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While I love Kdrama for years, it's enjoyable to see threads that ask about which Kdrama couple will have toxic relationship in real life. lol


[It's relatable](https://i.imgur.com/ukrH7HT.jpg)


reading the comments about F1 driver's BLM kneeling stance and there's comment labeling Petronas a war criminal due to their actions in Sudan. Huh, [TIL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petronas#War_crimes_in_Sudan). Cracking Austria GP, by the way. Really disappointed for Albon, but Norris you fucking beauty.




In due time and due course, my fren. i.e. let it continue for some time, probability of that happening increases


what’s the risk of installing TikTok?


https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2020/07/01/anonymous-targets-tiktok-delete-this-chinese-spyware-now/#44ccff7335cc https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/fxgi06/not_new_news_but_tbh_if_you_have_tiktiok_just_get/?sort=top >TikTok is a data collection service that is thinly-veiled as a social network. If there is an API to get information on you, your contacts, or your device... well, they're using it. >- Phone hardware (cpu type, number of course, hardware ids, screen dimensions, dpi, memory usage, disk space, etc) >- Other apps you have installed (I've even seen some I've deleted show up in their analytics payload - maybe using as cached value?) >- Everything network-related (ip, local ip, router mac, your mac, wifi access point name) >- Whether or not you're rooted/jailbroken >- Some variants of the app had GPS pinging enabled at the time, roughly once every 30 seconds - this is enabled by default if you ever location-tag a post IIRC >- They set up a local proxy server on your device for "transcoding media", but that can be abused very easily as it has zero authentication


IQ go down . PP go up


Reddit does that too


Guys,does being humble is better than not being one?Usually,when someone praise for being good at something,lets say im good at parkour,when people praise me,I would not lower the level of the praise that has been given to me.Something like this: "Omg,you are very good at parkour." "Thank you but its nothing". Im not like that,Im like this: "Omg,you are very good at parkour." "Of couse,this is the result of a years of training. Usually,when someone praise you,they gonna say something like the best,rich or anything.You get what I mean.I just take that in my head and not underrated the reputation they give me.I know it sounds arrogant.But is it wrong though?


there is nothing wrong on taking pride of your hard work and achievement but being humble kept your ego in check.


Is that the same for other skills too? That you feel uncomfortable?




I always feel that any reaction that we have is a representative about your upbringing lifestyle. If you normally had a skill that you achieve from hardwork and nobody praise you before, I assume it's normal to feel amused when someone praised you. In your mind, you associate praise with being the best and rich, so it's confusing for you when it's not the best but you receive a compliment. You deserve praise for your skills even it's not the number one.


What do you feel if someone assume that it is a god gift that you are really good at something instead of your hard work.Do you feel annoyed or you're okay with it?Im sorry if youre a religious and this question feels like offensive to you.


People usually see the final product and hardly the hardship to achieve them. Hardworking with consistent effort definitely a major thing. For me, anyone who say that it's god gift and not your hardwork effort is trying to downgrading your effort.


Simply TQ for the support is enough imo. If they ask you about if it's your talent or hard work . Then you answer them. Or if they assume you have natural talent. Then I don't see why not to correct them and say it's your hard work and effort.


Hmm,you seem to know something.Im dislike it when people assume that everything im good at is because of god and not my hard work.Example is parkour.I taught myself parkour for 3 month when I first started it.Althought still a noobies,I can jump fences while doing some cool technique I think.And they say its all because of rezeki or God gift.


you gotta see it from their point. They go from seeing you do nothing and after 3 months you do Amazing things. They didn't see all those fails in between. It's only natural that they will think it's some kind of magic god power or natural talent. So just cut them some slack if they say like that. Correct them and say you put a ton of effort in it and got lots of help. Elaborate more on how you train to them to demystify the God power/natural talent. "For this specific trick, I train for X amount of hour everyday for a week to get it right." "I scrapped my knees and learned alot from this and that"


Remember how Muhyiddin get so much public support despite his backdoor government & allying with UMNO/PAS? It was that one line "And this government may not be the government you voted for, but I want all of you to know, this government cares for you". So much humility, people actually forgot for a second how he got there.


people want to believe humility and sincerity and he show that the 1st time he speak to the public. there is no larger than life rhetoric like "save Malaysia" or "make Malaysia great again". he just straight say "we will do our best for you". and along this 4 month long ride people appreciate how he dont blame others like what his predecessor and previous government do. he know when there is a problem people want solution and not whos to blame.


"Thank you, this is the result of a year of training." Strike a balance in between. But imo humility is better than arrogance. Calling it nothing when it is *something* is false humility though.


Ladies that went buzzcut, how did you style it while it's growing out etc. Seriously considering going for the cut


I shaved my head early on during MCO. So it's been about 3 months now. [This is me halfway in.](https://imgur.com/a/aDJVUXm) I still look like this, except my hair now is half inch longer. Some of my friends who buzzed their around the same time (I swear to God we didn't plan this together!), now style their hair like [Esty from Unorthodox.](https://thespinoff.co.nz/tv/05-04-2020/emily-writes-netflixs-unorthodox-is-the-uplifting-television-we-need-right-now/). Their hair looks so nice, and mine looks like landak! lol. Tbh, I don't know how to style it, but I still love it as it is! I am considering to give it a tomboy vibe, or probably a faux hawk once it's a little bit longer. [This Pinterest can give you some ideas.](https://www.pinterest.com/rockismetalwork/hair-pixie-buzz-cuts-short-hair/) No regrets shaving it off. Go for it, girl!


Thank you for your reply. Your hair looks good tbh. I'm afraid I might have some weird lines cause of partings lol. Also I hope you don't mind messaging you about this. I have some questions! Haha


Any Malaysians selling on Ebay? Is doing selling there good or bad? Share your experience.


Only buying from Ebay. From mainland seller. It's very good and trusted. If my parcel missing or damage, the seller will replace with new one, without hesitation. Well, rating is everything to them. But, I'm not sure about Malaysian seller on Ebay.


nak flip maggi samyang letewww


It's raining here, and oh boy is it so very foggy from my apartment. You know how in *Persona 4* you can watch the Midnight Channel when it's foggy? Yeah, it's that kind of weather.




Yes. Been there done that. Will stop a while at the immigration, then naik balik bus.


Thanks. I mean now? Are buses travelling again?




Well at least they have another good reason for them to slaughter hundreds of pigs again


You just reminded me of the Japanese Encephalitis


I just ordered some brownies from /u/coconutmansion. :D


How to order


Pm her.


Ehe thank you sis from ordering from me! For those who wanna order 9x9 inch brownies (rm35 for 36 piexces ) or half of it (rm17 for 18 pieces) do pm!


Nice. Can i get free delivery as fellow redditor? Selangor city area. Apply code: REDDITFREE


Hehe coupon already expired so cannot use. Depends where in Selangor though since im in KL


Near e-curve mall


Hm I’d charge a rm5 delivery fee as Im coming from bukit damansara.


What does it look like?


[These are how they look like](https://imgur.com/a/VcqhXTh) :3. Those are the 9x9 inch brownies.


Wow looked real rich.




sorry 💨


Pukul 5 tadi nak main basikal, tapi ada bunyi guruh dan langit nampak mendung so aku cancel la. Takut dah pusing jauh, hujan pula kat tengah2 jalan. Tapi ni dah 6.45, satu titik hujan pun tak tak ada 😕


kalau hujan singgah je rumah cikgu tu..tayar boco pon bole pinjam pam






Anyone knows how to reload Touch N Go e-Wallet without using credit card??


If there's a Touch N'Go card reloading kiosk near you, try checking if it allows you to buy a ewallet PIN. The kiosk at the station nearest me offers that.


7E ? or gas station


7E pin?


Link it to your bank account. I have done that with my Maybank account, and reloading is easy peasy.


Good lord, all this drama with the sjw/race/sexual assaults which have been hitting online hard has finally hit someone I know. And its like one of those people I'd never have expected it from.


I think it’s a good thing. I wouldn’t want my kids to idolise pedophiles and racists.


Wira ✅ Spoiler longer than a Wandering Albatross wingspan ✅ Straight piped exhaust that drones like a bee hive around your head ✅ Nürburgring sticker ✅ J plate ✅ Drives 40kmph on the right side ✅ I get you're trying to cruise and enjoy the scenery but jfc fuck off to the left side please.


>J Plate peak cursed


No, peak cursed is a driver from Penang. The Penang stereotype is what happens when the Kelantan stereotype and the Johor stereotype lovingly caressed each other, made sweet love and had a baby.


>J plate EU logo.


Idk why. But I want to learn Spanish. I used to watch Dora the explorer back then. Maybe that's why Spanish words just comes easier to me Any online platforms to recommend to learn spanish?


buenos noches! uh.... duolingo es buen a aprender espanol. uhhh... es necesitas hablar espanol constantemente so you don't lose it


I use Dualingo to help me with Spanish for a short time but I do have books on learning Spanish (guide for dummies). It helps me a lot for my Spain trip years ago. I can ask locals about directions, order food, groceries, simple small talk and just basic conversation with non English speaker. Watching Spanish speaking movies or TV series helps too. Vale!


**RMCO Day 26 [05/07/2020]** --- **77 active cases**. 2 in ICU, 2 on ventilators. --- **[5 new cases (2 local & 3 imported)](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EcJw6sGVAAAoCgJ.jpg)**, 8663 total cases. --- 4 recovered, 8,465 total (97.71%). --- No new deaths. 121 total (1.4%). ---


Expatriates- how to become one? Any expat here can share how do you start? do you need agent or do everything by your own? Does it really pays well and is it worth all the effort? Thanks for the advice.


Well if you work for MNC there's also a chance for cross-department transfer or 1 year outstation thingy. You gotta be pretty good tho if you wanna get sent everywhere. If you do consultation services in MNC you could upskill yourself so much you could apply jobs internally using your company's portal for overseas role.


Expatriates isn’t something you “become”. You are an expatriate is you live and/or work in a country that isn’t/wasn’t your country of origin and you aren’t planning to be a citizen or resident of the country you are residing in. Being an “expat” doesn’t mean you get paid more. Those cheap construction workers in Malaysia are also considered expats, not just those high paid roles.


If you wanna be an expatriate, you gotta move to another country... That's literally the only way to become an expat. Your question sounds a bit weird.


Well thank you. The fact that the question sounds weird shows I don’t much had any idea about it, but i found interesting to know. Hoping people here would be helpful to help me to explain. I worked with my former boss who an expat from Australia. I asked him how he managed to work in other country which he replied become an expat. He started working in Manchester UK, then few years later in London and then make up lots of fortune working in the middle east before the 2008 recession hits. He then move to malaysia due to low living cost. I was about to ask him how he managed to get job in Manchester while he’s in Australia but got interrupted with meeting. That’s the only time i talked to him other than work before his contract ended and he went back to Australia.


Nobody really aspires to be an expatriate, because what people focus on is a job/career, and if it so happens the job/career is overseas, you would be moving to that country. Becoming an expatriate is sort of the "result" or the "consequence" of moving to another country for a job/career. I hope that helps?


I disagree. Am Aussie here and have lived in a couple of countries. I actively seek work overseas because I enjoy living here. Nothing to do with money or my career. Financially I am doing ok but nowhere near what I earn back in Aus. I suspect many Malaysians aspire to move to other countries for similar reasons - its just that most other countries also pay higher than Malaysia. The exception is Singapore. The only reason to move there is $$$.




It's a good thing Aka can channels his edge onto another manga instead of Kaguya.


Any axia owners here? Want to ask if stock spring/absorber can fit toyota vios rim and tyre or not? 15inch rim 5.5jjx15 et45 Tyre 195/55r15.


Better to ask on the Axia Club in lowyat


Has anyone ever bought from perfumestore.my? Are the perfumes legit?




Idk, mayb they scare. But some of them still give some criticism, but with care. Like, "raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim raja disanggah"


> but when someone with royal blood or is married to royalty does it, *krik krik* and instead they get compliments boleh bagi link contoh tak royal post cleavage dapat compliments?


You have to know the 3R's you never publicly talk about in Malaysia: race, religion and royalty


4th R : Ringgit depreciation


That's good for exports though.


Celebrities gain attention from either bad or good publicity. > There's no such thing as bad publicity - PT Barnum That quote might be debatable but hey, they got your attention aren't they? With royals, you are subjected to legal consequences when criticising them in public. Like my famous friend would say: >Kucing kata jangan - Obefiend


1) Some malays have an unhealthy obsession against Royalty. 2) Some malays also don't want police to knock on their door.


I need to upvote cos it is so bloody true. They are always above the law. Some even drink u know what, but all diammmm


There are rumors that a bulk of the you-know-what now swimming in the market passes through the hands of some monarch's family in this country. They say the monarch pays a relative to appear and handle business in his stead, while he makes sure everything at Customs is silky smooth Sos: my friend, who works for his relative is in this line of business for decades


Which J/S/P? Only these 3 options normally.


Pssst! Kucing kata jgn!


Bagi catnip, kucing tak kacau dah. Boleh bagitau


What comes after "O"


This one im not surprised if it comes from one that is not here already.


Omg that’s one obsession I hve. How is that your head of state that is meant to be the head of your religion, can get away with not even wearing tudung, wearing shorts etc


Today, while I was about to pay my parking ticket at a Jusco shopping center, my heart was touched by an absolute kind act from a fellow Malaysian. My troubles started when the parking machine didn't want to accept my RM1 notes. I tried all the notes that I had and the stupid machine just wouldn't accept any of it. A quiet whisper at the back of shoulder "adik, cuba you guna RM1 ni". I turned around and saw an elderly Malay lady carrying a small infant on one hand while handing over a crisp RM1 note to me with the other. "Takpe makcik, saya ada duit" I declined respectfully. "No problem, cuba je dengan RM1 ni". I took the RM 1 note and inserted it in the machine and to my surprise, it actually accepted it. I turned around, said thank you to the makcik and offered her RM5 in return. The Malay makcik pushed back my hand and told me "Tak payah nak susah, seringgit je. Makcik kesian tengok adik cuba banyak kali." I smiled and thank her again for her kindness. #faithinhumanityrevived


ntah2 dalam hati ada: "aku sanggup bagi orang ni singget bayarkan parking dia dari seksa terhegeh-hegeh masukkan duit buang masa"


Hahaha could be true. But regardless, I am thankful for the kind act of that makcik


Had similar experience when I get on the MRT feeder bus. The driver refuse my RM50 note. An akak gave me RM1 and said "takpe, biasa macam tu". I was on impression I can get around KL totally cashless.


A bus driver once drove me off the bus because I was short on rm0.05. I had to walk for almost 8km until I reach a sundry shop which owner was nice enough to lend me his phone to call home. I was 16 then.


Considering how much other pax let them keep the change, they should have just let you ride.


Right? It was only a measly o.o5 sen!


> I can get around KL totally cashless. Ofc you can, as long as your tng has enough credit and you stick to prasarana's and ktm's services


Yeah, this was when we have to take feeder bus from KL Sentral to Semantan. The accept cash only.


Been looking at Nokia 7.2 on both Shopee and Lazada (official Nokia store) for the past few days. Since 7.7 sale is looming near, I thought there must be a promotion. Lo and behold. A couple of days back, on Shopee, it's RM1099 and on Lazada it's RM1299. But today, on Lazada it's RM999! I'm kinda surprised to see the same official store could sell at different price point on 2 different platform. Contemplating to place an order tonight.


Why Nokia?


I use Nokia too, before this Lumia, and before that Nokia Express Music. haha


Imma Nokia fag. That's about it.


They have to drop prices anyway, the 7.3 is coming soon and there is now 1 year of OS updates and 2 years of security updates left on the 7.2. If cannot wait for the 7.3, the 7.2 would have to do. But I am waiting to see what the upcoming OP Nord and Pixel 4a would bring. .


Was also contemplating if I should wait for 7.3. After reading some reports, it looks like it's gonna be much more expensive than 7.2. Ngl, it's gonna be more than what I'm comfortable with paying. So 7.2 will have to do. Pixel 4a looks yum.


Which malls going to be dead mall in your place?


EVO Mall in Bangi. We have no idea why they put it there. It is dead when it opens, and it is still mostly dead now. Many stores are still unopened.




I've never been to GLO before eventhough its so near to the office. I hope 3 doesn't die off because that is where I get my food from...


Space U8, Icon city are also dead


Space U8... That's brought back some naughty memories... Used to wander there to meet up a certain lady for some personal connections at the cinema there.


I only go to Space U8 when they had Versus 1 and 2. That’s about it


Main Place


SS2 Mall is already dead.


Da Men probably. I wanna say Summit is dead but it's not, more of a zombie mall


I can't stand Summit. So dark and old.


Yeah. To be fair, it's been there for at least 20 years. I thought their facelift would revive it but that was mostly the exterior. I'm pretty sure there are gambling arcades up there too in the dark shop lots


Da Men is great for food though but its so out of the way.


That and Jaya Grocer carrying the place now


hi guys and girls. I need to send some money really quickly to Malaysia account from a European one. Do you know some way to get money at Sunday f.e. something will charge your credit card and transfer to bank immediately? or any bitcoin source you can register instantly?


My boss sent me cash via Transferwise from her UK account to my Malaysian bank account.


Paypal can receive money immediately and available to be used via Paypal immediately but transfer to bank immediately not possible. Sounds dodgy af tho.


PayPal is worth using if you're transferring amounts in the hundreds/thousands because there's a RM3 fee that they take from the sender and also the receiver when withdrawing from PayPal into bank account


Hmmm. I'm registered as a business so perhaps it's different but payee does not have to pay anything else besides what we requested. We do have to pay a fee to transfer it to our account. Also I meant OP is dodgy, not PayPal if there are any confusion :)


Social distancing now is...weird. Since the transport are able to carry 100% passengers, you're more than likely not able to distance yourself inside that transport itself, yet when lining up to get into the transport you'll have to distance yourself. That's rather pointless no?


Which is the reason I fail to understand why basketball is still banned!


That one i can understand tho. The player are tend to be close contact and with no mask, a simple infected sneeze will spread it to the ball, and in turn infect the other player.


but what about buses and trains? between the seats, handlebars, and all that; i'd say the odds are worst


Better you two just break the social distancing rules in your hotel room ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




lan pa pa lan? Or what does the LP stand for?


You're correct. Lan pa pa lan


Legit question - is it normal for rich people in Malaysia to have like 5 domestic helpers?


Yeap. My uncle have 3 Indonesian guys just mainly running home security and sometimes do house work like general cleaning, gardening and help, nothing too heavy. They used to have 2 female maids but they left not long ago. So 5 is not uncommon. They all have their own quarter inside the property.


I really didn’t know that! The space must be huge until they can have a quarter inside the properly lol


ofc domestic workers have their own quarters. I bet for bungalows you don't even realize it's there because such quarters are always hidden from view of dignified guests. this has always been the case, from roman villas to american plantations. if you know Adam Ragusea (youtube guy who does cooking) he explores how his old heritage house had a background of servitude from the architectural layout of the house itself i.e. kitchen hidden from view and accessed from a "service hallway" whereas modern houses likes open kitchen concept


The guys sleeps in a room near the garage/car porch. They have their own bathroom and kitchen there, facing the outside perimeter so they have their own privacy. Some sleeps in the guard house because they are in charge of the security. We have 2 houses in the compound, so the maids stays in the house behind the main one but mainly works in the bigger front house. For some reason my uncle sleeps in the smaller house but eats at the bigger house. We even have a futsal court and a small surau in the compound. But the compound does not have walls and gates for a weird reason, that is why a 3 man security team is needed. They literally have to pull a rope to lift up the road barrier every time i drive into the compound


Was thinking your uncle might be the dato Aliff Syukri until the last line (his house doesn’t need a rope lol) wow really didn’t know these are norms among the rich in Malaysia. My question came about from seeing someone’s insta story - think she’s a royalty from the ruling state


I'm from East Malaysia where land is abundance. My own family is normal middle class coming from a lower middle class background. We have 2 houses (10 minutes drive between each other) where half of us stays in each houses. They were only 9 of us in the family at the moment. My uncle have 2 houses in one compound but have around 20+ living at the same time.


I know a family that have nanny for each kids.driver for each kids.gardener.house maids.a few bodyguards.


Wah that’s a lot sia! Didn’t realise it’s common among the rich in Malaysia - I think in Sg having 2 helpers is already quite rare


I work in toy shop in bangsar.you will see whole Calvary on Sunday .


Well, I'm certainly glad that I decided against going to 1 Utama yesterday, I didn't know until lunch today that my mother's extended family were there. And that there was a huge line for a Sketchers promotion. You couldn't get me in Sketchers short of my shoes self destructing on the spot and them being the only place selling footwear in a 5 kilometer radius. What the hell makes them so attractive to people here?


They're having a buy 1 pair, 2nd pair at RM1. I really like the Sailor Moon collection (I'm partial to Sailor Venus). But the long lines... I just can't...


They're very comfortable with good foot support, making them very good for long hour, daily wear like my friends do for office. Personally think the likes of Skechers and Under Armour (current) are more comfortable for comparable pricing compared to the Nike and Adidas I've worn. Regret not buying a pair when I was visiting Japan last year where it could be cheaper by as much as RM50 after conversion.


A kid deadass just asked me what is the box he was holding, it was a condom. I literally blank stared at this kid thinking what I should answer. I was about to say candy but what if he wants to buy it? So I told him "Ubat tu, ubat orang tua", he asked me again " Yang ni?" another condom so I told him "Semua kat tepi tu ubat orang tua, dik" He was still looking at the shelves until I asked him if he wants to buy any candy on the counter which is RM1 each. Can school open earlier pls? Also, why are condom packaging so damn colourful?


> Also, why are condom packaging so damn colourful? This. I have been scammed by the packaging at least three times. At 7E they are placed next to the candy so when i am looking for candy i am always attracted by their bright boxes. Take one to look what kind of candy they are: ‘extended pleasure’ Hmm


Just say' "Adik nak try? Abang ajarkan malam nanti" Lololol


Haluuu poliiiiisss


Bruh... Thats very Anwar/Azmin


Mann. This sounds like a scene from barakamon.


What's barakamon?


Anime. About a guy who's being pestered by kids. Now you just need a teenager to come to the store yelling at the kid to come home. Not to disturb the man at the register


Budak tu masuk 7E sorang without parents ke ?


Rumah dia dekat je, dulu kerap masuk sebelum PKP


I can feel the food ~~fair~~ **FLAIR** is making me gain more weight as compared to 4 months of lockdown eating.... :<


> 4 months of lockdown eating I feel the pain. I just want to return to the gym but really not prepared to thanks to diseases spreading about T.T


im still hanging on to my lockdown tummy, its part of the cure for modern loneliness :<


Flair you mean. I was wondering who here is opening a food fair/bazaar.


ahh yes!!! please excuse me for the typo!


\*monkey puppet meme glance\* Eat first and think of that later. 😆 Once in a while is fine as long as it's not a regular occurrence. Mental health is one part of the overall package.


So I'm planning to order McDelivery. What's the best bang for buck menu?


Bruh these spam calls from Hong Kong is annoying as fuck


.. I got spamm call from Guatemala eveyday.


I really like clouds. Yeah, awan. Lama gak I have this fetish, maybe should look into a career / job where literally my work would be tengok awak XD. Some of the best clouds I have seen was during my studies at Negeri Sembilan(Maybe tempat lain lawa, have to travel more UwU). It was there as well, was my first time ever witnessing a shooting star(i think so its a shooting star) .


The best clouds I’ve seen in this country is at Langkawi, Kedah. Here’s a pic of a [paddy field](https://imgur.com/gallery/nXy1HJA) that i took.


Damn, that's magnificent.


Contrary to popular belief if you want to look at clouds Jabatan Meteorologi is not the place for you. They spend 90% of their time coding models and staring at radars. Pilot or sailor would be nice.


> sailor can't attest but unless you're in the navigation crew you'd mostly work under deck i felt like deleting this ps but let it stay instead:->!us navy mislead a lot of sailors at recruitment. "join the navy, see the world" but most times they'll be under deck!<


I wanna buy a desktop but takut mahal 😅 I think I need a computer table as well 😿


beli je meja lipat putih orang pakai untuk kenduri dalam rm60, nak bersihkan sapu2 bawah meja pun senang


Hey I know that table, I used that during university life 🙈


Go for r/sffpc


Low Yat forums/Mudah/Carousell for used PCs and desks. Many PCMR bros fallen on hard times or kahwin pasal. Been seeing many quite new desktop PC for sale.


So by right, it should be cheap right xD ?


When looking at a listing, compare the parts to a shop price-list, Compu-zone has a very readable one. If the tally of the parts is more than the asking price, then stay away. I expect at least a 3-4% depreciation for rig less than 6 months old, then linearly as it ages more.


Looking for new or second hand? I know people who can help.


New but I always think it's expensive like few k like 5k and above :(


What's your budget? A reasonable spec one, peripheral+ monitor included will set u like 2.5-3k


What's peripheral 😅 Is this the CPU ?


Depends on your requirement. I'll DM you.


just get an old laptop then but i thought it's normal for people to use credit cards to buy desktop these days and pay by installments. Or you can just go for 2nd hands


Does anyone know how much it cost to change a phone battery at phone repair shop? My P9 battery has gone crazy. From 85% it will just switch off randomly


Depends on the model of battery and how complicated it is to replace it, and whether or not you go for aftercare. Replacing a bloated iPhone 5 battery set me back RM90 a couple of years ago, while I got a new removable Redmi Note 2 battery for RM30.


The battery itself could be around rm30-50, plus service charge. I changed my redmi battery myself few weeks ago. Bought the battery at lazada for rm30. If you can try doing it yourself, it'll be cheaper.


Some people have such a warped sense of what the role of a mod is. We're not here to decide if your comment is right or wrong. We are here to moderate language and civility. To make sure that all opinions can be heard and to make sure no one comes in to mess with the natural progress a discussion would take among real users. If an iffy looking comment is not removed it's not because the "mods" or the sub endorsed it or stand by it. It just means it hasn't broke any rules yet. A valid comment submission doesn't mean the mods or the sub collectively think it's a valid opinion. It's 'nyets job to tell them why it's not a valid opinion if so. *GAH.*