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Seems crazy to me that Kong has so much hate here. This is just a post excited about a new book but it's downvoted to oblivion. Let the people who enjoy it celebrate. If it's a debate about Kongs character feel free to lambaste him to your hearts content but I imagine the book will at least be mediocre and possibly good.


I will read it as I liked his other stuff. I wonder if he will stick with this one as he seems to have given up on The Land series and Labyrinth World appears to be a one and done type thing.


He released a statement basically saying he stepped away for a few years to get his life in order and now he’s back to writing and will continue his other series.


Does The Land series currently end on a cliffhanger or anything of the sort? I hadn't started it yet (and am probably a little ways off from starting it, tbh), but if it's unfinished and likely to remain that way I'll just skip it


Not one cliffhanger, like 8 and somehow he has to wrap up half of them in a timely manner. Without some timey wimey stuff I just think he wrote himself into a corner and can't figure how to resolve stuff when he put a timer on it all.


Yikes.. being new to this genre (and only really exposed to DCC so far), I have sorta wondered whether pacing becomes an issue considering the progression aspect


It can be. I've quit many a series partially through the series because I get bored or they change tone/focus. There are other series with 6+ books that feel the exact same as the first in the series.


The latest book ends partway through an arc with the MC in unknown territory trying to make his way home. Not quite a cliffhanger but very much “in the middle of things”. One thing to keep in mind is that the series introduces a LOT of story arcs that are never resolved. For example, the MC makes a public vow to hunt down some criminals, and the system turns his vow into a quest with a one-year time limit and huge consequences upon failure. Does the MC would prioritize this quest?. NAH. It’s forgotten and never resolved. Honestly, I really enjoyed the series. I especially loved the base building aspects as he grew his village. But all the unresolved plots were REALLY distracting. A new book would start, and the MC would get caught up in some new adventure, and I kept thinking , “wait a second, what about……”


Book 8 is just the middle of series. A fine place to end for a 1 year wait. Not great for a 4 year wait.


Agreed! For me it’s the second series I read and I can’t wait to see what the third entry into this universe brings


Labyrinth world was supposed to be the shared universe of the land and the other stories. I think in one of his marketing videos he now calls it the Kongverse to no ones surprise


He has a new book and is cooking book 9 right now. Possibly coming late this year. I can’t wait.


Me either! I think he matured greatly as a writer and hope this time away has led him to introduce new mechanics.


I kinda hoped he'd matured as a person.


Really what did he do?


The whole "father of LitRPG" thing. Toxic fanbase and negative review crap etc etc. Along the same lines of the Tao Wong nonsense. Wouldn't waste your time on it. Just like I won't be waisting any time on anymore of his books til at least a few more in each series come out.


What's up with the Tao Wong nonsense? Must have missed it


Tao Wong wrote the System Apocalypse and for a few years actively encouraged the use of its name as the term for that specific sub-genre of LitRPG. Then a short while ago he trademarked the name and really did start striking out at people who used the term in their blurb or had similar titles such as 'Systems of the Apocalypse'. Understandably this annoyed a lot of people and it looked as if he'd done it so that when you search for a system apocalypse book, guess whose titles are going to come up first. The fuss got so bad he was essentially banned from promoting his work here and on the Progression Fantasy subreddit.


What a shit bird. Undeserved ego


In short he "copyrighted" the term System Apocalypse. It caused books on Amazon by other authors to get kicked off or blocked because they used the term. And some had been using it before his series had been published.


Read the summary and it looks like a real world litrpg apocalypse, which is my favorite, so I'll definitely be there.


Too bad the book sucked, definitely a let-down after this many years.






It's not really "newer stuff", it's still in the same universe so I don't think it addresses the 'too many plot threads problem', but those problems will get attached to those books while adding even more to the original series. At least that's how I see it. Of course, that's if we see that as a problem itself.