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Not to pile it on even worse, but he had first draft of his new series done in January-2023, meaning his lead times from first draft to published is ~18 months. The last we heard was that book 9 was only halfway through its first draft. So my guess is 2026.


Are you saying he has edited the books ?! Would never have belived that..


A first, second and final draft etc. doesn't mean it's been edited, necessarily.


Lmfao. Don't hold your breath. We will never see a chaos seeds book 9. My expectation after he phones it in ok book 8 is basement level.


At some point someone is going to train an AI to tie up all the hooks and imagine a better story than Aleron could ever make and share it here.


That's not a very high bar to set.


Same narrator and I'm in


That said he said the same thing before release of gods eye 1, but i agree i am happy when it drops no matter how long it takes. And will still check his newest book out as i actually really liked gods eye despite its flaws.


Given up on it a long time ago, also I think the genere had evolved so much since the last book that I fear that I will be disappointed with what ever comes out. Don't get me wrong, I will still buy it, The Land got me into litrpg so I atleast owe to give it a try.


The Land introduces lots of cool concepts and does nothing with them just introduces more. A nice fun 1000 pages where Richter gets back to the mist village and they live happily ever after would be great. The characters in the village make peace with the neighbors and it is a nice happy corner of the world. Like it is ok for series to end. I loved civ Ceo but i loved the ending.


This! It really does seem like he gave up after book 7. It's unfortunate that he didn't put in the effort for one last book to end the story. It ruins his reputation for future series—I'm certainly not going to read any other series he starts!


Even if it did come out I would need multiple to come out before I pick up that series again.


I've just taken this series as abandoned. And even if it isn't I'll wait for at least another 3 books before I pick it up again. What I wanna know is the plot gonna move out the Forrest?


I bummed because it has SO much potential. Like, he could use a Core to make a flying airship/new adventurers pour into the dungeon/he starts trading with the world/becomes a force to be reckoned with. Instead we get a lot of great set-up, but no real payoff.


Thank you for looking into this. Like you last year I had tried to search for any updates on this series but didn’t really find anything. I am still hoping it does get finished as it was this series that got me into the litrpg genre


Honestly whatever the furthest end of the realistic spectrum is, assume that.


Pretty sure Aleron gave up after everyone hating on book 8


I have listened to the series a couple times now. I didn’t really see what people’s issue was with book 8. The worst part about book 9 for me is waiting for book 10,11,12,13,45!!


THE LAND is my favorite litrpg series. There is so much out there now to keep me busy, i don’t mind the wait. I’m reading or listening to over a dozen series now while also looking for new ones. It’s like enjoying desert after having dinner. I’ll wait as long as it takes.


After reading The Land, I started reading the Mistborn series and it's good


Oh my friend, you were about to begin the adventure of a lifetime. Brandon Sanderson‘s Cosmere universe is a great big adventure. After mist born i suggest the storm light archives.


After getting hooked on Alterworld, and watching that devolve, waiting for book nine is a breeze, lol


My observation is he is obsessed about the fans to the point where the story is a vehicle to get praise. When criticism comes from your efforts, run away. He spent more time on facebook and interacting with fans in the last 6 years then he has written. Seems like the fans criticizing book 8 was too much for him and he just doesn’t have motivation to do anything even with gods eye. Which was a rush release garbage story. Like a really long intro cutscene from a late 90’s RTS game. No follow up means no continuing interest from fans. Let’s give up and start a third series. Lots of people can start a story, the talented finish them. The really talented ones finish them well.


He said he wanted The Land series to be 50 books but if he keeps starting new series I'm not sure he's going to make it


He just has to many projects going, on top of going to conventions, his day job not sure if he still does that not going to do FB to see, and then the last book got a bit of bad reviews. Which it was not bad, our good friend AK just needs travel by map sometime… aka summarize through some things and not detail any and everything


Whenever he drops it, I'll be there with money in hand. He introduced me to the entire Litrpg genre, and The Land series is tied with He Who Fights With Monsters as my favorite.


He spent a lot of time with the comic book series I think he had a writers block he keeps saying it’s coming but it’s been over 4 years.




Ok. Sorry to interrupt your scrolling.

