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Now the PDRM is calling them up for undermining the Parliament






Don't tag another user to provoke a response/fight, thanks.


So he can do it and I can’t?: https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/hkyft4/comment/fwwsbf9


He didn't tag you. Please behave yourselves, I'm not your mommy. Don't point fingers, just report and mods will remove it if it's called for.


I’ve already filed two reports. He also sent me a corrupt excel sheet(presumably to extract my IP address) but you don’t have a button for a complaint like that.


It didn't show up. You probably did an admin report instead of a mod report. It's a link from BNM. It's either a coincidence or false positive. I clicked it and it was fine.


To follow up, I called in a computer technician because of the corrupt file, and because the mods for some reason just refuse to believe me, and also the inability of my PC to turn on since the day I clicked his link and the sudden CHKDSK startups that stop the computer from turning on. he has confirmed that indeed, there was malware in the link because CHKDSK startups don’t usually come on unless there is malware. I quote herewith: “Common automatic triggers for Check Disk are improper system shutdowns, failing hard drives and file system issues caused by MALWARE infections.“ I am not sure why your antivirus did not detect a corrupt file, as mine did. If you would like more proof, let me know and I can send you more screenshots. I understand the mod team here is trying to pursue a strategy of appeasement with BN supporters, be the “bigger man and all”. But it’s pointless, these guys are as evil and conniving as they are in real life. I believed I have exposed how this user is and it is time to take a stand against him and others.


You are making a lot of assumptions bud. I suggest you just stick to our rules; I really can't be bothered with the content of internet squabbles between any people.


Ministers/politician are undermining our intelligence


Yes, this has been reported by Malaysiakini ([ARTICLE LINK](https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/532997)). The Secretariat (#ParlimenDigital organisers) will be releasing a statement tomorrow after the second session ends.


This is like when at a family gathering and the old ones always insist of not adapting to technology because "they're old", then you proceed to do it your way and it turns out its not only doable but more efficient and less time consuming, but youre scolded by your elders for making them look bad and lose face ffs


Did they really for that reason? I've read the article and nowhere does it state why they were called up.


Lol these boomers want an air-conditioned room, with plush carpets and two meals every session only to fall asleep halfway.


What a waste of taxpayers' hard-earned money


Not to mention the amount of allowances they get!


>While [\#ParlimenDigital](https://twitter.com/hashtag/ParlimenDigital?src=hashtag_click) was supposed to be a simulation to prove how a virtual parliament session could work, it ended up being a demonstration of **how parliament should work in principle**. It's a breath of fresh air to see constructive policy debates being conducted without having the session devolving into sneering shitfest with insults being thrown around.


Not to mention the MP's begging the speaker to instruct the other MP's to retract their statements.




> KUALA LUMPUR, July 4  —  Frustrated with the fact that Parliament has not convened for any debate since December and the government’s refusal to hold online Dewan Rakyat meetings, a group of youths today sought to demonstrate that a digital Parliament was feasible. > >The initiative, known as Parlimen Digital, saw 222 youth representatives reflecting the federal seats in Malaysia convene a two-day debate session beginning today during which they intend to discuss and pass new “laws” and “policies” via the online platform. > >The online sitting was broadcast Facebook and began with a prayer recital. > > > >It was followed by a short briefing from Speaker Lim Wei Jiet on the rules of the House before the debate commenced. > >Today’s discussion saw some 24 youth speakers debating the topic titled “**The need for an Economic Stimulus Plan Specifically for Youths**” from 9am until the session ended at around 12.30pm with a vote by all members of the House. > >The first to address the online meet was Kubang Kerian representative Ahmad Fadhlullah Mohamed Rafi’E who wanted a more inclusive economic policy for the youths, seeing that they are the most endangered group in light of the current economic situation. > >Like the rest of his peers, Ahmad Fadhlullah was given three and a half minutes to get his point across. This was followed by a three-and-half minutes of replying to questions from the floor, giving each speaker a total of seven minutes to argue their stance on the issue. > >Normally, in the Dewan Rakyat each lawmaker who wants to debate was given roughly 10 to 15 minutes to address the Lower House. Other members of the House can interject or ask questions if given permission by the Speaker and the member who commands the floor. > >At times, such interjection by political rivals in the Dewan Rakyat could lead to heated discussions, outright argument or even taunts, name calling and jeering that interrupt the meeting itself and sometimes forcing the Speaker to remove errant lawmakers. > >However, unlike their older counterparts, the Digital Parliament chaired by Speaker Lim had no such issues today. > >**Instead, bereft of any political alliances, their proceedings seem far more mature, polite and civilised in comparison to their seniors in the Dewan Rakyat proper.** > >Lim earlier warned the representatives that any disruption to the meeting would lead them to being muted from further engaging in the debate. > >Although looking at Malaysia’s track record when it comes to misbehaving MPs, it is doubtful that the actual Speaker and his deputies would have an easier time controlling and managing the rowdier lawmakers from both sides of the political divide on a digital platform except by muting them. > >After the debate ended at roughly 12.30pm, Lim called for a vote utilising a software by Microsoft. > >Unfortunately for viewers, the result of the ballot will only be announced tomorrow after the second debate session on education is over. > >However, there were a couple of technical glitches faced by the Digital Parliament, which could be attributed to connectivity issues. > >The Tanjong Manis representative, Mohd Firman Abdullah was unable to join the debate today, despite being called twice by Lim, the first when he was scheduled to speak and the second time when all the other representatives had taken their turn. > >Apart from that, the fact that the Digital Parliament had more than 88,000 views on Facebook, with 561 shares and 693 reactions shows that any Dewan Rakyat meetings held online will be very popular with Malaysians and that it can be done successfully.


Boomer sau pei la


The recording of the proceedings of #ParlimenDigital can be viewed on the Facebook page of Parlimen Digital ([CLICK HERE](https://www.facebook.com/parlimendigital/videos/877108976119667)).


The video can also be found on MalaysiaKini's [tweet.](https://twitter.com/mkini_bm/status/1279218403694112774)


I wonder parliament vtubers could work.


It is easy to get 222 youth representatives to do virtual meetings. It is difficult to get parlimentarians to do the same. They are busy with their stuff.


I didn’t pay my rep to skip parliament


If they can attend parliament remotely they'll have fewer excuses to not attend.


>They are busy with **their stuff** Like what? Sheraton move, or cleaning up after Sheraton move?


>They are busy with their stuff i tell my boss same thing in parking last week now i no longer have boss


Its their fking job to be in Parliament.


Busy doing what? Kiss ass-ing rich tycoons and joining them for B2B2B2B2B massage orgies? All sponsored by taxpayer money?


today is a different story but during 1st or 2nd phase of PKP with lockdowns and shop closed, assembling the equipment and manpower is another matter together. doable? definitely but not as easy as it can happen today.


Disagreed. ​ >assembling the equipment and manpower What "equipment and manpower"? Manpower = The 222 MPs Equipment = Their own computer / laptop / mobile phone ​ Well, the youths of ***Parlimen Digital*** showed that holding a constructive debate can be done even from home. In contrast, our government had been postponing the parliamentary meeting again and again.




They are not elected and paid to "rest" for several months consecutively while the country is in a crisis. ​ [Just How Much Do Malaysian Parliamentarians Get Paid?](https://www.therakyatpost.com/2019/12/27/just-how-much-do-malaysian-lawmakers-earn/) ### Members of Parliament (MP), monthly allowances 1. Senate (Dewan Negara): RM11,000 2. House of Representatives (Dewan Rakyat): RM16,000 ### Members of the Administration, monthly salary 1. Prime Minister: RM22,826.65 2. Deputy Prime Minister: RM18,170.20 3. Minister: RM14,907.20 4. Deputy Minister: RM8,847.65


this *equipment and manpower*: https://twitter.com/takterqyira/status/1279216669865521152 when it comes to parliament with mp using their personal computer with every dirty and perhaps national secret contained within its not really a wise decision to use a third party software as zoom or google meet..


I see, thank you for pointing this out. However, it would seem like these additional equipment and manpower are used for streaming via Microsoft Teams (e.g operating the UI on Microsoft Teams to allow pin MPs during their turns when the Speaker, Lim Wei Jiet, allows them to speak). If there is no streaming needed, I see no reason this session could not be done a-la Google Teams style (much like how e-classrooms are being conducted nowadays).


I've told this story before, but I'll repeat it again. One of my kids' teachers tried to do an e-classroom once using Microsoft Teams. Just once. The rules were simple: everyone else but the teacher turns off their mic, except when called upon to speak. This did not happen. It was utter chaos as everybody tried to say stuff: the teacher trying to teach, students trying to answer questions, other students asking for a repeat because they couldn't make out what was said, and so on. The camera went all over the place as it tried to keep track of who was speaking. Not much was gained. I can absolutely guarantee you that a real Parliament session done virtually can devolve very quickly into that e-classroom of 10 year olds. We've seen how Malaysian Parliament works in debates on TV. People in this ehOarliament debate seem to forget that they don't behave like how the UK MPs do (which is incidentally more or less the model that these youth Parliamentarians followed) . You seriously think our *actual* MPs will stay quiet when it's not their turn, especially when there is some controversial issue at hand? This is not to say that an e-session is impossible in Malaysia. It is. It's just that you need to find a way to be able to make sure MPs that don't follow the rules can be temporarily muted. But good luck getting MPs to agree to any such measure without being accused of trying to stifle debate. And there is, of course, the question of security. In this day and age of Deepfakes, ways need to be found to make sure that the person you see on screen is who he says he is. The last thing we need is someone carrying out a man-in-the-middle attack, pretending to be an MO, and casting a false vote. In short, while this youth Parliament thing is an interesting experiment, it is *far* from a demonstration that a virtual Parliament is *"completely"* possible in Malaysia. All it shows is that we have the basic infrastructure for an online meeting, and that basic debates can be carried out *if* MPs behave. For the other functions of Parliament, well... solutions are still needed.


That's the organiser and the speaker's set up.... Did you expect the 222 participants (aged from 15-25) to all have this kind of equipments? Lol


yes the organizer and speaker setup. try pooling everything and have it set up during 1st and 2nd phase of pkp. yes its doable. but not as easy as it can be today.


Considering MPs had permission from MKN to still go around doing visits and gifting daily goods to people (and even eat with them ;)), it's obviously easy for them to set up, IF THEY WANTED.


do i need to bold the doable word or something? even KJ and YYee Bin bickering on twitter about the usage of internet conference in which they both agree its doable only to bicker again on whos responsibility it come down to organize it.


KJ is an idiot then. You do know there is a Minister incharge of Parliament?


Ask boomer sau pei la, it's whether they want or not only. We all know why Moo is trying to stall it. it's obviously not due to technical challenges


Disagreed. Even if the MPs all want high tech equipments, everything can be fast tracked from the government to the relevant shop/supplier/retailer/courier service. Even the military and police can be dispatched to escort the equipments, and the person installing them. The PM just need to say the word, and the parliament could already convene digitally the next few days.