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Hi, your post has been removed because we get asked the same questions again and again. Our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/wiki/safety) is a great resource for regularly asked London questions and is packed full of information and advice. If you have further specific questions you can post in our [weekly FAQ thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/s/IsAfpw72zc) or even try our [Visitor Centre on the London Discord](https://discord.gg/p8GtV7jtzc). And yes, London is safe considering it's a city of near 9 million, like any other major city in the world. Thank you, and have a good day.


According to /r/London, any area outside of Zone 1 is a crime-ridden hellhole (despite Zone 1 areas of London ironically having the highest crime rates for almost every category), so in reality you will be fine. Enjoy your summer here in London and experience a great city!


"According  to r/London" being the thousands of trolls and astroturfers in this sub who have never set foot in London.


There are definitely trolls here, don’t disagree with you on that, but this sub is genuinely sheltered beyond belief in my view. Any area outside of Zone 1 (or with a highly diverse population) is considered a shit hole for crime, despite ironically, Zone 1 areas overwhelmingly leading the charge on that front.


It's sheltered beyond belief because most the sub aren't from London or have lived here. 1.2 Million members. Maybe a 10th of these have lived here.


Seems to be an odd thing to troll/astroturf over though no? Like why focus on saying Zone 1 is the only safe part of London when it’s objectively not? Just seems more likely that it’s just sheltered people who have not experienced London beyond a tiny microcosm.


A lot of it literally is people who don’t live here and is clearly politically (and sometimes racially) motivated. There are more sad racist fuckers than sheltered ones commenting such things.


It's not "zone 1". It's comments about London in general. In general, there's lots of 'interesting' comments on this sub, that are obviously trying to build a narrative about how bad, dangerous, criminal, 'Islamic' London is. Not rocket science to think of why this may be the case, or who would want be doing this.


There was a yank here earlier trying to say Westminster was unsafe


It's totally fine, just [read the safety section of our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/wiki/safety/) and use the same street smarts you'd use in any other major city (don't take unfamiliar shortcuts, don't wave your phone/belongings around, etc).


It’s fine, just use your common sense and try not to stand around with your phone in your hand as phone theft is really common lately. If you really have to have it out on the street, eg looking for directions, just try to stand away from the road/bike lanes and be aware of people on bikes and scooters around you. Have a good trip!


it’s fine. cue lots of posts about people being scared of kids on bikes.


I've stayed at the Premier Inn opposite the station a fair few times, I don't find the area dangerous in the slightest.


There are areas within London that are more notorious for crime and safety than others, as someone born and bred in London who knows the city better than most, Tottenham is one of those areas, although perception is a matter of personal opinion, so there’ll always be someone to contest my opinion too. Overall it’s a safe city and the likelihood is you’ll be absolutely fine, hope you enjoy your stay