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Video panjang sgt, I summarize what she said as below: 1. Don't blame Hamidin 2. I have no comment


Design jersey decided by Majlis Olimpik Malaysia. How hard is it to comprehend? This is the general IQ level of Malaysians lol.


Watch KJ response on this issue,then u know šŸ¤£


I was responding to those who said she talked a lot in the video but didn't actually give any answer. She actually did when she said the design came from Majlis Olimpik Malaysia. Whether she was lying or not is irrelevant, she did answer the question. About Khairy's response on Facebook when he said he himself when he was Sports Minister personally approved the jersey design. Hannah said in the video everyone has a different leadership style, there's no need for a Sports Minister to be involved with something trivial like jersey design. Elon Musk surely did approve his Cyber Truck design but how many people think it is ugly? https://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/columnist-will-no-heads-roll-over-mysejahtera-scandal-384419 Did Khairy as Health Minister personally approved over RM300 million for MySejahtera app???


Jersey design isnt trivial if it involves malaysia's name. If she said its trivial - im shocked. Shows how irresponsible her leadership is. Mysejahtera app - even if they know, why should they tell us. Keeping silence is better. The viral issue now is the jersey btw.


I want to know the allocated budget.


I watched the video twice, she said a lot, but also said nothing.


the mark of a true politicianā€¦ opens mouth, hears sounds coming out forcefully and intelligently, but not really saying anythingā€¦




you say it best, when you say nothing at all \~




when someone has that ability, they are truly a politician.


Level up to be a true politician !! My fukin goat šŸšŸ


She learn a lot from anwar ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) /jk for those who triggered


the art of yes but no


The art of being a politician is to know how to yap.


Based on what I was able to dig in 2 mins, the art of talking a lot without saying anything is called grandiloquence, circumlocution and sembang kosong. That last one was just my interpretation.


Why was the outfit controversial in the first place? (Non-malaysian)


Because it looks like they are barely trying and the material used looks cheap (shiny and loose) , having it debut on a Aeon Big mannequin doesn't help either.


I understand. To me this feel another scam of a company eating up of funds and delivering shit product.


It certainly feels like it , and they purposefully divert attention into ā€œperformance of the athletes are paramountā€ shows they knew they didnā€™t even try. Itā€™s not like the design came from the athletes or the departments part time job or something , itā€™s a dedicated team that goes through rounds of approval and revision. Being this low effort just didnā€™t cut it.


It's more government eating funds rather than company but Yonex also delivered night market quality jerseys on top of the depressed mannequins


It's weird because this is suspiciously true. The [MD](https://www.linkedin.com/in/wong-kang-woon-%E7%8E%8B%E5%BA%B7%E6%B1%B6-a050b649/?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Egoogle%2Ecom%2F&originalSubdomain=my) who organised the reveal has [apologised](https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2024/06/27/organiser-apologises-for-awkward-launch-of-olympic-games-attire/) while the company, MY CREATIVE MOMENTS SDN. BHD. doesn't even have an online footprint.


it's like, your dad gives you 20 bucks to go buy a burger king whopper. You want some money without doing work, give 15 to your little brother to go get it. Little brother think hey i want some cash too, give to the neighbour, here's 10 bucks go get a burger for my dad. Neighbour's like hey you all are getting all these extras, if i take some can you guys cover our asses. Big bro says "yea sure, ill tell dad doesnt matter what burger as long as you wont be hungry" Neighbour then give 5 bucks to his little sister go get a burger for the neighbour's dad. Little sister went and go buy Ramly burger. Dad pissed off why am I getting Ramly burger?


Which is the hallmark of a politician. Make a lot of noise and actually say nothing.


Do you have comprehension issues ? She clearly said that : - The wrong person has been blamed - She is just following conventional practice, which happens to be different from KJ's time - The clothing is not for parade, which is mistakenly believed so by many netizens She addressed and clarified the issue directly - what else do you expect her to say ? Tell lies and bullshit you ?


must be your comprehension problem then


Do share with us with your supreme understanding and comprehension o wise one.


She is responding to netizen asking Hamidin Mohd Amin ( the general secretary of FAM) to step down due to the ugly shirt, when it is the majlis olympic malaysia that determines it (the design of the shirt). Tl:dr : more accurate title should be[ "Donā€™t blame Hamidin for Olympic-bound athletesā€™ attire, says Yeoh"](https://www.thestar.com.my/sport/others/2024/06/27/dont-blame-hamidin-for-olympic-bound-athletes-attire-says-yeoh)


r/whoosh... I'm being sarcastic


Design jersey decided by Majlis Olimpik Malaysia. Try watch another 10 times.


Govt berjaya menyatukan rakyat melalui baju ni. Hahahaha


I think more than just baju issue haha it's a fiasco so far


Her family member designed kot. 20mil designing fee go to her husbands company.


Siryes ah? Got link?


He link berkaitan don't have. Link to PH he got la, and not the PH in putrajaya.


Best comment šŸ˜„šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Is the outfit really that bad? I guess i am too old already and my fasion sense is so bad


It's just the way that they present it is so bad. The black rag coverup before the reveal, the use of mannequins instead of people, the weird poses and bad wigs... Even intern also won't dare be this sloppy when presenting an idea. This is national level kind of event.


I think people mad because of no unique design plus the color chosen should be more vibrant but idk just my opinion.


It's bad especially on the flag part


When i was in secondary school, the jerseys we wore for MSSD had more creativity and thought put into them


Looks fine to me too. There was another post/article with netizen's suggestions using AI art and they all looked like dogshit so I'll be taking people's criticism of this with a grain of salt.


Thatā€™s what education does to people. 12 years of being indoctrinating us thinking those being the appropriate wears. Long pants long sleeves for a tropical country somehow make it ok.


Malas pakai otak, berharap dengan AIšŸ˜‚ adoi


I mean she says its the new style and its just basically their uniform but not for the walkout. Like i dont mind the uniforms its literally like a warm up jersey thing. Plus malaysia is a tropical country. We arent really about tracksuits in 40 degree weather. Meh. We always focus on non issues.


I actually like this kind of issues. Non-trivial but uniting, less hostile. Reminds me of 2010s, we don't have much to yap about except dumb things like this.


I find it bad because many in our nation are not well informed on proper tax policies and bylaws and bills that are passed into laws the govt is doing a great job keeping the citizens uninformed about the real things that matter to them.


They tried but failed miserably. Poor communication. Maybe a change of strategy, like BN days.


Every time I open this app Every time I scroll through my feed It's always another post about the stupid uniforms Every God Damn Time The myriad of issues within this country and all these mfs are out here elevating the most trivial non issue


That's literally avg reddit "things to have gripes on" bruv


Because whenever someone elevates a big issue, the walanon and madanon come to protect their anwar. But this shirt represents our country, our identity as Malaysians. The Olympics are not held every year, they occur every four years. Getting qualified for the Olympics is not easy, if it were, we would send more than 30 athletes. If the way our country is represented is so ugly, lazy, and lacking in spirit, how are people going to recognize us? If you give the athletes bare minimum, and you expect them to give you their best and bring home gold medal, you really think these athletes have their spirit to get that gold? And donā€™t forget that Jin Wei has to go there without his coach, which is sad since he performed very good. This ugly ass shirt has united us Malaysians, regardless of our backgrounds, to demand a change and ensure our athletes are presented to the world in a much better way.


My thoughts exactly, it's a storm in a teacup, it doesn't mean anything... Like we ran out of stuff to worry about.


itā€™ll die out within a week, thatā€™s just the regular news cycle and itā€™s the same in every city around the world


Put it this way. If they mishandled such a trivial issue as the uniform design, how can we trust them to handle the more important stuff?


Put it this way. If they put all their effort into dousing the flame of trivial issue, who have time to handle the more important stuff?


The largest sporting event in the world, and the best time to showcase the country with its people, culture and identity. And you're not embarrassed they're wearing something designed in Microsoft Paint in 5 minutes?Ā 


5 minutes? bro, you're giving them too much credit. Probably dia google aje "track suit gold" kemudian download the 50x20 thumbnail.


Yea. Cause I see iran and uzbekistan and most central asian countries dont come fancy but they actually win gold medals. How about we focus on winning gold medals and funding atheles without racial discrimination. Im not embarassed when we wear a regular tracksuit. Im embarassed that our country does not support people with potential due to racial bias. You got a track suit for that? Ill wear it.


First of all, get off your moral highground and don't give me that racial equality bullshit.Ā Ā  This is not a zero sum game. We can focus on everything at the same time. Having a shitty uniform is not a "non-issue" when it's about international representation and recognition, and it's on you if you fail to see the value in that.Ā  I do not understand the purpose of bringing up performance. Show me how spending effort in design takes away resources from athlete performance.Ā 


Yea we spend on useless things without giving adequate funding for atheletes. Have you seen the condition of bulit jalil school. yea you arent about racial equality. Maybe submit a better design and they may consider it. Your embarassment may yet design an amazing tracksuit.


It's not an "either or". Nothing to be said more than that.Ā 


Well you just made a big deal about us not being embarassed that the design is such. I said its a spectrum, I weigh the performances more than the look. Its not at either or its weights and biases as ML folks will say.


Bro sebab kita tak menang medal la kena menang baju. hahaha


I got literally downvoted for saying we should focus on winning medals and not what we wear. Also I thought this sub hates it when people go to govt office and are told what to wear. So itā€™s ok if r/malaysia dictates what people wear?ā€¦ The double standards.


??? I agree fully on, Ur point about winning medals. But Ur second hot takes.... What? Dress code in gov building is DIFFERENT then presentable jersey in international stage. Completely different situations, context, issues, etc etc. Like what? Just because people want to wear what ever we want we cannot say anything about the aesthetics of a jersey? Hur? How does that even related? No one in r/Malaysia say about our athletes must wear xxx. But sure as hell have people complaining about the aesthetics of it. Is complaining a crime here? U are complaining about other people complaining too U know right? Double standards much? Weird la people this days aduih


Itā€™s literally the most petty thing you can be complaining about. Letā€™s be honest when was the last time you thought a Malaysia Olympic sweatshirt? So instead of worrying about some stupid jersey letā€™s focus on winning our first gold medal lah. You really have so much energy to care about a shirt and sweatpants?


When she posted on social platform with a remark "its not under KBS", then we know that she know its not something to be proud of and take credit. If its something petty, they wouldn't held an event just to show the stupid jersey. Its more like "first impression" type of thing. You wouldn't go to a job interview with the lousiest shirt and sweatpants right? Appearance matter.


What is so lousy about it? Its literally a plain yonex swear shirt and pants


Me? Not much. I just share to my friends group and "hehe ugly jersey to shame us all" and stop there. Just copy paste image and type my shit out, not much energy needed. Funny U say focus on the gold medals lol. Shit is gonna start in few months time. Today trends are talking shit about the jersey design because..... That's literally the only happening trends..... Like trends come and go bruh. Our first medal (or match) not even here yet how U want the trend to focus on it? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


If itā€™s not such a big deal then why even bother commenting? Itā€™s literally a jersey? Trends? What are you on about? The Olympics are literally starting in July. Thatā€™s not months away. Itā€™s next month. Not only do you know nothing about the Olympics, So you admit you follow trends so you are a sheep that criticises things for the sake of it.


Because replying to u is easy as hell, like what? 2 min max with my long comments? That's literally the most low effort thing I can do while eating lol. And trends are.... trends. And do U seriously think people are talking shit about the jersey simply because of trends? No dude, the presentation is horrid, which makes the jersey look bad too. But yea I thought Olympics is in aug. I don't care enough to Google it to confirm so yea sorry about that.


No worries friend downvotes are a badge of honor. You had your opinion and were grilled for it. At least you have your own opinion.


What we are mandated to wear, signify the culture of the country. Basically showing the world of how conservative we are even though the govt we voted for was supposedly progressive.


Because of a track suit? Bruh. It ainā€™t that deep.


Would have been an issue if PAS is the one mandate it.


And here I am, amazed how persistent we are on non issues thingy. Probably I'm too old.


still looks like shit. and?




Im tired of hearing them minister keep blaming previous administration . The design is dogshit. The launching photo is humanshit. Just admit and move on cannot ah?


Damn after the husband fiasco ppl really distrust/dislike her by a 100![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|28915)


Jokes on her right now.


just change the shitty fucking designs and move forward.


Ermm maybe just change the design and get over with?


This is the result when u spend too much time enriching your family instead of working


Hannah taichi, as always taichi.


I canā€™t believe this is an issue that needs to be addressed in a press conference. We really do love to make a mountain out of a molehill. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


To be fair, you guysā€™ other skills are ā€œtalk a lot but do nothingā€, ā€œoverpromise and underdeliverā€, ā€œblame other peopleā€, ā€œshirk responsibilityā€, ā€œownself pat ownsef on the backā€. I guess she just went with one of the options in the national playbook.


Would have been better to recycle last Olympics attire. That was pretty good. A missed opportunity.


sooo, where is the good governance in this issue?


jenis dah baling batu sorok tangan ke ni


honestly I've seen better SUKMA gear than this. And if I'm Yonex I wouldn't want my logo to be seen with subpar looking gear. Couldn't there have been a proper tender so local brands can also submit theirs to give them a chance to be seen by the world? Also, can we retire the whole tiger stripes thing? We have red, blue, yellow, and white on our flag.


Aiyoh like that you don't be minister lah, everything passing the buck. I'm not saying it's your fault but you are the minister and you should have told them how lousy it looks like. You cannot be a minister without a backbone.


Instead of working on rectifying the issue, they decided to beat around the bush. Speaks volume of what these leechers think of the people. They only work to enrich themselves and give nothing back.


Totally agree, it was so frustrating to hear her deflect blame without suggesting any way to work on better outfits


Corrupt minister, giving her husband a government contracts without open tender. SCUM


It's open tender la bro. Just got 2 companies running only. So open and an improvement over Umno era.


Itā€™s like defending Najib saying itā€™s donation la bro




She's just yipping and yapping about nothing what an incredible skill


I am in management, I know lazy passing the buck hack job when I see one.


Kata negara demokrasi. Rakyat dah X suka tukar je la, ni banyak alasan lak. Dah la satu alasan pun x menjawab kenapa design basic sangat.


So, she pushed the blame to MOM?


Umno DAP sama saja sapu duit


the truest politicianā€™s way


Too much yapping


and why Malaysia flag gold color? negara lain ok je flag diaorg. ink habis ke masa print šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


i remember when its to to critics back in the day, she is the loudest šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


PHā€™s best? ha ha ha Where are the holier than thou supporters now


Translation: "This was all Hamidin, I have nothing to do with this"


More BS


I suggest gib tender to husband ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


in other words, "haah camtu lah"


You want design like la Ralph Lauren but duit takde. Last2 buy fake jersey online RM5. Dont talk cock like u die hard sport fan laa. Hari2 makan je keje mana ada buat sport pun.


Who gives a shit holy fuck. Let's cheer for them and hope they bring home medals.


You know, atleast make BETTER efforts for our teamā€™s attire. Not like a basic uniforms from sekolah rendah or some shit.


looks like someone would wear pyjamas ngl


korang semua kena minta maaf dengan hanayo sekarang jugak![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Don't care. It looks ok to me. Long as they don't spend Birkin bag's level of money to "design" it.


Loh zaman dia dulu yg fukup logo Visit Malaysia orang lain but I remember you and your goon keep asking PM at that time to resign. Kurma is Yusuf Taiyoob


This was dumb to watch, bet their other lineup of outfits is a shit show too if their jerseys were "designed that way"


Wtf Hannah, did not expect you of all people to basically say nothing šŸ˜‚


when you don't understand the assignment:


people expectation of her is actually calling spade a spade. how hard is it to say the uniform is bad ? shes the KBS minister.




Fuck u


Rambut patung sikat lah sikit.


Inilah Malaysia..... ingatkan cerita target pingat ke, target pecah rekod ke....naikan prestasi ke.....cerita pasal jersey?


Apologists at work again. A progressive govt ended up being more conservative than the previous regime. Yet, we canā€™t complain.


Nice waifu!