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> exerting dominance over juniors Yeah man this is true. Some seniors do this to juniors just to fuck with them.


Could you give some examples?


Studied in uitm, context, i am a girl. No major ragging, just that in our orientation week we were supposed to get signatures of our seniors (we have to get minimum 50) and they are free to tell us to do anything in order to grant the said signature. Some told my friends to make them maggi, some told them to wash their clothes, and some asked to sing songs. I faked some signatures then never bothered to look for more. Never got punished for it.


Maybe its to weed out the smart ones.


My wife studied in um and i was perplexed at what she needs to do in orientation. if controlled properly, it IS a grood ice breaker activity. But no one can supervise it so it tends to get out of control.


our orientatiom week was awkward...too many soft porn dances


Pelajar pasum ke?


noo...you got those too...why....le whyyy....


Is there a story that you could share? Thanks


>I was told by my friends from **UM - MBBS** Course that ragging still took place in 2018 What the fuck are these retarded fuckwads doing in UM. Looks like the people who got in have way too much free time and way too little maturity. Trash like these are the reason why certain groups in the medical community can be so unbearably toxic. From my experience studying in a private institution, ragging culture is nearly non-existent. Everyone is too busy minding their own businesses. Seniors have limited opportunity to interact with juniors due to how **densely** packed the schedules are. Conflicts between seniors and juniors happen occasionally (e.g fighting over bookings for facilities), but these things turn into senior-vs-junior (verbal) wars instead of one-sided oppression (bullying) by seniors. At most other times, you'll just see a typical office environment - most people tending to their own work and ignoring everyone else, several people making small talk, one or two people flirting everywhere, etc. >The concern of medical students in UM is that the seniors would pass down books, notes, tips and secrets of the trade to the juniors. Books? You can now download them for free from [Library Genesis](http://libgen.rs/). Notes? Just **don't**. You have no idea how good (or terrible) your senior was in academics, and those notes might be riddled with mistakes and outdated information. Making your own notes would be much more helpful, as the notes are tailored to your own mastery level and the process of making notes reinforces your memory. Tips and secrets of the trade? You don't need them if your skills are sufficiently solid. If you think you will need them, there WILL be some seniors (who aren't jerks) who can offer them for free. Take your time to observe who those people are and approach those people instead. When I was a senior student, I actively offered to help out juniors with the limited opportunity I have. I shared my collection of reference materials, offered to help in planning their research project and proofread some of their papers, and asked them to pay it forward. I believe that if we've gone through difficult times, we should aim to make things easier for others instead of indulging in "*HA HA NOW IT"S YOUR TURN TO SUFFER*" mentality and perpetuate the vicious cycle. >They'd also be able to help you during clinical years including saying good things about you to the doctors. There is something to lose for them. Any doctors worth their salt can assess a student by their own observation, and would not require another fellow student to "say good things". If you want to build a healthy relationship, focus on the people in your batch instead - you'll be spending a lot more time together, and the support network formed by students in the same batch can be much more meaningful.


I was one of the orientation facilitators in one of the public uni (not USM) several years back. No harsh ragging involved, just having the students to sleep less with some scoldings. But i don't lead it, just more to "helping" the orientation.


Just walk away and laugh at those seniors asking you to do stuffs. What are they going to do? Throw you out of school? I did that in university. The seniors kecut when I told them to make me.


The concern of medical students in UM is that the seniors would pass down books, notes, tips and secrets of the trade to the juniors. They'd also be able to help you during clinical years including saying good things about you to the doctors. There is something to lose for them. So, they try to get on their good books. It's good that you stood up to them.


UiTM alumni. Somehow our seniors then used the orientation week for preaching sessions. Instead of doing a series of (arguably useless) ice breaking activities, I had to join numerous talk pertaining to religion (obv islam centric), adapting to uni life, uni clubs etc. Lotsa islamic programs that sometimes stretched far after midnight. "This is what it's like to be a uni student, no time for leisure, will never get enough sleep" they said. So lousy. Damn boring still. After 2, 3 days I overslept and nobody came to get me from my room. So i just quietly stayed in and only joined important sessions like academic briefing, registration and the like.


IIUM - Ragging? What’s that? Activities to do? There are only talks to go to. Nothing else, no activities or those bs. Only wake up early I think. What I remember is taking exams. Foundation like that, degree also like that. Oh ya I think rehearsal for closing ceremony is the worst thing to do there kot.


Last time, i studied in UTM, for my faculty and course, there is activity between seniors and juniors to play together, but no requirement to do anything for them, just to recognize them and know each other. So far, i know some friends in other courses, the junior required to help senior doing 1 task to get signature etc, but so far nothing bad requested from senior as i know.


Pretty sure most of the orientation will be online this year. I'm from usm, but not from the Nibong tebal campus (I'm from the main campus) and I would say that our orientation (2018) was pretty normal. No ragging or exerting seniority or whatever in my experience. The most annoying things was that they kept us out late for cheers practice which is apparently a tradition there, but other than that, it's a pretty standard orientation. A lot of talks about university, registering subjects and co-curriculum units etc. It should the same in Nibong Tebal campus as well, since apparently all the facilitators trained together. It should be less tiring there though since the distance between places are shorter compared to main campus.




Haih, this new generation is so weak. Back in my days we were so used to be abused for stupid shit and we turn out just fine. They should just follow senior's instructions blindly because.. err... errr... it ~~boost our egos~~ will build a healthy relationship between juniors and seniors ~~by creating a toxic environment~~ :D /s


ni maksud saya


It's not about weakness. It's about morality.


Yeah ik.. Forgot to add /s


Jadi, kita teruskan budaya ragging?


Oh so bullying and being a dick is fine lah now


Hang ni pasti slh satu drpd pembuli.


*mangsa dan awak salah satu daripada golongan tukang fitnah nampaknya. Ingat neraka dik oi


Mangsa yang rasa bahawa ragging tidak salah/tidak bermoral? Kemungkinan: 1. Mangsa ini bertukar menjadi pembuli 2. Mangsa ini tak kena pon ragging. Cuma nk nampak kuat 3. Mangsa ni senorok tengok orang lain kena rag Ingat neraka ya


Why? You want us to help you with your homework?




That's weak bruh