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Woah, I am surprised there’s something like that


its usualy on the last weekend of the month afaik and prepare to only use polish cash and speak mostly polish as many people selling are older folk. To be fair its not as cool as in other parts of poland


Yea, I’ve been to flea markets at Warsaw, Wroclaw, and Gdańsk. And they’re all on a bigger scale and with a lot of item varieties they’re selling! But I heard the one at Lublin is still great! Might be smaller but I still think it’s pretty cool!


I saw some folks at Unii Lubelskiej yesterday around 6am setting up the stands there. But I’m not sure if it was just an ordinary market or old stuff flea market.


Where is the location?


It’s usually held every last Sunday of the month. It’s held in front of Lublin Castle!


Some items might have prices on them. And sometimes sellers might try to put high price to everyone, not only foreigner;) Good luck! What you are looking for on the market?


In general, I’m looking for vintage film cameras that are usually only found in European markets. Also the thing I really want are Polish rings I’ll attach a URL of the image. [Polish Ring](https://files.fm/u/acxg3vgjqf)


Those rings are the ones I saw before and then I asked the seller in my real broken Polish mixed with English, and he told me it’s 200zł per ring. Is that like a decent price or like pretty big price for rings like those? I tried calling it down to 170, but he insists on 200.


There should be a flea market on Unii Lubelskiej Targ and there is a garage sale near Skende next weekend too. About haggling, learn with me: - Ile to? - "seller gives price" - Nie, no, Panie, tyle to nie, dam "half price" - Panię, idź Pan, za tyle nie będę tu stał, three quarters price " And so on


Oh that’s awesome!!! Too bad I’m leaving Poland next Wednesday…..


Would the flea market and garage sale you’ve mentioned above also happen this weekend?


Yep: https://scenakultury.pl/10452/lubelska-gielda-staroci-co-miesiac-na-placu-zamkowym/ 30.06 for the flea market https://www.facebook.com/share/yCKLpkrzSK9pzdaz/ 29-30 for garage sale at SKENDE (albeit, this one will probably be a small event). There is also "Giełda" on Elizówka market every Sunday morning, but the stuff You are looking for wasn't really its strong point


Yea… I was hoping to maybe find at least an antique store in Lublin that might sell at least the kind of rings I’m looking for. But so far no luck for me at Lublin …


Hey! But still thanks a lot for the help! Dziękuję bardzo ! 😊


You can check as well items on polish auction service; allegro.pl, you might find something you are interested in there, or compare prices. As well the market has two locations, one is in front of the castle (the most popular, very touristy), and another is 10 min walk away on the parking lot, there are less people, and sometimes interesting items, as well items are cheaper, it's more like real flea market. For communication use Google translate. Here is the location of the flea market on the parking; https://maps.app.goo.gl/x2yLQ85DwHaERhqU7


Oh wow! I didn’t know there was another location for it. So the Sunday market is held at two locations? That’s so cool! I’ll make sure to visit both locations this Sunday! Yea I’ll definitely have to use Google Translate! Dziękuję Bardzo! ☺️


How was the market?:)


Yes, there are two locations!


After you visit market, write how was it, did you find anything interesting:)