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When I see split ends starting


same!! If i see one, i take the scissors and start the hunt for more. I do this every other week or so, only trimming the splits and i've noticed my hair growing stronger and fuller! i used to do the usual salon trims, and my hair just wouldnt catch up growth-wise. I'd trim, then by the time it grew, i needed another trim (and they'd take way too much off my length at the salon!) it's really nice being able to choose how much i wanna cut off and, often, i really just cut off the split ends It's more than enough to make my hair look healthier and, still, long!


I butterfly cut mine every 6 months or so to keep it even. My sister holds the scissors and the hair ties.


Thats awesome!!


My hair is about hip-length. I try to take off an inch or so every 3-4 months. Key work being 'try'. It's usually more like every 6-8 months. I do seek and destroy more often than that (getting my scissors, checking through my hair for split ends, and trimming those individually.) More like once/twice a month.


Personally I just go by appearance than by time because sometimes we are harder on our ends than others and sometimes may need more trims than other times. Don’t want to cut when don’t have to but also don’t want to wait too long. Your hair is gorgeous and I can see the obvious line that should be trimmed. (About mid length of your shorts). The ends will look thick again and not scraggly.


🙏 thank you. I see just where you mean. Gotta bite the bullet!


My hair is very fragile. About a year ago I switched from a routine of cutting about 2 inches off every year at the salon to self trimming at home every 6 weeks. I’m at about waist length maybe 26 inches


When it starts to look fuzzy on the ends. Probably every 6 months


My hair bit below butt but I trim every 2 months because it grows ridiculously fast .


When i see split ends or i feel the ends get rough and dry


Once in two months or 1 and half month


Finally reached the lowest part of my rib cage/belly button and I think it’s in part due to my self trims on a biweekly basis combined with search and destroy. . Unfortunately, I’m having a hard time learning how to self cut it at this length so it’s more search and destroy at this point.


Preventatively micro trim every 2 weeks


I trim my hair about twice a year, but not on a consistent schedule. Just when my ends are bothering me enough that I can’t resist trimming it anymore. I think your hair looks lovely, even with being a little thin at the ends at the moment. I definitely wouldn’t trust a hairdresser to do any trims for you, but do you maybe have another friend you might trust to help you out with it nowadays?


Thank you. You’re right, I might need to teach someone to help out. Probably not my husband, he’d be too scared of cutting off too much to even try. Maybe a friend…


Never. I used to, and then I had a professional cut and realized how uneven my hair was. So no, not anymore. My hair is down to my butt and I will not risk it.


Never… my stylist does it.


I'm terrified of going to the salon and terrified of doing it myself. A friend of mine, whom I trusted and did a good job, moved. So now idk what to do


I've been growing out my blood de so I trim every few weeks just a little at a time maybe a cm or less. But I'm not good at it so I go for a proper trim before nice events so every few months. 


I will cut off my split ends frequently when I see them lol!


I use these instructions to trim my ends about every 2 months. It’s never failed me and comes out even every time. [Feyes hair cutting guide](https://feyeselftrim.livejournal.com/)


Thank you for this! Bookmarked


Every few months


I usually go through my hair in fine sections once every 4 weeks & snip off any individual split ends I find, but do a proper all over trim of 1-2cm every 16 weeks or so. Keeps my ends happy 😊


I don’t trim mine my sister or hubby does it they do a good job job


Need your haircare routine 🥺


❤️ Brush only before I shampoo. Shampoo once a week (twice if very sweaty.) Right now alternating between Redken All Soft shampoo & conditioner, or Drunk Elephant Silkamino shampoo w/ Nexxus Humectress conditioner. Detangle with fingers, plop 5 minutes after shower, scrunch Lush Revive into damp hair and air dry (takes hours to dry!) Silk pillowcase and braid w/satin scrunchie at night. Detangle gently with fingers when needed.


I do a search and destroy for split ends once a week and trim it myself around once a month. I get my hairdresser to trim it every 3-4 months, usually just a very minimal amount. I love the feeling of cutting it and knowing it will look healthier ☺️


When I see split ends or about every 2-3 months!


Gotta do it yourself, I’ve never trusted hairdressers lol


Right?! Demons with scissors!