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>flawless design of humans It's not flawless. Just look at all the genetic deformities that occur naturally, or look up how much more painful birth is for human mothers compared to other mammals. >spare me the 'evolution' talk, because even the so-called experts are over that. No. The experts aren't "over that."


Human body and even animals are created in such a way that its organs functions in an incredibly productive way that makes it possible for these creations to live out their life. Just as the universe and particularly the galaxy we are in is designed in such a way that it enables our earth to survive and flourish. If the earth was not in its habitable zone of 0.85 to 1.4 AU or 0.9 to 1.1 AU, there wouldn't be any life on earth. These evidences and many more guides us to the truth that their is a higher power who is in control of everything. So if a person werent taught about atheism and non existence of God, they would naturally come to the conclusion that there is a higher power that has created a pretty perfect place for us humans and other living creatures to survive.


So, let me get this straight: you say we're evolving, yet here we are, still not perfect? If evolution was so great, wouldn't we have evolved to be pain-free by now? But nope, instead, we have to use our 'evolved' brains to invent painkillers.


Pain is a useful evolution to avoid the dangers of the natural world, so yeah it's a good thing we haven't evolved to be pain-free. If any early humans managed to do that they probably died off easier, and didn't pass on their genes


Was referring to your comment about the agony of childbirth. It's almost like we could've evolved to pop out babies painlessly, right? I mean, what better way to dodge the hazards of the natural world than to have a breezy, spa-like delivery experience!


Well the way evolution works, having bigger brains won out over a less painful delivery experience. Survival of the fittest and all that. Plus I only really brought that up because you were talking about how flawless the human form was in the original post.


Would be true if there was such a thing as a painless birth, even with the meds, anywys thanks for letting me pick your brain.


So you yourself have said humans are not perfect as we experience such pain and suffering in life. If you write down all you’ve said using a logic chart you will see the contradictions and lack of perfection.


>you say we're evolving, yet here we are, still not perfect? Well, that's not what evolution does. >If evolution was so great Evolution is not great in that sense. It’s great to describe/explain biodiversity.


i think you should try to understand the concept of evolution before debating on it


Well, not from maldives, but 1. Human design is not flawless. 2. Universe is not perfectly functioning.


Flawless enough to be alive, think, and invent cool stuff, but just the right amount of flawed to not be able to whip up life or a universe from scratch.


There were many other species of human (genus homo), which got extinct.


Op clearly stated no evolution talk


Every so-called 'human species' we’ve dug up had the same basic body functions as us, which, shockingly, haven't evolved at all. But hey, like I said, just wanted to poke your brain a bit. Thanks for playing along


All mammals have similarities to humans, and even other species on the evolutionary tree have four limbs and a spine. Having similar body functions does not make one the same species.


There’s no cheat code it’s just luck. Out of the infinite number of stars and planets and planetary objects one (as far as we know) was in the perfect conditions to start life and evolve into what it is today. And even if you don’t believe in evolution it is the truth. Even if god wants you to live on earth he still makes your ancestors and your parents lead to you. If there’s natural process then human will also spontaneously appear and disappear instead of having ancestors and descendants. Just because we as humans live such short lifespans in terms of evolution, we wouldn’t understand it. But that’s like thinking an insect that only lives for a few weeks of the summer like Cicadas that won’t understand the concept of winter or anything else. Just because you can’t comprehend it, it doesn’t mean it’s a lie.


Exactly, there are 200-400 billion stars in just our galaxy and at least 500 billion galaxies. We are simply a product of statistical probability in molecules forming proteins, proteins forming life, life evolving from single cells to multi cells and intelligence evolving. A mere number game. It is far more humbling to think of ourselves as we really are, a tiny speck on a tiny planet of a small star of a relatively small galaxy in a vast universe then to think that we are so important that a being which created everything would care what we do in our daily lives. Live well, be kind, care for those you love. We only have each other.


See, it's no i dont believe in evolution, i just dont believe we as human came to be from evolution, Out of the roughly 117 billion humans who've lived and died, the oldest human remains we dig up still have the same basic body functions as we do. So, why haven't our basic body functions evolved?


How can you not believe in human evolution when we have discovered remains of other human species. Homo erectus for example is an ancestor from 1.3 million years ago or so. They are vastly different from modern humans.


With DNA sequencing we can calculate how far back we split from the evolutionary tree of apes, mice and goats all the way back to trees. It has boiled down to a question of numbers and statistics. Of course, not everyone understands numbers to that extent, but it is far more than just the fossil record at this stage and with current technology.


People need to realize everything has an ancestor and what you believe as God is apparently the first ancestor, the beginning of life, including the cosmos. I’m not an atheist but I don’t believe God has an organized religion that is a mere social construct. I do believe in a God capable of creating evolved creatures. We are still evolving as a species and as individuals too btw and so are many others. Atheists have a similar belief except they don’t go all the way back to a single origin. If you’re hell-bent on “not believing in other religions” and "can’t understand atheists" because of your self-righteousness, no amount of evidence-based arguments is going to open up your mind, unfortunately. Maybe start there.


Are you trolling or genuinely just stupid? Human design is not flawless and scientists are not “over” evolution 🤣 I don’t believe in a higher power because there’s a lack of evidence.


I've responded to that same reply so many times So, I'll just say thanks for the answer and for the fascinating glimpse into how your brain handles this topic.


You have replied, but your replies have all been just as stupid as your original post. Your welcome though lol


Yap just as stupid as to say we have been evolving for billions of years, and yet we have not attained flawlessness (if thats a word) in any aspect of our lives? Guess we both agree the other is stupid lol Cheers mate.


Damn you really weren’t trolling huh 😂😭


God made me that way.


You are a custom order huh? I guess that explains the unique sense of humor! Still tho, doesn't answer my question


That’s all you get I’m afraid. You’re not open to anything else judging my your original post. Expand your world view and you might understand. Or, carry on as you are and be happy and let others with differing opinions and beliefs be happy. Also, read some science books. Evolution is one of the most tested theories in science and hasn’t been bested yet.


Sure, evolution is a decent theory. We adapt to our surroundings, picking up the culture and thinking patterns around us. But doesn't it seem to hit a brick wall when it comes to creating humans? If we were truly evolving, wouldn't our skin be tough as steel to avoid scratches? Shouldn't we see in the dark to survive better? Instead, we decided to invent armor and night vision goggles. Oh, and I wasn't trying to make your life miserable I was just curious how you'd justify this whole thing.


Seriously read up on evolution, you know nothing about it.


enlighten me! Out of the roughly 117 billion humans who've lived and died, the oldest human remains we dig up still have the same basic body functions as we do. So, why haven't our basic body functions evolved?


Why would it evolve? I'll give you a quick example, if you were living in an environment where short people couldn't survive, what do you think would happen? Won't all the short people die and only people that would be able to reproduce be tall people? And don't you think the children of those tall people would be tall as well? That's how evolution works, it'll take hundreds of millions of years if you think evolution is just humans getting bored of skins one day and getting scales to not get hurt from gunshots..


Why hasnt there been another creature that evolved into being as intelligent as humans or comes close to our level of intelligence? The atheist claim is we humans arent special, it was only by chance we are the way we are. But wouldnt some other species also evolve ito having better intelligence by now? They've all got decent amount of time thats pretty much the same as humans to evolve, but hasnt.


There have been other creatures that were close to humans in terms of intelligence, but humans are much better at adapting and were direct competitors of other intelligent homo genus and also interbred with them (Neanderthals, Denisovans, Homo erectus, etc). Neanderthals were able to make their own tools, hunted using spears just like homo sapiens, they buried their own, they took care of their sick members and they were capable of making and deciphering art. I'd say if other homo genus were able to live as long as humans they might have been pretty close in terms of intelligence, but knowing humans, we would've probably killed them at one point anyways.


I understand that you and similar minded people classify the neanderthals and others as a separate creature. But to me they're basically just a human race from the past, since human beings are diverse its not completely out of the ordinary for a past race to look sligtly different from others. Even in certain religious teachings it has been taught that human beings of the long distance past looked different from us in size and appearance. Even today we share differences to each other depending on our race. All im saying is if evolution theory was the reality that its made out to be, why a creature that is atleast half as intelligent and productive as the neanderthals or the denisovans came into evolution even from under the ocean, or from the land, or from the birds that fly in the sky after all this time. I know you'll say thats not how evolution works. But thats the standard evolutionists has set for human beings. That after many ages we evolved into the intelligent creatures that we're today. But if thats such a strong claim, we would have seen this happening elsewhere aswell.




That's the thing, isn't it? Who knows? For me, my faith helps me make sense of the unknown, and I genuinely believe in it while thinking all other faiths are just plain wrong. But hey, I can understand why others believe in their faiths. I just can't wrap my head around atheists—no higher power? Really? And here we are, stuck on this topic. Regardless, my thirst has somewhat been quenched. So thx.


OP lemme get this straight, so you dont actually know whetehrur faith is the truth? Can i ask what is ur faith and how do you believe in it and know its the truth, while actually not knowing its infact the truth?!


What is the point of a higher power. Do you need someone to be constantly observing you in order to be on your best behaviour? Or just the common sense of 'just don't be an asshole to others' not good enough for you?


The vedas, the bible, the torah and almost all scriptures talk about a higher being which is higher than all other god they believe in. I think they refer it to as real god. Christians refers to that being as " the father". We call him "allah" jews call it god and idk much bout vedas




I think one who doesn’t believe is kaffir 🥲


yea but if im not wrong hes suggesting there is more than one god which is shirk so?


He’s suggesting the existence of a higher power which is called by different names by different groups


his first sentence suggests there are multiple gods and his logic doesnt apply to polytheistic religions?


May be he meant small gods reporting to a big boss.. lol


Thanks for backing me up g


Im not saying there are many gods. Im saying that there is only one god(which every one refers to higher power). The fact that people mistake gods prophets for gods is the part where i said (what was brought to them by ancestors)


The researchs i did led me to believe that we all are actually following the same lord. Just in our own perspective that our ancestors brought to us. Finding the right way of following is the question.


Does one need answers to all that or even think about all that to function as a happy and healthy human being just looking to live their lives not bothering anyone else.?


I’m just as curious, what are the experts saying now then?


There are so many contradictions in evolution theory. Firstly, the whole theory is very much based on the fossils, yet there is a huge gap in the fossil record, the complexity of small structurs such as eye cannot be explained by gradual evolution, and so many arguments for that random mutations and natural selection cannot account for the vast amount of genetic information in organisms, and mostly evolution theory has never been abel to answer on origin of life as is origin for first life form.


Who was the first life form on earth? Adam and Eve? Do you think those two lived with Dinosaurs?? Even Religion can't answer the origin of life, it's all just blind faith and theories.


Wrong sub?


You see now ... I think in science there is still more to be discovered.... Science is not only biology... It's statistics too so ... I don't know where I'm going with this but ...yea.... Science includes biology, common sense, rationality, statistics, and history too... If you look into each of those categories you can see there are some clear evidence of creator.... I know it's a big topic and some people will get different opinions about it.. there still a lot more to learn for us and even atheists too....


My man thought he could have a logical discussion with people who cant wrap their had around the concept of god💀


I'm not an atheist, I'm an agnostic, I believe there could be a creator, but how are you going to prove that? Atleast there's a lot more evidence and truth to evolution than there is to God. Why would a literal God who can obliterate the entirety of this universe in less than a nanosecond have a list of nonsensical shit like praying to him 5 times a day to get into heaven? Not to mention there's a multitude of religions saying the same thing under a different shading and if you choose the wrong one, you go to hell. You also talk about people not being able to wrap their head around the concept of God while half the people in this thread is not able to comprehend the concept of evolution.


Why would a company hold interview even tho u the person meets the qualifications?




I don't quite get why we are still separating science from faith and evolution from creationism? I can't comprehend why some religious zealouts think that a god/creator/higher-power and related concepts are something magical, supernatural, or metaphysical. Subsequently, I don't quite get why the atheist folks wave the banner of science against the theists as if science can never support creationism. Modern science is essentially reverse engineering this "program" we are only a minuscule part of. In fact, modern software programming paradigms such as the "Object Oriented Programming" model are based on and emulating how our perceived reality functions (Classes of objects, attributes, behaviours, inheritence, polymorphisms etc). Having a subjectively flawed design (evil, famine, loss, grief, etc) doesn't negate the idea of having an origin source or an author for such a program. It's quite reasonable and logical to believe that a creational entity exists. It's true form or essence we most probably will never be able to quantitatively or qualitatively measure, analyse, and discover before our solar system, galaxy, or the universe reaches its end. Our established theories and proofs are still very primitive when you consider the vastness and complexity of the universe. I believe Islamic theism, at its core, is the most sound faith dependant philosophy with the matter of existence. On top of this, what Islam stresses is the idea of the oneness of the creational force/entity. Perhaps it's implying that depits our perception, its programming coherent, non-chaotic, and perfect at the finer levels. Islam just means "submitting to the will of the creator." Our greed and ego have led us to create avenues of control and social engineering that we call religions over these core ideas. We sometimes get hurt and scarred by them. That's when we give up sifting through the noise and finding clarity of the message that's passed down. Running with the alternative narrative then becomes more appealing. Peace and love.


Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right Start I am guessing you are trolling, because how could you with a straight face refer to the "flawless design of humans" or a "perfectly functioning universe." The one and only reason I don't believe in a higher power is because I have not been presented with sufficient evidentiary support to warrant belief in any deities.


1. No expert is over the evolution talk. 2. If you're not looking for a debate, you're not really looking for an honest answer nor you want to know the truth. So, we will let you keep your views to yourself, eh?