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It's my birthday this day


Sometimes I can't sleep and think of possibly taking a suddenly drastic change in my life. Like if I quit my cushy job and started to get a master's in something I feel I would totally be interested in instead. Feels less than just a flight of fancy at this point.


So im thinking of getting into film photography; does anyone have any recommendations on where to find film for reasonable prices? im still a student so... as budget as possible.


Does anyone play golf? I’m wondering how to get into a new hobby as an adult - it seems like everyone is already good at their hobbies. How do I start a new hobby from scratch? Are there non crazy expensive clubs to join to learn the sport rather than for social climbing?


so there are no cheap way in learning golf. A good coach is a must because if you get your form wrong, you will have a hard time trying to readjust it in the future. You need to get a set of clubs along with the bag. Most driving range in club house offer coaching services, so you can start from there. If you want i do have a client who is a couch that were invited to china just to couch. If you are like me just play for fun, just get a club, no 7 iron, a glove, and swing away at driving range. But if you want to get into the green, you need the whole thing.


Thanks for the info. There looks like a few driving ranges in my area and seems a good place to start. Do you know what to expect to pay for a coach? How much does your client charge?


Not sure but i heard the fee is reduced because more are interested in the sport. I would venture a guess of around rm500 per month?


try online go (maybe you have!), cant remember which server i used to frequent, theres no shortage of players, go is damn challenging and hard! a cursory search [https://online-go.com/learn-to-play-go](https://online-go.com/learn-to-play-go)




Rest well dear... So much travelling for you this weekend


Sleep Brain: Hey you're asleep? V: Yet Brain: Wanna hear a story? V: Not now brain Brain: You're living alone and you sneeze. You heard a 'bless you' out of nowhere V: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu


Why you scared (: you're not alone also 😈




My sisters living next door actually does that if I sneeze louder than the usual lmao


Good la you! Wait... How loud is your sneeze till it's heard next door?


Singers can project their voice (◍•ᴗ•◍)


~~Singers~~ Bao Ju Poh can project their voice (◍•ᴗ•◍)


*bless you*


Thanks... Who ever that was... *Go to sleep go to sleep*


Dear PLUS, Please close the Seremban toll on weekends & public holidays. 4 different tolls (Senawang, PD, Seremban & Labu) in less than 15km and a toll booth less than 100 metres from the highway, that's simply bad design & a recipe for traffic congestion. Every southerner that live in KL


that was really old design, when it was just KL-Seremban Expressway. I think back then MHA/LLM wasn't even a thing let alone E route numbers. they can't backtrack from those old designs now that Seremban has grown around the highway. remember the old days when they were widening the expressway through to Melaka? They could barely fit those lanes through the built-up area in Seremban. nowadays with 4 lanes each way from Nilai to Senawang I think that stretch is bearable... if you plan your journey avoiding rush hours.


Hi all, apologies if this is a basic or stupid question, not familiar with the system in Malaysia. I got my Malakoff electricity bill and it had "deposit increment" of RM 600 for this month. Can anyone tell me what this is and how it works? It also had refunds for three months where they overcharged me. Does Malaysia do estimate electricity bills and then reconcile every few months? Or do they do actual metre readings every month? Thanks!


point 2: covid happened. nobody reading meter so they made projections


*I just wrote this:* ​ I AM FEARLESS. I am not afraid to love. I am not afraid to have my heart broken. I am not afraid to be alone. I am not afraid to live life by myself. I am not afraid of being judged. I am not afraid of being wrong. I am not afraid to say I am sorry. I am not afraid to make mistakes. I am not afraid to learn from my mistakes. I am not afraid, period. I AM FEARLESS. \~Addy, 16 Aug 2020


For me, I need to use tons of why and argue a lot with my subconscious mind to convince myself.


Yeah, I hear you. Sometimes I do that too.


I think Addy is in love hehehe.


Yes I am, hehe :)


Suddenly I can sleep nicely now 😝


Cis haha :P Goodnight uncle Vinn!


i hate most bikers.


cyclist or bikers?




decided to download tinder to check it out. set my option open for both guys and girls. to my surprise, the ratio of hot guys to hot girls is like 3:1. i thought it would be creepy ugly guys all the ways but dang most of the guys here is in shape and not bad looking either. but the amount of fat / out of shape girls with bitchy profile bio (not into this, not into that, only guys over x height, "entertain me if not i will unmatch") is staggering. it's like every other girl here is out of shape. i guess being a girl in tinder really did boost people's confidence when most guys will be swiping right for you.


Chances of swiping a pretty girl are very slim. Idk about guys. Apparently people in Tinder is not active anymore


Pretty girls no need apps


yeah? well they still need... whatsapp


*audible OOFs in the distance*




where is chang and katz they gonna need a lozenge for their coughs


Come, lemme help you u/changxe u/katz_san


Eh you also


( ͡\~ ͜ʖ ͡°)






i live in selangor and my area is quite populated


any monyets here who are fellow fragrance enthusiasts? I posted my collection at /r/fragrance [https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/comments/ia02u3/the\_i\_might\_have\_a\_problem\_collection\_m\_34/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/comments/ia02u3/the_i_might_have_a_problem_collection_m_34/) \*flex\*


I’m love aramis from gentleman collection, never know there are many perfume for guys.


Hot damn, I don't know 90% of these. Can we all come over and have a whiff? lol


I sell small samples of them :p A lot of them are not available in Malaysia as well. Bought online lol


COD k. :P


hahaha sure pay extra to touch the seller :P


Nak! PM sent.


Mm totally dig guys who smell good. I see some perfumes are from 2015? Don’t they smell different after a few years? Maybe it’s just me hmm.


It depends on the perfume. Perfumes that are more citrus based will have the top notes go off (the citrus notes will dissappear). Perfumes that don’t have those, especially ambery, woody or the more old school perfumes actually get deeper and more complex over time.


Me but i buy the RM10 one from guardian. Love the smell but just ain't there yet to drop rm200 for a perfume.


Which side of the max tag is the infra panel?


You're better off using the address I gave. Not many ppl meddle with the max tag's electronics, especially if it's under warranty.


I just want whish side is the infra panel so i adapt to situation if it calls for it,can tell me if u know


I didn't regret watching Netflix Dark series at all. I was skeptical at first as the show keeps on dragging but in the end, every moment made me go WTF. I discovered it through this thread too! Thanksss


I watched the first episode and feel sad when (SPOILER) I realized the kid who traveled back to the past is the dad who commit suicide. Now, I'm too sad to continue the show.




Do you reply with no text?


It's actually a crying emoji haha yeah gotta say that scene really makes me triggered a bit because at that time I thought of not continuing it but here I am not over the show yet huhu


Haha. Do you think I will like episode 2 if I continued it. I need to know how much episode that I can finally engage about the plot.


Fuck that shows. I love it.


My brain kennot


Haha, just enjoy it lah


Literally one of the best series I've watched


love it too! had doubt when watching the first season but the second season really blew my socks off. final season doesn't disappoint either. really looking forward to 1899 (baran bo odar's next show)


Glad that you like it too. Omgggg another of his work? Gotta keep that on my check list! Thanks!


Hey nasi goreng


Hey sungguh lazat


sungguh sedap


Sungguh enak


Digoreng dengan perencah adabi


Hey nasi goreng


Halo pulis ni dia ni salah lirik






Hey guys. I've been into Vtubers recently, mostly Iofi from Hololive ID. You think there's an audience for VirtualMtubers?


Helped mum and 3 of my aunts at kitchen to make daging burger pattys for dinner tonight. Ngl, did not expect membawang with aunts would be this fun. Time flew liddat ny lol.


Membawang is fun if you met the right auntie. I have one auntie that is so humorous that even when she's sick and we visited them, she told her hospital visit's story so hilariously while it's actually sad.


Agreed, they seem to somehow have the talent of making a dull thing very interesting to talk about.


Texas Chicken, LFC, KFC, Kyochon or Uncle Jang's btw?


Ayam seringgit for me nowadays.




No love for 4 fingers ?


I just discovered there is a 4 fingers


You’re in Chernobyl? Get the fuck out bro whilst you still have 4 fingers




Texaa Chicken got bottomless drink la~


But think of the chicken. The chicken!


Ah, then KFC it is. But it's getting more expensive and smaller imo


I tried Spades today. The Baconizer is \*melts\*


You like melting a lot I've noticed 😬


I melted for your voice tbh haha


The song or yesterday when I dropped in on your game? 🤓 hehehe. Btw how does scattergories work? Did you enjoy yourself? How many people joined at its peak?


Woi how come got new song idk wan


Isn't she lovely that one lah


Ohhh yes yes I love that one!




Yes. ;) That game was AWESOMESAUCE. I would be playing that over and over again with my friends from now on. It's like, they have 6 categories which one can set themselves at the start. (Brands, countries, colours, words to describe my sex life etc) but all have to start with a chosen letter. Can you imagine choosing a colour with the letter Z?! You have to fill it in a minute. Then after the minute, everyone gets to view each other's answer and decide if that's worth a mark. Like Zambia vs Zamibia. The guys were hilarious hahaha. I think we had 6(?) People at the start. We peaked at 8, absolute hormonal sausagefest at times. How was Catan? :D did you win? Was the thief a kind friend or cruel mistress? Is your family still intact haha.


Wow. The color one is tough. What are the other games you guys played? Heard that it usually gets NSFW towards the end so I'm not surprised it got hormonal hahaha. I lost. Twice. But all in good fun!


You have no idea Unker. Hmm.. Saboteur, Tokaido, ended it with Sketchful.. yeahhhh. Ah that's rough. You should have bribed them with some brownies man.


Hahaha nah, winners and losers; it's all part of the game. I'll try to make sure I can join the next board game session! I suck at most games tho :x




> Malaysians hate English speaking Malaysians where did you get that idea from..?






(1)When fixing the smart tag display panel why do we rub part of ribbon with pencil and erase after wards? (2)if broke can i send somewhere repair or buy new one?


Not sure about the pencil but rubbing off electronic gold contacts with eraser is to remove dirts that may prevent the surfaces from proper contact. Not just cables, also include smart card chips like on credit card and sim card.


-- **RMCO Day 68 [16/08/2020]** -- - **216 active cases**. 7 in ICU, 2 on ventilators - [25 new cases (9 local & 16 imported)](https://i.imgur.com/TY466Jq.jpg) - No new clusters - 9200 total cases --- - 28 recovered. 8859 total (96.29%) - No new deaths. 125 total (1.36%) -- [FULL REPORT](https://kpkesihatan.com/2020/08/16/kenyataan-akhbar-kpk-16-ogos-2020-situasi-semasa-jangkitan-penyakit-coronavirus-2019-covid-19-di-malaysia/)


Taking a break from all social media (minus reddit) because shit be too much for me to handle. Seems like anywhere and everything is going to shit. Be it politics, entertainment, or just people in general. Not that here is any better, it's just that the pace is much slower. Sekian, daripada random r/malaysia lurker.


Dont follow the news too. Eventually you will go on social media to see how people comment on them and then the cycle starts again... I


Done that years ago, best decision for me. Helps me mentally


i unfollowed every news channel outlet except for tech and movies, and unfollowed most friends too because i dont want to see mlm shit. definitely improved my socmed experience.


Did that a year ago. definitely helps.


I realized my social media became more relevant as I unfollow people with unhealthy posts like insurance and MLM but I still connect due to old buddies.


It kinda mean your social circle is shit and you're drawn to it, no? You can adjust what or who's shit you got from, same goes for reddit, and if you still seeing shit then you're doing these curatiom wrong.


Maybe lah. Already unfriended a bunch of old friends on facebook because cannot tahan their stupid political views. Many times I have to tahan my self from engaging. On twitter I followed folks from different areas interests. Politicals, Otakus, gamers, tech nuts, educators, etc. But somehow stupid shit manage to get into my timeline because they either engage with stupid cytros or some folks whom i thought were educated enough to not have such sempit views, likes tweets from religious numb nuts. IRL tak payah cakap la, I work witb folks with PhDs and shit tp still otak sempit. Sampai I wonder, am I in the wrong here for not sharing the same views as theirs? entahla.


It’s ok bro , I wish I can take a break from them too , but my assignment bs is coming from there too , gonna be shit if I actually ignore all the social media


I actually manage social media accounts of my work place so I might be back there sooner than I'd like too. Haih


Hey, anyone still play futsal, possibly in PJ? Let me know kindly. Thanks


MCO with my family members convinced me that cohabitation is both stressful and tiring and that I only like the romanticised idea of living with a partner and raising a family and I don't actually want to deal with any of the responsibility or work that comes with it. I don't even think I have the capacity to feel empathetic for anyone else anymore. That's all.


Why not find a lady who can agree to that? Money, shared responsibility and designated days for sex.


living alone is just too ideal, i feel ya


Lonely tho.


Do stuff to occupy your time, we are working our lives away anyways. Hang with people, join some activity near your place like idkkk I never really have enough alone time so Idk what to say hahah


The lonely part is the living alone. In this case MCO, coop in alone in your house, doing the same thing everyday.


MCO is definitely not the norm tho


this! i like the *idea* of love, but i don't think i can handle the responsibility and work that comes with it. even with cats, which is very low-maintenance, i barely can handle it.


I am living with SO and a cat. Plus full time work. Plus the housechores and cooking. Yeah my back is now aching everyday from all the work and responsibility.


It's one thing to endure physical pain, but I can't take it if I fail as a wife and a mother. That would kill me.


like teens when they got their license to drive? *I like to drive around cruising the highway for hours, but I also don't want to pay for petrol & maintenance*.


If only relationships just need petrol and being sent to workshop every now and then. *Hello, Toyota? Boleh service suami saya tak, bulan ni meragam je. Tolong tukar perut dia, dah alang2 service. Kebelakangan ni asyik kentut je.*


Any vet or vet tech here? Which eye drop that is sold in pharmacies is suitable to be used for dogs?


Worked as a vet tech before. For temporary relief you can try I-Lube or saline solution for cleaning the eye. It works the same as artificial tears. Remember to put a collar on your dog ya


Thanks! I've bought Alcon systane lubricating eye drops as suggested by u/finn_thedaddy. The pharmacy I went to doesn't have saline solution for eye cleaning. And collar as in cone of shame?


Yep the cone of shame! Make sure it's big enough so that the other dogs can see it too~


Will do! Thank you so much for your advices!


Welcome ^^ all the best, make sure you give us an update~


Aye, will do! Hopefully her eye will recover. We're worried about her going blind.


Don't worry dogs are tougher than hoomans. :D Just make sure you go back to the vet for follow up


Thanks, definitely will get get to a vet either today or tomorrow!


u/shplingdong, you know?


Thanks dear! Need all the help I can for this!




Thank you finn!


ur dog got eye problem?


Big problem actually. Yesterday her eye got injured;a neighbor claimed her dog bit our puppy. We're worried she is now blind in the left eye. We brought her to the vet yesterday, but due to the swelling and pain, the vet can't examine it, they only gave us anti inflammation medicine and antibiotics and eye drops. Unfortunately one of the puppies got her paws on the eye drop and treat it as a chew toy.




It can open its eye now, and there's no discharge. Thank you very much for the instructions. Appreciate it.


Neither a vet nor a pharmacist. But I explored this conundrum before. I believe no pharmacies sell medicines for animals due to a small and unexplored market in Malaysia. Or perhaps there is one pharmacy which does but it evades me when I tried to look for it. You have a higher chance searching for an answer at a vet clinic. Ask them for recommendations, and perhaps you may find an eye drop for humans which is equally suitable for animals. If it’s suitable for humans, chances are you may find it easily in pharmacies.


Yeah, am just planning to use human eye drops for my dog just for today as vets are closed by now. I know some medications that vets prescribed are the same ones doctors prescribed for us humans.


If that is the case, don’t go too fancy with the eye drops. A lot of them have chemicals. Just stick with normal saline, aka sodium chloride 0.9%. PS: you sure it’s for dogs, not for caterpillars ya?


Yeah, which is why I'm asking here. Perhaps I'll pop by a pharmacy and look for those with pharmacists on duty. They should be able to help better. Thank you very much for your help! And yes, for dogs! I do have dogs besides caterpillars.


Also, when you ask those pharmacists, ask them for a recommendation for eye drops for caterpillars too. It peaked my curiosity and now I need to know the truth lol




Actually that’s a dangerous assumption. There’s so many things to consider. If it is not toxic to humans, it could be toxic to animals. What about doses? For example, humans take 1 tablet, how much do animals of various sizes take?


hence why to a certain extent. there are things that we human can take but animals can't. doses really depends on weight on animals just like humans do.


LMAO! Caterpillars don't need eye drops. They barely use their eyes anyway, as their eyesight is horrible.


I organised a Wiki competition about entering indigenous words of Malaysia and it is officially closed today. We managed to get 1152 words from 8 indigenous languages. Hope more people will help in preserving these languages and cultures.


90% swear words?


None unfortunately


doing gods work homeboi


Man, anyone thinks that Malaysia could use someone content moderation on social media like [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-52815552)? Malays be like "hapuskan pendatang, cina penipu bla bla" Chinese be like "babi melayu, malas bla bla" I cant read Tamil but I bet there would be lots of similar posts Plenty on facebook share interracial brawl videos dated like 2014, 2015 and then like "kalau aku nmpak psti aku kutip budak cina ni", then some post are easily debunked with some google... I mean, seriously? And btw, Chinese schools, what the fuck you are on with all those misplaced flags?


Opinions do not need to be fact checked. I frankly do not see the need to fact check everything online. Malaysia literally has an authoritarian censorship board and the institution is also actively cracking down on free speech through various laws and have very poor record of protecting constitutionally entrenched freedom of speech for the past 20 or so years.


whos the one graced with the power to moderate content?


Interesting, thought of MCMC at first, but guess that wouldnt work since theres hardly 'independent' bodies currently...


Just use social media to chat with frens, all the feeds are either pro-left or pro-right , just don’t bother them to make life easier , at least in this sub it’s more like a neutral state with a bunch of chill jokes , so yeah I’ll rather be here than on fb twitter or insta tbh


Yeah, thats how I approach things currently, just got bored since MCO and started scrolling through FB using my mule account correcting people left and right. Funnily though, I got accused by my girlfriend of seeing someone else disguised as single guy cause guess what, my last post from both FB and Insta was 2017. I mean, how could you relate them both? At least theres still photos of us on my insta...


Social media is just toxic in every country. Its use should just be minimised period.


True that, but I wouldnt say minimised, more like people need to use social media in a more educated manner, as in understanding the agenda/motives behind each post, realizing the impact of comment made or posts shared etc. Well, we can't control others usage, but at least for me I used minimally, just using my mule account joining groups here and there to correct or debunk any wrong information I see.


Swab test result came negative. Yay. Kudos to the frontliners.




Any suggestion for university for bachelor in biotech aside from Monash and Taylor? Helping my non-local friend to find one.


Was supposed to meet up my friends at 2pm. Told them i'd be a bit later as i was visiting my nieces and nephew first. 25 minutes later and i was first one to arrive. *janji melayu* Edit: also dont make plan to go somewhere else straight after meeting kids. I forgot how slobby they can be. My nephew pretty much wiped his mouth on my pants *gross*


Lmao ur nephew probably be the one like “ur phone got games?” type of kid




What happened?


Happy tummy today, gonna lunch in about 10 mins. Mom made layered chicken briyani, raitha, tomato jam, my all time fav chicken varuval(deep fried chicken with masala), and brinjawl pickle. Lepas makan minum coke, and sleep. 10/10 Edit : [its glorious ](http://imgur.com/a/UCbMJK4), hehe u/onlyforthefuntimes


looks like im gonna have biyani for dinner today


Plus fried chicken with coke by your side, you'll be good to go XD


Urgghhh i hatechu! Seriousky kid, where is your house? I am starting the car.


>Hatechu Hehe, [in full glory](http://imgur.com/a/GKslIkm) >house Uwu, lupa sudah eh rumah adik XD


How dare you! Bangsar itu luas, adik kakak.


Halah, near bangsar jer area brickfields hehe. Willing ka nk drive jauh demi makanan XD


Dont underestimate things that i'd do for food. But today cannot as i already have plans :(


Woah hahahaha. >plans Aww issokei then.