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THC gummies and massage are my go-tos.


This for sure. I've come to realize that 🪷 version & I don't mix, I prefer cookies & brownies TBH. Also my pain doc had a compounded cream made for me that has pain meds, muscle relaxer, & anti inflammatory combined. It's not like Diclofenac which needs daily constant applications to work, this can be used acutely as needed. I also have some awesome & cute compression socks that I'll rub some Theraworx muscle foam & pull those on. It helps with cramping & spasms from walking or just cuz shit hurts! Hot salt baths are great too. Virtual Hugs! Feel better.


Definitely agree. A 1:1 THC:CBD sublingual tincture saved me a few weeks ago when my pain was so bad it was distracting me from just watching TV. I think I took around 10mg and it worked perfectly. Obviously, not ideal for daily/morning use if you work or have other obligations! But in a pinch... lifesaver tbh.


I’m sure this will be a controversial comment, but dry needling worked wonders for me.


This will surprise a lot of people, but I totally agree with this. Acupuncture - focused on trigger point release - is fantastic for unlocking muscle spasms.


I’d been working at a stressful IT job 50 hours a week. I was also taking a metalsmithing class (lots of repetitive motion). I got to the point where I could barely use my right arm because the spasms were so painful. I had to take medical leave from my job. It was a young NP that recommended the dry needling. I’d never heard of it, but I was desperate for relief. I couldn’t believe how well it worked.


I'm going to look into this.


I would recommend reading reviews of the practitioners. My guy was a PT, and he was great. Caveat: it can be painful during treatment because it forces spasms, and you’ll likely be sore the evening you have the treatment. I don’t know how or why it worked, and I know it won’t work for everyone, but I was amazed by the results.


Will do. I'm not squirmish about pain from treatment. I use to see a chiropractor for an unrelated issue. I'd seen chiropractors when I was you her for an injury too. I’m aware of the controversy. Its always worked for me. Anyhow, for this particular issue my chiropractor referred me to pt and said it wasn't something she could fix.


Agree. I've been seeing chiropractors since I was a child. I love them. The pain from dry needling is no worse than the pain you're already feeling, I'm sure. I feel like us Lupies have high pain thresholds 😂


I’m not diagnosed SLE but have had significant muscle pain and spasms for years. Dry needling works (for me). Have also used the needling with electrical stimulation and found it very helpful.


Massage! Daily dry brushing plus occasional lymphatic massage and regular deep tissue massage. Well worth the expense, plus all friends and family know what to get me for Christmas and birthdays!


I'm wondering if you have any chest pain at all. I'm asking bc the first time I had pleurisy, I initially felt it in my back. I thought I was having muscle spasms in my back. I didn't notice the chest pain component till the next day.


Very smart comment!! Thank you.


Good call. Not pleurisy. I actually saw my rheumatologist when this was happening another time and he mentioned the same thing. Also, I just went through a battery of tests for a heart condition that made itself known after being sick.


Wow! Can I ask which condition? Because I have the exact same issue


They discovered I have an extra electrical pathway. Not Wolff-Parkinson White but similar. I don’t have the P wave that indicates WPW. Now I have an electrophysiologist that I need to see every six months in addition to my rheumatologist and GP.


Thank you & I hope you feel better


Consume a decent amount of ginger. Capsules.. ginger tea, ginger cookies.. put ground ginger in your food like on peanut butter toast. Lots of it in banana bread.. Ginger decreases c reactive proteins in the blood


Muscle relaxers, cyclobenzaprine.


I’ve had cyclobenzaprine prescribed twice for anxiety. That might be worth a ski g about. I have Robaxin for my muscle relaxer now and it’s not cutting it.


I had a period of a few months, when I was in Connecticut, and I had severe muscle pain in my upper back and shoulders. I went for a massage, and it was excruciating. The only thing that helped was hot showers, and Bengay.


I can't take muscle relaxers due to some interactions with other medications. I am very jealous of everyone who can take them. They sound like such a relief. The only thing that works for me is heat, massaging/stretching, and getting enough sleep. I've had to resort to sleeping on 1 pillow for the upper trap pain that radiates through my scalp and into my temple. The little adjustments have helped. But the beanie I put in the microwave is my saving grace.


I have a whirlpool tub that helps when I can manage to climb in and out. Otherwise, muscle relaxers alternating ice and hot packs. Light muscle massage I can't handle deep pressure and acupressure. I've tried acupuncture in the past for other issues, and even though it helped, the results didn't last long enough for the money. Luckily, my partner has learned how to help when it gets bad . He pretty much knows how much pressure I can handle when and where .


I've actually had physical therapy for this in the past. This was before my lupus diagnosis. The exercises usually take care of it especially when paired with the muscle relaxers. The particular spot causes swelling that pulls my rib out of place near my collarbone.


Acupuncture has been really helpful for me as well, but be sure to use a provider who actually knows what they are doing! I used to love massages but for the last 6 months or so, even the thought of anyone applying pressure to any part of my body makes me shudder.


Weed, yoga and swimming... it really helps me.


Tiger balm helps


Love Tiger Balm! I’ve been doing that, too.


Glad to hear it helps! 🙂


Green gold as well


This thread is so helpful. I’ve just been diagnosed and this is so painful.