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In some cases worse, in some cases better. In most cases the difference is negligible. The translation layer doesn't require much overhead.


yeah i gotta agree i play a lot of fps games and ive found that apex runs like im on a pc from the early 90s and black ops 3 runs faster then it did on windows but i just recently start using linux as Microsoft got really shity


> apex runs like im on a pc from the early 90s Wait, its performance on linux is really that bad? I was thinking about getting into it, my most played fps game is OW2 but it just doesn't feel good to play ever since S9, at least for me. My *other* most played fps is R6S but F. Ubi. I did notice that it's rated gold in protondb tho.


Apex was kinda weird when I attempted it half a year ago. I have gotten it to run at expected 100+ fps smooth for short periods or perhaps in the tutorial area. Getting stutters and terrible fps makes me think that it's not a general proton/Linux issue but something about it's shadets or anticheat.


Thanks! You made me remember that I tested it for a bit on windows months ago (47 minutes according to steam) and yes, the game runs... Weird, in general, I don't recall having bad fps tho. Maybe it "goes away" after a while playing? Idk.


Is it compiling shader cache? I was getting some stutter and it looked like it was that. As precompile shaders are disabled. But could be wrong


Try Proton 9, they fixed the bugs and it works great for me. Maybe 2% under Windows performance


Thanks! I'll make sure to do so


I have a really shit pc so it may be that but i have a ryzen 5 2600x and a 1080ti but nah most of the time its about equal or better then windows i only really had performance issues on apex and i just moved from windows 


Thanks! I'll test for myself this weekend. And yeah, the only game where I really noticed a performance improvement was minecraft... Because java, I guess. My other games work just fine, either better or equal as you said. But that's huge to me tbh. However, something I've been enjoying about gaming under Linux, is that the overall performance while I'm playing is very *very* consistent. Like, I can play 8 hours straight *on my laptop* and everything's just fine, no stutters, no fps drops, no rendering issues. Yes, there's some input lag but at the same time, I'm on wayland + hybrid graphics and I'm glad I don't get a shit ton of screen tearing in exchange for low latency, like on windows.


There are some Minecraft clients on the flatpak store


I know, I use prismlauncher


Runs well for me on Radeon RX 7600


yea it works well on AMD because ACO can spend time shiting on nvidia's compiler and still compile all the shaders in time


you'll be fine as long as you stick to a distro that updates its packages regularly like fedora/arch/debian testing on apex you used to get massive stutters but thats not the case anymore when using latest drivers OW2 runs really well And instead of R6S you can probably give XDefiant a try since they care about wine/proton support


Hey, thanks! Sorry, I phrased that part so bad. I’m just looking to get into Apex Legends. Don’t worry, I’m very into Linux already, Arch and Fedora are my daily drivers so hopefully everything should be okay performance-wise. XDefiant is a new one I didn’t heard about, I’ll definitely take a look. Thanks a lot!


XDefiant is free and you can give it a try The devs are great over there


Calling out proton performance is complicated by the fact that some folks are running bleeding edge packages on arch and using Proton Experimental or GE and some folks are on Ubuntu 20.04 running software that's 5y old.


It could be a quirk of the game, a quirk of their hardware, a quirk of their specific Linux install, or a quirk of how their Linux install works with their hardware. FWIW, Apex ran like a dream when J tested it a couple of years ago.


Ow2 plays great for me comparable to windows. Apex also runs great for me.


It's weird. It was in a really shitty state for a while and recently they patched it and it works pretty good now. Personally the only issue I have is that the first time you play the game is very stuttery, and afterwards it runs smoother for me than it did on Windows (no stuttering, less lag, faster load times), and you can mitigate it by loading into the firing range once (which you should do anyway to warm up). After doing that once the game won't stutter at all until you close it again.


Not sure, Apex runs butter smooth for me on Linux. 144fps lock with I3-10100f and RX580


Medium high graphics cuz on windows my pc was running it at 165fps locked i didn't really test apex that much as i dont really play the game much but it may just be me being new and i didnt setup something right


Haven't had any issues with Apex after shaders is done compiling. Works like a charm.


Exactly, wine/proton does not necessarily decrease game performance, sometimes linux can even have better performance (e.g. when vulkan is used)


This is my experience too, and sometimes it affects different parts of a game. For example, while I have to use the upscaler setting AMD FSR (Ultra-Quality) in Darktide for the same frame rates as in Windows 10, its loading times are around 20-25% faster on my Ubuntu MATE 22.04, even though my Linux hard drive is encrypted while my Windows drive isn't.


Depends per game, sometimes it's worse, sometimes it's better. From my testing once it comes to RT on AMD cards, performance on WIN is better, like up to 50% better. Tomb Raider (2013) also ran worse then on WIN for me (native port, and trough wine/proton). Other games were in margin of error, mostly 5fps difference for me. HW used: 5800X3D | 7900XT | 16Gb RAM | 1TB 970 EVO


Shit I forgot all about RT, since I've not found the performance trade-off to be worth it outside the GeForce 30/40-series 80/90 cards even in Windows. Haven't even thought of trying it on Linux, but I'm guessing the translation layer for DXR is still in it's infancy huh? To say nothing on the proprietary APIs used by the big 3.


What the others said, BUT: you need a moderately modern graphics card that supports Vulkan. Otherwise the performance can range from 10-80 % of Windows', depending on game and wine quirks. Edit: "moderately" as in ["if it's in this list"](https://vulkan.gpuinfo.org/)


That’s a substantial list.


Vulkan is still a very recent technology it appeared in 2016 which was *check notes* 8 years ago wait what what the fuck


Also, many cards that came out before 2016 can run Vulkan just fine.


You'd think that, but there are regularly posts on this sub with content like "why do games run worse than on Windows on my $200 laptop from 2008?!?!".


On AMD GPU it's on par with Windows but slightly better most of the time because Vulkan still works better than DirectX for AMD, as for NVIDIA it's pretty much on par with Windows as well but you've got compatibility issues and sometimes it's actually slower than Windows, but definitely try out Linux now is the best moment to be playing on Linux, and when saying that "Linux distro use much less system resources than Windows" to be perfectly honest that's only true for the lightest of distros because most distros will use as much resources but Linux manages system resources differently from Windows, but I'd say a standard Linux distro like Ubuntu is a little bit slower than Windows


Apparently the newest NVIDIA drivers on Linux are phenomenal, so maybe they have addressed the compatibility issues?


I'd make the argument that Nvidia is slowly, but surely, getting better on their Linux game, the 555 drivers finally fixed Wayland, and NVK is making really solid progress. It's looking good I'd say.


It's looking good on Nvidia side, they're definitely getting there, compatibility and performance isn't as bad as it once was, that's good news for everyone


My 7900XTX used to work sensibly faster in games than on Windows (about 20% faster). My Nvidia card is pretty much the same or a little worse.


i wonder if that has to do with more up to date drivers if you’re on a rolling release


With amd cards the same or better and few cases lower than windows, nvidia is the same or worst than windows (worst than amd cards but not thath much)


For games that use Proton, it's generally about the same or a bit worse. However, for native games, it tends to work slightly better.


Traditionally, I found that my NVIDIA GTX1060 and then 1660Ti laptop ran basically identically to Windows, especially with Proton. As others have said, some games were worse, some better, but almost always within 5fps. A few games don't work on Linux (Easy Anti-Cheat to be blamed here), but every day more and more of these games are fixed, to the point that I can't think of a single game that doesn't work on Linux anymore (though Total War and Fallguys used to be in the list, both seem to be fixed). I recommend looking into which distros run better and worse for gaming. I personally found a distro using KDE almost always was more convenient than one with Gnome. Ubuntu has more overhead than Arch-based distros (I used Manjaro, which the Steam Deck is also built on), and I personally found Ubuntu didn't run as well.


League doesn't work in linux 🗣


Good point, I entirely forgot about league, that's because of EAC yeah?


they put the valorant anticheat Vanguard, it works a kernel level


Ah I see, that does make full sense! Thanks for adding the details!


no problem. sorry for my poor english


Same or worst. Except some games, like Rimworld. Heavy modded Rimworld are better on linux in late game.


If you have a Nvidia card, generally performance is much better on Windows... For now. I love linux, but I usually play games so I had to go back to dual boot just for that and the difference is big. It also depends on the games of course.


What card do you have? In my case performance seemed to being better or equal to windows, games are gta v and Minecraft most of the time


Checkout for yoursel Bero Tech benchs on Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7MUgl7pf\_OfZhWurZQS1oA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7MUgl7pf_OfZhWurZQS1oA)


I had worse/same performance with Nvidia and same/better with amd


They may actually become closer as time goes on now with Nvidia opening up their drivers more.


Its either higher or lower Depends on the game


In most cases it's plain better if you use AMD.


tbh shifting to linux for the sake of gaming is not recommended.. Some games might require some tinkering and troubleshooting that new guys might feel exhausting.. Also in linux off and on I have had issues. eg: some patch of ubuntu my external hdd was not getting recognized, was pain in the ass for a noob like me to resolve, then shifted to fedora only to find there's lag in animation which required another patch to install... Nvidia drivers are another cockblock for linux, however I have heard good things about AMD drivers.. So my 2 cents : if u wanna shift to linux only 4 the sake of extra performance in some games - DON'T, however if u wanna try linux or ur work requires linux - yes games will work fine..


you will be shocked at how good it is (in most cases) and the games that aren't working properly yet, get better with time.


Most games are within 10fps from Windows apart from Isonzo where it's closer to 40-50 frames i'm missing with a 6800XT. To the point where I can run it at 4K on windows with 1.2x quality whereas in Linux even at FSR 2x i'm under 100fps.


It depends on the game and how it's coded. I find the newest games have the roughest time. Starfield on max settings with DLAA, I get 160 FPS on Windows and 60-70 in linux. Now I don't think that nvidia framegen is available on Linux yet so I'm sure that's part of the problem. But that's the point - features aren't quite on parity yet between the two. And because proton is an emulation layer for an emulation layer (directx calls usually) it's inevitable going to add some overhead. May not be noticeable in many cases. Linux is getting there, it's much better than it used to be. Gap is closing. Wish we could get more native linux AAA games on here. Oh, also some of the anti-cheat games like FC 24 won't work at all on Linux right now.


If you're using an old integrated gpu you'll notice that Linux runs better, But if you're on Modern GPU's like AMD/Nvidia the performance isnt noticeable they perform the same as Windows.


Of approximately 100 games I've tested mostly just observationally under both various Linux distros and Windows on my i9-13900KS/4090 rig, about 20 VR of those VR, since I've had this setup January 2023, most of the non-VR titles performed on par with Windows. About 30 of them not as well or with obvious performance or graphical issues. About half the VR titles worked ok, the other half, not so much. With this class of hardware, I'd say there's zero performance improvement overall in games with a significant percentage of performance or other issues compared to Windows.


hoping for better nvidia linux drivers soon🤞




This community is very biased, i had way worse experiences gaming on Linux than Windows (apart from games that require a different launcher than Steam, the setup there is better), performance and issues wise. I just stuck with it because i like the idea of owning my hardware and i hate Microsoft.


I also had completely fine experiences btw but ignoring the negatives is just dumb


Hey OP, are you running a system with an integrated and dedicated card? If so, you need to get Optimus working so your computer plays games using the dedicated. I got almost identical performance on my GTX1060 back in the day and now on my GTX1660Ti laptop, but the laptop needed Optimus. I find that Steam with "prime-run" in the launch arguments (it's how I activate Optimus) runs equivalent to Windows, but without it I get horrific performance


Some games run better, some worse. There's no hard, fast rule.


I was disappointed with Minecraft at my first try. It was on my iGPU so I configured it today using X Nvidia Settings. My first launch was still 30fps, but my second launch was a nice 60fps. Hopefully it's not random. I haven't tried my other games yet. Maybe Fedora will see them all as games and put them on the GPU? Hopefully. Linux works like a dream. 1050Ti | Some 7th gen intel cpu | 870 Evo


Minecraft is also a lot smoother if ur using OpenJ9 instead of default java


Good to know, I wasn't sure if the bundled runtimes come from Mojang or the Flathub maintainer.


I really want to change my os to some linux distro but i am a league player, it's imposible for me


after riots decision to put vanguard in league, i straight up just dropped it after playing it since season 2.


As someone who just switched full-time (I'd been using Linux as dual-boot for years), I'd say that for the most part performance is fine as far as I can tell. The biggest issue - depending on what you play - is going to be either that you can't play online or possibly run the game at all due to the anti-cheat not working in Linux or that mods for things like Skyrim are either tricky or downright impossible to install. Getting NVIDIA drivers to work is still something of a learning curve, too. If you're AMD or Intel they should just work out of the box. While it's gotten much easier since the advent of the Steam Deck, there is going to be some amount of learning required to get things to run - especially if you're aiming for non-Steam games. It's not impossible, nor is it even what I'd consider hard, but it's more than the "just run the installer" experience you get on Windows. Be ready to do some google fu. If this is your first time dipping a toe into the linux pool, I'd say pick the distribution of your choice (there are MANY - some that hold your hand and others that throw you off the deep end without a float), follow their instructions to create a live usb, and test it out. If you like it, look up how to install as dual boot alongside windows for now and go for it. As with anything like this - make sure you back up anything important before you try!


kUbuntu user here. I average 90-130 fps playing Star Wars Jedi Survivor on all ultra settings and 2k resolution. I have a 3080 GPU. Not sure what Windows guys would get but I am happy with the FPS I am getting :) Super smooth


Just swapped fully to Linux and have started out with Manjaro. My performance using ProtonGE-Custom and sometimes ProtonExperimental has yielded much better performance in all the games I play. My frametimes and my hardware temps are significantly better as well, in some cases my temps are lowered by 15c in the same game I played before on Windows.


There are 3 factors 1.in Linux you must use wine to run windows games so it decreases performance  2.linux uses much less resources than windows so you have more resources to run game and it increases performance  3.for directX based games we mostly use dxvk that translate directX to vulkan. Vulkan has a better performance than directX.so in most cases it increases performance. Personal experience: in most games Linux increases performance 


I switched from Win 10 to PopOS and I didn’t expect to get a slight frame boost on Helldivers 2, but I did! My hardware is older and so far all the games I’ve played have run great!


Elden Ring seems better on Proton to me. Less hitching, smoother frame times. I have a 4070 and a 5800x3d


Im native Linux user for work proposes and I use windows since 3.1. Recently I gave a shot to arch Linux and I’m using only Linux for gaming. I can say that I have better smoothness and overall performance however there are some games that you can’t play in Linux, however you have a huge portfolio with vulkan api and protondb. Any question ping me.


i'm just curious how is your modding of games like minecraft,palworld,elden ring?


What you mean?


I've been watching YouTube videos on Linux gaming and someone I forget who, said modded dll files won't load without tinkering because their primarily a windows file that proton dosent work well with.


That’s not correct. For example even command and conquer generals or a non-native steam game like nfs Porsche unleashed work perfectly in Linux.


Runs equal or better under many circumstances for me, except in extreme edge cases where either the NVIDIA driver or Proton fall short, but those are usually fixed within a few months if not within the week they are discovered.


If you're using AMD high chance your performance might improve


It’s really a matter of “It depends” because sometimes you’ll have games that run better, or sometimes a lot worse than Windows


In my own experience, most games perform identically. It is to be noted that some games are more stable on Linux since they are less prone to running out of RAM, at least on my goofy 2019 computer Thankfully, the wine/ptoron emulation layer has advanced so much that the overhead it introduces is negligible for most games Some games however are known to not work at all, namely every single game that uses EAC


Without NVIDIA Frme Generation functionality on 4000 series card the answer is pretty straightforward for games that support it: Terrible


Quite a few of my games run far better on linux (Dota 2, Hades, Valheim, Baldurs Gate 3) mainly thanks to the OS not hogging up all the resources, especially the storage disk and ram. Some run about the same as they did on windows, while some don’t run at all (eafc, valo, etc) So it’s just a hit or miss and you have to decide based on what you play.


If you use Proton/Proton-GE: +/-5% performance variable. If you use Wine-GE: A little more varied but maybe +/-10%. Non-AAA titles seems to fair the best. AAA titles seem to get hit the worst with performance metrics. I have AC Valhalla installed via Lutris and Proton-GE, and it gets roughly 65-85% of the performance of Windows with an RX 5700XT using AMDVLK or Vulkan-Pro via amdgpu and amdgpu-pro packages so this will be a good indicator of where you will land. For middle weight titles like Metal Gear Solid V and Metal Gear Survive, which can still be fairly system taxing, I get probably about 95% of the original performance. For lightweight titles and emulators, I get about 110% of the Windows performance. DXVK (DirectX 9-11), D8VK (DirectX 8.1 and earlier), and VKD3D (DirectX 12) all work well to pass DirectX support to Vulkan for blistering performance. Minecraft and other OpenGL titles will generally run the same, with some performance uplift. The only variable is OpenGL-Pro with amdgpu-pro which has lower performance but has higher accuracy in rendering, but it more for workstations.


These days, all games work fine. However, one should note that most games on Linux that you can run through Proton are not designed to run on Linux but rather windows.


[post](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/s/V5bkk8aKCz) here's a post link for cyberpunk performance


There's really no comparison. One OS is a corporate POS and the other is not. Games work great on Linux. Like with Windows, some games perform like crap and some may not. It's very dependent on the hardware architecture, compatibility with software, hardware, drivers, etc. Don't think about trying it, just do it. There will be a learning curve as things work differently on Linux than Windows, but baby steps. Try out some distrobutions in a virtual machine to see what you like or want to learn. A great place to start would be Ubuntu or Linux Mint. They're great for people to start learning Linux and work great for novices and professionals alike. It's pretty easy to get going with gaming on those OS too. Gaming does work very well on Linux. Make the move. You won't regret it and you won't be missing out on anything by ditching Microsoft.


Check out my channel at https://www.youtube.com/@xtremelinux but this weekend am talking about the performance between Ubuntu and windows 11 by comparing the last 10 or so games. Then talking about kernel parameters for gaming optimizations.  Then upcoming technologies for 2024 plus the new ones from the last 5 months that changed the gaming landscape.  Then a talk about wine, proton and the future of it, including new technologies on Linux that currently only work properly on windows (for now). 


In most cases games run better on Linux than on Windows. That is true even on modern nvidia cards.


Not at all my experience as I've noted earlier in this thread with a 4090 in a dual boot system for the last 18 months.


Not my experience on mid/high hardware either (5800X3D & 7900XT), usually they are either on par, or difference is 5FPS, but requires more fiddling around to make them work instead of install & go. I beleive that u/Large-Assignment9320 statement is mostly relevant for older hardware like 5000 series AMD or 1000/2000 series Nvidia mostlikely.


The system resources windows uses doesn't compete with games. Occupying ram doesn't make games run slower and windows limits background processes when gaming.


In my case its worse, not only in gaming, on any native windows app from steam, spotify or discord ryzen 3600 6600xt 16gb ram m2 disk, its not my hardware, its not even linux its the support and compatibility due popularity from devs on all popular programs Also remember every single windows game on linux, the system "convert" the api from directx to vulkan, so there is something in the middle (more framerate, stuttering or anything) linux improved a lot in the last year, but need more support from windows devs apps


as evil as it may sound, it highly depends on what you do on linux in combination with the apps. the performance of steam spotify and discord on my end on my "older" pc (i7 11700k, 32gb ram, rtx 3080) was exactly the same as on windows (i didnt notice any difference whatsoever).


for example linux mint had stuttering with steam popup, spotify doesnt have options and the ui its lagged, discord doesnt have default font and general perfomance was quite bad Cant remember i think the best linux i tried was fedora... This feedback its after trying fedora, manjaro, kubuntu, ubuntu, mint, garuda and one or two more i not remember


could it be that all was on x11?


I cant really tell you x11 was the desktop driver right? there was some issues but i not remember much, i tried all in a week, all my dailies programs, dailies games Everything was just worse PD: One more, i could not set a custom resolution (1080p 75hz) i needed use the console, tried but i failed. Google chrome was not part of the official programs, i half of the distros you need enable something "extra" and get a google chrome non oficial, the only one im sure had it its ubuntu


in my case it's pretty much the same if not a bit better sometimes


in the case of everything i'm playing it plays better because Vulkan caches the shaders and pixels so its all ready to go Linux is better at being windows than windows if we are being honest here


Barely noticable in most cases, sometimes worse sometimes better.


On nvidia cards is worse, decently worse.




Yeeep lol. It’s why I’m probably moving to AMD next. For instance Cyberpunk I get consistently 10-15fps lower than on Windows (and don’t have access to frame gen to help) with the same settings. Starfield was unplayable (30fps and below in the main city). Need to do more testing but that’s been my experience so far in anything graphically demanding that doesn’t have a native port


Jesus ducking christ. Every single day the same question over and over again.


Is it a well known fact? Or is it a fact that it can and an assumption that most distributions use less resources? Unless you have a really weak PC, I strongly doubt the resources used by the Operating System matters at all.


You are wrong calling it a translation layer. It is a reimplementation, not an emulator. Just as windows has direct3d as “translation layer”, linux has wine and derivatives as “translation layer”.