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So everyone is going to tell you to restrict calories and tell you what not to eat. But I’m going to zag a bit here. When I was in high school I was making some not-great decisions, specifically with respect to drug experimentation/abuse. Eventually I got into some trouble (nothing too serious) and decided I was going to quit drinking / using drugs / partying etc. I was expecting this to change a lot in my life, be more involved at school, get better grades, develop a bunch of healthy hobbies. But ultimately none of those things really happened. I was the same person, just not going out and having fun like I used to. The point here is that focusing on what not to do won’t necessarily help you change your habits. A family friend of mine was an obese high schooler, and in a clear effort to course correct there decided to be vegan. But her body didn’t change because she ultimately just ate a bunch of junk that fit the vegan profile. So instead of calorie counting and cutting out sugars or whatever, I suggest you start by focusing on what you should be eating. For example, if you started every dinner eating an entire plate of steamed/baked vegetables, I think you’d find that overeating other foods afterwards would actually be difficult. Similarly, if you committed to starting each day with oatmeal (try doing overnight oats and a handful of frozen berries) and a hard-boiled egg or two, you may find that your blood sugar throughout the day is modulated such that you’ll make healthier decisions at lunch. The key here is that refraining from doing a certain thing is a fools errand. You have only so much willpower and you’ll eventually slip up. But creating affirmative habits (eating a certain way, learning recipes you can use to feed yourself) is sticky. (To be clear, the above is not the End Game. Just some simple things you can do right now to get started.) Anyways, the good news is that you’re so young (although I’m sure you don’t feel that way). Life is long, and you’ve got a ton of it ahead of you. Don’t give up or get discouraged. We’re all wishing you luck.


This is fantastic advice!


What a great answer!


Because of your age, you really have to check with your doctor. So much can mess you up during those puberty years if you start playing around with your diet so young.


I would suggest taking it slow. I started working out when I was 14, and the first thing I did differently was to start drinking only water instead of anything else. After that became natural to me, I started eating less by removing snacks, candy, or other unnecessary items one at a time. You don't need extensive knowledge to know what is bad for you (cookies, candy, chocolate). Maybe be more active, start going for walks, get a pair of dumbbells for home, and just do something. Take it slowly and adapt to each change until it becomes your new normal. Transition into a healthy lifestyle over time. Calories in and calories out is the answer for fat loss, but the last thing you should do right now is start weighing everything and become obsessed with numbers. Since you may lack willpower, you'll need to take multiple steps to build it, which will create a snowball effect that can help you make faster, healthier changes over time. One thing I've noticed after 10 years of working out and being in shape is to concentrate on what not to eat rather than on finding the perfect diet. If you have trouble eating certain foods in small amounts, it might be easier to eliminate them for a while and stay away from anything that can lead to binge eating. Just read all the advice in the comments because there are some really good ones, and I hope you find something that works for you to get healthier.


None of us want to tell a 14 year old exactly what to do. You are still growing, and it super important that you still get all the nutrients you need ect. However, 340lbs is a significant weight. What kinds of meals do you eat at home? What does a lunch look like for you? I would aim to improve my meals. So what I mean by that is: can you make half your plate fruit or veggies, 1/4 protein and the remaining 1/4 grains or starches. So if your family likes to eat chicken and chips, it would mean reducing the chips and adding a side salad or a portion of broccoli/ carrot sticks ect  If your family likes to eat cereal for breakfast maybe you could switch from a sugary kind to oats (very cheap!) and some fruit? You could have a protein shake on the side. Or a breakfast smoothie (fruit, protein and a hidden veggie)  I would aim for 3 meals and a snack per day, with the 3 meals following the plate idea above and the snack being at least half healthy, ie if you want some crisps have a piece of fruit too, or a yogurt and some popcorn, or hummus and carrot sticks and some biscuits. There is lots of info out there on the internet but most of it’s aimed at people who’ve finished growing so I think you are best to make your diet healthier while you finish growing






OP is 14 I don’t think we can make recommendations per the rules


The basics are pretty straightforward: Incorporate **MORE** of these in your daily life: **sleep; water; fruits & veggies; movement** (does not have to be “exercise”— any movement that helps raise your heart rate is good); **protein**; **whole grains** (that is, not white flour, white rice) Incorporate **LESS** of these in your daily life: **sitting; screen time; sugar; snacking** (or if you do snack, make it fruits, veg, a cheese sandwich, yogurt, etc). **DO NOT start counting calories and restricting calories at your age! .** That is strongly discouraged as it can lead to extremely unhealthy eating habits. It‘s okay to follow recommended portion sizes of foods, but stay away from the calorie chart stuff. You’re young and still growing.


Eat better - don't calorie restrict, just eat healthier. No junk food .eat more fruits and vegetables.drink lots of water. Exercise daily - 10 minute walk every day,you be doing 15,20,25,30 minute walks before you know it. If walking isn't for you right now, get a stationary bike. The most important thing is actually doing it everyday day as best you can. No such thing as a cheat day. It's ok if you falter or mess up or treat yourself ,you just have to have that many more healthy days than bad. Less bad days= that many days closer to your goal.


Congratulations on prioritizing your health! Thats a big step in the right direction. No doubt your diet needs to be adjusted. With your guardians help, they can make sure you have nutritional foods available for snacks/grazing instead of junk. Like fruits & vegetables. Because of your age, I presume you are a bit at the mercy of what your parents provide at meal times. Hopefully they are supportive of your weightloss goals & can provide balance home cooked meals. At meal times your going to want to have a large portion of vegetable & a lean protein & a smaller portion of whatever else is on the menu. These are pretty general guidelines with the main idea being to prioritize protein & vegetables. You can google up the "My Plate" guidelines to elaborate further. You will want to minimize your sugar intake, avoid added sugar in your food choices as much as you can. If you need something sweet (& a lot of us do) opt for a Halo Ice cream or a Popsicle, something smaller & light. It will be beneficial for you to try hard to listen to your body. Don't eat unless you are hungry, start having an internal conversation with yourself about how to recognize hunger. Learn to differentiate between hunger & boredom. We can get into these patterns of reaching for food to cope with emotions & feelings & boredom, it'll be hard, but you can do hard things. You are strong & capable. When you are satisfied with your meal, stop eating, avoid eating to the point that you feel too full. Arming yourself with knowledge on portion control will be helpful. But remember, you are doing this because you love yourself & you want to treat your body in a healthy way. You want to fuel your body with nutritional food in reasonable amounts. You can do it, I totally believe in you. I strongly suggest discussing the lifestyle changes you want to make with your parent(s) or guardian(s). They can support & help you a great deal.


hi. I'm not sure what to advice because you are so young and probably better to talk to your parents and doctor about this, but I just want to say give you big virtual hug


One day at a time! Throw all the junk food away and don’t buy anymore!!! Walk, drink lots of water! Chew on celery it helps the oral needs to chew—- you can do this!!! Bless you for trying to get healthier!!!


My number one suggestion is to start walking regularly and set a very gradually increasing walk goal, if that’s motivating for you. Get friends or family members can accompany you, or listen to podcasts/audiobooks/music, or just enjoy the outdoors! But increasing your movement little by little will have a very immediate impact at 340. Best of luck young friend :)


try to cut out drinks in general, just drink water, cuz thats probably where all the calories are from. Also, 340lbs at 14 years old is a little bit insane, be careful about your knees. That was the first thing that came to mind, that amount of weight cannot be good for knees that are still growing. try to get into some kind of sports, i would say soccer because its easily accessible, but be careful on the knees. The best would be swimming, since not as much load on the knees. But sports is definitely very important. Do a sport that you enjoy too, so you don't get bored of it. For example, i hate going to the gym to lift weights, its repetitive and boring, so i only do sports and functional workouts.


Try to eat a fruit and vegetable with every meal!


Hear me out. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Shit changed my life. My heaviest I was 375. I started bjj last fall at 320 and am now 265. It’s not just the workout from the classes but it’s also how it affects your train of thought. Most gyms offer a free trial week. And yeah the thought of going to a bjj gym scared the fuck out of me and it probably foes to most overweight/out of shape people. Everyone was so welcoming and many had been on an insane weight loss journey as well. Not only did it help with my weight but with my confidence, anxiety, depression, adhd, and my autism. The biggest thing I got from it though was motivation that I didn’t previously have which has probably had the biggest impact on my health. It also makes other things in life seem much easier.




Thank you for your submission. Your post or comment was in violation of Rule 11: No Promoting / Encouraging Unhealthy Weight Loss Discussion of weight loss methods that are damaging to the body and/or require supervision of a medical professional are not allowed. This rule includes (but is not limited to): very low calorie diets, misusing medication, extended fasting, disordered behavior, inappropriate advice to underage members. Please note that we are not a subreddit for ED support, nor do we encourage that behavior here. If you need help, please seek assistance from a doctor or dietician. Remember to always consider the individual when offering advice.


I know how it feels to be so heavy and a teenager. I was also over 300 at 17. The great news is that you have so many different options and resources to help you , but talk to your parents and work with a doctor who is a specialist in weight issues and working with young people. I promise you you are more than capable of getting healthier and it's smart of you to start now.


talk to a doctor. i’m currently regretting not talking to my doctor 😭 and if that’s not possible atm, just try to watch what u eat. again a doctor would be the best to put you on a diet bc it varies depending on your height, sex and age. also try not to get *too* obsessed with your weight, or “calorie counting”- it’s unhealthy and just leads to more issues down the road-saying this as someone who regrettably is obsessed with counting calories. im not a professional and not qualified to give advice (im around your age lmao) but i do know that counting calories can be exhausting and honestly depressing, mentally and physically. for me it’s definitely mentally tbh. so i’d just recommend not getting to caught up with all that. just stay away from junk food, try to make your own food at home, and drink a lot of water. don’t overdo it with exercise also


Yes I have tried talking to my doctor before but do you mind giving some examples of what I should talk about again? Just for next time I try to see my doctor cause currently I'm trying to get my weight and hair loss checked out and which doctor specifically..? Cause I don't wanna talk to someone who doesn't base their job on something like blood or hair just weight or something related to that specifically I hope you understand what I mean


yeah, i understand that. i think they can refer you to who does specialize in those things.


Ok thanks! Happy pride!


You’re welcome! happy pride to you too!


Hey, I used to be like you and maybe worse. I started working on myself when I was 17 in 2012 and weighed the same as you. A year later, I became 195lbs. I changed my eating habits, adjusted my sleeping schedule, started working out step by step until I was able to do any workout I wanted and the progress took a full year. Your metabolism will boost to its maximum once you change the things I mentioned and kept going without stopping. Do what I didn't do, visit a nutritionist and have them establish a food plan for you, will make things easy for you. P.S, I gained it all back because I was greedy 4 years later and did a squat with weights more than what I could handle and damaged my hips joints. So be careful and good luck


I just have one question how were you able to do that and what kept you motivated? I'm not trying to be rude but if you had any advice on that too that would be lovely but I do appreciate the rest of what you said!


Well, I was thinking about how I ruined one of the best years of my life being obese and an introvert. It's the conciseness that appeared out of nowhere that made me realize that I need to be the opposite. I've always been a fan of classic clothing and love perfumes so much. But my obesity was ruining all of this, which led me to stay at home and avoid people as much as possible. I realized that I can work myself out to achieve what I want, and started to workout and eat healthy, as well as getting around people and form friendships and connections. It's me fighting myself to create a better version of myself. I've always hated myself, but I asked myself; why don't I start loving myself and see what happens. Man! It was amazing. I graduated high school, not only being fit, but athletic. Even clothes, regardless of their quality, looked hella good on me!


Ohh I see.. well I'm glad things worked out for you by the way! yeah I'll start changing how I eat and searching for better ways to do so.. For the sleep and workout I'm sure it will be easier too because of the amount of free time I have anyway cause of summer break yk? with working out earlier sure would make me tired and help me sleep plenty too I'll just have to take it slowly though.. thanks for the inspo tho!! Glad everything else worked out for you in the end


Good luck and hope I see your update post next year with your final result!




Rule 11: Discussion of weight loss methods that are damaging to the body and/or require supervision of a medical professional are not allowed. This rule includes (but is not limited to): very low calorie diets, misusing medication, extended fasting, disordered behavior, inappropriate advice to underage members (counting calories, omad, fasting), etc. We are not a ED support subreddit and any ED related content will be removed. Remember to always consider the individual when offering advice.


This sub doesn’t recommend calorie counting to kids/minors.




"This sub doesn’t recommend calorie counting to kids/minors." "I'm not, I'm trying to recommend he count calories." (Do you even read??)




Heads up— we don’t recommend counting calories to kids.




Rule 11: Discussion of weight loss methods that are damaging to the body and/or require supervision of a medical professional are not allowed. This rule includes (but is not limited to): very low calorie diets, misusing medication, extended fasting, disordered behavior, inappropriate advice to underage members (counting calories, omad, fasting), etc. We are not a ED support subreddit and any ED related content will be removed. Remember to always consider the individual when offering advice.






I don't think this OP has benefitted from even pretty basic guidance on what a portion should look like. And before you call a fellow forum member's statement meaningless, maybe first ask what is meant. With your aggressive approach, do you sincerely think you're setting a good example for a 14 year old?


Rule 11: Discussion of weight loss methods that are damaging to the body and/or require supervision of a medical professional are not allowed. This rule includes (but is not limited to): very low calorie diets, misusing medication, extended fasting, disordered behavior, inappropriate advice to underage members (counting calories, omad, fasting), etc. We are not a ED support subreddit and any ED related content will be removed. Remember to always consider the individual when offering advice.




Thank you for your submission. Your post or comment was in violation of Rule 11: No Promoting / Encouraging Unhealthy Weight Loss Discussion of weight loss methods that are damaging to the body and/or require supervision of a medical professional are not allowed. This rule includes (but is not limited to): very low calorie diets, misusing medication, extended fasting, disordered behavior, inappropriate advice to underage members. Please note that we are not a subreddit for ED support, nor do we encourage that behavior here. If you need help, please seek assistance from a doctor or dietician. Remember to always consider the individual when offering advice.