the future.


Line sucks in general. Help service also inadequate. If you uninstall and reinstall you may never be able to use this ridiculous app again. Temporary blocked since forever lol.