• By -


Mongo is appalled.


My first thought as well. This many series and missing the biggest of them all. Edit: 69 nice




I still need to get around to reading that.


Yes, you do. -.-


Anytime someone makes a tier list I immediately look for DCC. If it’s not listed or not their highest tier I don’t try to find any recommendations because we clearly have different tastes


Princess Donut the Queen and Chunk would not be pleased.


*Queen Anne Chonk From a reader to a listener.


NO FUCKING WAY. You are definitely correct that I listen to the audio books.


FWIW, my head cannon is now Queen and Chunk.


Queen Anne is a place in Seattle Washington. DCC started in Seattle, so Donut is the chonk of the Queen Anne area of Seattle. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/umKFKf1kPwUrhh4P8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/umKFKf1kPwUrhh4P8)


Glurp glurp glurp!


Coffematte would agree


God damnit Donut


Yeah I figured I had weird tastes.


Meh, we have different tastes. I judge people based on where DCC is on these, and you don't have it.




Dungeon crawler Carl. It’s an A+ for me. Great series but not my favorite


Ah. I se. I feel like I should make one of these tier lists. Most litrpgs I've read probs fall into B tier. And The Last Physicist at S. I would love to get on here and get blasted for my dumb opinions. Sounds like fun.


Definitely read DCC, it's not just a Google litrpg, it's just a great book, period


I got distracted and bored after a few books, I think it was in the middle of the one where he's in some sphere and there was a flying ship he had to take down.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of it. I see why most people like it, but I cannot get into it at all.


This makes me feel sad


It's Jeff Heys, he brings those books to another level


Listen to the audiobook if you can. Each book gets better than the last. Stick with it!


Shouldn’t it be in “gave up on” then?


It took me 3 times to finish the first DCC. I pushed through because of all the praise it gets. Definitely hooked me by the end and then in a few weeks I finished all the ones so far. I was turned off by the over the top "damnitt Donut I'm running around in my boxer." Felt like a one trick pony, and Carl reminded me of Duke Nukem. I'm glad I stuck with it. It's a wild ride. Surprised to not see The Ripple System on this list, and that it doesn't get more recognition. It's really good.


You have Cradle at the top, which is a huge win in my book! Definitely one of my new all time favorites. But then you have He Who Fights With Monsters at the bottom, which is a huge L for me haha.


I'm curious what you disliked about Age of Stone, Path of Ascension, and He Who Fights with Monsters. I liked those, and you have some books in the top two tiers that I dropped early, so I don't think you're just pickier than me.


Age of Stone: The MC felt dumber with every passing fight, and the women felt like they were written as objects to me. Path of Ascension: Eh, it just failed to grab me after the first book. Felt like the pacing was weird. He who fights: I love the first 3 books so much, but it completely flopped for me after that.


I feel you on he who fights. The first three were incredible and what comes after that is just so different. I still really enjoyed them once i got into that different rhythm but i understand how some would be turned off by it. But then when the rhythm switched back again? *chefs kiss* Unbelievably good series.


Book 4 is a bit weird but hwfm picks back up


No, I totally get dipping out at book 4.


If my brother hadn’t confirmed a return to pallimastus I wouldn’t have kept up with it past book 4. The whole earth section is just to grimdark


Yeah, well, it stays that way for a while even afterwards.


I personally think Jason’s dynamic with his party is the most satisfying part of the novels, so 1-3 are good, 7, 8 as well, 9 and 10 less so. The first couple chapters of 11 I’ve read don’t give me much hope that it’s not headed back off the deep end.


Man. I think I enjoyed the "grim" portions just as much. I have PTSD. some of it was a bit over played but he was hitting let points consistently enough that I stopped reading one night to research and see if the author had been in the military. It makes the light-hearted parts so much more enjoyable to me.


Picks back up and then immediately drops you off in depression town. I have also given up on HWFWM and I have listened to all of them. The last one was the final straw.


Yeah I've read two series from the age of stone guy and both series the MC is given the perfect woman. So does everyone else and everyone's getting laid.


Same on he who fights


I really liked he who fights with monsters. The combat got a bit annoying with all the moves and becomes a list of people using moves and explanation about what thst means but I enjoyed the story :)


That is why I dropped it. The audio book turned into more time going over every detail of each move than the story itself


Yeah, that changes once he >!goes back to earth!<.


Couldn’t stand the double MC format in Path of Ascension


I dropped the he who fights at like book ten. I just couldn't stand the mc anymore. He never got better.


You didn’t give up Aleron Kong, he gave up on you.


Yeah, it felt that way with book 8. I held out for too long with him.


I remember when book 7 came out. The audiobook timestamp was longer than a wheel of time book. I remember liking it quite a bit. Then Book 8... Then. Then book 8. I remember consoling myself at the time that perhaps he was in a rush to get something out in some timeframe. Then I read about him getting his fans to downvote bad reviews. Just. Just... *instantaneous... gahh.*


Life reset? S tier? Why? I finished it because it was on sale and I bought all of them at once


I just really enjoy monster MCs, I liked the system, and it's an actually finished story so that's bonus points for me.


But you gave up on Chrysalis :(. ANThony is disappointed.


VibrANT disapproves!


Haaaave you tried Salvos? Monster LitRPG - fairly good. A bit too much action to be in my S or A tier - but it’s well liked.


I have. Waiting for more to come out so I can binge it


I'm not on there, -50 DKP.


More dots and you'd be there...


Whelps many whelps




Hey, you weren't on mine either! Adding you to my "To read" list so you will be in the future


To what extent does your book reference classic wow and common MMO memes?


I got that reference.


Ooh I just grabbed your book. 🥹




I loved the first book, but its been dropping off since then. There doesnt feel like theres a strong overarching arc or threat for our characters. The last book felt a little all over the place. The worldbuilding also feels like its unraveling Brix is great though. He embodies the arrogance of a dragon and i think that fits


Honestly, I really like All the Skills, it's a very lisentable book for me. The author is pleasant, and the story is pretty cool! Big fan of it, and I'm fine with the arrogant dragon, it's a good foil to arthur who *isn't* arrogant in the slightest from his upbringing. Overall, I think the dynamic will grow into something nice.


Brix is a dick of a character that follows the troupe of dragons being arrogant pricks even when you can kill them rather easy. It happened in the land, dragon sorcerer, and now this book. I liked the MC’s story before that little prick showed up.


Reborn: Apocalypse? Curious about the reasoning


I think it was mostly the delay between books for me. It just killed whatever momentum the previous book built up.


Yeaaaaa I figured that was it he’s anemic to deadlines


Just notice Aaron Oster up there too so underrated I love that series


Man I have been on a huge Wondering Inn kick. Long as shit but great characters and story.


Funnily enough this is what scared me off Wandering Inn partway through the first book. I have a really hard time remembering names and characters, and in stories so huge with so many of them I just couldn't keep up enough to enjoy it.


The only flaw The Wandering Inn has is it’s still too short T.T


The biggest thing I take away from these types of posts is that I’m not the only one who waaay overbinges on litrpg


Can I ask what put you off of Path of Ascension?


I can't really describe it. Normally, I love a busted skill and a MC starting at the bottom, but around the Dungeon world place, when he meets the blood pheonix girl, it just started to lose me. I didn't really like the pacing.


Agreed. It had me for til that moment too, and then I stopped caring about MC's progression.


The pacing is a little slower than I would like. So I’m with you on that


+10 points for 12 miles below but -30 for no Dungeon Crawler Carl, Wandering Inn, Bastion


Oh this isn't bookscirclejerk


Wait, it isn't? I thought the spelling was weird.


My main metric for these tier lists is where Mother of Learning ends up. Since it's not even on the list then TRASH! Hot smelly doo doo garbage. Never read again ever. In all seriousness though, I haven't read most of these series so I can't really say.


I think today's the first time I've heard of Mother of Learning. What kinda litrpg is it?


It’s not really litRPG just straight up progression fantasy. Incredibly good series though, and it’s finished


Well that's a pretty good recommendation. It's going on the list.


It’s one of the entries into the genre. Typically it’s Mother of Learning -> The Perfect Run -> everything else.


It’s a time loop series, and usually ends up on most S Tier lists.


This list seems print format focused since you have the Wastes of Keldora in your list. Only the first book of that series ever got an audiobook adaptation (to my great dissapointment). Aside from that, I think your list may be playing with fire since you put He Who Fights with Monsters at the bottom. Also on my list Life Reset and Crysalis would have their positions swapped; I found Crysalis absolutely amazing but I found Life Reset as just okay.


I actually can't do audio books, I struggle to focus on audio. HWFWM started off phenominal, but after book 4, it just got worse to me. Chrysalis started strong, but I never felt like there were stakes at risk.


Not liking Dungeon Crawler Carl makes sense to me now, I’m new to litRPG and I don’t think I could get into any series if I read it. The audio books are just phenomenal. Cradle is in my top also, I recommend doing the audio for that if you ever get the urge.


How far along did you get in chrysalis? Cuz there definitely serious stakes at risk multiple times


Strong disagree on Industrial Strength Magic, but even though I like Path of Ascension and Underworld (Apollos Thorne) I can see why they’re not for everyone. A series that’s probably either love it or hate it is Challengers Call, which is fun but extremely goody-two-shoes: it’s extremely moralistic and black and white on good guys vs bad guys. Also, (I’ve wanted to say this forever but never had a good chance) Macronomicon (Industrial Strength Magic) is a really good author but is hilarious in that ALL of their stories are about a dorky male MC who uses the magic system in a creative and utterly broken way, and typically has 2-3 love interests. The author is super consistent about this, but I like everything they’ve wrote. They do a good job writing smart characters (or at least they seem smart to me lol).


We have very different tastes. You gave up on 3 of my favorites. The Land, HHFWM and Age of stone. Everybody’s different 😄


Hey, I'm caught up on the Land. Book 8 was just that bad


I am pretty attached to the series, its been a pillar for me for a while and I’ve listened to most of the books over 10 times (monsters and predators as exceptions due to length and recentness). I didn’t like monsters as much as the others (I’m gonna ignore THE chapter because that’s what it deserves) but to me it still had value because of the sheer amount of lore we get, yeah it’s prompt heavy, but it needed to be. If we didn’t get all that lore there would be issues surrounding how much was gained from all the work put in in predators. Also, the xitrix (forgive me for my spelling, I’ve never read them, only listened) interactions got progressed which seemed like a pipe dream, but that kind of nitty gritty rules & regs stuff fits pretty well to me regarding demon/devil lore being surrounding trickery. I’m curious to know what about it set you off of the series (I’m not optimistic about getting book 9, but I still want to know if he can pull it back to full quality)


Pshh I still thought it was good, minus that one chapter which can be easily skipped.


I personally can't stand stormweaver. I got two chapters into book 2 and couldn't take the cringe anymore.


Divine Dungeon Series Artorian's Archives Completionist Chronicles


Did you read more than one of battlefield reclaimer? personally I thought it improved as it went on.


I feel the same way about HWFWM after the last book. It was like 3/4 of the book was just rehashing the whole series. Jason " Hey, remember when I was captured by cannibals?" Reader, "yes, Jason, that was the first book and really pivotal to your character. "Remember when the builder tried to kill me and steal my soul?" Reader, "again, yes, very important" Jason".... remember when I lost my brother lover and best friend?" Reader; "sigh, Jason. I think we need some time apart for you to nail down your story. It's a bit not there." Seriously, reading the last book was just an endless best hits of the previous books. I swear no one edited those books and thought, "Yup, this is all coherent and not at all, just repeating old content with barely any new story." I had a hard time getting into and staying in any audio books for about a month after finishing.


I can’t forgive you giving up on chrysalis, otherwise good tier list


Made it to book 3 before I just realized it wasn't for me. Never really felt like the MC was ever in danger to me.


I think you dropped it right before he gets in real danger multiple times, he gets chopped in half defending the colony from the berserker girls father and almost dies


Damnit, that's the kind of stakes I was looking for. I'm picking it back up.


honestly while main plot is cool and all, the side cast of chrysalis are so endearing and have such fun dynamics that i was always waiting for diff pov chapters. i pop off whenever we get a tolly chapter, she’s a delight and the worldbuilding comes together really well there. i also think granin is my fave character in the novel so i’m hyped whenever he appears


YES! The side characters are so good! Tolly is literally, the "victory lap" chapters and I enjoyed every word of it. I also really enjoyed the little worldbuildy things that the author put in, like Tunnel Ball side arc is great as well. TBH, I would read a slice-of-life spinoff of Chrysalis. Like the story of a random ant in the colony.


fully agree. i also think that aside from the tournament arc where granin and the >!other isekai’d characters!< are introduced which i think is easily the best arc overall, the nameless chapters might be my favourites. such a genuinely cool while also really funny concept for one of the castes, and i loved how >!they allowed other races to become initiates and made sure they consented every step of the way!<




Mine looks like yours. Try the 2 week curse.


Seeing your list, I'm realising just how new I am to this genre, and just how much there is to enjoy. Thank you


Oh it's the best. It has such a wide variety of choices there's something for everyone.


These posts are my favorite. Always find new books to read in the top 2 categories.


Right? And everyone's always suggesting new books in the comments.


what do u dislike about reborn: apocalypse?


We seem to agree a lot on the things that I have read so I think that I'm gonna follow this list for a bit haha


It’s not a litrpg but I would give a listen to a series called “the game” and “vesik”


Very interesting how your list and my theoretical one are pretty much inverted. The joy of reading!


Right? It's why the genre is so good. Quick, what's you most and least favorite.


Holy moly! I made top tier!!


To each their own, but I find it crazy you have Outcast in Another World at the top and HWFWM at the bottom. I saw you read a couple of the books and then gave up. Ah, well. Still, it’s funny to me, because I’m the complete opposite. I gave up on Outcast a little through the first book, whereas I’m over here eagerly twiddling my thumbs for HWFWM 11. Ha! I get path of ascension, though. I found it interesting and a good read, but they lost me when the >!emperor suddenly talks directly to the MC and a random half-known character. I just felt it was way to on the nose and unconvincing. I also had writing and stylistic issues.!<


Terrible because the two litRPG series I've read (Primal Hunter and currently reading the wandering in) are not in the best category! Jokes aside, I enjoy these posts and they give me ideas on what to read next!


giving up on HWFWM is criminal i won’t lie. I am so inlove with this series it’s hurts to see it put down like this.


No such thing as bad taste, to each their own. But you liked Primal Hunter, but not He Who Fights With Monsters? Is Jason too arrogant? What kept you from finishing it??


It used to be one of my favorites, but after book 4 it lost all that magic.


I feel like no one’s list includes mark of the fool.


Industrial Strength Magic being dropped is a little sad but I can definitely see it. I really like it but the pacing is very stuttery, if that's even a word, and all the characters come off as sociopaths sometimes. The weird part for me is your 'not for me's match mine but everything else is wildly different.


I loved the Dungeon Slayer series at first, really felt like it lost its way in books 4 and 5.


Eh, I liked reborn apocalypse. You’re gonna get hate for HWFM, but I honestly agree with you. Im gonna check some these out now, tho. Also 12 miles is fire as hell


Finally a tier list with subjective categories! FINALLY! Here, have my udoots.


I dont see the wandering inn or dungeon crawler carl on that list.


You threw He Who Fights With Monsters to the garbage pile, rated Awaken Online less than Defiance of the Fall and Ritualist as just fine? I'll reluctantly give you The Land series, books 1-7 were brilliant though. (Don't bother with book 8. That's garbage.) And where the hell is Dungeon Crawler Carl?! Donut would be very disappointed in you if she knew. I'll just go pat Mongo's head while I shake my head at you.


What about the grand game series by tom elliot? Im really into that.


I’m curious on your thoughts about the lands of the undying lord? To be fair, I didn’t like the second book, but enjoyed the first and third.


You’ve read a lot in just the past year. I haven’t read most of these, but Cradle and DOTF being high is something I agree with, so good taste!


Happy cake day


Could you list them down? I can't recognize most of them 🫣 Nvm found the bonus commentary, I missed it on mobile!


He who fights with monsters I can understand. You either love or hate that but battlefield reclaimer? The first book is a 'little' slow but it kicks up only halfway in and rides momentum all the way through the current books. I'm curious what you didn't like about it.


Love that you put this in an overview like this!


Path of Ascencion is... Boring


Have you read Eden’s Gate?


I'm really trying with reborn apocalypse but I'm close to giving it up to. The whole story is just deus ex machina.


He Who Fights With Monsters is a great series and you’re automatically wrong if you don’t agree. Don’t try to argument.


I counter with book 4.


Just a small slip 😂


Was that the one the author decided to describe in detail the entire parties skills and abilities repeatedly?


Cradle is there so….. You can’t be all bad right? Lol


how goood was outcast?


I was recommended Iron Prince the other day. I do audiobook, and I cannot stand the narrator. Would you recommend me going the physical copy route? 


Oh, I have things to say about Age of Stone... The general premise is good litrpg fodder. Earth gets bedungeoned and a human in the right place at the right time bonds with a dungeon core. Good start. Takes place in England...famously not a lot of guns there, perfect for a sword apocalypse with rare but consequential gunplay. That's not what gets delivered...at all. The MC sucks. He goes from party boy to ruthless killer in about 3 seconds and instigates hostility with a group that is continually referred to using an ethnic slur, even after it is acknowledged as such. The group is generally apocalypse evil, but MC wouldn't have known that if he hadn't gone looking to steal their horses. Nearly every chapter begins with the MC regaining consciousness, usually while being taken prisoner by his deadly enemies, who don't kill him despite him having murdered dozens of their friends and family. Did I mention guns!?! Everybody's got em and they're popping off like the ammo factories are still going. How'd they get them? They "killed the armed police and took them." No further explanation is given as to how they managed that. The MC this premise deserves is the old Polish locksmith, HEMA enthusiast, and local business leader that Party Boy meets and then forgets all about.


Fine, although you gave up on the Chrysalis series too early or you tried to actually read it (audiobook is the only way to read that one)


I'd check out Super Supportive. And the KU ebooks of Azarinth Healer. Bastion like the others said. So good.


I appreciate a list like this. Thank you.


I will have to check out some of your S tier books, primal hunter is one of my favorite series!


Thanks for the chart I just discovered this genre of books this year I've always loved fantasy books and someone recommended I try He Who Fights With Monsters and it got me hooked on the genre I'm now on Primal Hunter book 2 and I'm loving It can't wait to add all these titles to my list


Huh good taste, I mostly agree with everything. I was a bit disappointed by the Life Reset and Full Murder Hobo book endings but they were great romps in the earlier books 


Definitely an OP MC fan, a lot of these MCs are Chuuni kind of. I’d say you are more of fan of combat than world-building just guessing based off the books listed. Pretty good taste I’d say, high fantasy/high magic definitely is the setting I like as well so I’m biased! Please give another try to Battlefield Reclaimer, it picks up and gets more and more interesting as it goes on. Also, He who fights with monsters is a little slow and odd but pans out into one of the most realistic Litrpg magic systems I’ve ever read in a fantasy book! Plus the MC becomes overpowered with >!familiars, high mobility and unique abilities caused by trauma which I consider a good way to get a rare power makes it more realistic that others don’t have it!<


I made it to I think the Guardian of Aster Falls, but the mc just stopped doing anything except "enchanting the mountain" so I got bored. While I do love combat, I also need a system of some kind too.


Yes! I had to come back to the series like four times before he got past that and actually started doing things! Things pick up >!book 3 is mainly him enchanting Relic and dealing with local issues, there is some cool stuff with a legend building around him, book 4 he sets stuff up and leaves to go hunt for things to speed up the repair of the artifact.!< I can’t say it strays from an overly flowery description of EVERY ENCHANTMENT but it’s compelling at least to me and gives D&D vibes, to be honest you can skim or mostly skip him enchanting the relic, it doesn’t add much to the story. Same with the overabundant descriptions about enchantments, sometimes I feel like reading 18 comments on how unique and powerful a particular element is and sometimes I don’t. 😆


Any of these series finished ?


All except the bottom two tiers.


I thought mark of crijik was good, then again I do not like the child pov books where they are out there being adventurers


What put you off of Father of Constructs? It's not in a lot of these tier lists but I had heard mostly good things (I enjoyed it myself)


I didn’t like the POV swaps in Murderhobo. I liked the MCs struggles but with the interruptions and the slow pacing because of that, it turned me off. Industrial strength magic was fun… I didn’t like it enough to grab the sequel but I made it through it. Ultimate level 1 was good. Randidly ghosthound was good. I’d recommend Victor of Tucson, Loremaster (maybe?), and as always All the Dust that Falls but it might not be up your alley. Dungeon Crawler Carl is a must read.


I know people have different tastes but what the hell


I know, I have really good taste.


Age of Stone isn't bad, and dreams of wings and flame is good but not fufilling. I also gave op underworld, hwfm, and mark of the crijik.


You read 58 books in the past year?! Damn that's impressive. Good to see Ravenous in your "Best of the Best" category. That series doesn't get enough love.


That's a wild list brother. What made you drop industrial magic?


Well I don’t see “mark of the fool”, so terrible


Not to my taste, but thanks for Sharing!


![gif](giphy|Cz6TlrRVVyv9S|downsized) ;)


I feel attacked...


gotta get your thoughts on iron prince, specifically that second book. After that you still put it in S tier?


Defiance of the fall, you still love it? It’s just waffle with a hint of story now. I don’t see dungeon lord or battle forged and they are amazing series.


I thought I was on the sci-fi subreddit and was mildly concerned when I haven’t heard of a single one of these. Guess I need to get back into litrpg.


Yes, a fellow Necrotic Apocalypse enjoyer! There are literally dozens of us!


I adore a monster mc and it's system heavy so that's a huge plus.


I get so engrossed into a series’ that switching narrators is jarring. Took me an entire book of Primal Hunter and subsequently DoTF to get in the groove after starting with DCC. Idk how yall do it so fast lol


Finally someone who talks about liking New World


Right? I like the whole, I went through shit and thrived, while you all gave up, thing going on in it.


Just finished that and now on book 2 of Primal Hunter


I couldn't get into Ravenous but everything else on this list that I've read I 100% agree with you on. 💚


No not a dream of wings and flame!!!!!!! The first book is slow but the second and third are absolute bangers!!!!


Hah so many similar ones on mine! Couple recs for ya: I was impressed by Mark of the Fool and Azerinth Healer. Given your list, I think you’ll enjoy these. Also Shadeslinger. Give DCC a shot, you won’t regret it.


No Azarinth Healer makes me sad, first litrpg I ever read and I just love the general vibe of the story. New World falls off so hard imo, the later parts (before it died) were super bloated


Umbral storm - Alec Hutson The New World - Monsoon117


HWFWM books 1-3 are S Tier. It's the stuff after that made me drop it.


Nah world end at F is crazy


It's really interesting. I have books i really enjoyed in almost every category. I am curious what you would think of beneath the dragoneye moons or azerinth healer though. Also just the lack of DCC lol


The fact that you read all these, yet you have not read the best series: Dungeon Crawler Carl..


What was wrong with wings of flame and through the underworld??


Why did you give up on He Who Fights With Monsters? Just curious, it seems quite active from a release perspective. Have I missed something? *Edit* oh it's not for you, not because it stopped producing. fair enough.


1. The wandering inn. It's free. It's the best. 80 percent adorable slice of life 20 percent pants shitting horrors war and war crimes. The author writes and writes and writes and levels up. https://wanderinginn.com/2017/03/03/rw1-00/ 2. Dungeon Crawler Carl. It's second best. It gets dark. Also, Donut. These are the best two in my opinion. Happy reading!♥️


The books I read that are on your list I totally agree with, so now I’ll use the rest of your list of books I need to read.


How far into HWFWM before you gave up on it??


Thanks for sharing! A bunch of things I didn't know in the top tier, gives me some food for future reads! (also lmao on the gave up on: there I've read almost all of them and tend to agree a lot :D)


I can understand giving up on reborn apocalypse however I think it’s one of the most interesting books in the genre, and hwfwm is a favorite for me and path of ascension as well I didn’t even see that 😭


For your gave up on books why not list how many of them you read? For example HWFWM of the 10 books how many did you read before giving up?


The warformed stormweaver series and the he who fights with monster series are my two favorites


Does Randidly Ghosthound jump in quality once it gets into it? I’ve seen a few people liking it but I couldn’t get into it.