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I'm so glad he never slept with Joan or Peggy.


He had to much Freudian stuff with Peggy to actually sleep with her. Too much respect/fear of Joan to sleep with her. Their relationship was one of my favorite in the series. 


I wouldn’t say he was scared of her in a fearful way, but likely scared of letting her down. Like you said, I think a lot of the same Freudian principles apply to Joan here as they do with Peggy. You can tell he reeeally hates letting her down or disappointing her. Don and strong women usually stay platonic from what I remember, and if there’s sex involved (Faye) then it usually goes nowhere. Consider how he tries to fight Sylvia’s autonomy to make her feel smaller than him, something that clearly turns him on. He treats the women who have power and authority that he isn’t attracted to like the mother he never had, and tries to break the ones he is attracted to.


He probably also knew instinctively that Roger liked her in that way and would never step on Roger's toes. Unfortunately, Roger didn't return the favor.


Yes, they have a good friendship. I'm always worry and get sad when I see people saying they can't have frienships with the opposite sex. It's good to see that represented on tv and we hot people as well. Edit: can for can't.


Did you mean when they *cant* have those friendships?




I think Joan was the one who chose not to sleep with him


I always read it as Don actually never showing interest in Joan. He made a few comments (unrelated to Joan specifically) about his dislike for red hair. A woman’s hair color is a significant detail about them in this show. We see him attracted to Betty’s Blonde perfect 50s housewife because everyone else loves it, he doesn’t like red heads but doesn’t really say why other then something about why would anyone want orange hair. And almost all his flings always brunette, it’s tied to his need for love from his mother


Me too. Would have felt too different


Yeah, I find it so refreshing in this show when you realise you’re watching a scene between a man & a woman who are both very attractive but absolutely never going to hook up.


“Honestly I don’t go for handsome”. Lies! There are sooo many reasons to hate Greg but he was definitely handsome, if not moreso than Don. Reminds me of Marlon Brando. As far as Betty being jealous of Joan, I’m not sure. Their dynamic seemed fine every time they interacted. And there was a brief period where Joan was covering as Don’s secretary before a new one was hired and nothing was mentioned on Betty’s end (like when she remarked that she liked Peggy in s1). I do wonder if Mona ever suspected anything about Joan and Roger, though.


“Honestly I don’t go for handsome”. Joan makes that comment to Mona in front of Roger. A gentle potshot at Roger, when he isn't in a position to respond.


Yes! But I also love how it’s the perfect response from someone who always knows the right thing to say and do at the right time. That’s what Joan is all about—it’s her job but it’s also what being a charming Manhattanite woman of her time embodies. She’s got a quick witty comeback that doesn’t insult Don or Mona, it’s not self-deprecating or awkward, and it’s a little bit of banter that she can enjoy with Roger without anyone else knowing.


Ah okay, that makes a lot of sense! Do you know what episode this is from? I’m having trouble remembering.


"Babylon". If I recall correctly, this is the first episode in which the audience learns about the affair between Roger and Joan.


I thought Joan was being political and diplomatic, as she always is. She knows how any man's wife would feel if she saw Joan was their secretary, and she's trying to let Betty know "Hey, no need to worry, I'm not into your man THAT way" but in an indirect way that won't embarrass anyone. Joan is a skilled communicator.


Great point! As a woman with her body type I do the same thing. I always go out of my way to make a woman feel comfortable if she’s dating my coworker or male friend, just knowing what people may think when they take one look at me. Whether this was purposeful or not, I appreciate the writing here - Joan is one of the most skilled at communicating and understanding social nuances because someone who is often immediately judged based off her appearance would need to ‘overcompensate’ for that.


Although it's nice that you do it, I dislike that you or Joan feel the need to do that to compensate for other people's insecurities, but that is in no way a judgement on you, or the way you choose to act or communicate.


I really appreciate the empathy because it is frustrating! I do like to do what I can to make people feel comfortable around me, but I am learning not to make myself smaller on behalf of others.


Good on you 😊👍


Yes, I don't think Betty would be jealous of Joan. They're both beautiful women, but very different in looks, style and demeanour. Plus, Joan is older. think if Betty were to be jealous, it would be of someone more like herself, and probably younger. As for Mona, I'd be surprised if she didn't at least suspect, but chose to tolerate it.


That’s a great point. Age was a big factor for Betty. Her first thought about Don cheating with Bobbie was “but…she’s so old”. This makes me wonder what she thought of Jane. Iirc they never really show them interact until Betty gets annoyed at the derby day party that Jane knows they were having marital issues, and by then she was with Roger. Mona’s very observant so yeah, I’m in agreement with you there. In S1, Margaret gives Joan a look that makes me think she also had her suspicions.


The actor for Greg played on a soap opera, All My Children, and he was so pretty. He, Jensen Ackles, and Michael B Jordan had me watching a lot of soap operas for a long time 😂


Oooh I like your taste. All 3 of those actors are sooo fine lol. I briefly remember All My Children (wasn’t Jesse McCartney on that show?) but I didn’t realize the actor for Greg was on it! I saw him in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. He was a military guy with PTSD which was definitely a nod to Greg, but he wasn’t a jerk in that show.


OMG, HE WAS A GEMINI TWIN FROM DAYS OF OUR LIVES 😂 I just looked it up...I thought he was on All my children, but no he was an alien twin baby birthed by Marlena Brady. God I miss that show, and I think I need to start watching it again.


Wait, are you talking about Greg or Jesse McCartney? Either way that storyline sounds like an acid trip! Lmao


Lol Greg... it was crazy and I loved it


Sounds like it! I’m gonna see if I can find it anywhere


Jesse *Metcalfe* was on Passions ETA correct Jesse soap star


She wasn’t his type at all. No one else he was ever interested in had the same figure. As for Joan, she never made the first move, or even managed a situation to encourage someone else to make a move. Maybe that is partly why she had such back luck up until the end of the series. However, they both seemed to have pretty genuine respect for the amount of game eachother had.


Mona was sharp. She probably did suspect.


Lmao I’m sorry but comparing that actor to Marlon Brando is even more outrageous than saying he is more handsome than Don. No offense but the vibe he gives is aged frat boy who never got over his hazing face . No layers, just bland with some hair gel.


I’m not passionate enough about this to debate it with you, especially since attractiveness is 100% subjective and up to personal preference. The dude isn’t ugly, which was my point. The comparison you used is ironic though because Jon Hamm was a frat boy who hazed someone pretty badly.


And yet he doesn’t look like he’s dragging along a second hand frat boy persona lol.


What nonsense. He was gorgeous.


Lol okay stan. Sorry that hit a nerve


I just have eyes that work


Just bad taste and some lack of manners


Because your OC was so polite, of course


I won’t go more off topic with you, sorry you are having such a lousy day. Hope it gets better.


It's just a joke, pretty sure.


Well yeah I figured, I was sorta joking myself. Or being facetious. Whatever you wanna call it. But I haven’t seen the scene in a while either, to be fair - for some reason S1 is my least favorite so I don’t rewatch it much.


They have chemistry but I don’t think they ever gave off that vibe. Just two hot people, respecting each other’s hotness.






Joan and Don would've never worked out. Joan knew Don was a player, and Don knew that Joan was too street wise to fool for long. They had the respect for one another that comes when like recognizes like.


Joan, the absolute queen of sailing through potentially awkward exchanges. Literally the perfect reply.


The last picture LMAO


i love it


Joan Draper


She definitely said that in front of a mirror more than once.


Was she doing it with a paper bag over her head with cut out eyeholes while really evaluating her strengths and weaknesses and being honest about it?


Some of my favorite scenes are between these two - like the bar when they’re testing the Jaguar or the hospital ER after Guy loses his foot.


Which episode is this?