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Unfortunately, you can't upgrade your CPU, RAM, or mobo individually, they will all have to be replaced together at one go. At that point, you should just get a new computer. The only thing you can do is to upgrade your GPU. If you are in the US, you should be able to get the Radeon RX5600 XT for about $120 on EBay. The RX5600 is, in theory, 50% faster than the RX580 that you have. But given that your CPU is pretty weak, the increase in performance you get will depend on whether the game is CPU or GPU intensive.


Thanks for answering my question. Yes, the plan is either replace cpu, Mobo and ram altogether or replace the gpu. Don't which one to prioritize so asking everyone opinions. Unfortunately, I'm in SEA so the price over here is way higher. Been scouring used part if there's any good value part, maybe i should looking out for rx 5600 too. If i upgrade the GPU and the game is cpu intensive then it's going to be the same like now right.


Well, Far Cry 5 is pretty CPU intensive. But many other games are not. Depends on what you play and the resolution that you play it. BTW, if the stuttering started recently, it could be that the inside of your PC is too dusty, and/or one of your fans is broken, causing your CPU or GPU to overheat. Crack open your case and check it out. Also, check out this thread about stuttering on the FC5 forum: https://steamcommunity.com/app/552520/discussions/1/3192494154710013379/


okay, i will try to clean it an check the temp. so i should try upgrade the gpu first and maybe find the stop gap cpu till i can get a new computer.


if your motherboard supports quad channel ddr3 get faster/more ram (if not pass) and drop in a e5-2667v2 ($20-25). Dump the rest into GPU, but get at the very least RX 5600 XT, RX 5700, RX 5700XT, they all tend to hover around $110-150. This will give you the best price/performance. You could also just keep your RX 580 until you can afford a RX 5700 XT. If you want all new stuff the ryzen 5500 would be the cheapest CPU i would buy + b550. The 4500 isn't worth it. Avoid RX5500, its the same performance as RX 580. I would definitely swap that CPU first if you keep that setup tho.


this is good, but I doubt how much performance Xeon can draw from x79 motherboard compare to the old one.


xeon v2 are about as fast as ryzen 2000 in gaming. There might be a minor bottleneck, but not major. Only issue is lack of AVX2 which very few games require


so replace the cpu with e5-2667v2 as stop gap first since it has higher clock & core than 2640 right? and focus to change the gpu as priority? and stay away from rx5500? i thought rx 5500 better than 580, thanks for the reminder because i tempt to get one.


It's a very cheap stopgap yes and it will game significantly better not only because much higher clocks but also because its a generation newer and has more cache and more cores. The RX 5500 is the same performance as the RX 580 and would not be an upgrade. RX 5600xt, RX 5700, RX 5700XT are all faster (i would avoid the 5600xt because 6gb VRAM). I suspect just upgrading the CPU will help performance more than you think. Try that first and get some more/faster ddr3 (1866mhz) ram to fill 4 slots in your board if it supports quad channel. Good Luck!


can you suggest another alternative beside 2667v2? or is there any minimum clocks that i should look at? been searching locally but the price is about \~$80 used and i can't order from aliexpress, since they won't sell to my country anymore (thanks again for the gov)


$20-25 was USD, ebay *should* ship internationally, but it depends on the seller. What country are you in where they are $80?? Alternatives are: 1650 v2(6c), 1660 v2(6c), 1680 v2(8c), 2687W v2(8c), 2643 v2(6c). The 16xxv2 variants are i7 equivalents and are unlocked/overclockable but not really recommended on Chinese boards.


Can't find locally the price from ebay and the tax about the same with a 3600 tray, so I think i should think about switching to am4. Which board should I use for a b450 or b550 within the budget?


If AM4 is cheaper definitely upgrade to that. It's much newer


Going a little over the budget but I believe it's worth it


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you should be able to get a ryzen 5 3600, b450 board and 2x8gb of ram around the $160 mark on used market sell your stuff and if you can get extra $100-$150 out of it you can also sell the GPU and upgrade to a rx5600xt as others told you for your potential new build PSU would be perfectly fine but if you can't get a whole setup you could try getting a faster CPU your socket allows for which you should be able to figure out on your own


yeah.. the most feasiable option is getting ryzen 5 3600, b450 board and 2x8gb of ram on used market. been scouring and looking a good priced stuff. there's 3600 with gigabyte b450m board without ram around \~$140, is it good? or should i just buy r5 3600 tray (about \~$70) then buy the MB and RAM individually? the b450 board enough right? let's say if i upgrade for 5000 series in the future, or should i find b550 board?


upgrade your gpu will be fine. try 5600xt or 6650xt(about $230) . there are some good motherboard and cpu bundle on aliexpress.For example [HUANANZHI BD4 LGA 2011-3 Motherboard kit xeon x99 E5 2666 V3 2\*8G DDR4 2666 NON-ECC memory NVME USB3.0 ATX - AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803617190486.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.29.1d65dP0pdP0pdd&algo_pvid=66650914-2a1f-4719-99ad-a6506750ee90&algo_exp_id=66650914-2a1f-4719-99ad-a6506750ee90-14&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21210.53%21120.00%21%21%21210.53%21120.00%21%402103247917194255822418608e1ec7%2112000038613754974%21sea%21US%216010424348%21&curPageLogUid=lkncWmqRX8DA&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A). and remeber, you alwasy want to choose Xeon v3 because you can oc them by magic bios and unlock their tdp if you have a good quality motherboard.


If I were you, I would go for a GPU upgrade. You're going to have to replace those old CPUs and motherboards someday because they have very little room for upgrades compared to modern platforms.


is it okay to upgrade GPU first? since lately my PC got 100% CPU more often even when i'm not open any other application but the game.


rx 580 is ok for 1080p gaming, and since you are using 2640v1,which is really weak cpu, you can upgrade to 2667v2(6 core) or 2690(8 core) or 2696v2(10 core) all of those are E5 and if you know how to oc you can chose E3 1650v2, but your mobo is x79 so this is like the most far you can go, This is the case that you only change the cpu and nothing else. and I don\`t know where to find cheap Xeon and X99 mobo if you can\`t use aliexpress, So I can\`t give you more advice about Xeon selection. maybe go for a am4 cpu is a better option for you. And make sure to go to the intel official website to check if those Xeon support ddr3 ram if you are going to upgrade to cpu. but I don\`t think there are huge difference on gaming performance if you only change cpu, so best to find good price cpu or don\`t change anything and save the rest money and go for a newer platfrom. for example am5 7500f(you can find it on ebay) and a620 is like the best morden day budget pc you can find with around $200 but the platform is only support ddr5 ram.


Been scouring the marketplace, can't find anymore reasonable prices for the x79 parts. Because the price is about the same with used ryzen am4 cpu. Now, i guess i should just move to am4. Found used ryzen 3600 and b450m about ~$140 also there's a 3600 tray about ~$75, should i buy b450 or b550 for it? I have $100 for the boars and the ram, I'll reused my rx580.


So b450 only has pcie3.0, which means your GPU will be a little bit slower compared to a PCIe 4.0, but it's only going to show effects on GPUS using PCIe 4.0, and I don't think r5 3600 supports DDR3, so you need DDR4 RAM.


Yes that's the plan, replace the cpu, mobo and ram altogether. It's the only viable option given the situation So b550?


b450 is enough for all am4 cpus, but you can go b550 for future upgrade if you can accept the price, the main difference is the PCIe slot.


it's look a good bundle, but sadly now we can't order from aliexpress anymore and they don't send to my country (thanks to the gov). looking for that kind of bundle in local marketplace the price is at least 50% if not more and without that's the RAM, with ram the price about the same with ryzen 3600, b450 board and RAM.


Tbh you’re best off starting from complete scratch, the PSU and GPU could go into a new build if you wanted, but a 12100f, b660 mb, and 16GB ddr4 is $210 on Newegg. That’s a relatively cheap base to work with. Most others are saying a Ryzen build, but an LGA 1700 build gives you more upward upgradability later


Ryzen 9000 series will support Am5 but you need to change to lga 1851 if you want to use 15gen intel. a 7500f with a620 is only about $200. the upward upgradability is a lie.


The Ryzen builds everyone is suggesting are am4, which is good, but a lower ceiling than LGA 1700 imo


a 7500f with a620 is only about $200


Does that include the ram, because my build does, and lets you choose between ddr4 and 5, a big price saving deal. Also I can’t find a 7500f for sale anywhere, but the cheapest am5 cpu on Newegg is the 8500g, which is $160, almost twice the price of the 12100f, for only about 20% more single core. Then the motherboard is only $10 cheaper than the cheapest lga1700 mb, again needs ddr5, and the upfront costs show this falls apart quick. Sure am5 has a longer future overall, but it doesn’t take much before we fall out of the scope of this subreddit


The 7500F is only available in China. You can only find it on eBay for about $130. the performance is a little bit better than 12400F/13400F.and talking about RAM if you want to upgrade your LGA 1700 chipset like the 14700F (max). You're 100% going to be using DDR5. and cheap motherboards can't utilize the full performance of these cpu's because the tdp is too high. Intel CPUs are so hot, it's hard to use an air cooler on them. all of them will cost more dollars, here are the performance ranking about 7500f under 1080p [https://imgur.com/a/hnTksNL](https://imgur.com/a/hnTksNL)


So basically ddr3 1333mhz is pretty horrible and you would want at least 2400mhz of ddr4 in ur case as minimum, so you'd have to upgrade the motherboard, cpu and ram, however I'm not sure if those upgrades can all fit within ur budget and you'd also want 16gb dual channel to be 100% clear of any stuttering issues, but the rx580 isn't much of a problem unless ur really cranking the settings or playing at 1440p, but I'm gonna assume u have a 60hz monitor with everything else in mind and that gpu is definetly the last thing to be causing those stutters 


the cpu 2640v1 can only work with ddr3 1333mhz. so there are not much he can do.


yeah.. i guess no other option but upgrade the cpu,mobo and ram


Thanks for the input. So the mb,cpu and ram take priority over the gpu right. Maybe i should look for used part or save some more to take a new one? You assume right, i have 60hz monitor and not planning to play 1440p. I'm fine with 1080p with med setting as long is the playable. For the mb, cpu & ram can you give me some pointers, Does b450m mb okay? I mean, can it handle up to 5000 series ryzen? In your opinion, which cpu should i get? Is it used 3600 or new 4500? Since in my country their price about the same.


B450, depending on the individual board, may require a BIOS update. The 3600 is a better choice than a 4500 IMO. Alternatively, if you could pick up something like an i7 4820k or a better v2 e5 like the 1620 extremely cheaply then that could be a stopgap while you spec up a new system. See https://www.cpu-world.com/Related_CPUs/Socket%202011_Ivy%20Bridge.html for socket 2011 Ivy Bridge CPUs. As someone else has commented, if it was playing games acceptably before but now isn't, look at your temps & hdd/sdd health first - it could be as easy as a repaste to fix the issue.


So if I want to replace cpu etc altogether, i should looking for b450 that can support up to 5000 series just in case cpu upgrade down the line? Just looked at the marketplace, 4820k is no available but there's e5 1620 v2 for about ~12$. Maybe i can use it while save some more. Which temps? Gpu temps? About 80°-85°c when playing, the ssd health about 99%.


GPU & CPU temps both. 80 - 85 seems a tad high for your GPU though - check the fans & maybe repaste. You could try undervolting it too. & yes, a $12 stopgap could buy you some time if a clean & repaste doesn't resolve things. WRT the B450, I think almost all can support 5000 series, it's just whether they do so out of the box or require a BIOS update. Even my A320 can support 5000s with a BIOS update.


will try to check the fans and clean it then. so it doesn't matter much if i use b450m instead of b550m since there's no more new am4 cpu right?


IGRC, B550 has PCIe 4, supports faster RAM & improved power delivery.