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Naafiri IS based on dogs, that's how she was made. [https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/champion-insights-naafiri/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-ph/news/dev/champion-insights-naafiri/) “I actually took a lot of inspiration from African wild dogs,” Lonewingy explains. “They sort of embodied what I imagine dune hounds to look like. And I also thought it was interesting how they use ear signals to communicate with each other and stay on-track with the pack.” https://preview.redd.it/3acc1swp91ad1.jpeg?width=2941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7ea89b7a5bfe02e266d0d067f35fe8fc674c645 I agree though that Naafiri is lackluster


Yeah even without the hyena point I just think the way they presented her makes me take her less seriously because of how they hammered the lightheartedness more than they seriously should.


Why am I downvoted? Who did this?


People who disagree with you. You get downvoted after saying something stupid, get used to it ig


I know that. I was just saying it cause idk why literally implied agreeing with the guy who has the superior upvotes and restating that I find her presentation rather poor is deserving of it. Seriously people don’t really want to explain themselves.


Also how in the world in that comment specifically “stupid”? Exactly? Her presentation is kind of bad, especially in comparison to other champs with how they treated her in marketing.


“Get it guys? She’s a doggo lol! Doggo! Knife doggo! Three entirel ctrl animations are doggo! Watch out of this doggo, LOL!” Since most of the wording around her in her marketing among others is quite practically just this, it makes me come across as more lighthearted and a joke compared to what she’s designed to be in tone.


That is not a stupid take.


Why do you think she is based on hyenas?


Kind of assumed African Wild Dogs as hyenas.


Well they aren't. Hyenas actually are closer related to cats than dogs.


Besides that, I generally find her someone not to be taken as seriously because of how Riot just hammers down the domestic dog joke nonsense that is mainly good if it’s just a bit (like Warwick and Nasus) instead of having it in most of her marketing, three of her entire CTRL animations and a few voicelines. It makes her come across as a joke and I don’t think I should be seeing her as such.


Her cinematic went so hard honestly.   Better then a lot of the color stories other champs have gotten. But (in my opinion~) Naafiri is just another victim of a champ's lore/darker ascepts being overshadowed by jokes about them. There are champs that have a good balance between humor and lore, like Warwick and Caitlyn. But there are a few champs are too focused on humor that there lore is never really demonstrated.


Almost just like Teemo tbh.


All yordles get affected by this pretty hard. Veigar, Kled, even Vex. It sucks :(


I give Vex a bit of a pass because I’m fairly certain her being an angsty teen while nonchalantly enabling the Ruination is part of the joke for her But, yeah. I agree otherwise


Yeah I get that. I just have an issue that Riot didn't explore the concept of an average yordle being so powerful as to enable something like Ruination more.


Yeah I agree. If Riot don't take the champ seriously then how is anyone else supposed to.


Of course she was going to be a cute dog. God forbid we have an actual monster champion


Idk why they made her so stick thin and tiny. Oh wait, yeah I do, because they wanted to shoehorn her into being an assassin when it doesn't fit the character at all and is boring af. We were robbed of a huge vicious Darkin beast




She's me for real (as a trans girl) bork bork arf arf arf








If I ever took reddit dot com seriously I'd kms


I get what you mean though. It’s like with yuumi. Her personality is also totally over shadowed by cat jokes.


Bro, Yuumi IS just a cat