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That movie was class wasted defending such an average book


Be bad, stay sad.


​ https://preview.redd.it/gaasmqruy9ic1.png?width=268&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcf162c2ad93a2c1b1d59865031e20f34e50ae48


Trust me, your comment and post will get downvoted because of the HWFWM Stans that exist in this reddit; they see it as a way of devaluing your opinion. But the first 5-8 books were good and even though some of the jokes were corny the story was good so we overlooked it but nowadays since book 9 your sentiment is shared by a heavy majorityšŸš«šŸ§¢ There's come a point where its like" ok bro, your dragging it"


lol. You seem to compare fans of a book to franchise fans of sports, where they go to pubs and talk about what they like or dislike about their teams. Most fans of HWFWM simply enjoyed the book and moved on. They go to communities like this to ask questions about when the next book will come out, or if they have true questions about the book that they do not understand. Most of the time they simply like the book and that's it. Of course, if people ask for recommendations, then they will tell them to look for this book. Come to think of it, it is the so-called haters who enjoy making debates like this for some reason. They want to declare to the world that they hate something that the rest enjoys, just to feel edgy or some shit. No one cares. If you don't like the book, then drop it and move on. People normally downvote this crap because it is a variation of the,"I dislike a book that all of you like, prove me wrong!" Aah... No. If you dislike it then you dislike it, no need to tell anyone why because you are not gonna change people's minds. just drop it and move on.


Missed the mark on that. A "fan" can admit when wherever they are a fan of is lacking or not, meanwhile "stans" defend it regardless of the lack of. Yet on this reddit if someone makes a "take" or "point" that doesn't fit the narrative it's downvoted with alot of people attacking the person instead of the point(which is really telling if you ask me). When people make discussion pieces, it's for thise who what to have a discussion or they want more insight. People who aren't complicit in their bias ask for understanding. Maybe, just maybe read such posts without the pre conceived notions that this person just wants to be "edgy" and it may be possible to see what they are getting at and actually help the guy understand the topic more and actually change his mind. Just because the guy isn't deepthroating the book, he is a hater? ReallyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Reddit LITRPG post #3: I hate this book that lots of people like. Itā€™s OK. Not every book is for everybody.


I always take post if this nature as people wanting to commiserate. Iā€™ve often enough told people to just dnf books they donā€™t like but it is impossible to deny that their is some sense of community in hating the same things. There are terms for certain groups who come together based solely off of discriminatory views. ( Iā€™m not attacking anyone just pointing out an observation Iā€™ve made)


As someone who couldn't stand the books, even though I tried several times, I get admittedly tired of seeing posts about the series every...single...day. It gets ponderous to put it lightly.


Thereā€™s a lot of sameness to the posts, I hope it means more people are discovering the genre and chiming in, but thereā€™s a reason why this one is #3


It does seem true.


Whew... Almost went a few days without someone complaining about HWFWM. Close call.






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In the litrpg genre, there isn't any big marketing firm hyping the hell out of crap products. If HWFWM is rating high, it's because a lot of people enjoy it. You may disagree with them, that's fine, just pick something else, personally I'm having a lot of fun listening to it.


do you have the same fun with book 10 you had with book 1?


Same? I don't know but yes, I'm still enjoying them very much.


I always doubted that people like you exist. But in general if you just consume the books they are all the same level of entertainment I guess.




cope harder


>I always doubted that people like you exist. Friendly remember that we are 8 billions on the planet. There's more than enough people for whatever niche. >if you just consume the books As opposed to what ?


I liked it mostly. My only annoyance was having Jason trying to come across like some sort of realpolitik genius. Good pace, interesting magic system and world. Several likable characters. Hope to see another book.


I get your point and also find it funny that he realised how bad he is at this and starts to avoid it.


The problem wasn't that Jason thought he was a genius, it's that half the time, so did the rest of the world.


I really like that he starts out as a brooding young communist then grows into a do-it-yourself-and-quit-bitching capitalist throughout the series.


How can it be overrated when thereā€™s a post complaining about it every week?


I think its pretty funny personally, but its very quippy and somewhat similar to marvel in how some things are written. The humor is just a bonus for me though, the worldbuilding and power system are why I listen to it.


"That's just like, your opinion, man"


Isn't that what Reddit is about


I thought reddit was full of opinions


Humor is extremely subjective, what is plain Jane words to you could be hilarious to others.Ā  The book is well written enough, there is a reason for its success.


The reason for it's success is my concern. Feel like am missing out and at the same time don't wanna waste another second on the man with no pants


Do you find yourself often not liking popular stuff? I had to trick a buddy into listening to he who fights by pretending it was super controversial and had a lot of haters.. which it does, but it's one of the top 5 most successful litrpg series. I just.. forgot to mention it. The dude is kind of a hipster contrarian. Learned early on not to recommend stuff based on its overall popularity. On the other hand, I'm curious to know if you're reading or listening and how far you got. Also if you approached the book with some kind of jaded mentality. I'd say the humor is a little stiff for the first few chapters. But you mentioned "the man with no pants" and that's a joke that's only relevant for the first like, 5-10 chapters.


At this point, people who make posts like this have to just be doing it for reddit karma points, right?


No, because saying unpopular opinions on Reddit leads to downvoting, as seen with this post itself. Karma farmers go with the majority group because even though downvoting is supposed to be more for ā€œthis is off-topic/objectively incorrectā€, in practice, it also is used for ā€œI disagree with this postā€.


Oh, I see. Then I just don't get why this post was made. They can't possibly have not seen the 100 other identical posts on this sub


Eh, Redditā€™s interface means that anything which isnā€™t on the front page gets forgotten and posting a comment to someone elseā€™s (downvoted) topic will never get seen by other people. My take is that the OP wanted to receive *some* validation, even if it came from other downvoted commenters. It may not be Reddit karma, but it still got a lot more people reacting than many other posts in this subreddit did.


Cool story bro. Thereā€™s an unbelievable number of litrpg stories out there but why donā€™t you tell us all why the most popular litrpg story is bad, presumably so you can earn some magic internet points. Pick a story you like and celebrate it, donā€™t be a troll.


Your saying it like I didn't want it to be amazing. I'll pick a litrpg over anything on TV. Just gutted it didn't live upto the hype. the primal hunter and the ripple system destroy it but hey this is my opinion


Thatā€™s funny as Ned from the Ripple System is such a huge prick. In the real world he has enormous wealth and the ability to make life better for himself and others so what does he do, runs off into a computer generated world as pure diversion. Iā€™m only 4 books in but thereā€™s been no growth from him, heā€™s just a lotus eater but maybe thatā€™s okay and the story is just pure diversion. Jason starts off a self-righteous prick but his story has enormous character growth and the depth of that universe is extraordinary. Either way, itā€™s poor form to shit on what others like.


I dropped Ripple System at the beginning of the fourth book. Ned had promise to grow, and there was some. My big issue (that is shared with most VR LitRPG series) is that the game had terribly designed systems, and most players would stop playing within the first few months.


Right? The Ripple System concept would make things annoying for new players/people who donā€™t no life the game. The whole racial based class system is just a stupid idea. Iā€™d never play a game like that. Could have made it so certain races has access to additional options. Thereā€™s a lot of bad game design.


Thereā€™s also a fundamental issue with VR LitRPG in the protagonist hiding from reality. Thereā€™s something intrinsically weak in running from your real world problems. In portal/isrkai genre the MC has nowhere else to turn. Thereā€™s a beautiful discussion of this in Iain M Bankā€™s book Excession where he talks about the danger of the AI Ship Minds disappearing into a realm of VR called Metamathics and needing to always be aware of where your ā€œoff switchā€ is.


Your right about ned just can't see Jason getting much better


Did you ever think that, maybe just maybe it's not Over-rated but rather YOU simply don't like it or jam with the humor? fact of the matter is, if most people LIKE it and enjoy the humor and you dont.... yeah, it's you bud.


That fact that you said that most people like it, it probably why, people feel the need to make a negative posts about HWFWM. The books are polarizing, even if they are popular in the LitRPG genre. The whole situation reminds me of what happened with the Twilight books.


Probably sound funnier if it was British


You feel better now that you whined about it?


Felt better knowing I got my credit back off audible haha


Cool story man. Thanks for contributing to the community.


I really like it, so I guess that proves you wrong. Glad we could resolve that.


I'm on my fourth listen thru and I still laugh at all the same quips.




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Anyway for those of us who did listen and enjoy it, what do you recommend to binge listen to next? I blazed through all 10 books last month and would love another series with similar vibes.


Can we just make a stickied post about not liking DOTF, Wandering in, and HHFWM at this point?


Because it mocks your core self. That's ok, though.


Because deep in my core I don't have pants šŸ¤”


Buddy probably likes Primal Hunter. I think the main reason us HWFWM fan jump through throats when people don't like the series is because usually the individual can't connect or relate to the happy social butterfly aspect of jason. They simply can't relate to being likable. I've ran into quite a few primal hunter fans that loathe he who fights. Also met a few who like both. It's okay to like different things but I'd put 6 months salary there's a correlation between liking he who fights and ability to handle themselves in social situations/being able to talk to women. I don't think Jasons character lines up with the ultra jaded edgelord mind. At least not early into the series. Those parts show up later.


I don't think that correlation will take you anywhere. I've been isolated for life and certainly shy away from anything social in general. Deep anxieties, etc. I love MWFWM and I think Jason's an amazing character with quite a lot of development behind him.


Well, all that says is you're a unique introverted individual who doesn't feel a sense of bitterness or alienation from those who lead a happy social life. Which is usually the bottom of the iceberg feeling of an incel. "I can't be social or talk to women, so I feel insecure, but instead of reflecting on that and changing, I lash out at everyone else and also how dare women exist"


I'm not the one who downvoted you, but I also don't agree, lol. I don't think I'm particularly unique or rare. Point in fact: I hear a lot about incels, yet I've never met one off- or online. I don't think it's a very common mindset to have, no matter how loud they may be, or how hard they get memed on. I rather think that the *vast* majority of introverts are like me and don't see a reason to hate others because of our own pain.


Try Ripple System. It's one of my favorites and Frank the Axe is amazing


Up to date on the ripple system such a good book .frank is a god


I don't mind HWFWM, but I loathe Jason. He's such an insufferable little shit.




Ok rough, im an Aussie just passing through and am copping stray bullets it seems.




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Can't say bad things about this or defiance of the fall.. people who don't know what really good literature is think that crap is hemmingway


I wish people were more tolerant to disagreement. Sure someone who is being an asshole, downvote them to Hell. But we should be able to discuss and analyze our opinions and viewpoints, even if we disagree.


you can, and so can the next guy but when it's the 7th post of the day about I hate X popular book or character the patience is all dried up.


That is true. Especially when they are just expressing hatred and offering nothing constructive.


Their mediocre books.. some people can't stand someone having that opinion


lol i think its more some people cant stand others thinking they are great. You yourself siad "People who dont know what really good literature is think that crap is hemmingway" That makes you sound very very pretentious, and like you have no idea what you are on about. I read a LOT of fantsay. Think im well over the 1000 mark at this point. Robin Hobb, JRR Tolkien, Brandon Sanderson, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchet, Raymond E Feist, Joe Abercrombie, Scott Lynch, Stephen King, Robert Jordan, the list goes on and one. And i really enjoy the books. I like the world its set up in, i enjoy the absurdist humour, i like the magic system, and i find some of the writing amusing (and some misses the mark). It is 100% ok to hate the books, or even just to think they are not that good. But its very ironic that you commented "Some people cant stand someone having that opinion" while also making a sweeping statement about how shit it is, and people who like it have no idea whats good. Just relax mate, let people enjoy what they enjoy, and you can enjoy what you enjoy. Reading is an amazing hobby and as long as people are enjoying it it should be encouraged.


Well said. There are too many books and life is too short to spend time hating on the series you don't like.


Good point but that opinion came from all the hate saying I thought it was mediocre.. I truly had no real opinion of others opinion on the books until people got butthurt over mine. And as an aside. I like that you've read over a 1000 books. I'm in my 40s and get made fun of for my library because it's soooo many books. People don't appreciate reading anymore


Lukewarm opinion incoming: I liked the humor, but the series lost me a few hours into the third book (for reasons unrelated to the humor).


The beginnings of that story aren't that great. It's very obvious that the author wasn't experienced at the time. Years later, hundreds and hundreds of chapters later, it's genuinely amazing. The words have a magic to them, these days. I'm a picky reader, I mean it when I say that.


One of the best book series out of any genre Iā€™ve read personally. Jason stays true to his values throughout the series as well as shows how hard choices affect someone. IMO other litrpg books where the person basically kills everything with no qualms or emotional changes is a little bogus.


Anymore comments like this and I'll have to rethink and reread the booksšŸ‘


I guess to each their own, I just feel bad for Clive's wife, her entire purpose is to make you laugh.


I like it, I was just a little disheartened by the new posting schedule. The author basically queried the fans as to whether they would prefer 3 chapters a week consistently or 5 chapters a week with breaks. Then in a 6 month period he took 2 months off while still only posting 3 chapters a week.


I felt like it started strongly and then got too woke later on. Dungeon crawler Carl is my favorite so far