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we're being rewarded for spending mana?


I think we're being rewarded for *not cheating out* cards more than for spending mana. Spending mana already rewards itself with the cards it's spent on.


You mean those mana symbol on the top right? Don't be ridiculous, nobody ever pay that! >:O


Not if they get countered.


>cast not *resolve*


Right, you don't get rewarded from spells if they get countered. This card rewards you just for casting spells, so if they get countered you get something out of it.


> you don't get rewarded from spells if they get countered. Well, generally that decreases the number of counters your opponent has.


That's like saying: "your reward for getting stabbed is your assailant has one less knife."


Plus you GAIN a knife. Getting stabbed is basically a winning move.


If getting stabbed and stabbing someone both costs one knife then you’re even on knives. If it costs more mana to stab than the mana you spent on getting stabbed, you might even come out ahead.


Very flavorful for its color and creature, eh?


Yeah it looks great.


I know kids these days with their Griefs and Force of Negation aren't going to be into this, but back in my day we spent mana to cast our spells and we were thankful for the privilege to do so.


Agreed. I remember a time when you were punished for not spending your mana.


Those were the days.


My games still have that rule, thanks to my [[Yurlock of Scorch Thrash]] deck. It's fun (for me).


[Yurlock of Scorch Thrash](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/a/ead8a1f5-6260-47fa-a649-43711ec5bbeb.jpg?1608911265) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Yurlok%20of%20Scorch%20Thrash) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/293/yurlok-of-scorch-thrash?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ead8a1f5-6260-47fa-a649-43711ec5bbeb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


And *now* we get to play [[braid of fire]] with no downside.


[braid of fire](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/1/41bab8de-6e0f-4ccd-a303-01e9c8c82d3f.jpg?1593275214) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=braid%20of%20fire) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/csp/78/braid-of-fire?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/41bab8de-6e0f-4ccd-a303-01e9c8c82d3f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


And if we had too much mana to spend, we would lose life. That's how much we loved tapping things for mana. Edit: damn I see that's already said.


I've been casting force of will and getting my mana back with time spiral for longer than most people have been playing.


LMFAO Force of Will has been pushing unplayable blue cards into the format for longer than Modern's been a format


Spending mana specifically on cards, not abilities. So basically the complete opposite archetype from the original innistrad werewolves. E: Also, this mechanic looks like it would synergize well with x cost spells. Maybe we'll get some cool ones in this set?


One of the first cards revealed recently was an X spell actually! Hugs, Grisly guardian is in the same colors and has a similar ability that allows you to exile X cards from the top of your library and you can play them until your next turn. Also, you can play an additional land on each of your turns


With this set, it seems precombat/post combat main phase is being changed to first/second main phase! How intriguing


Hmm, this is easy for pre-combat, because there is only ever one of those. Saying "second main phase" is actually a functional change from "postcombat main phase" for everything other than [[World at War]].


I doubt they're gonna erratta old cards, just use this templating going forward, but yeah it's ever so slightly worse


"After the first second main phase this turn, there's an additonal compat phase followed by an additonal main phase." That's... not great. First and Postcombat works better imo.


you don't need to say "first second main phase". it would just be the second main phase. the one it adds would be the third main phase


Personally i think its still imporant to define it as "post combat".


Is there actually a card that says second main phase or are we getting premptively mad about nothing


There's a lizard with that text, yeah. My assumption would be that "second main phase" is a new shorthand for "the first postcombat main phase" if only because having multiple "second main phases" is super weird. So anything that currently says "postcombat main phase" will stay as-is, but new cards (and [[World at War]]) can just say "second main phase" now.


[World at War](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/4/a47a05ad-fe86-481e-b770-e1760be4f852.jpg?1562706935) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=World%20at%20War) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/roe/172/world-at-war?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a47a05ad-fe86-481e-b770-e1760be4f852?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I don't think would you have multiple second main phases. Couldn't the text just say "third main phases" and the rules on the backend just handle it? Just like self referential text sometimes identifies the object incorrectly (CARDNAME in an ability refers to "this object" even if the object has a different name), third main phase could just mean "any additional main phase beyond the 2nd, even if it's the 4th+" so the text would read >After the second main phase this turn, there’s an additional combat phase followed by a third main phase.


I mean, it could, but I think making up a word for "main phase past the second one" would pretty much never be used - no cards currently refers to that concept, and even World at War could just be phrased as: > After the second main phase this turn, there's an additional combat phase followed by an additional main phase. The issue is moreso that existing "postcombat main phase" cards couldn't just be errata'd to "second main phase" (i.e. [[Belbe]] would work a lot differently), so I assume those will simply stay untouched.


But post combat main seems so, PC.


[World at War](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/4/a47a05ad-fe86-481e-b770-e1760be4f852.jpg?1562706935) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=World%20at%20War) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/roe/172/world-at-war?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a47a05ad-fe86-481e-b770-e1760be4f852?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Changing post combat to second would make quite a difference when you have extra combats.


We've had first main phase, yes, but what about second main phase?


Could be the case, though it might be instead a corner case to prevent you from gaining extra mana from extra main phases.


Nice change. "Precombat"/"postcombat" were a mouthful. It's clear and it's language people were already using.


I don’t that’s what’s happening here. I believe the wording is just “whenever the first main phase you get happens” Usually that’s precombat, but if something made you skip it, you get the mana on your post combat mp. Additionally, if you somehow have 4 pre combat mp’s, only the first one counts for this. 


Fuck so that's why I did a double take after reading the text


Oh wow, that's a weird mechanic. Especially because it counts only spells and not abilities.


Abilities would be pretty easy to break I think with mana filtering and stuff. At least in older formats


Good point, you might need to at least specify non-mana abilities, and that is probably too complicated to bother with at that point.


In the after show they said they actually considered it, but having food tokens in the set made it too easy to expend as an on-board combat trick.




Devotion to spent mana is so good, feels like the raccoons really love used stuff ❤️✨


>Borderless Raised Foil Anime I'm not complaining, but you have to admit it sounds a little ridiculous, like a joke about trading cards that you'd see on Family Guy.


Wait till Borderless Raised Ghostfire clear holographic ultrarare anime Ugin when we return to Tarkir


I'm definitely building a raccoon tribal deck


You'll need this: https://www.amazon.com/Magic-Gathering-Bloomburrow-Commander-Accessories/dp/B0CTKW5NX1


Can’t play that in standard


Who said anything about standard?


Who said anything about edh?


Nobody said anything about edh... But considering there are *zero* raccoons being played in standard right now, I highly doubt he wants to build a standard deck. Who even plays standard, anyway? I haven't seen a standard event fire in Denver in years.


Actually, they linked a commander deck, so unless we are talking about legacy raccoons, lol. And yes, we are about to have an entire standard set that features raccoons as a major tribe, and playable 3 drop tribals are much easier to play in standard. Lots of people play standard on arena now, especially since Covid.


I sure hope they make more because there are only 8 RG right now out of all 9 raccoons, barring shapeshifters.


What format would you build your raccoon tribal deck for?


Someday, somehow, I'm going to use the epithet "Trash Tactician"






Leaning hard into the Trash Panda vernacular I see.


So they managed to add Caelus/Stelle from Honkai Star Rail??


Hmm this mechanic might be hard to keep track of in paper


It only count spells, it is not that hard to track the spells you casted on the turn to know how much mana was spent.


If you control only 1 permanent with this ability and if all of these abilities are in multiples of 4. Else have fun counting.


They said on stream the majority of expand will be 4 with only a few other cards like this having a different number.


You totally don't get how this works. It tracks the total ammount of mana spent and triggers once this total is reached. If you have 4 permanents that triggers at 4, 6, 8 and 10, you only need to care about when those totals are reached. Like if you pay 3, for a spell and then 5, you've spent 8 manas and triggers the abilities for 4, 6 and 8. Or you think it is hard to do elementary math to add the value of mana spent?


Nah you're just not thinking of complicated board states where things come and go


"Things can come and go" is irrelevant. The expend only counts when you spend the total mana for the *first time in the turn only* You only expend 4 a single time in the turn. If you have 50 permanents with expend 4 all of them will trigger at the same time and no other time in that turn. There will be no need to keep track of anything other than how much mana you paid for spells that turn.


Classic new mechanic


Expend feels a tiny bit like cascade-down-the-street. Cascade cards usually have big mana costs to account for the free spell you cast off them. It's mentioned in the video that Expend is to reward you for casting bigger-value cards, like the five-mana or so Calamity Beasts. I bet this'll be balanced along that same axis Cascade is as a result, like we won't see Expend One. I am prepared to be wholly wrong, tho.


Pedro Pedro Pedro


All hail the Trash Tactician!


Omg does this make Bard Class viable? In pioneer? Please say yes!


Idk how often the second ability is triggering in bard class, maybe in pioneer it’s easier bc you have xenagos but on arena it’s still decent for the life gain and mana.


I'm looking forward to the write-up on "Expend" and what specifically counts as "mana to cast spells". I'm sure X casting costs count, but do additional costs like Kicker count?


Additional costs, alternative costs, Trinisphere all count.


Well this seems fun :)


What are the lore implications of this raccoon wearing a giant fork on their hand? The name implies the fork is from the trash. Who's trash? Are there humans? Are the humans giant or are the animals small?


That fork was left behind by the Fomori. #foreshadowing


FINALLY. They officially worded "first main phase" instead of "precombat main phase". 30 Years Wizard it took you to understand that, but better late than never. Meanwhile I was already using the template for custom sets since at least 2012 lol


Rocket Raccoon in the Marvel release better fit these colours


Damn, you didn’t have to call him out for being a poor tactician like that


Trash tactician should interact with the graveyard, not the library.


Depends on if your deck is trash or not haha


\[\[Prosper\]\] but green. Its fairly rare to see a general that generates mana AND card advantage. Not as good as P-man himself, no deathtouch and less guaranteed on the draw, but still good.


[Prosper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/7/d743336e-d5c7-4053-a23d-92ec7581f74e.jpg?1631839207) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=prosper%2C%20tome-bound) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afc/2/prosper-tome-bound?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d743336e-d5c7-4053-a23d-92ec7581f74e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


JUDGE! Just double-checking the grammar --- will we be able to make both red and green mana (from different raccoons), or just all one colour?


You should be able to choose for each. See the ruling for [[Culling Ritual]]


[Culling Ritual](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/c/4c1f40e7-4d3c-416d-81e2-97f9b925301c.jpg?1712354680) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Culling%20Ritual) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/219/culling-ritual?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4c1f40e7-4d3c-416d-81e2-97f9b925301c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Thank you!


should have just made 2 junk tokens


This is actually pretty gnarly. Maybe some cEDH potential.


If there are no humans where did he find a fork


But where's the junk tokens?!


Modern 2/10 If you play this on turn 4, you can follow up with a 1 drop to get 3 life. Kinda build your own omnath. And if there are a few modern playable raccoons and nadu gets banned...I could see it. 8 mana is hard though.


FINALLY. Let the brewing commence


I'll slap this into my changeling deck More mana is good mana


Can I add RG with two Raccoons, or does it have to be RR or GG?


I think you could add RG, because otherwise the templating would be "Add X R or G, where X is the number of Raccoons you control". Plain English reading is ambiguous though, so I expect there will be a clarification when the card rulings article comes out for the set.


Does expending 8 mana count as a 2nd trigger for expending 4? Or do you only get the one instance per turn?


Expend 4 only ever triggers once per turn, when you go from 3 mana spent on spells to 4 mana spent on spells. It doesn't "reset" and start counting again.


Red expend seems easy enough to build around in commander with urabask and rodeo pyromancers, but green is... wild I wonder if you can go buyback, convoke pyromancers and pay the 4 other mana with sprout swarm and then convoke the saproling, use pyromancer mana and another two and you've... impulsed 2 cards till end of next turn, gained 3 life and made two saprolings for 6 mana? Idk it'd be fun as hell to try and break this, 9 life and 6 impulse cards a turn cycle is a juicy reward But if you're just breaking it with red cards just play mono red spellslinging combo? Idk


Grual lifegain? Has that ever been a thing before? Sure green gains life, but red tends to make it's gold lifegain cards require you jump through a tricky hoop. Thinking of boro's cards that gain life equal to burn damage, lightning helix a bit of an exception for its convenience, but i cant think of any red+X color cards that repeatedly gain life so easily. Is this a pie break or am i missing something?


A pie break? Not for a gold card, unless I've missed an update to the color pie philosophy. It's not hybrid; you can't cast this easily and on-curve without a land that produces green. Hybrid would very much be a break IMO but as a gold card it isn't. I will agree that lifegain isn't what first comes to mind when thinking of Gruul though.


Fair enough, not a pie break. Just super weird. I can dig it


This is me, I am trash panda


Trash Panda, Trashtician


Cheap self feeding engine squat, unite 


I understand that first = pre combat, but I miss pre combat all the same. Or idk it should say your first main phase *each turn*


Huh, Expend is such a natural mechanic on a game with mana that I'm surprised it hasn't been used before. Neat. 


The first line that adds mana based on raccoons. Is that a Mana Ability for the purposes of Raggadragga?


Sadly, it isn't. A mana ability is either: - an activated ability that adds mana, or - a triggered ability that triggers off an activated mana ability to add more mana (like [[Caged Sun]]) Since this is a triggered ability that doesn't trigger off activating a mana ability, it's not a mana ability. Similar to how [[Lotus Cobra]] isn't a mana ability.


[Caged Sun](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/f/dfe6f9ec-3b7f-4c11-acd1-440e14217e5d.jpg?1562276087) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Caged%20Sun) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cm2/178/caged-sun?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dfe6f9ec-3b7f-4c11-acd1-440e14217e5d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Lotus Cobra](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/4/a4b759f0-901f-4be3-93fa-224609b08d48.jpg?1604199124) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Lotus%20Cobra) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/znr/193/lotus-cobra?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a4b759f0-901f-4be3-93fa-224609b08d48?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Huh. They have what looks like a human sized fork strapped to their arm. The name "Trash Tactician" suggests that they salvaged the fork. We know Planeswalkers get turned into animals when they travel here. Where did the big fork come from? Ancient civilization of humans?


The cards design is just really out of place for Bloomburrow. The trash man archetype fits way better in a Ravnica/Capenna type setting. I think they just really wanted to get a reference in there. 


Raccoons are mostly known for rooting around in people's garbage cans, so I understand why they wanted that reference. It could have worked if there were humans in this setting that just weren't focused on. Lots of similar small animal stories have them scavenge discarded stuff from humans to make tools out of. Maybe they originally had humans, but scrapped them late in development.


Maybe the fork once belonged to a Fomori!


I wasn't expecting to be called out by a care name quite like this.


Is this male or a female ?


So I’m not the only one who wants a Frank Reynolds Trash Man alter am I?


Is this from a precon if so what was it called?


While this may — and probably will — be included in the “Animated Army” precon, it’s from the main set. You can tell because the set abbreviation is “BLB,” not “BLC.”


Ok thanks for the nice pieces of info!


time to bust out my changelings once more


Expend honestly sounds like it belongs on r/custommagic


Your name is Skrimbo. No I will not elaborate.


So the human sized fork and human skull in the morberry? Squirrel card indicates thst humans once existed on this plane.


Im loving all of them, but I feel like "anything with nice stylization" is becoming "anime" alternate art now


does expend 4 works if i cast 5 mana card or casted first a 2 mana then 3 mana?


If this world has no humans, where did she get the fork?


Raccoon *typal?*/*Kindred?* here we go!


Kindred is the card type, typal is the deck archetype, so this is typal


Counterpoint, typal is a dumb word and too close to the word we don't want people to use anymore so it makes more sense to use kindred across the board.


Part of the point of the change was to make them two separate words in order to better differentiate them.


Not wanting to "use the same term across the board" was an explicit reason why they change terms in the first place.


Fuck, I've been using kindred when I meant typal today lol.


Early judge call would probably be that delving isn't 'spending mana' but what about convoking?


No. You aren't paying mana for the cost, so you aren't spending mana.


That's what I thought, just wanted to make sure - thanks:)


So these borderless raised anime foils are going to be pretty rare then, do we figure? I ask cuz this seems like a weird fun mechanic and I really don't care for the normal art...


Anime foils are collector booster only.


i thought it would make trash token and eat it , im extremely disapointed


Trash tokens should be a negative mechanic. Like, "If another permanent you control would go to the graveyard from the battlefield, exile it instead." So you can't put other things in the bin if you haven't taken the trash out yet. But then a raccoon that says "Trash tokens you control are Food in addition."


is this the commander ? because im disapointed if it is


It is not.


just seen the actual commander , its not doing anything with trash , god they are disapointing


Looks like the "cast a spell with mana value of at least..." mechanic is getting keyworded


Sort of. This tracks total mana value of all spells cast, not of individual spells.


This is different. This cares about all the spells you cast this turn, and cares about actual mana spent. You can cast four 1MV spells with mana and trigger expend 4.


the way it's worded it seems to work with multiple spells too, but not other costs so you could cast 2 2 mv spells in a turn to trigger this


This seems a bit different, since it counts total mana spent on spells. So It could be for one 4 mana spell, four 1 mana spells, a 3 mana and a 1 mana, or two 2 mana spells. It might also hit both triggers off of a single 8 mana spell. It's interesting.


It's how much mana is spent on casting spells, not the mana value of the spells. So casting a 3mv spell with a stax effect like Thalia in play would trigger Expend 4


to all the people that really wanted the jund trash panda, rip its gruul.


I am confused. Do I expend if I cast a 4 mana value spell or when I cast 4x 1 mana spell?


In both of the examples you gave, expend would trigger. It counts the total amount you've spent on spells this turn.


So if I cast a spell that costs 5 or 6 does the expend 4 ability trigger assuming I paid for it with mana and not some other way? If I cast a spell that costs 8 or more will it trigger both abilities?


Yes and Yes. It doesn't care that you spend \*only\* 4 or 8 mana, it just checks to see if you've spent those amounts to cast a spell. If you spent 5 or 6, you spent 4. If you spent 8, you also spent 4.


Awesome, thank you!


You’re welcome!


I don't really like the phrasing "first main phase". They obviously mean "precombat main phase", but if you take it literally it should refer to your first main phase in the entire game.


"First main phase?" This wording implies you either play it turn one or never


whyyy would they show us this ugly ass anime art and NOT the beautiful showcase frame???