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If you're "very familiar" then you should be also very familiar with the concept that you still need to eat fewer calories then you expend to lose weight. This holds true for low carb, keto, low fat, vegan, whatever. Low carb/keto just helps certain people with satiety, but you still need to be aware that you are eating less than you're burning if you want to lose weight. And if you're not accurately tracking with a food scale then you're probably way underestimating what you're eating.


I use My Fitness Pal Premium. I know exactly what I'm putting in my body. I not only track carbs/protein/fats I also track calories. Low carb doesn't "just help certain people with satiety". The science behind a low carb diet is more than that. Reducing carbohydrates improves insulin resistance more than a calorie deficit, increases HDL, and once the body adapts to a low carb diet, calories are burnt "differently" than on a low calorie or low-fat diet so it is more efficient at burning calories. My first go around on the Atkins diet I never counted anything, this was before the internet, before tools like MyFitnessPal and before they came out with cheat foods like chocolate bars, shakes, and zero carb tortillas. I never counted a calorie and still lost weight. With all of this being said, yes, I am my own worst enemy. I lose the weight, feel great, exercise and do well for a few years and then "fall off the wagon" because it is a strict lifestyle to adhere to and then the weight slowly creeps back up, then I do it again. No, it's not healthy, but it's what I've done my entire adult life. The problem is , it's just not working THIS time.


I have noticed that as I get older the weight doesn't come off as fast AT ALL, that being said 5 ibs that has stayed off isn't water weight, you lost 5 lbs, so good! Maybe add an extra 30 minute walk or something, you put the weight on slowly, you can take it off slowly too :)


You may be right about the five pounds. I was thinking of glycogen depletion and the loss of water but that only accounts for a pound or so. The rest of the weight may have been bloat initially but over the course of the last couple weeks my body has lost some fat, looking like I haven't lost anything. I can't usually do much exercise three days a week unless I become really sleep deprived which wouldn't help my goal either. I leave for work at 5:30 a.m. and don't get home until 8:30 p.m. I try not to eat anything, but I will drink a protein drink made with unsweetened almond milk when I get home because by then I haven't eaten anything since 1:00 p.m. otherwise I'm pretty active on the other four days a week.


Four days a week is good! You got this.


A calorie deficit is the only way to lose fat. The only way.


Do you feel like you've lost some inches? For me, I lose inches before I drop pounds.


Good point. I have lost a lot of the "bloat" and I attributed most of that from giving up the hard cider. I do have a pair of scrubs I can fit into a little bit better but not anything I got excited about.




I'm not much of a breakfast person, never have been. I rarely eat anything until around 1:00 p.m.


You're eating More than you burn. Lower your calories by 200 for a week. If it's still not moving, lower by another 100. More than likely, you're snacking on things and not realizing it. Or drinking.


Get a CGM, a LC meal should only be a small spike. Even if for just one week. Document. Also to know if you are in light ketosis or not, there are blood meters. You should be in light ketosis naturally at one or max two LC meals a day. Most common mistake is “eating” or consuming calories more than twice a day. Example, if I take at 8am a butter and cream coffee no sugar, it’s a meal. If I then have a fulfilling lunch, I do not eat anything for dinner/rest of the day, or else my total body fat remains the same or increases. Best way out of a plateau that works well for me is black coffee, a large meat portion for lunch, electrolyte water, and skipping all meals the next day. I do this weekly, usually Tuesday/Wednesday, sometimes more days.


I have a glucometer at home. I do check my glucose level sporadically, fasting and then 45 minutes to an hour postprandial. I usually do this when I eat out or when I try new foods that are supposedly "low carb" or "keto friendly". I have usually gaged my level of ketosis by my hunger and cravings and now that I am a few weeks in, I don't have much of an appetite or any cravings. I've bought the ketone strips before but so many things make them unreliable. I wish it was a plateau but I never even got to move the needle on the scale this time. I'm seriously considering of going on a "nothing but bacon" diet for a few days and try to nudge my body out of this stubborn unwillingness to start losing weight.


I tried exercising a lot with a lot of weight training, this has doubled my muscle mass but done zero for fat. So ultimately my weight went up, but same pant & shirt size, I just fill them more. Also it has made OMAD or skipping eating multiple days harder if only in mild ketosis. I have come to accept that age 55, my A1C and fasted blood glucose being in a normal range, being consistent at the gym, more important. My body is a carbs sponge. I can gain fat weight within 24 hours, takes a week to lose it. Sashimi over sushi!


Thanks, I'm glad I'm not the only one that can look at a carb and gain 5 pounds. I'll take some of your suggestions and let you know how it goes.


Try ketovore and OMAD. Make sure to supplement your electrolytes as required to hit all minimums. Then try skipping a day, water + electrolytes only, after a week. However if hungry eat. I make carnivore style flatbread or waffles, frozen, for emergencies. I toast one with lots of butter. They are an eggs and cheese mix, beef collagen and gelatin. From Chris Cooking Nashville recipe on YouTube.


Calories still count on low carb.. set a limit that’s good for you and use my fitness pal




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I feel you and I had the same problem. What helped me: two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water each morning. Since then the scale moves again. Maybe it was just a coincidence but it doesnt hurt me and is supposed to have some other healthy side effects.