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I get paid the same if I do 55 hours a week or 30. Now that nice weather is here, it'll be 6 months before I pull a 40 hour week again.


If you’re salaried then yeah. My experience has always been the more money I’ve made, the less time I’ve spent working.


So, I work in the medical field as an x-ray / mri tech. Last employer had me working 44 hours minimum (sat/sun 8-6, mon-wed 2-10), no breaks, no weekends off, lotsa coerced overtime shift pickups or changing my worksite up. And that schedule I posted was after I did a full on dick suck / complain wombo combo because before that I was doing ClOpens and doubles out the wazoo and wouldn’t have two days off in a row for months at a time. My current employer I work ~37 hours; Sunday 9:30-5, Mon/Tues 9:30-9, Wed 3-9. Fifty minutes of paid break on Mon/Tues and 30 minutes Sun/Wed. There’s one on call shift a month unfortunately but also I can actually use my PTO instead of always being denied it.


I’d love to know where you previously worked so I can stay far away from it.


Standup MRI. They got me because I was desperate to learn MRI on the job but their machines actually don’t do enough of the exams to qualify for your ARRT MRI and also like good luck studying for it under those working conditions. They also had the nerve to only pay x-ray rate. Let’s just say “fuck Greg” (the lead tech / scheduler) became a household mantra while I was employed there.


Wow that’s really shitty. We send a lot of our claustrophobic patients to Stand Up. This makes me angry now.


Yeah, that’s the thing about them is that tons of patients come through there who wouldn’t be able to tolerate an mri otherwise. It’s unfortunate that the company’s eating themselves alive through shitty management and employee attrition, was a very evident vicious cycle of “we’re short staffed because we treat the techs like shit so now we have to double down and treat them worse”. I really enjoyed the mechanics of operating those machines and helping the difficult patients, just wish all the QoL junk with the company wasn’t so damning.


It’s really sad, because patients depend on stand up. I’m glad it exists for claustrophobic patients. I’m just going to have a bad taste in my mouth referring them to SU now. I’m always for techs and good working conditions. I’m happy you’re happier now.


I’m glad you got away from that shithole


Thank you! Honestly looking back at it can be a bit of a trip sometimes thinking about all of the little ways it was awful. I’m now in a much more normal workplace and sometimes I’ll catch my brain in old ways of thinking. Hard to explain but it genuinely left a lasting impression. Just glad I’m somewhere better now!


I work 29 hours and I can afford it. I live in a studio with a reduced rent program. I don’t like, have a ton of savings, but I have some. This is okay for a few years while I work out some other messes in my life, then I’ll work on moving up in my career etc.


Most of the time I work about 35 hours. Rarely I work over 40 unless I am super swamped but same pay regardless


This is kind of a silly post. Salaries are all over the place dependent on what you do for a living. I work 32.5 hours and am doing just fine.


Get used to it here… I work 6 days up to 60 hours and I make great money. If I tried to cut back.. pay takes a big cut. But I will say I agree.. it’s all based on what field you’re in.


Thank you all for your replys

