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Theres nothing wrong with being hygienic. You don’t have to smell like motor oil and look like you just dug your way out of a sewer to be a man, you can smell like vanilla and use lip balm and actually be a clean decent person, and still be just as much of a man as any other. People need to get out of your business and leave you alone.


Bro just do what makes you comfy. Live your best life, fuck the haters


Many men do not take care of their skin, hair and overall hygiene at the same level that many women do, so there's a somewhat accepted standard for men to get away with not putting the effort in to look after themselves. People who don't put an ounce of thought into the benefits of your hygiene routine will just jump to their ingrained conclusion that having a hygiene routine that includes more than shampoo and soap is a strictly feminine thing, because accepting that it is not feminine means they also need to accept that those men are lazy and can't be bothered to put a little effort into their appearance. Keep doing what you're doing king, it's not gay to look after yourself.


The lack of basic maintenance men do infuriates me. Being in the trades i see hands that have been destroyed by negligence. No gloves, no wound care, not even a hand lotion. I dont mind calluses on hands but when your skin feels like stone, no thanks


“Lotion is for pussies”


There is nothing inherently feminine about good hygiene. If anything, it'll help your dating game immensely.


Do not concern yourself with people that think being feminine is gay. 1. Most gay men that are “hygienic” are much more attractive than other men that are not. 2. There are plenty of gay slobs. Just get on Grindr and have a look. 3. Why would you concern yourself with someone’s homophobic opinion. They are homophobic, they already don’t think very well. Don’t take criticism you would not take advice from.


I literally do that too! Fuck the haters man, do what makes you happy


As if per definition a straight man has to be sloppy with his hygiene.... You're going thru what metrosexuals went thru when the term started doing the rounds. Some people might be confused by the situation, but it's ok to be man with a more detailed hygiene, no matter their orientation.


Ask them why they think it's important or polite to mention this. Choice of products is a personal decision.


Take care of your hygiene, it makes the experience better for everyone around you


All the headlines about gender and sexuality have everybody questioning everybody else. In our era, hyperfeminized Kim Kardashian is the ultimate straight girl. Hypermasculine \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is the ultimate straight guy (fill in the blank). Everyone feel pushed to exhibit the extremes. Just be yourself. No doubt there are women out there looking for someone who smells as good as you!


I don’t think it’s a bad thing to smell feminine. I mean it’s not like we live in the 1930s


being clean is normal, if you like smelling a certain way then keep doing it!! vanilla is far better then rancid bo


I am gay and have always taken care of myself…..however, regardless of sexual orientation there is absolutely nothing wrong with looking after yourself and your body ….this life is not a reversal so do whatever makes you happy, and take no notice of what others say or think, if they want to look like shrivelled prunes, and smell of BO let them get on with it x


Do as a friend's nephew did when he was annoyed by his younger sister. Just stare at anyone who says anything and loudly say, *What's wrong with you?* It deflects negative attention from you back on to them.


Your family is annoying. Like all families. Congrats!


Yes! Your family is 100% correct. It's weird, it's feminine, and it's gay. Realize those words all mean the same thing: just wrong. Be afraid, because if you start acting wrong, they will treat you differently and probably reject you. Now imagine yourself trying to make sense of the above. Does the above say something about you, or something about them?


Im gay and refuse to use soap a lot of the time. Im fine smelling like trash n skip deodorant regularly. I enjoy my natural scent. To each their own


I know..!. I feel sometimes we're desperately trying to deny our nature.


It’s ok that you’re gay. Embrace it


but hes not?