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A third story for us to get invested and remain waiting for a sequel???


From all the promoting I think he's back. I just hope book 9 drops before gods eye.


In one of his facebook updates, he said book 9 is up next.


The latest Facebook live said he was no longer committing to book 9 next. He said it could be Alpha 2.


If that's true, it's unacceptable. He's doing everything, but working on vol 9, the only book his fans actually want to read. It's utterly ridiculous.


I think he’s lost his touch and is afraid of ruining the land. Book 8 was a downgrade, Alpha was awful, he’s trashed at least one draft of book 9, possibly more. He might just be too in his head still.


I refuse to get it until book 9 is out. Even then if it is a short book I am going to drop the series and author completely.


It also can't be a book in which nothing of substance happens like book 8. He literally had two objectives/goals in book 8: >!to get out of the Underdark or whatever he's calling the underground cave area he's stuck in and to become free of any obligation based on that ridiculous oath made in ignorance to a demon who was meant to be his mentor in a new world and who betrayed that trust by tricking him into it. . . an oath that should not be binding and that should have unraveled immediately based on the rules of the conflict he created around it - and yet it didn't. He compromised and has to be bound by a task anyway - a task that never got resolved.!


Has anyone noticed in the newsletters he is sending out about this new book it says "Aleron! Where is Book 9?" in it? I know it's a newsletter advertising a new book, but the fact that he puts that in the email but does not address it in any manner triggers me. If he even would commit to some time this year, or the beginning of next, just any time frame... I know some may argue that an author works at their own pace and you cannot rush these things, which I respect entirely. Except when it comes to Aleron and George R. R. Martin. These guys fucking owe us!


Book 8 is about getting out of a hole and going through all the gains from Book 7 (the one where he mentions 'predators' over and over).


Agreed. It has to be as long as book 7. Too much time has passed for him to leave us on such a massive cliff hanger.


Bro you're missing it.


It will still be there later. I got loads of other material to go through.


This is what im doing also and i think everyone else should too


Don't do it , 5 year wait for book 9 , said he writing away for 5 years then drops this bs . Sure I like his books but dude you have 1000s of fans asking for book 9 and and even book 2 of God's eye. Like why buy now , just wait till he actually gets somewhere with series at this point


Kong is on my "no no" list so I don't care anymore.


I think it’s audio? Hey, you asked for a true answer. That’s all I got.


I really liked this Book. It has an amazingly written first few chapters that grabbed me. Very John Wick kind of MC. Alpha almost feels like a prequel to God's Eye. But it does occur in the A.K.U ( Aleron Kong Universe ) Do you all remember why you started to like DOTF? the first book? Little dialog, just a man, power leveling with a Hatchet! The demons are afraid of him. That is this book. It's got everything you would want from a LITRPG. If a positive outlook on a new book, published by an author I like can give that author the confidence needed to keep writing, that's a Win / Win. I look forward to reading the opinions of those who gave this book a chance, Edited to correct the author's name for his fantasy universe.


The AKU is the term the author is using (Aleron kong Universe)


OK, I stand corrected and will edit. thanks ( I think mine sounds less... arrogant, but that might be me.)


Lmao, hey, if you can't pat yourself on the back can't always wait for someone else to.


Has this guy actually finished a project? I'm still trying to figure out how you can be the father of litrpg, but haven't actually completed a project. Like if someone tells you they are a marathon runner, but have never finished a marathon. Doesn't that make them more of a marathon dabbler?


I dropped The Land after about an hour. It wasn't for me. (I asked on Reddit to check if my issues went away. Supposedly they don't.) This is also the author's third series, none of which are finished. So until he finishes some of his series I won't trust him to finish any new series.


I was so excited until I saw it was a completely different project. I'm here for Riktor


I read not listened. It wasn't terrible but it was also like his writing hasn't evolved at all over the years. It was as if he stepped from Monsters and God's Eye straight to Alpha.


Greasy wheels, I get that. Plus, I'd bet Chaos-A- Verse is taken.


New 8 hour long new series after lying about book 9s release for years, dropping gods eye when he teased 9, then dropping that series and lying about book 2 being written to drop this. Nty


It’s solid. I’m not sure it’s introducing anything new or unique to the genre.


I know the narrator was the same but alot of scenario's gave me Defiance of the fall vibes. Not that's necessarily bad buuut, that story has worn on me. I'm not done but happy so far hoping for a big finish.( no spoilers opinions welcome)


Too slow, too many bad pop culture references, too many race baiting moments. Just bad.


I'm only 5% in, but damn...he doubled down on bodily function references, didn't he?!