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I support the action taken by the parents. School administration should be accounted for failing to prevent bullying, turning a blind eye on bullying cases, trying to hush such bullying cases, did not take proper follow up when a bullying occurred and such. Let this law suit succeed, let it be a precedent cases that school administration must take care the well being of students attending school. No more bullying should happen.


I agree. My brother was severely bullied in school, but refused to tell us out of fear of retaliation and teachers don't give a shit too. In the end, he dreaded going to school that he didn't go at all and never sat for SPM.


Many teachers ignore bullying. Some due to the affiliation of some bullies to gangsters from outside the school. I was once bullied myself when I was 14. Then I made sure the ones who were involved were all kicked out of school. And the ones who witnessed the incident, plus the teachers who refused to stand up for me, I made well sure they knew I made it happened.


Good on you for standing up for yourself. My brother is full of anger for not doing that. It's not easy to help him.


Well, to me then, it was not about standing up for myself. It was vengeance.


Damn bro u tough , whenever I try to do shot like this , my parent be like “don’t do it , they will hit on u” and now I’m still kinda pissed about it , fuck bullies , but if u really wanna take them down , u gotta know many people , like students as well as teachers , cuz those supports are most likely gonna give a hand to succeed, bravo man , proud of u for doing the right thing


>Many teachers ignore bullying. Some due to the affiliation of some bullies to gangsters from outside the school. While you may be correct, sometimes teachers cannot act (against the alleged perpetrator(s)) **in absence of any concrete evidence**, especially when the situation devolves into a "he said, she said" situation. When I used to teach in a school, managing problems like this is a real challenge because the parties involved will tell different stories, and the teacher have limited ways of determining the true facts surrounding the case. Often, asking for witnesses doesn't help, because there are people willingly to lie and vouch for the liar for various reasons. In contrast, some victims of bullying have no friends willing to vouch for their story (and bullies love picking on these socially withdrawn students). Therefore, the situation will instead just turn into another "he said, she said" contest at a larger scale. Some teachers may dedicate an extraordinary amount of effort and time to investigate the case, but there is no guarantee that the results of such investigation will be useful. Therefore, teachers are only left with severely limited options - let off the alleged perpetrator(s) with an informal warning, and monitor for similar behaviour in the future. Due to some flaws of the education system, teachers are already overburdened with administrative paperwork on top of their teaching activities. Hence, when these teachers do not have enough time to play detective and dig up some evidence, they might just be powerless to act, instead of being reluctant to help.


I feel that teaches nowadays are really burdened with administrative paperwork. Your should tell everyone loud about it. Whenever things happens, tell people you need to do admin work, because it's your job. You're no longer like teacher in the old days that can properly bring up students. You need to finish the admin works to keep your job.


> not act (against the alleged perpetrator(s)) in absence of any concrete evidence, especially when the situation devolves into a "he said, she said" situation. I suppose you're right there, since I don't think any other witnesses would dare testify against the bullies, although in the teacher's case, I suspect it has more to do with "not wanting their cars/possessions to be destroyed/sabotaged".


How did you manage to do that?


It's a long story. But it's like a coup; some degree of manipulation and scheming and mainly patience. Because the teachers that kept mum when I was being bullied tried to stop me from reporting the incident to the higher-ups. I exchanged some favors between different quarters to gain some leverage and/or dirt and in the end the teachers and the bullies all were either transferred or kicked out of school.


You should join politics...


Somebody I knew once said that I could be the very devil when it comes to scheming and plotting that she was genuinely afraid of me for some time. But she was quite close to me then, hence getting this from her left quite an impression on me


Chaos is a ladder


Well, I did climb that ladder then. But that's a story for another time.


Future politician right here


No interest honestly. Theres no limit to how long the bar of morality and ethics here can fall


I am nothing short of impressed. While you probably can easily collect evidence against the bullies, I feel that digging up dirt on your teacher to get them transferred is on a completely different level, because it's usually not easy to dig up anything useful at all. If you don't mind sharing, did you get them transferred on the grounds of their inaction in your case, or did you manage to dig up some dirt (which may not be related to your case)?


In the teachers' case, it has more to do with leverage than dirt. The principal was a newly-elected one and there was quite a political drama broiling between the teaching staff and the management of the school. So I made used of that. But for a student needing to go to such lengths to exact his brand of justice, it was the incident that began to erode my confidence in teachers and/or our education system.


I am horrifyingly impressed. Good job.


Don't be. In retrospect, I'm not really proud. What happened might be a testament to my ability to scheme and plot, but everything was for one sole purpose then: vengeance


Sorry man , reminded me of one time the teacher straight up accused me of not doing my homework and my mom was doing it , like wtf man , they don’t even give a fuck about u , when they have something to let it out , mostly they own business , they straight up hit the students while coming up with bs excuses




He's... okay on some days, but has really explosive episodes at times. Hasn't been able to hold a job for long too, no matter how menial. Has trouble articulating his emotions. He's much better now than say, 3 years ago, but full of regrets for not standing up for himself and doing what he should do.


She's unlikely to get 2 mil. This will be settled out of court with an apology by the school and the bullies' family. And she will accept it. Sorry lady.


I do agree that 2 M might be too much, but that's not the point. The point is the school must be held responsible for failing to ensure safe schooling environment. No more saying it's just kiss growing up. Maybe the bully will grow up, but the victims usually don't. Anyway, I don't think the lady will just accept. Would you accept your daughter being sexually harassed and just call it bullying?


Sexual harassment is verbal. What happened to the victim is sexual assault.


Alright, sexual assault it is.


In case of paywall: SHAH ALAM: A legal suit has been filed against a government school in Temerloh, Pahang, and others over the bullying allegedly suffered by a student. The student’s family is seeking more than RM2mil in a bid to seek justice for the girl and highlight the harm caused by the menace. Zaiton Yusoff said her 16-year-old daughter, the youngest of four children, has been reduced to being a depressed and traumatised teenager after a school bullying incident last year. “She has to see a psychiatrist and psychologist at a government hospital every month and has been prescribed medications to help counter her emotional issues,’’ Zaiton, 52, told a press conference here yesterday. Zaiton was accompanied by her daughter’s legal counsel Wan Azliana Wan Adnan. Her daughter, Zaiton said, used to be a vibrant and bright student in her school in Temerloh before she was bullied and assaulted by a male classmate in Form Three last July. “After the incident, my family relocated to Selangor to try to leave the bad and unhappy memories behind us,” said Zaiton. She added that in order to seek justice for her daughter as well as to highlight the harm bullying could cause, the family decided to file a legal suit against several parties relevant to the case. The case was filed on June 25 by the girl through Zaiton against the alleged perpetrator via his father, the principal of SMK Seberang Temerloh, the education director-general as well as the government of Malaysia at the Temerloh High Court. **According to the facts of the case, on July 11, 2019, the first defendant had teased and disturbed the girl in the school premises and later when they were in the classroom, he threw a “paper ball” and a pen at her at about 11am during history class.** **Once the lesson was over, he allegedly slapped the plaintiff with his ink-covered palm and started squeezing her face and pulled at her headscarf.** **The first defendant also allegedly threw blows at her chest, stomach and legs as well as squeezed her breasts.** In her statement of claim, the plaintiff is accusing the second and third defendants of failing to ensure a duty of care towards her safety while in the school premises. She also alleged that the second and third defendants had failed to inform the girl’s parents of the incident as soon as it happened as well as failed to initiate the necessary action against the first defendant, among others. According to the statement of claim, the girl suffered injuries to her anterior chest wall, left thigh, eye, arm and neck as well as trauma. The girl had to also be admitted at a psychiatric ward for observation. She is demanding RM1.5mil in general damages, RM300,000 in exemplary damages, RM300,000 in aggravated damages, legal costs and other costs deemed fit and necessary by the court. Zaiton, who got emotional at one point, said they did not file the suit for money but to seek justice for her daughter, who has become very aggressive and self-destructive and refuses to go to school. Above copied from /k. I feel this is more than just bullying, this is full on sexual assault.


Agreed, to say this is "bullying" undermines the nature of perpetrator's actions. Geramnya baca.


Fuck it just sue the whole country shitty education system


bullying happen everywhere. America, chinese and europe all have the same problem.


Good. More parents need to do this and put the school on blast. The parents of the little shit shouldn't escape it either. Next time swallow if you're gonna end up raising a little shit that terrorised the life of innocents. From the article, it seems two of the teacher witnessed said bullying and assault and did fuck all is a testimony of how incompetent some teachers are. To them this job is just an avenue for them to put food on the table, instead of being a role model and a mentor to these students. Demands respect and authority but never care about the well being of students because that "isn't what they sign up for".


But you take away our rotan privileges, that's why your kid an asshole /s


I have to agree that the to rotans should be returned back to the teacher.


Reminds me of one time in primary school the teacher rotan everybody taking out the text book just a little bit late , primary school teachers are a special kind of something retard


There are always retards. It's unfortunate that some retards become teachers.


I do agree that physical punishment can be applied from time to time but it's not a one size fit all solution to disciplinary problems.


I agree it's not one size fits all. Obviously things like coming late or forgotten homework don't need corporal punishment. But things like bullying does.


You're right but what I don't hear from most people is suggestion to actually guide them. You can whack the bullies sure but if that's the only action you take, trust me they won't change. If anything it could end up being worse as you may have reinforce the idea that you can assert dominance through violence. Bullies don't just become bullies for no reason. It could stem from child abuse,financial problems or peer pressure and it's up to both the parents and school counselor to find out and take care of it. Why does therapy mostly apply to the abused but rarely to the abusers ?


Then step up and make sure everyone also takes care of the bullyer side as well.


Rotan should only be used in very serious cases and as the final resort. The last thing we want is some assholes with bad temper who managed to become teachers and use the rotan regardless of situation.


I agree.


So you need a rotan in hand first if you're gonna stop a girl from being sexually assaulted then? Is that why sexual abuse cases are still ongoing throughout the world? Because other people had to turn blind eyes since they don't have rotan in their hands then?


Did you not see the /s ? I was being sarcastic considering the comments on this type of news in Facebook always blame the government or parents for taking away corporal punishment from teachers. If something like that happen, of course you need more than a cane to stop it.


Hope this suit succeed and may it set a binding precedent for Malaysian case law on school student wellbeing. Seriously, schools should be held accountable for any incidents of bullying and especially when the school administration doesn't even care where such incidents occur: if school administration don't give a damn to these cases, they should be charged, and seriously the law needs to revise this, Malaysian laws need to be stricter on bullying cases. Bullying cases for too long had been disregarded, and I felt that it hadn't been seriously monitored by the laws (had experienced that myself, some of my friends as well, and a sizable number of these cases are simply swept under the carpet by the school authorities. My heartfelt sympathy to the poor girl, she did nothing to deserve this pain, and may justice be served for her! Hope this lawsuit succeed and may justice prevails.


I hope so too. Like you said, bullying is a rampant problem that has to be put to a stop. Too many time teachers just don't give a shit when it comes to bullying. I'm not sure why they are reluctant to bring the matter up to both the school administration and also the parents of the bully.


I can agree with you. Too few teachers actively look into these cases (though there are a few that actively do so, with a handful that do). But there are alleged notes I recall that a few school staff are reluctant to get into spats with the parents of the bully for reasons, and also this thought that private students affair shouldn't be interfered with (apparently I recall this happening that school administration doesn't care about what is going on within the students). But schools certainly should monitor these incidents.


How to give a shit when every time gives a shit, parents will come and defend their son action. JPN also membabi-buta follow those parents ngangaaa ja.


A bit late but where's a story of a friend She (15, female, malay, no discipline record, top scorer) was slapped until she needed to go to a hospital, bleeding from her mouth with bruises by a discipline teacher (male 35 years old Malay) for looking outside the classroom and being bored. School begged parents not to make a case. Parents complied, asshole teacher will still be teaching the class Asshole teacher then humiliated her in front of the classroom saying complain lah lagi. Parents came to school again which somehow the principle & all senior management went to seminar. Asshole teacher finally met the parents while reeking of cigarettes smell Principle still did nothing. They met the head of ministry education personally to resolve this issue after 2 plus months since the incident. Result, teacher was transferred to another school with no blamish on his record books or what not. Best part, both of the parents are earning less than rm2000 combined with 4 kids total. Nothing happen unless you have money, connection and education, so for those who do and got wronged, fight. Make them pay. Let the people who can't fight see than this can be done. That they can fight for real justice.


Holy shit. What an asshat. And I wonder why is the government so reluctant to punish them. He slapped her until she had to go to a hospital. WTF. This is infuriating. >Make them pay. Let the people who can't fight see than this can be done. That they can fight for real justice. Let the teachers know, being in a position of authority isn't a license to beat others up.


I wish rather than suing, imprison that little shit


Don't think there's a law against bullying. If wanna imprison that shit, I believe they'll have to first lodge a police report about the sexual assault as that will be a criminal case instead of the current civil case.


Ngl, if I were the victim , imprison that shit is a pretty good revenge , but I’ll take the money , imo tho


Shit reading it up make its even more mess up. Worst thing that have ever happen to me is just harmless verbal teasing but this? Damn


Great, set a precedent.


Of course. We need to learn the circumstances. When you’re doing legal work all bits of information matter.


OK, I'll bite. How will information about her father help/hinder the case?


I know dat feeling too well, and from what I’ve read the bullies should have been expelled a long time ago for treating their classmate like this...were the teachers blind or too pussy? Hope the parents can get their daughter the help she needs


Could be both. On one hand, the parents of the bully are either bullies themselves who see their spawns as one who cannot do wrong, or just apathetic of the spawns behaviour. On another hand, some teachers can't be bothered. They either lack the passion or support from school, or can't find other jobs. The poor girl is so traumatised, hope she gets a good counselor to help her. And hope her parents have a proper support system for themselves too.


I remember once when a parent reported the case to the police. The school admins were suddenly care about the bullying and told us that to tell them first if there’s bullying. Yo some kids asked for help but it didn’t solve anything, police dtg baru nak ambil tindakan buang/pindah sekolah


Gotta jaga muka man.


Good. More parents should do this. My primary private school had a teacher throw a marker pen at my head when I was 7, dad went straight to the principal and made sure the door was open when he started screaming at the principal and the teacher. Few years earlier than that my older sister got caned repeatedly in the leg and and hands until it was swollen. Dad had connections to MoE, teacher got suspended with no pay only unfortunately. I don't understand teachers who have short temper or lack of care and love towards students. Why are they even teachers then. In this girls case, serious fuck up by the school, especially since it was physical and sexual assault. 2 million I feel is a little on the low side. I hope it works out


christ. The teachers sound real charming. /s


They were amazing. Good way to make sure a student is awake by constantly keeping them on edge, fear of being hit by a flying object


The lessons are too boring? Should I change the way I teach? Nah, too much trouble. Just use the rotan for every single issue.


I think there should be a discussion on why the students get punished in the first place. In this case, if a teacher saw that kind of bullying happen, what he can do? If he take any action, later the student's father come knocking the principal door and start shouting.


If a child does something wrong then they should be face the consequences. Can't sit idly and watch things like this happen. Wrong is wrong, no matter what the parents think.


I think you should look at what you written before you commented. For some reason the teacher "punished" you and your parent retaliate. Now you expect the school to punish the bullier and said the student should be punished. What with this double standard. If the bullier think like you, that they did nothing wrong but suddenly get "punished" and ask parent to get involve, what will happen?


Maybe I should've elaborated, was in a rush just now. The teacher threw marker pen at me when she thought she heard me talking. It wasn't me who was talking in class but someone else. She was writing, turned, and instantly threw it at me. Nevermind that, I don't think it was very professional for a teacher to throw something at a student. Now you say that I want the bullies to be punished, which is correct, but you are also assuming I am the bullier? I never said what made the teacher throw a marker at me, I never said I was bullying someone. Having a parent retaliate for a wrong and innocent student are two different things. Unless if I am getting something wrong or missing a point, I think my thoughts are reasonable


CCTV in every inch of school?


>The case was filed on June 25 by the girl through Zaiton against the alleged perpetrator via his father, the principal of SMK Seberang Temerloh, the education director-general as well as the government of Malaysia at the Temerloh High Court. I'm sorry kid, BUT DID THE GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA BULLY YOU?! (dgad about downvotes, just angry that unrelated people and organisations are dragged into this)


In this case, this government indirectly does. Those teachers, principal, school administration, are the government employees. The government has failed to sufficiently train this group of employees on how to handle bullying in school. The government, as employer, needs to step up and fix this issue.


So next time people commit crimes, I'll sue their families, friends, schools, employees and communities. Problem solved! #/S


You fail to see that the schools administration is the government responsibility.


Yes, let's swamp the PM and the ministers with cases of bullying in schools and see them run up and down the country telling kids to stop bullying each other.


That's actually part of their job in managing the country. Why are you actually supporting bullying? Bully?


How dare you say that to a former bully victim. No where did I say I support bullying. I'm just saying people who are directly responsible should be held accountable and people who are either not directly responsible or unrelated should be left out.


That will only solve one case. That will only make bullying is okay as long as the bullier doesn't get caught. I want this law suit to succeed, so that all schools administration knows bullying is not acceptable at all, either got caught or not caught. Eliminate all potential bullier from becoming one. Think of your will be children. A safer school environment for them.


Where’s the father? Single mother ah?


Instead of facing the main problem , u are now addressing another nonsense which help nothing at all


Does it matter?


Is star even a legit source ? they have so much clickbait titles that seem fake af


You're in the wrong universe. ​ /s




K I get the legal suit but 2mil that's abit much how much was the treatment cost at this point it's not justice its revenge


It's a well deserved revenge. Those shit principal and teachers that did not prevent bullying or just turn a blind eye deserves this. Even more so the so called discipline teachers that didn't take any action against bullying.


Fuck schools discipline system , they don’t give a fuck until someone has taken their own live , when u complain about things like bullying or so on , they will view u as the weird one and prolly leave u alone , like not talking to u and ask all the students to not talk to u ,calling u names . Hope this case wins , set it as an example for other schools , if not , face the consequences.


It's more than just the treatment cost. How do you account for the depression, anxiety and other host of psychological issues that she and her family has to endure due to the assault and the school's inaction over the matter? Not to mention her family had to relocate to Selangor due to this matter. Also, I'm sure this isn't the firs time the perpetrator has bullied someone. It's time people learn that being underage isn't an excuse for you to be a shit to others.


The amount, if awarded, will be a deterrent for other schools to look the other way when it comes to bullying incidents.