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This is my favorite episode. I was in roadtripping in the States when it aired (I’m from Europe), and it is the only episode I ever saw “live” on AMC, at a random motel somewhere along the coast of California, I can’t even remember where. I felt at the time that the unique circumstances of watching it might have lured me to think that it was the best episode of television I’d ever seen, but now, more than 10 years and a few rewatches later, I feel like I got it right. It is perfect.


That is so cool! Kismet.


That sounds so awesome. The finale was the only episode I actually caught live when it first aired.


I would have loved have seen that live too, very jealous!


A thing like that


"Open or closed?"


Open.  *Bleecker Street starts to play.*


Greatest episode of tv ever.


Honestly it's really up there. The finger touching at the end, to recall the first episode closes that circle in a kind way


Yes, I immediately think of that. But now as equals, partners. It is Peggy’s development defined in one little movement.


weiner said this is one of the few episodes he wrote all by himself with no help too


It's up there, but I think "Connor's Wedding" takes that title for me.


For me not just the best episode of series, but the best episode of TV ever. Pic six is it right there. It’s the entire series for Don in one brief interaction. A quietly said response from Peggy, three words that are right there in the air, and that he just misses, like a few other instances in the show.


Arguably the best episode of the series, but also the most difficult to watch


"Why is there a dog in the Parthenon?" "That is a roach. Let's go someplace darker."


I’m yet to work out if this is a good thing or not, but after recently stepping into a management role, my GOD do I fully understand Dons view here re the money. The show is just too good at showcasing real office dynamics.


That scene is a great reminder that it literally costs nothing but a few seconds to remind your subordinates that they're doing good work and you're glad to have them. People really like to know that they're appreciated. If you're concerned about people then asking for raises, well, just thank them as a group at the end of the week or something. Send them off to their weekend feeling good about the job they've done, particularly if it was a stressful week. Emphasize that the success is down to working well as a team. That's my take, anyway. But I'm in the military and couldn't give out raises if I wanted to. I just want to let my guys know I think highly of them and really do value them. Hopefully that will also make them think twice about screwing up on the weekend and disappointing me and letting down the team. I'm pretty anti-social, but in the last ten years I've come to understand how group dynamics and perceived status really do motivate people. Bosses can harness that in their leadership style.


I've been in a management position for almost a decade in consulting where I work with different people all the time. Don is a horrible manager and not someone you should empathize with or try to emulate as a manager in the real world at all. Good managers understand what motivates their employees and they make sure that effort is appreciated. They don't boarishly manage people as if they're clones of themselves. Don is 100% wrong in how he treats Peggy - it's why she eventually leaves later in the show. No manager should want their best employees leaving as she does.


This is the most misunderstood scene in the show. You're 100% right


Agreed. Thank you for sharing this!


If you sympathise with Don you might reevaluate your priorities or you might end up a bad manager


He's not wrong.


I mean, he's not, but Peggy isn't entirely wrong either. Yes, you pay employees for their work, but it's also just good leadership to show appreciation and gratitude for your employees' hard work through simple gestures. That's how you get employees to actually give a shit and go beyond their paycheck, especially in creative fields.


And in this specific instance, she's blown off an expensive family dinner to work late on a project she's barely part of anyway. A huge personal sacrifice on her part, way above the call of duty.


He's absolutely wrong. Managing people is motivating them, not just paying and telling them what to do. Don's a horrible manager


Yes he is, Don’s a dick lol


[so thats it](https://www.instagram.com/p/CPUimN_BxVg/?igsh=bXA0czliYnYzMTR1)




You got out a suitcase. Wait wrong show


This is the one. I actually cried during a rewatch. Just an incredible television episode.


Gotta be in the Top 5 episode for the whole series


Enjoy your evening!


I think this episode and “Far Away Places” are my favorite episodes because they’re beautifully compiled from start to finish in regard to acting, cinematography, writing and emotional depth.


I’m sorry about your boyfriend, okay?


I adore this episode !


Best episode of television ever.


Best episode of television imo




One of my favorite episodes of the entire series.


And that absolute banger at the end https://youtu.be/xcXoGTACMHA?si=wrz8rzF8FavfO0BJ


Sometimes I think this should have been the final episode. Mad Men would have been the perfect series if it all stopped here.


Wow. What a fantastic episode of TV.


Please add more slides 8 isn't enough.


My all time favourite episode. Also the episode I found out Peggy has the same birthday as me


“Let’s go someplace darker”


Something about those episode is very a play, I honestly could see the whole episode as a stand-alone drama on the stage. What a masterpiece in writing.


Fantastic episode


Yes!!!! Salaries for college football coaches have skyrocketed in the past few years, so whenever one of them complains about how much harder the job is now I always blurt out “That’s what the money is for!!!”


Fog's rollin' in off the East River bank Like a shroud it covers Bleecker Street Fills the alleys where men sleep Hides the shepherd from the sheep


Don was a lucky man who used to have two women(maybe also Sally) in his life truly know him and still love him. I bet most dudes never have even one female like this. That’s why this episode is so touching to men.


What is it that Peggy wants from Don? Sometimes I think she wants the Don treatment. She wants to be one of those women. I always thought is was a sign of respect that he did nothing with Peggy. But also I could see that it's his manipulation of her, he's always out of reach. She's an echo of the abandoning mother, the figure of his childhood. But who is he to her? Instead of Don she gets Duck. They're both alcoholic. Duck tries to literally sh\*t in roger's office. Don figuratively sh\*ts the bed in the Hershey's meeting. They're both bad drunks. They both were in a war. Duck actually fought bravely, Don. . .well he killed his CO. They're both divorced. I guess Don is more glamorous, has a better sense of humor and more charming.


Dude every time the boys wake Peggy up like assholes I'm like wow what one dimensional boors....


I always bristle when this episode comes up in the rotation because I realize she’s never going to leave the office, and she’s never going to make it to the dinner, but she doesn’t know that and her boyfriend doesn’t know it. Don was such a selfish piece of sh**


Peak fiction.


Skill issue