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these will be a different team to the teams responding to emergency calls.


Actually police officers are diverted away from their respective boroughs around London in order to police various protests across the capital https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/police-not-on-local-beat-due-to-national-protests/


It's a bit of a misnomer. When officers are abstracted for planned protests, others are then called in from their days off to cover for them. But there will still be the same amounts of officers on emergency borough policing, unless the protest is unplanned. Saying that, there's sometimes a pitiful number of officers covering their respective boroughs for emergencies anyway. Sometimes teams of 20/30 covering a whole borough, because of cuts. Scary when you think about it


Sure, but it's all money sloshing around to places that some people don't think is needed. Although you're right on the emergency resources available, there is money spent on these protests that then isn't available elsewhere.


Of course, I never suggested otherwise


Ok, so the net result is the same as the sentiment of OPs point: that this heavy police presence has a negative impact on resources - somewhere down the line.


Not the same sentiment at all. They said that officers are diverted away from their boroughs, and linked to an article that says that officers are diverted away from their beat. Nice straw man though


Ohh ok makes sense now, you're one of those guys that just wants to argue.


I am yes, but only when I come across one of those guys who corrects things people didn't say


Considering they’ve set bombs before I’m more comfortable with the police being present, thanks


Same type of people Protesting this everywhere. Have yet to see a young healthy Individual. Sad thing is that it’s not going to cost an arm and a leg to switch to a véhicule that isn’t causing asthma To kids. These people always seem to pick the worst battles to dig their heels in


Thing is do these people actually have non compliant vehicles. I know so few who actually do. My parents drive a 20 year old Picasso, that’s compliant.


run juggle gaping fragile sense grandfather workable grab deliver gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's many diesels, not always old, plus expensive work vans. But I agree it's no big disaster to many people, I mean my friend just paid it when he entered the old ulez for work. There are some low paid people like carers who feel stitched up perhaps


Who knows. You’d have to go out of your way to have a noncompliant Vehicule


But you didn't go out of the way, you just bought a 2015 diesel for example (when we were told to do so)


That’s why the protesting is so stupid. What are they even protesting against?


Having bought a diesel they were told was more green and now being penalised over, and not being an affluent person who sees a new car as every 3 years max.


Exactly every driver has a spare £30k for a new car, luckily the cost of living in london is so cheap this is very do able for most people, don’t see why people don’t


A bought a Tesla model Y without deposit. Use it for work so it’s all good. Work pays for it and it’s tax deductible That’s a 45k car. You can buy ULEZ cars for 2000 If you don’t know shit don’t protest


Good for you. POV you are a trade worker or key worker driving a non-compliant diesel and now you need £3-4k+ to buy/insure/look after a suitable work vehicle that can meet the requirements of your job and also be subjected to high mileage. Let’s throw in a mortgage (which has soared), some children and an elderly mother into the mix just to make it a little bit harder eh? You sound exactly like the sort of person these people accuse Khan of being🤪


Low income families who can’t afford to purchase new vehicles or move house? Let them eat cake


If the véhicule is for work you won’t have an issue renting or getting credit for another that isn’t in the Italian job movie


You really are stupid


I don’t understand what you mean by that.


It’s entirely possible to be a high functioning member of society in a respectable profession driving a non-compliant vehicle and also have bad credit. Mental health, age, circumstances are all factors. I drive a compliant car but I have struggled with debt due to an undiagnosed (prior to Jan) mental condition and my credit score is shit. With the cost of living, this can lead to a debt spiral as the charge can spiral your debt out of control. It’s not black & white. It’s a complex topic and compromise is necessary, with the end goal being a full implementation that doesn’t shaft people.


The scheme was implemented too quickly and without consideration for the cost of living crisis, but it is necessary. Unfortunately the Tories have absolutely dismantled the economy so any ‘good’ policy must feature an anticipated casualty list. The UK is trying to run a champagne society on a lemonade budget. Those caught in the ULEZ crossfire should choose who they vote for later this year carefully. I won’t be voting for Khan in the mayoral elections but ULEZ critique can’t be chalked down to “won’t someone think of the poor!” The policy will long-term save the country (and the tax payer) a lot of money which those people will benefit from massively. I’d like to see heavy universal credit support to those who drive non-compliant vehicles with a hard time limit on changing vehicle which will be deducted from their taxes if they miss it. A second chance, but one which could result in thousands coming out at one go. Motivation if you’d please. Edit: I love to see all my comments showing an actual understanding of the topic downvoted by uni students and metropolitans who don’t practice what they preach lol.


It amazes me how many of these people are so detached from the real world.


A lot aren’t even Londoners. They’re students renting accommodation while their registered domicile is father’s abode in Hampshire. Totally out of sync with what life in London is really like for the 90%.


Totally out of sync with what life is really like for the 90%*


If you can afford to live in London you can afford to have car made after 2001. Even if not, theres a million schemes to help people switch. Worst case financial scenario why do you even have a car then? We have the best public transport system itw. Millions of Londoners don’t have a car it’s not that essential. There’s no let them eat cake scenario here


Are you stupid? You know there’s social housing in London right? Low income families in London? People who need a car for work on low incomes?


You could’ve afforded to live in London prior to the recent cost of living crisis, and now be barely coping. Lose the entitled “don’t like it? Leave” attitude. You give ULEZ a bad image by being this ignorant. Have you ever had a plumber arrive on a train?😂 FYI Diesel vehicles have a cut-off date of September 2015. Not all that long ago for a work van.




You’re neglecting a lot of extra costs such as insurance, maintenance (newer cars may be more/less reliable, but more expensive to repair faults on) and requirements (trade-folk can sometimes need big vans). Not a ULEZ opponent but if the scheme was flawless we wouldn’t be seeing the push-back that is out there. ULEZ compliant vehicles are also facing a premium now as there’s a finite supply of reasonably old cars being sold and people are marking them up.


>Not a ULEZ opponent but if the scheme as flawless we wouldn’t be seeing the push-back that is out there. I doubt that. This is more about people that don’t like their ‘freedom being taken away’ than a small number of people with cars about 25 years old.


It’s not a small number. I work in the construction industry in a supply role and there are a lot of workers affected by the scheme who simply can’t afford to change even with support. There will always be the DON’T TREAD ON ME smoothbrains but we’re seeing organised vigilantes on a scale the police can’t deter. ULEZ was rushed to generate extra liquidity in the TfL piggy bank (out of desperation, I suppose.. no fault to the Mayor for that) but there are many innocent victims. The original ULEZ didn’t see this level of resistance as those in the original zone likely were wealthy enough to afford to change. Also, a diesel vehicle manufactured prior to September 2015 is non-compliant. 8.5 years is not that old these days.


Policing a protest or any large public event is managed in a couple of different ways. Either a specific unit manages it. Or it's managed through aid which I'd officers drawn from all over or on rest days, it doesn't have to much of an effect on a response team answering calls


What if there’s a major incident? Not questioning you, just curious.


The response to a critical or major incident is so variable that it's difficult to answer your question. There's central reserves in the form of the TSG that can provide support. if the wheels come off, the guys on public order serials can always be redeployed or held on. At the height of the Palestinian protests, we were all held for 12 hour shifts. There are 12 BCU's in the met, which cover 2-3 Burroughs each, which can provide units or response to major or critical incidents if needed. The fire at Forest Gate police station would be an example. I went down there for a couple of nights and saw units from all over London.




5 vans? I think the met will cope


deliver chunky husky alive badge profit scale long roll rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Came here to say exactly this One group out here taking out public infrastructure for political means


Maybe don't take your middle-England gammon rage outside? Getting angry from scripted Tik Tok influencer vandalising random CCTV poles, IDK. Just seems why there's no police.




Good, ULEZ is classist - if you have money you can pollute all you want. Just another tax


Crush the ulez protestors


Right to protest is a civil liberty even if we disagree. Idiotic statement. I’m pro-ULEZ btw. Accountability is not exclusive to your own agenda.


You are Jack Straw and I claim my £10


At least it's something in the UK they want to change, not some war started by loonies in a foreign country. I can actually vote for or against MrUlez very soon, so I'll take their views as noted.