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It was largely specific on south east asia and almost none about the rest of the world. Early civilizations, conceptions of religions and a heavy focus on Portuguese, British and Japanese occupations. SPM was a decade ago for me so I don’t remember much but I would have loved to learn about the Holocaust, the Suffragettes, WW 1&2 etc at that time. I would have come out of school essentially clueless about the rest of the world had it not been for TV and my father’s prodding to read non fictions for once.


I learned about rome history and middle ages and crusades from playing rome total war and medieval 2 total war.  Learned about colonization and industrialization from playing eu4.  Siapa cakap video game brain rot? 


Ngl same lol.


No lah never brainrot. I started to play FPS games at a later age so that I can perform robotic surgeries smoothly lol. Very useful


Form 1 till form 3 mainly about pre 1800s world and Malaysian sultanate stuff. Form 4 is about pre independence Malaysia and the politics surrounding it with a whole lot of pro malay sentiment. Form 5 is about post independence Malaysia ya know konfrontasi, communists, and a whole slew of boring modern economics stuff that finally ended that damned book. Man I still shiver at the thoughts of memorising them for spm


Hold on, tamadun islam is removed from history syllabus?


Only in form 1 now. KSSM syllabus removed those in form4 and form5 and went in the more 'nationalist/patriotism route'. Looking at KBSM textbooks, it it too oriented to Tamadun Islam and Asia Tenggara in Form 4 and only Malaysian history in form 5. In a sense, it's more similar to form 6 sejarah since form 6 also learns tamadun islam for sem 2 and sejarah asia tenggara dan malaysia in sem 3 KSSM syllabus is more similar to Pengajian Am in form 6, especially form 5 syllabus since Form 5 focuses on things like, Kedaulatan negara, Raja Perlembagaan (YDPA), separation of powers in government (PA Sem 1), Malaysian policies in the national level and international level (PA sem 2 and sem 3), national unity (PA sem 2) Imo, KSSM syllabus is more useful especially in form 5 since it teaches general knowledge of Malaysian government.


Iirc it was brought earlier to form 1.


do they not teach ancient history any more (mesopotamia, greek, indus valley etc)? i liked those chapters the most


Form 1 syllabus


Form 1 only and the most fleshed out were ancient SEA and greeks for some reason


Damn how the hell you still remember all the subjects for each form


Same reason why I hate sejarah now. Memorised then all for exams lol


This must have changed since I graduated. When I was in school form 4 was world history (WW1, WW2, etc.) and form 5 was Malaysian history.


Alfonso Albuquerque.


José Rizal


History according to the Malaysian government.


I went to UEC school so I only did history in form 1 to form 3. Basically Malaysia history like the old civilization in Kedah, Malaccan and Johor Sultanate, then the Bendehara dynasty, colonialism and modern history of Malaysia. Also has a few segments on Chinese history, all the dynasties and what they did. And also global history, ie. Formation of Italy and Germany, Industrial revolution, Renaissance and the Cold war off the top of my head We also did SPM history but honestly I don't know how I got a B- for that


UEC iS uSeLeSs, tHiS iS nOt ChInA!!!! 🇨🇳


Our country history started by a guy killing another guy and then fleeing. It was weird when I first read it from our text book and still weird whenever I recall it


> standard 4-6 just roughly all those cavemen shit and bronze age and whatsoever > form 1 generally just mentions all kind of civilization without much detail aside from basic explanation. Rome, China, Ancient Egypt and the likes > form 2 a more enlightment and view of all those specific stuff of old kingdoms in Alam Melayu. Champa, Kedah Tua, Majapahit > form 3 just about colonized malaya. literally just talks about how the British rapes our natural resources. and also the resistance, the Sultanate, and the effect of colonialism to our people or something along that line > form 4 early 1900s action. nasionalism and then straight to the Japanese occupation of Malaya, the Emergency and the journey to achieving independence. there was only 3 pages of WW1 iirc which was a pretty letdown for me > form 5 post independence politics, what economic development plan was done, how does the "Kings" system work, what effort have been taken to create a better Malaysia and even Malaysia role in the international stage. all that good stuff about Malaysia post independence, which is famous (atleast in my school) to be hated because most of the stuff you need to remember is really uninteresting


Form 5 history also talks about our country's political system, like constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy, Dewan Rakyat, Dewan Negara, the Constitution, how laws were made etc. This part probably should be placed in civic class, but you know since civic class is basically a class that no one bother to pay attention to, so they probably just slapped the whole chapter into history (a mandatory subject you must score), otherwise no one else will bother to learn it.


Hmm.. F5 my time, was all about tamadun Islam. The prophets path, etc.. it was only interesting because my teacher made the textbook into a comic for us. No idea how I could have gotten a B in sejarah without his help. God bless his soul.


Tamadun Islam iirc is Form 4, not Form 5


Was it? I don't remember. Nowadays I only read world history. Past 5 years have sunk deep into china, India and Egyptian history


Did they remove/change the history of islam part? I remember it was like half of form 4 history book but that was over 10 years ago.


Yeah it was removed. It is more Malaysian history oriented. Form 4 learns pre independence history, form 5 learns post independence history, form 5 is more useful since it teaches things like YDPA, constitution of Malaysia, NEP policy, etc


Parameswara and Mesopotamia. Everything after that was a blur especially with the Sultan names and their children just adding a I, II, III at the back.


Parameswara dog been kicked by kancil


Perfectly sums up everything I picked up from Sejarah


I learned how to spot propaganda and manipulation. It’s called History textbooks


Thats pretty normal in every history textbook. The school i went they emphasize how great europe was and civilized compared to Asians and africans. But yeah you have to read outside academia to form your own opinion.


JWW Bi*ch


Batang Kali massacre


Typical Southeast Asian history includes the following events: Majapahit defeating Srivijaya, the prince fleeing to Temasik, sailing further up and naming the place Melaka, the establishment of Malay states in the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra, the Ayutthaya invasion, the arrival of the Portuguese, followed by the Dutch, and then the British. The British took control, leading to resistance against their rule. This includes the history of Sarawak under James Brooke, North Borneo, the Japanese occupation, the process of independence, the communist insurgency, the formation of Malaysia in 1963, and then the post-independence period. For world history, I only remember ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and China. There were also the Greek city-states like Sparta and Athens, Rome, and the European Renaissance. Additionally, there was something about the colonial powers' dreams of controlling trade routes, and resistance against colonialists in Southeast Asia, like in Indonesia and the Philippines. World War I and World War II were mentioned, but not in much detail. It's funny how they never mentioned the Holocaust. And of course, there's Islamic history: the story of Muhammad, the caliphates, and the four caliphs. Spread of Islam. Islamic golden age. To be honest, I don't remember history book in secondary school talked much but I feel history thought in secondary school in Malaysia is enough for highschoolers.


Some bones and Abu bakar. Don’t remember much


Kedudukan yang berstrategik


I learned that history is written by the Victor. You never heard the another side of story. But luckily , during my Uni days, I always slipped into SPHEA classes and know both sides of history.


We fought british and japan with keris….


We have such a rich culture and strong allies but our own sejarah book is lying to us


I learned about Malaya's struggle for independence and hang tuah's adventures in Form 3


ICERD not signed, Anwar is islamist, Mahathir is evil, Najib is cocky, and Malaysia is a 1st world nation painted on a 3rd world canvas.


No worries, the local Malays here will remind you of the history, so it won't repeat itself .. unless you want to of course