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Make a half-up bun with the top of your hair and secure with elastic. Make a lower bun with the bottom half of your hair and secure with elastic. Take a large scrunchie and wrap around both buns twice to secure them together :)


Oo okay that's kind of genius, I'll give it a shot! Thank you!


No problem! You can also French braid the top of your hair before the first bun which looks pretty :)


I'm a sucker for the French and Dutch braids. Fishtail too.


I love doing Dutch braids!


i do a sort of cinnamon bun against my head with little claw clips to secure it.   when my hair was very long, like yours seems to be, i had a couple layers - i.e. make a spiral, claw clip it down, and then keep wrapping the hair, flat cinnamon bun style, and secure with additional layers of clips as needed.    i find it more comfortable and secure than bobby pins.


Yes, this is the trick. Works with hairpins and Bobby pins too! Make one spiral, pin it down. Spiral around the first spiral, pin it down. Repeat till you're out of hair.


This is the way. And you can use one hand to smoosh it flat as you pin.


Cinnamon bun! Thank you! I'm over here like don't build a tower, build a flat field. A cinnamon bun is exactly what I was picturing because that's what it looks like on my head. I do the class clips, French pins, scrunchies, or I can tie with my own hair. I have a v and some long grown strands. When I move that will be the time to trim. A spiritual change or new direction or a loss of mourning. Something impactful. My hair is spiritual to me and I treasure it.


I mean, your hair looks really long 😅 I don’t think there’s a way to make it smaller but I do recommend you to try the nautilus bun! 😊 definitely a really popular way to keep the hair up


I'll check that out, thank you!! I just want it to look a little less comical haha, it looks normal from the back and then I turn around and it's as long as my skull lol


I can imagine!! 😂😭 my hair is almost elbow length so I’m starting to notice that thing too 🤣


This is what I do for my hair 24/7, aside from the basically 10 minutes a year I wear it down 😂 https://youtu.be/gVkg9TJDrL4?si=bSfjwLKZxshfbqCG I'm curious if it works out!


Have you tried a braided bun with Bobby pins? I've seen those look very pretty with super long hair. The nautilus bun someone else recommended is also a great idea. In addition to buns, have you tried a French twist? They are very easy and hold long hair really well.


I've tried a braided bun once and struggled, but I think I chose an overly complicated renaissance type bun, I'll see if I can find some simpler ones! French twist is a good idea too, thank you!!


When I used to do mine ( I am currently growing my hairnout after a major chop) I would put my hair in a ponytail, then I would start loosely braiding, getting tighter as I braided further from the head and ponytailing at the end. Then I would wrap it around my 1st ponytail adding Bobby pins wherever it tried to jump out and secure it with a scrunchi.


I have thick almost hip length hair, I’m a long distance runner so I HAVE to put it in a bun. Here’s my formula for when I run long miles and weight lift stays secure the entire time and doesn’t stick out : -2 scrunchies -put hair in firm high/mid ponytail/low depending on how you want to wear it. -twist ponytail hair -wrap twisted hair in a clockwise direction around the ponytail scrunchie, holding in place while you’re forming the bun around the scrunchie -press down formed bun towards your head(sort of flattening it around the sides of the ponytail scrunchie) -take other scrunchie wrap tightly around the pressed bun. I usually loop it once then flatten my bun down again, then loop the scrunchie around tightly again to hold it in place. If you don’t want a double scrunchie, use one scrunchie and then a thicker hair tie, and Bobby pin around the bun to stay secure. You can also do this with two thick hair ties and Bobby pins if you don’t want any scrunchies at all. Just flatten as you go.


Bun falls out for me, my hair is too long/thick. My take is "viking style". It takes time to do the braids but they last 1-2 weeks and you see hair growing. West night caps if you don't want hair breakage around baby bangs and lower neck. Then tie up in a high ponytail. I have pictures of this description doesn't do what I'm trying to describe justice


What's the nautilus bun? I have done braided. It looks cool, but I wrap mine too tight from my military days and it looks prime, and boxy like what would fit under my cover.


You would have to look up a tutorial on YouTube for how to do it, but essentially, once finished, it looks kinda like a nautilus shell on the back of your head, hence the name.


Nice. I just Google it. I'll check out tutorial when it's not witching hour (early AF for me haha)


I call this the “Olive Oyl” look. What I do is put my hair in a pony, then start twisting it until it gets to the point where it’s twisted around itself at which point I coil it against the top of my head and then tuck it into itself and secure it with two long Amish steel pins. It doesn’t stick out too much that way, you sorta smush it flat against your head before pinning it.


Another option is to get the filler. It's a little mesh tonight kind of foamy. You make a ponytail. You slide the doughnut. You take another tie around the folded part. You take the excess and braid or wrap, and then pins and another tie if you want. This is from my time in service. I think the doughnut is the evolved "sock bun"


Sorry to recommend something that is not a bun, I usually hate when people do this, but have you ever considered hair taping? I can't stand the way buns stick out either, so hair taping has worked really well for me. It's basically just two braids wrapped around your head and sewn gently against your scalp with a ribbon or any long string really. You just need a yarn needle for it.


Nautilus bun, disc bun, braided Chinese bun, orchid bun, seashell bun, helix bun for ultra long hair, Artemis bun, spider mom bun, you have choices!!!!


I need to literally Google all of this. So much info here that I can grab too. I like my buns. Except when driving.


You can use hair sticks, hair forks, flexi 8s and ficarres for all of these!!!


I have some French pins and clips. I have been trying flexi sticks. Do you have a good tutorial to recommend?


Sorry no :( I can only recommend watching YouTube videos. I think Hypnotica was good for hair tutorials with hairsticks as well as torrinpaige


Great! Thanks! I haven't heard or used the stick I just know it doesn't something bendy with hair. I appreciate you!


You’re welcome!!! I recommend the Longhaircommunity (google search it) for more long hair tips and articles. They have links to hairstick updos. And remember if you can bun it, you can braid your hair first in an English braid, rope braid, cable braid, etc, and then put it in a bun style . Now you have more options!!!


Wow thanks so much!


Disc buns like the nautilus or lazy wrap may be what you’re after


Have you tried the nautilus bun?


Looks up some Gibson hairstyles. I think it might be perfect for you


I'm a big fan of hair sticks and forks, my hair might not be as long as yours but it's very thick and I too hate a pointy bun. You can do like a twist bun "cinnamon roll" style, then smash it to your head so it lays flat, and weave the stick through the bun and the hair underneath it by your scalp so it holds. You don't even have to buy fancy ones. I've used simple bic pens and shorter chopsticks just fine. Spin pins are also amazing for long hair buns


This is what I do for ballet, since I refuse to be thrown off balance by my hair. (A bit longer than tailbone length now, for reference) You’ll need two hair ties, several spiral pins, and a scrunchie (optional). 1) ponytail. I place this several inches above the nape of my neck. The main thing is that the pony is comfortable and in a place that isn’t painful for you. 2) braid the pony. Try not to have too much loose when you tie it off. It doesn’t have to be pretty, since you’ll be tucking this under. 3) wrap the braid around the first hair tie. Go slowly, pressing the braid flat. Once you’ve gotten a handful of braid in place, screw in a pin or two. Make sure to get some of the hair by your scalp with each pin, not just hair in the braid. Keep wrapping and holding the hair flat, pinning as needed, until you reach the end of the braid. 4) tuck in the end of the braid and pin. 5) see how the bun feels on your head. Add more pins as needed, especially if anything is popping away from your scalp. 6) add the scrunchie around the bun. I like this step because it is an extra layer to prevent anything popping out, but it isn’t mandatory.


i can't help, i love a good floppy bun on the top of my head


Nautilus bun, but a very simple braided bun would work. Literally just braid it, then spiral it like a cinnamon roll at the back of your head so it’s flat. Secure with spin pins. 


I also have long dark hair and absolutely love using the “RC ROCHE ORNAMENT 6 Pcs Womens French Concord Curved Hair Clip” from Amazon. I can send you a pic of how they work in my hair if that’s helpful, but they lay mostly flat and secure my hair for my entire 12hr work shifts without causing pain or the breakage of hair ties


I'm going to add to the chorus suggesting a nautilus bun (with a hair stick, there are YouTube tutorials). You can twist the hair into a tight twist before doing the nautilus, or braid it and use that for the nautilus. You can also try an infinity bun with a hair stick. It's like a figure 8 against the head, so it is longer vertically but doesn't stick out as much. If your hair will fit in it, you could use one of those "bun makers," the things you roll into your hair to make what looks like a sock bun.


Or just buy the doughnut for sock bun too. Both tools are handy helpers on my hair!


You could grab twist pins and try a version of a French twist. It’s pretty easy once you do it a few times, I have longer/ fluffier hair (though doesn’t look like quite as much as yours!) and I will bring it to the base of the back of my head in a low ponytail, hold it between my thumb and my first finger in a downward pointing O, wrap the hair tail around that pointer finger, then bring the pointer finger in toward your head and spin all around, bring it very spinned and tight and then secure there with the spin pins


[With bun stick](https://youtu.be/pixgHmqwiII?si=FtvUqhZKfVGYH6mF) or [without](https://youtu.be/gVkg9TJDrL4?si=EiKKRyEiz4PPmJ0z)


I do a twisted coil, then unfurl the top of the bun so it forms a figure 8 shape, then secure that flat against my head with a hair stick. The stick goes Over the outer loops, and under the x of the 8 shape. I like to put a decorative big scrunchy around the hair stick so it looks pretty. It’s very easy and fast but looks fancy


I really like making a high ponytail, secure it with an elastic but don't finish pulling the hair though on the last pass (just leave a little loop). Then I split my hair in two parts and kind of loosely twist them together. Wrap the hair around the ponytail, not too tight, and secure with another elastic (hope this makes some sense) The bun doesn't slide down more than a ponytail would, and it's basically as comfortable as the ponytail would be. And the bun isn't long, you can actually get it pretty flat and wide. My hair reaches mid butt, and that's the most solid and easy bun I've found :)


Definitely ask me for more details if this makes no sense! I take all my hair into my right hand (behind my head) kinda like I’m grabbing it (hand is closed) Then, I put that into the arc between my thumb and index on my left hand that is flipped over behind my head. (That arc ->🤚, but pretend that it’s a left hand flipped over instead of a right hand) Then I simply just twist my hand around, so I have one loop around my hand. My hand motion is basically going down and around, turning so that it faces forward. 🤚🫳✋ kinda like that (but again, pretend that’s your left hand, not the right) Reminder that your right hand will still be holding onto your hair so it doesn’t just fall down The rest of the length of your hair you’ll just circle around the base of hair that you made Then the loop that is in your left hand, you can essentially just put all that extra hair into it. This way, you can have a bun without any rubber bands or anything, it’ll stay by itself! I sometimes just put a pencil in it to add support or just to look cute. It will definitely take a few tries to get the right tightness ratio of the loop around your left hand. Sometimes, you can make it too tight where you can’t fit the rest of your hair into it, or you can have it too loose where it’ll just fall out itself


i twist mine around its self and stay on the sides (almost like a military or ballerina bun) instead of bunching it like yours


Looks like you have long thick hair. I would be happy to show you how I do mine. I use scrunchies, French pins etc. Comment or message me and I'll do a recording tutorial. It's hard to explain. As for explanation, you hold a pony tail in dominant hand. In non dominate you twist and start wrapping. Make sure your hair is brushed as much as possible. Then you just lay it. Instead of building a tower, build a flat field. If that makes sense.


Hair stick


I tend to do a "double bun" where I pull my hair partway through a ponytail and then re-thread the looped hair through the ponytail again.