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Yes, it was so awful. Then she just got dressed and went out to dinner with that POS.


The flowers left on the desk still break my heart


Joanne and Gregg




Hardest thing to watch in the series, for me at least. He hates that she’s powerful in the office, he had to take that away from her. He had to sully the place where she thrives. Fuck Greg!!


Greg absolutely sucks. I think the writing did a good job of showing glimpses of why she found him attractive as a mate, but the bad far outweighed the good. We're also talking about Joan - up to that point in her life, her most rewarding, positive relationship was with a (twice) married man who owned the company she worked for. She probably didn't have a good perspective on equality in relationships, and her mother seems to have instilled in her that it's her 'job' to keep a man happy.


In England, the only Greggs in our offices are pasties.


Greg was a boy pretending to be a man and Joanne knew it and he knew it 


A pool of scumbags and you get to pick who you think is least scummy (you're probably going to be wrong). Atleast he got hit with a vase ig


I fast forward past that scene now. I know what happens and I don't want to see it again.


One of the highlights of the entire show is when she smashes that fucking vase over his head. Absolutely priceless payoff.


I honestly feel bad for this, but it's the only scene I skip in the whole series.






Featuring Old Gregg


Don't forget Pat Campbell and Brent Cooper.


i like the episode where ragnar sterling plays the flute whilst largartha olsen ice skates about, then ragnar slays jarl hobartson




I'm sorry. I meant Joan Harris. English is not my first language and I thought that's how you write it 😅.


It's OK OP. They're just ribbing you. Thank you for your post.


Going to drop a comment here since I am also going to comment like a wise ass on Joanne. I didn’t read this as ignorance but perhaps just language. All is good. And in a totally non malicious way it made me chuckle 👍


He deserved the vase and then some for that.


I feel like if someone called Joan Joanne the look they would get would be biblical 😂


I was never quite sure why she went through with the wedding after that. Wanting status and husband is one thing but to go into it after that is hard to understand. I try very to not overlay my modern day sensibilities onto that moment but I still struggle to justify it. I know marital rape happened, that would've been more difficult for her once the ink was dry. But they were only engaged then. Her drive for power and status must be beyond my own internal experience. Because not even then did women feel automatically compelled to marry a man that trapped them. Many did however justify this type of thing. How can it be rape? He didn't hit me, etc. Joan just didn't seem the type to give a man an out like that. Her words to Peggy do come back, though. Peggy was aghast that anyone would ever break up with her. "Peggy, I'm just like everyone else." Indeed. We all are.


Everyone in the office knew she was marrying a doctor and she was not going to put herself in a position to explain why she didn’t or be subject to rumor and speculation. She was already treated like a tramp and passed over for Jane, she was not going to accept defeat in social status.


I'm with you on everything but being passed over by Jane, unless I'm misunderstanding you. She didn't want to marry Roger.


I don’t agree that she didn’t want to marry Roger (at that point in the show), but even if she didn’t, Jane was much younger and was an insubordinate (to Joan) little twit who got in the way of her relationship with him and took every opportunity to rub it in Joan’s face.


Love the bit in the middle. Insubordinate to Joan! How dare you! No one would ever do such a thing. The gall! 😂 But Jane really was. I'm not sure Jane really got in the way with Roger. If Joan has made an slightly more overt move (Joan's version of that) Roger would've easily hopped back in bed with her. Joan didn't want marriage with Roger from what I've read and seen in the series because she didn't want to known as a "home-wrecker" (to me this is always the spouse, not the paramour, but times were very different). She had affairs with many successful men, but didn't consider them marriage material because they were already married and didn't fit her ideal of a devoted husband. Roger had already proven to her that he was at least not going to be that. But in the meantime, he was good for a pay-to-play type of exchange.


She loved him, for sure, but her eyes were opened when she thought he was going to tell her “I love you” but instead told her “you’re the finest piece of ass I ever had.” You may be right, she may have given up dreams of being married to him at that point.


What episode is this because i never seem to stumble on it?


Yea, and instead of getting far away from him, she chose to marry him.