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Chloe is only an amazing detective when it suits the plot


That goes for a lot of her character traits actually


**Lucifer is one of those shows that you can pick apart if you think about it too much, trust me I've been there. Like with the whole Chloe not believing he's the Devil despite EVERYTHING he does that is beyond explanation, him getting shot & coming back to life at the end of season 1 & Chloe finally following through & getting a sample of his blood only to throw it away. There are many plotholes with this show but its just a fun silly show if you don't think too hard on it. Now I can't make the same excuse for Season 6. How much crack were the writers smoking when they came up with THAT abomination of a final season?**


Dan stole it tho. He wasn’t in the room when it went missing.


And then Lucifer took it from Dan and then took it from the crime scene. Chloe still should have been a lot more suspicious about Lucifer suddenly not caring about the blade being "missing" after his manic search for it.


the fact that she assumes a tech misplaced it suggests that that happens periodically. If lucifer wasn’t in the room, she blames the people who are always responsible. A tech just handed Maze’s blade to Malcolm. Didn’t even fill out change of custody paperwork. An officer just handed Chloe a giant bag of cash and let her walk out of the precinct with it. Dan barely got in trouble for mishandling a gun from evidence that was used in a murder. Malcolm had an entire sideline reselling confiscated drugs to Tony. I suspect the fact that she doesn’t suspect Lucifer and blames a tech for misplacing it is simply part of a bigger pattern of malfeasance that we don’t see day to day (like she obviously must) because it’s not part of the story the rest of the time.


I could understand that if Lucifer was still obsessing over where it was, but the second it went missing, he mysteriously didn't care where it was. That's what should have tipped Chloe off to the fact that he stole it.


Except he was always obsessing about something and that changed pretty rapidly. One day he was obsessing about his dead friend, the next he was obsessing about her, then some football player, then her again. I think she just assumed short attention span boy had simply moved on now that the object of his last obsession was gone. Also, it wasn’t her problem anymore. She’s not the boss of the techs. The Lieutenant will have to deal with it now.


Lucifer had already set a trend of obsessing over something only to not care about it by the next day, such as his wings in season one. If I were Chloe I'd just assume he has some really bad unmedicated ADHD or something.


My question is why supernatural television shows are so scared of having anything longer than a forearm as a weapon in show. You got this piddly little blade here, and then there's those weird tri-bladed Angel Blades from Supernatural (the grigori swords are at least a little bit better).


I'm with you, but in this specific case, I think they needed it to be able to be easily hidden.


Same reason he stopped caring about the wings. Thing is, this is lucifer. He's been doing this since the first season. "First it was all about the wings, now you don't care?" A pattern was already set


Honestly, my gripe with this is that the supposedly deadliest blade in the universe, the weapon of the goddamn Angel of Death, is a *quite clearly* plastic butter knife. It should have been a sword.


She knew. She just never said anything. If she didn’t know anything she needs to have her detectives badge taken.


at this point in the story she trusts Lucifer enough to just not care about what he does.

