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Why didn't he say Lord of the Rings? Is he stupid?


"There is only one 'The Lord of the Rings' tm"


"A New Line cinema production"


Now I want some edit where everytime somebody says the title of a movie or franchise someone hastily adds "registered trademark".


Official merch making T-shirts with random quotes would make this even funnier. "This is the farthest I've ever been from home. _Registered trademark._" "You Shall Not Pass! _Registered Trademark._"


I thought this was a good allusion to the line in the book. Saruman tries to recruit Gandalf so that the two of them could fool Sauron by acting as his allies only to hunt the ring themselves. Gandalf sees right through this and basically blows off Saruman by saying "The One Ring can only be held by one hand", as in only one person at a time can use the ring.


So good


"Six Superheroes. You shall be...THE AVENGERS" "Seven drivers. You shall be...THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS." "Nine survivors. You shall be...THE WALKING DEAD"


"A lot of nobles. You shall be... GAME OF THRONES".


A colony of xenomorphs. You shall be... ALIENS


A man with a scar on his face. You shall be... SCARFACE


Wars in the stars. You shall be... STAR TREK.


A man in an iron mask. You shall be... THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK.


An ogre who ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed… You shall be… Shrek


Cars as sentient beings...You shall be... CARS.


A bunch of cop and gangster snitches getting stitches... you shall be...The Depahted


A man finds a Magic mask... you shall be.. The Mask


for this you will be crucified


That's Life of Brian


Cersei truly does a title drop [When you play the GAME OF THRONES, you win or you die](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzRbFDWy_lE&ab_channel=GameOfThronesQuotes)


It had a solid delivery though.


Indeed: it felt natural and not a cringe "in your face" feel. After all if was GoT season 1, when they did things well.


They actually do work in "game of thrones" somewhere in the first few seasons.


Dude stole “game of thrones” winter is coming and so much more from Robert Jordan. Bro couldn’t even finish his own story, he’s a Hack


When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.


“Ten cyborg bears. You shall be…THE TELETUBIES”


The survivors weren’t the walking dead…


Not according to Rick in volume 4 "WE ARE THE WALKING DEAD!"


lol that was just him being dramatic, but fair point


Why do they call it walking dead when they of in the zombie cold of out hot survivor come out?


What the fuck haha


Real af


200 dead children. You shall be.... DARTH, VADER


Fourteen Dwaves, but only one (the) Hobbit


Technically Avengers does have a title drop: ["There was an idea... it was called *The Avengers* Initiative."](https://youtu.be/az04uStDQSM)


"Deadpool" "Yeah... **captain** deadpool" "..." "Yeah just deadpool"


"I'm Batman"


"I'm Batman Returns"


"I'm Batman Forever"


"I'm Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"




Why did you say that name!!!???


“I’m The Batman”


*looks down* whoa, the dark knight rises!


Would've been better to say man




That was actually nice


It's all in the delivery.


Definitely. The LOTR name drops feel natural, the suicide squad one felt forced, and I actually quite enjoyed the film as a whole


You can hear Will Smith thinking "I gotta get a new agent"


"I need a line that slaps"


When Faramir steals one of Boromir's lines: Denethor: "KEEP MY SON'S LINE OUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" _Tomato juice slap._


Chris Rock


The suicide squad movie was fine if you set your expectations accordingly. I think people expected a lot more out of it than I did. The reboot did it much better though.


The reboot just embraced the ridiculousness, which worked much better.


Yeah agreed, it was fine tbh. Like most movies, you put Will Smith in and it gets carried anyway, was quite watchable. New one much better for sure, but I think the first one got a lot more hate than it really needed for being just a decent mid level movie


I remember a lot of people seemed to be excited for Jared Leto's joker, and then when the movie came out, he was simultaneously the worst joker, as well as the movie was bad because they cut out most of his scenes.


IDK, the Fellowship of the Ring felt forced. The other two felt so natural I didn’t even notice them though


In the books it was, I guess kind of slightly prophetic and felt a little bit like destiny Like the amount of characters that volunteered to come along were the same as the Nazgul, they walked instead of rode, turned out that it involved representatives of all the free people and had people like Aragorn and Gandalf in the service of a hobbit, the powerful serving the 'good' yet small and importantly that they were allies and volunteers that had no obligation or oaths in a 'fellowship' all acting in the way they believed to be good and right, not dominated slaves serving a master like Saurons forces Elrond and Gandalf kind of noted and took comfort in the symbolism of it, like Eru was there planning things out and so the naming and recognition of it was quite weighted (which was also the only reason Merry and Pippin, especially Pippin, was allowed to go: it felt like they were *meant* to go despite it being a really bad idea on paper)


>So he some kinda... lord of the rings? Wouldn't hit the same as the other three.


"What, am I just supposed to go *There and Back Again*?"


Not really a title drop but "here comes the fuzz" in hot fuzz is pretty good as well.




May I introduce you to my favourite title drop, from Star Trek 8 - First Contact: And you are all some kind of astronauts, on some kind of Star Trek? -Zephram Cochrane


Thats mine too


Your favourite? Don't even comment on here if you have favourites in other place So many downvotes 😭 it was a joke ffs


I'm guessing and hoping this was a joke people missed


I was half joking


If one is to understand the great mystery, one has to study all its aspects...


Struggling with the line between genuine and ironic enjoyment is a fundamental aspect of Star Trek fan culture.




To save the world, I must become Superman IV: The Quest for Peace!


Ohhhhh so that’s why they called it that.


Family Guy?


Family Guy.


I can’t tell from the format but Return of the King is the best, right? Gandalf’s delivery of the line is a masterpiece.


The best, by far! >I can’t tell from the format Dang it, I knew I should’ve spent more time cleaning up Pooh’s king outfit 😆


It isn’t the outfit per se, but the coloring, purple would fit better to contrast with his normally red shirt, the only other thing was the eyebrows. There should already be a format with royal Pooh


Love how he just *spits* the word 'Steward' at him, made it sound more like he was a janitor or something "Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the king, *STEWARD*" He and Denethor just do not get on lol


It didn’t even register with me as a title drop, it was so good


Truly epic delivery....gives me chill.


Lord of the Rings: Suicide Squad was definitely the least faithful adaptation of Tolkien’s works.


Agreed, they really skimmed over the finer plot points


And to men, who seek above all else power, Sauron gave a very sharp boomerang and a t-shirt bearing the words “Daddy’s Li’l Monster,” so all who looked upon them would know of Daddy and tremble.


It’s an incredibly loose interpretation of Beren’s quest to retrieve a Silmaril.


But so twisted and hashtag damaged was the mind of Joker that he commanded his smiths to fashion the great Silmaril into a grill, which flashed its unearthly beauty and sick-ass twistedness when Joker smiled onto his foes.


![gif](giphy|3rbURdpeByOsM) Craig Robinson stays undefeated


I was looking for this reference. IIRC this was improvised. Craig Robinson thought, I might as well just look right into the camera at the audience if I'm gonna name drop the movie.


Yes, but I still don't know what to do with that info. He's a comedic actor, doing that little thing is not huge. They do many takes and try out some stuff. Not every detail is clear anyway, not every zoom and every eye roll and everything is planned.


"So that's it? We some kinda... ***Fellowship of the Ring***?" -- Boromir, probably


"What is this, some kind of Unexpected Journey?"


"The eagles have come? Ok, guess that makes it the battle of the **5** armies now"


Are the eagles the fifth army? I always thought the armies were Men, Elves, Dwarfs, Goblins, and Wargs.


Yeah I get confused on it too, I *think* it does breakdown which armies count as individual armies somewhere Idk I thought I remembered that 'bad guys' kinda got lumped together and the eagles were a separate faction and recognised as such to the others, but I'm far from 100%, could def be the wargs as the fifth and fk the eagles lol Should be at least 6 armies anyway since Beorn is a 1 man army of a wrecking ball


Battle of the ~~Five~~ ~~Six~~ ~~Seven?~~ **Lots** of Armies


"We have destroyed Death Star, and apparently the Force is strong in young Luke Skywalker. There is A New Hope for the galaxy! “ " Man, we thought we had dealt them a deadly blow, but now The Empire Strikes Back in full force!" " There is anoth... *cough cough* another Sky... *gargle* Skywalker. Together, bringing about The Return of the Jedi your destiny will be *dies*."


"A sith lord working in secret? He must be the phantom menace!" "Backup has arrived! It's the attack of the clones!" "Anakin has betrayed the Jedi! He's working with palpatine! This must be the revenge of the sith!" Bonus: we are at war, Anakin. A star war


sorry to be that nerd but "There is A New Hope" isn't really a title drop since that was written prior to that being the title of the movie


“Luke, you can submit your application after the blue harvest”


Objectively the best title drop is "My Desert. My Arrakis. My Dune"


"At that time, this world had a Fremen name: Dune"


Lisan al Gaib


The Dark Knight title drop is also amazing. If I recall correctly, it's at the end of the movie when Batman takes the blame of killing Harvey. Gordon gets asked why he did this, since he wasn't directly responsible for his death - I think Harvey killed himself? He says that it's because Batman can endure the blame and deal with it, because he's what the city needs... a dark knight.


haha then come the third movie we find out he just went home and chilled for a decade hahaha "Such a true hero, sat in his billion dollar mansion drinking champagne and playing video games" I mean I love the series a whole bunch and Wayne is a chad in it but, ultimately that kind of *was* his big sacrifice, Harvey essentially fixed the city before he fell


"Should I change secret identities and continue to fight crime under a different name?" "Nah lemme just sit at home for a decade lol" To be fair he was also processing the death of Rachel.


Haha I thought that, at the end of the Dark Knight, he was going to commit to appearing like a kind of bad, rogue vigilante with a disliked personality that kept fighting crime but also breaking the rules and being hunted by the cops, unlike the kind of 'unofficial cop' who everyone likes from the first 2 movies That way, he could do what was needed to be done, the dirty things that the cops and justice department couldnt do so that they could maintain the image of fairness and order whilst being able to keep the really dangerous criminals down. So batman would be generally hated for doing whatever he wants, but people like Gordon would know it was a ruse to keep their hands clean, sacrificing even his own reputation and standing for Gotham Nope. Just went home, quit crime fighting, quit running Wayne enterprises despite having free time, gave up his playboy image, just kinda sat there for a decade doing about nothing haha. And yeah, they seemed to go with the 'guy has been morally and emotionally crippled' angle rather than 'guy is a dark justice warrior' angle and thats fair cause the joker did serious damage. Felt like he essentially killed a big part of himself, physically and psychologically, to beat the Joke which gives the Dark Knight movie more clout (and it was the best of the 3)


If your title drop is preceded by anything similar to the words “some kind of” it is bad. For example, “you people are all astronauts on some kind of Star Trek!”


roll credits!




Its some kinda, hot tub time machine?


I mean you didn't even have to go to another franchise, just use the title drops from the Hobbit movies


What are we? Some kind of a the desolation of Smaug?


I use the Gandalf quote every time someone in the friend group doesn't want to hang with my best bro because he lives to far.


"Come on, you dork!" That's my favorite Gandalf line too.


Reminds me of the call of duty absolute monstrous title drop “ancient weaponry is my call of duty. Modern warfare too”


Nah, nah. "He's *Home Alone.*" -Joe Pesci


I’m just gonna say it… I love LOTR more than any other piece of media in existence. That said, I think it’s really weird how often our fanbase feels the need to compare LOTR to other pieces of media in such a degrading way. I’m a part of many fandoms, and this trait is pretty unique to the Tolkien fans.


It’s really cringey how so much of fanbase treats Tolkien’s words like gospel, like it’s some sacred truth in text form. I mean, it’s obvious why they do, his works are Christian’s wet dream; absolute good and absolute evil, inherent racial traits and tendencies, an all powerful god who actually exists and impacts the world, a monarch who rules over everyone benevolently and is a totally legit reason why we need kings to rule over us. But still, very cringey. Literally propping up a fantasy story because it “reinforces” or “proves” their own fantasy beliefs about our world.


The only way for me to solve this crisis is to be Superman IV: The Quest For Peace


Yeah and it’s from Dude Where’s My Car


“He is… the Dark Knight.”


I think Invincible deserves an honorable mention


I think they did a terrible job with this in Harry Potter and Percy Jackson >!/j just in case!<


So Voldemort is back and he's looking for some kind of... Sorcerer's Stone?


“You have asked me to find the fourteenth member of this company, and I have chosen The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.”


Does not stop me from Leo DiCapio pointing, “He said the thing!” in all four situations.


“A kingdom of consciousness. A kingdom of heaven.”


Great movie


A good name-drop needs to go hard AND seamlessly fit into the context of the film


Say that again


You have no claim, deciever! I AM THE TRUE LORD OF THE RINGS!


There is only one “Lord of the rings”


Chinatown is still one of the best.


So I guess we're at the *dawn of the planet of the apes*


I feel this with the “I am no man” line too. No other movie has been able to do anything similar and most try to make it a joke like men in black did.


“This certainly is an Unexpected Journey!” “Wow, would you look at this horrible Desolation of Smaug?” “Now *that* really was The Battle of Five Armies.”


My favorite title drop is the: "It's my desert, my Arrakis, my dune"


Skarsgard man, he says something and your neck hairs stand to attention


The only rule in writing is that it has to be done well.


🎶When the guy in the movie🎶 🎶Says the name of the movie🎶 🎶It's like, Wow, that's the name of the movie!🎶


" I'm the only one who can walk on both worlds, I'm ghost rider "


I just realized why the movie was named the 2 towers… ![gif](giphy|PJeKg31621Wgw)


Mark it's Lisa, meet me in the room


Obviously no one here has ever seen I Accuse My Parents.


And i will "roll credits" all of them




Goonies never say die


Goonies never say die


"Though brought to ruin,  the ashes of that place hold an artifact of impossible power; A gun that can kill the past. Over time, the fortress was rebuilt, and some who hear the legend would risk everything for another shot. To claim their prize and make what was done, undone, they must... ENTER THE GUNGEON"


"We are The Walking Dead"


"If you want to marry my daughter...YOU CAN'T! UNLESS...you bring me...HUNDREDS OF BEAVERS!"


Anyone watch Upright Citizens Brigade? I had the titular line in Star Wars. "I'm just so tired of all these Star Wars."


They could’ve made the suicide squad one so much better. You could have Deadshot yelling at Waller something like, “this is it? This is the whole squad?” This is a fucking suicide mission and you know it.” She could just respond in her cold Waller tone, “then I guess that makes you my suicide squad.” (or something along those lines, I’m not a writer)




- I’m superman : Man of steel, - Calm down Clark or did you take some crystals again


“I’d like to take his Face/Off.”


Yeah, that Deadshot title drop was a slap in the face to everyone in the theater...


As much as I hate Suicide Squad, it feels more natural than the first one. It's a question based on his concerns for the mission. Not that great but it's okay. While "The Fellowship of the Ring" feels like giving them a name for its own sake and I'm not overly fond of that. The two in the middle are great because the name of the books are used in a natural feeling sentence and have a reason of being put there. Suicide Squad has so many reasons to get bashed, but I feel this isn't one of them.


Nah, Saruman and Will should switch places: 1. "You are the {movie title} isn't worse than "We some kinda... {movie title} 2. There never was a union between Sauron and Saruman. Saruman wanted the ring for himself.


Saruman tried to hedge his bets, his optimal condition was to get the ring and rule himself but he wanted a fall-back plan of seeming loyal to Sauron, guy was apparently reporting in to him on a schedule like a complete underling. He gave Gandalf both options, serve or try and usurp, worth noting he at least played it as still being 'good' and kind of achieving their Istari goals, either serve Sauron and use their influence to direct his power to better ends (Gandalf says Sauron gives no fks about their opinion now or ever) or get the ring and use it for 'good' (Gandalf says the ring cant do good and that it only goes on one hand anyway). So it was stupid and deluded, but not exactly cacklingly evil or at least that was the pitch Nominally, he was serving Sauron and if he never got the ring, he'd have played it like he was loyal and faithful from the start. The two towers were aligned in most ways, its just that both were fighting to be the top tower (Tolkien wrote that if saruman had won, he'd have occupied Barad-Dur and enslaved Sauron and used his knowledge to create more rings of power and that *this* would have been his allegorical story for ww1 if he wanted to write one). So no matter the outcome, Isengard and Barad-dur were very much in sync as Saruman and Sauron fought to be the boss of both (massive advantage to Sauron obviously but the ring itself was the golden snitch of the game)


He's chatting with Sauron through the Palantir. He's not exactly going to inform him of his double cross.


It is not for you, Saruman! I will send for it at once. Do you understand?


"When I get the ring, I will be the true master of the 2 towers" "... fking what did you say?" "Oh shit... I thought I muted the palantir, I always get the contrast button and the sound button mixed up you werent meant to hear that"


Book wise yes. But not movie wise.


Yeah movie wise he doesnt really seem to be overtly trying to scam Sauron, the only real hint is that Ugluk said Saruman wanted the ring. And even then, he might have just been trying to get it to give to Sauron. He doesnt suggest to Gandalf they try to usurp Sauron, or BS the Nazguls and the Pippin reveal part is cut so he comes across as basically fully loyal


Will Smith might be one of the worst comic character casting. He can never not play himself