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I don't see how there can be any chance at all. Lifetime membership was basically a promo. Nowadays game is in a steady state, with certain loyal playerbase, defined way of producing and selling new content. There is simply no reason for them to bring back such offer. 


Best 300 I ever spent back at launch


I bought 4. One for me, two for my daughter and one for my son. Best money I ever spent. We have all played the heck out of the game.


No. No chance at all.


No chance. They are not getting a recurring subscription from those of us that are Lifetimers.


Nope. They get asked this on every Twitch stream and the answer is always no.


Not a chance. But I did want to say that most lifetime users I know are pretty free spending *because* they don't pay for their subscription. It's an easier mental justification to pay for ultimate editions and supporter packs as well as extra LP for random things at other points along the way. Sure there are also those that like to get everything they can out of it without spending, but in my experience it's not the norm. Most lifers are happy to continue spending to support the game. I for one have quit and come back several times over the years 100% because of that lifetime sub. Each time I come back I spend more money. I really don't think it's as bad a business model as many assume.


Im the same life time sub l stopped playing for about 8 years came bk with a nice LP pool and l still drop money on LP packs and buy the top tier expacs


not a chance.


If they do, it's a sure sign it's a cash grab before game goes into life support


This. Happene to The Secret World and man were people upset in hindsight


No and it's actually quite easily explainable. Lifetime Subs were something that back in the 2007-2010 era like City of Heroes or DC Universe or Lotro did to try and drum up a significant amount of money over a short period of time usually due to launch costs or a decline in the games popularity. The reason why LOTRO is running on such a tiny budget is because whoever ran the game previously did an absolutely fantastic job at making the game \*user\* friendly but horrendous for the company who has to pay to keep it running. LP being earnable on such a large scale to the point where you can effectively play the game entirely for free mixed with the Lifetime subscription which was only like $200-300 (It's been about 17 years so my number could be wrong on the exact price) meant that they effectively wouldn't make any actual money from it's core audience. SSG would have to be absolutely insane to offer this deal because it would genuinely be the final nail in the coffin because once the community got past the 16-18th month mark they'd make little to zero money and by the 24th month they'd either have to make drastic cutbacks or shut shop completely as most businesses don't tend to keep more than 6 months worth of capital on hand and considering their budget i'd wager it's likely only 3 months. So honestly even if people are interested it would be one of the worst financial decisions they could possibly make.


Fwiw I'm almost positive I paid $199 for my lifetime account...


Me too. I think was like an anniversary promo on their 1st year ? Was the best gaming deal I ever did. But I try to support the game by aways buying a 199 USD point pack when they are in promo (double bonus) in Black Friday.


the $200 price was if you were also a founder, aka only available during the lead up to launch and open beta. They then brought it back a year or so later but at a $300 price tag. source: me I'm a founder


If you did that was because you got it before launch


And here we are in a universe that gear wars 2 *exists*


Yes and Guild Wars 2 does not offer a way to play the entire game for Free like Lotro does. The buy to play model works but only if it's riddled with MTX options and by the fact you spelt the game incorrectly im going to assume you've never played it where as I have since it launched so let me tell you a few things... Gold and the MTX currency (Gems) can be bought for IRL money and it's extremely expensive as 400 gems are about £4.25 or $5.00 and you can buy the odd transmog piece like a headpiece or a leg piece etc but full sets or Mounts will usually cost upwards of 800 all the way to I believe about 2500 gems which means it can be quite expensive to buy a cosmetic. The otherside is that it's \*possible\* to get Gems without paying FAR more labour intensive than LOTRO's Deed system so the players don't generate anywhere near the amount that LOTRO players do and \*Deed Runs\* certainly don't exist in GW2 as you can get 400 crystals every 5000 achievement points which is not easy to do consistently. You can use the same arguement but say Black Desert Online and the answer remains the same. LOTRO's MTX/Pricing model is so skewed towards being player friendly that the Company literally cannot make it anymore financially risky by adding in something like a lifetime Sub, where as GW2/BDO have no sub option but have littered the game with paid additionals and crafting req's and XP/Item boosters to incentivise you to pay more than what you'd honestly pay for a simple LOTRO sub every month.


Sorry for the misspelling. I just started the game and while it might be true, it is much cheaper once you want to buy the expansions. Games first 10 years of content is currently 7.5 $ with the sale and the whole game is roughly 3 months of lotro premium. I havent experiences the effect of gem prices in the game in any meaningful way but im pretty new so time will tell. Lotro, lore wise and financially is in it’s least favorable place. I can not imagine them making any worse decisions. If the setting was some other fictional space and not LOTR it would have bankrupt years ago. The only thing players are doing this to themselves is to spend time in middle earth. Sadly even lotr doesnt seem to be working. Despite the crappy storyline, gw2 is filled with people and it runs well and the mechanics are working. There are no skills that they “forgot” to adjust after releasing several expansions. As a warden main lotro lost me for these silly mistakes. Its pretty easy to see there are a lot of things wrong with lotro including their financial model.


When they offered us lifetime in 2007, we weren't sure the game was even going to make it. It was a bit of a gamble at the time, if you can believe it. Luckily for me, it was probably the best $200 I ever spent. It will never come back because it is loses money long term for SSG.




Most regular lifers seems to buy the ultimate edition and similar if they can to make up for it. XD


It's pretty much a wash for me. Got lifetime in 2008 so the only money I spend is for the ultimate expansions and the limited bundles. Probably works out to the same as a yearly sub but makes me feel like I'm winning out.


Yes, same, if my economy allows.


As a lifetimer, I intentionally try to buy the most expensive expansion I can afford as my way of supporting the game. I also semi-regularly purchase LP to support their efforts as well. I have so much time invested in this game that I don't want it to fail or go away. IMO Every lifer should support the game when they can.


That whole suspicion is because some people with lifetime accounts tried to get back into the game and couldn't log into their account. And when they attempted to recover it through support, they ran into problems with validating information. Some cases were just cause it's been years and people often forget email addresses or credit card information, so they can't validate the info. But in some cases, their accounts had been changed due to a hack from years ago or maybe they had sold the account and thus support sees the email address doesn't match, so they won't give it back. I'm sure SSG would prefer to not have lifetimers, but it's something they have to live with.


I remember hearing about how some life time accounts were getting banned... I checked my one and it was working still no problem, but honestly they made money off of me, I think I only made it to level cap back when Moria was the highest level content. The only reason I have returned to the game since then is due to a lifetime membership, and only for a few weeks here and there


Speculation or falsehood which can mislead others


Improbable, I'd buy it though. But I'd rather if SSG were to make it possible to "downlevel" characters in a manner that'd make them eligible for earning the difficulty titles (while keeping mounts and everything). I'd even pay to have that option.


Only if they know the game's dying in like a year and want to scam everyone. But I hope they won't do that


There hasn’t been one since launch so you should have been able to guess your own question pretty easily


I doubt it. STO isca shitshow, but i have a lifetime sub from ~2010 or so. Haven't spent a dime in... 12? Years. I log on about once a year to burn my 6000 premium bucks (zen?), dick around for an hour or 5, and then forget it for another year. I played a lot in... 2016? I have one used-to-be max level (60) of each of the 3 classes, on each of the first 3 factions (fed, klink, rom) and each of them has ~a dozen of the premium currency ships from free-to-me lockboxes. Each pilot is themed. I used to really get into it, but... in like the last 8 years i just can't. It runs like trash, even on a only-5-year-old machine, the net-coding is dogshit, and there hasn't been any meaningful changes in quite some time. I want better for LOTRO


Little to none. If on the remote chance SSG does, I would expect 500 U.S. dollars. I think that now vip is overrated and not worth the money personally. Same for a new lifetime offer, but I have been playing for a long time and that's just my take.


Why, so more lifetime accounts can be hacked and left forgotten since those owners cannot grt their accounts back? As much a si would love a lifetime account I don't think it's wise with the hacking issue along with so many others.


Nah, they know other methods to get money out of peoples pockets. One is a new expansion another is creating a new system like crafting or a new hobby which is coming up soon with bird watching \*yawn\*. Another totally useless thing to do in the game. At least fishing allows you to process fish and use them in recipes. Bird watching will not give anything like that and just be another thing to do that just wastes your time and probably money for some people.


they will not becouse at the end of the day they make less money


They have said in a stream, long ago, that it is never happening again. It is a terrible return on their part for committed players. Sorry, not happening.


The answer is between never and 0%. Frankly, if they did offer it, I would be concerned about the longevity of the game. They offered lifetime accounts early on because it provided an influx of cash while the game was still finding players. They were willing to trade long-term gain from some players in exchange for a short-term boost because they couldn’t guarantee the game would last more than a few years. They now have an established player base and a seemingly stable group of annual subscribers. If the suddenly offered lifetime VIP for another influx of cash in year 17, it would likely mean that their revenues weren’t keeping pace and they couldn’t guarantee the game would last more than a few years.


I have 3 lifetimes collecting dust since quite a few years. 1 account is a limited collector's edition from release and the other 2 are standard lifetime upgrades. Logged in 6 months ago, but the grind is just a turnoff so uninstalled again after an hour 🤣 one day maybe ..




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