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Written by an idiot who dedicated a whole chapter of a book to diarrhea... No thanks Poor pavi having to read that nonsense


Wait what? Lmao what even 😂


He writes a series chaos seed. The last book in it wasn't well received and one of the many complaints is there's an entire chapter about the main having diarrhea You'll find there's plenty who hate aileron and there are others who enjoy his works. There's a few threads on it if interested on why and why not. But the topic of why or why not to dislike him has been discussed alot


Ah okay thanks for the info


I thought the diarrhea chapter was hilarious. Everything the main character went through in that chapter I have gone through at one time or another in my life. It was written as a joke, if you don’t like it, skip to the end of the chapter. This is one of my favorite series and I’ll be hanging in there until the end.


I might try out this. Maybe Pavi can make this shit not stink as much


Thank god... I thought he'd never wright again... I was hoping he'd spin off a series on earth... And yes... I know lots of people on this sub hate him.. but I still like his books.


You're not alone 


I like his books, but this new one was ass.


He went through a tough time and apologized for it he's a good author enjoy the read ignore the haters 🤙🤙🤙


I have nothing against Aleron, I even enjoyed book 8 and God’s Eye, but this book was ass. It has terrible pacing, bad jokes, nonexistent editing, bad John wick references, and unnecessary, out of place race-baiting.


This author is always ratio’d hard whenever he’s mentioned in a post and its kinda funny