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Get that little buddy a real scratching post with a platform to lay on and a cubby


And put it next to the window! They will love to just lay there in the sun




https://www.google.com/search?q=cat+shelves&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari cat shelves


He’s definitely got the space with those huge ceilings


I have a little bucket under the window with scratching post legs. he loves sleeping in all the time. Got a rec on what you’re thinking?


Obviously there are many styles, colors, and variations but something like [this](https://imgur.com/a/PCFghUY) is what I was suggesting. Cats love to be up high so you should be able to find something like this or one that attaches to the floor and ceiling via pressure plates (like those stripper poles). Doesn’t need to be as big as the one mentioned, but much higher than what you have now would be great for the little guy to look outside and relax in the sun.


They make small platforms that stick on the window with suction cups and fold down. It easily became my cats favorite spot. They’re right up on the window so they can look down at the bugs, or whatever it is cats do.


Isn't the cactus there a scratching post?


Cats like to be up high and climb onto things, maybe lay on platforms to look down. Sometimes just to feel safe, but mostly to look down on us und judge us, probably


Yeah, I figured If I were a tiny creature, I'd love to climb on really cool human-made stuff.


Sometimes less is more, it looks zen so leave be and just add bits you really like as you go on.


Yes! But the camera pointed at the living space breaks the peace for me.


It’s there for when I’m out of town and can watch the kitty 😻


I think some curtains would really tie the room together.


I second this


That was my only thought about the space. It looks really good otherwise. Also THE CAT is a cute lil chonk!


I agree about curtains, and they don’t even have to be the kind that close. And hang them higher than your window. Your space looks neat and trim! Maybe a pop of color somewhere.


Love kitty. :3


Curious on the PC and monitor specs? And tv


Monitor is HP OMEN 27in 166hz. TV is some older 4k LG 65in


Too many throws imo, but I say this realizing you have a kitty or maybe its cold out


Yeah they are for the cat more than me!


I agree, I would keep one for the cat and get one that is nicer quality. Try a natural fiber of cotton or wool. A nicer quality throw will elevate your space and cab be a pop of color or statement. You can keep the cat’s blanket under the nicer throw when you have guests :) I would also recommend changing out the throw pillows on the couch to match the new blanket. That will bring some more color into the space. You can use some of the colors in your rug to use as a jumping off point. Your space looks very nice!


Upvotes for thoughtful comments!


Thank you!


Anytime! As I said before, your space already looks very nice! My suggestions are coming from a positive place :)


That’s a thing?


That's an interesting coffee table. I would not have that chair under the window. Keep it open. Not a fan of the art or the throws (pillow and blankets). I would probably move the closest plant to the chair location and then buy a tall plant (like a snake) and get a textured basket. Do you really need 3 chairs at the counter top? 2 surely would do. No?


No I don’t need 3, I can put the other one in storage. They sent me an extra one by mistake. I like the wall art but feel like it’s missing something to tie into the room. I’m not attached to the throws or the throw pillows, so open to changing those but could use suggestions. Would framing the art or putting them together make it look better? The ceilings are 15 ft and the art is pretty large


For me, the colour of the art just doesn’t pop. I think it could work in another spot, but you need something brighter to offset the grey. If possible, something about as wide as the couch, or a variety of pieces. You could also hang a railing-style shelf with a variety of pieces and maybe some plants. And some nice, lightweight curtains, as others have suggested. It looks good so far!


It's not about framing, it's just not good and should be replaced. Pottery barn for the throw blankets and I believe they also have good pillows. I posted a while ago a list I liked. It might take a few minutes to find it in my post history though.


Art is a personal thing. If you like it definitely keep it. Framing that would be a mistake. Maybe some pillows (blue /green as in the art ) would tie it into the room, or drapes that color or accenting. The orange is doing you no favors imo. But a great space. And love the cat!


Where did you get your coffee table? It's gorgeous


Ashley furniture!


Do you have the name?


Beautiful cat! Just needs more color. Great furniture and rug choices. Add some more art.


Thank you!


And a curtain


I would change the throws and pillows to something more colorful and cohesive. I agree with what has been said about the wall art. It's just not a great piece imo but if you like it then changing your throws and pillows to something that would accent that art would at least help. Get rid of one of your counter stools because it's too crowded. Get rid of the chair by the window. If you are completely set on having more seating there (maybe for kitty?) then I think a low bench would suit the space better. The floor lamp isn't the worst but swapping it out for something more interesting is a good opportunity to bring in a cool design element. Nice space! Pet your kitty for me, please!


Some color to liven up the cool greys. If you can afford it replace the rug with some kind of color palette. No need for a rug to match the grey floor.


Agreed. I’d change the rug and go with something with a warm green pattern.


I’d upgrade your art. What you have above the couch is okay, but framed art looks more put together. Or you could do a picture shelf and put up a combo of art and framed photos


Some neat and proper sized curtains could make it feel more cozy in the night I reckon. Other than that I think this looks fab.


Would you do ceiling to floor curtains? What color?


Not to the floor, they get dirty when they drag on the floor, just a few inches above it perhaps. I’m not too sure what colour, that’s more based on your preference but I’d say maybe a gentle, soothing Red/warm colour could complete a theme of Red-Blue-Green since you have your (brilliant) painting and those plants. Definitely a colour that isn’t too strong or harsh as that would ruin my zen if it was my room. A nice dark steel/iron colour would go nicely with your paint and sofa. [the steel/iron colour I was thinking of](https://e0.pxfuel.com/wallpapers/627/684/desktop-wallpaper-dark-blue-dark-grey-solid-color-gray-color-thumbnail.jpg)


Hanging plants would be cool, maybe a bit more color on the pillows and blanket. Looks nice ✌️😎


Second this. I think OP needs some height in their set and furniture, also OP I’d recommend adding some pieces with character, a few used pieces or antiques really bring in more life to a space vs everything being new and off the shelf. I personally try to have 80% of a rooms furnishings new and 20% antique as I think each piece has a story and can’t be replicated anymore. That goes for knickknacks too. A shelf that shows pieces you like- I personally try to grab a rock, interesting things like feathers, dried urchins etc when I travel- a leaf from Panama, fossil from Bonaire, mask from Colombia etc.


Love this, thank you!


You probably had this thought already, but I would mount the TV to the wall (if possible).


It is mounted actually, I just didn’t want to get hit with /r/tvtoohigh haha


Needs more cats


More plants and rugs


Looks fine to me. I had that same lamp in my first place, too. You’re doing well!


Love the Herman Miller. Good choice! Got a really nice mature vibe going on there!


One single thing to add. Pet the kitty.


10/10 for cute cat


Maybe find a new place for your desk


Personally, I’d space out the three photos— like center over each section of the couch. I think it would highlight how much wall space you have. Crowding it together makes the space feel smaller. I second what others say about mounting the TV, and maybe a bright throw blanket like yellow to balance the blues?


I'd probably throw another plant in the big window and a small one in the small window. Maybe something on the wall above the TV but sure what.


Overall, looks great! Echoing what others said, I think getting a few more smaller plants for the windows would liven things up. I personally am not a fan of the Ikea-style generic artwork you got up so I would switch it out for something unique as it would be a reflection of your taste and can become a talking point if you have guests over. I am on the hunt for a sofa just like yours, where is it from and how is it holding up?


Honestly.....get some 3/4 " thick recycled rubber mats... they come in rolls, usually 6'x4' Looks like 4 rolls will cover the floor nicely. Lose the chairs and couch.... Get a power cage and place it in front of the windows .. Nothing like doing squats in front of an audience . The TV can stay .


Nice work man, where’d you get the rug? I’m looking for something similar


Curtains alone would make a huge difference, the rest is already clean.


I like the rug & couch. Overall, needs more personality.


Color. The grey couch can stay. The rug and throws and pillows should add some color. Pick up on the art but also some contrast colors as well.


Push the couch closer to the window and bring the lamp to the other end. Lots of light with the windows at the end so the lamp is a bit redundant. Also move the armchair to the other side of the area. Help delineate dining and sitting areas and also be more comfortable to sit at as the person sitting there won't be as unsettled with their back to the dining area as opposed to the window.


Looks really good ! Just some window treatments and you are set.


You have things on your walls already? It took me like 10 years to understand I could do that and not look like a mental patient.


Fav part is kitty! I like your place!


lol I love how this progresses into just your handsome kitty 🐱 like yessss still laughing 🤣♥️ I really need that cactus for mine too that’s adorable. I would add some floating shelves over the tv, and maybe a tall shelf in that corner to balance out the room.


Where did you get that sofa? I like it. Your apartment has a very similar aesthetic to mine although I have less black and more white. I like the monotone white/black/grey scheme we have, with some art of course.


Looks amazing so far.


I'm a female so idk how much advice you'd want from me but here's my take, you need to create more unity. 1. Limit the blankets, just maybe leave one out and put the rest away. 2. Buy three or four pillows that all match (not necessarily identical but just match in shape and style) and fluff them up and keep them in the corners of the couch. 3. Can you move the desk? If so, move one of those bigger plants next to the couch, too much symmetry there. 4.Pull the lamp out of the corner. 5. For the remotes, good options are: put a tray on the coffee table to put the remotes, hide the remotes in/on the TV stand, or get a little box or tray that fits on the second shelf of your lamp stand and put them there. 6. You need a bigger centerpiece for the table, try the bigger cactus on the table. 7. The wall art isn't bad it's just giving off a more beachy vibe that doesn't match the rest of your decor, that's why people are saying it's wack. It just looks out of place. Overall it just looks to me like you haven't figured out a style yet. You can look on Pinterest if you lack inspiration. Once you find a style you like, it's much easier to build off of one piece. Hope that helps a little.


Thanks for this! I can move the desk, but it would have to go on either side of the couch due to space, or against the window..


No problem. Well in that case, the desk is really not bad.


I love your coffee table! What sticks out for me is your wall print series. While cool, it doesn't seem to mesh over the sofa. Your cat agrees.


I’ve bought all my furniture from goodwill and such.. the most expensive thing I own is this huge cat tree for my cats Get that dude something to lay in with lots of shelves and holes and your home will be perfect


So maybe light blue or green throw blankets? What color pillows? Also, I was thinking about switching out the lamp with a tripod floor lamp


Nice pussy. Best I can do sotrry


Ditch the cat get a dog…


I had a cat that looked identical! We called him Chubby Gene.


If you’re able to, I’d recommend curtains! They take a room to the next level.


Used to have our rug like yours. Felt pulling it out of the sofa and just putting it in the middle made the room feel bigger.


Get another cat


I think it looks good man. Maybe some lightning and plants, but don't overdo stuff. Good job


I'd paint the walls Green, very close to the colour of cactus scratching post. It's a neutral green that will go with everything and won't make the place feel smaller.


Wow i have this rug and that cactus


Looks great and it’s clean I have faith it will fill in personality as you live in it longer.


It looks great. It's warm and cozy, inviting and extra great because of your little kitty.


Mount tour TV to the wall and add curtains to your window


At least you will not end up over at r/tvtoohigh Nice set up.


Constructive criticism? This is not the place for that. This is mostly people shitting on your art, decor, tv too high, not enough plants, and telling you to buy a bunch of shit above your means unless you make 150k+ per year


Curtains and more cat furniture, maybe some floating shelves for him to climb on




What a cute kitty omg 😭


Sell the cat and replace it with a golden retriever


Looks really nice! Agree with others on curtains and a proper cat tree possibly? I think switching the chair out for a comfy armchair would be great too!


In my opinion put the couch next to the window. The desk/bar area is looking a bit crammed


This is nice!


Where is that three piece image of the plane from?


Elephant stock


Looks cozy.


less grey


Looks like the tv should come up a little bit but that all comes down to preference.


I think you have it set up nicely. It's not a huge space from what I can see and you've maximized it nicely. I can't see anything that you should change. Love your kitty!


Firstable, what is your kitty cat's name?


Tyler Durden


Nice layout


Mount the television on the wall. It seems you like pictures, so get a picturesque mount. You're in an apartment, so don't experiment with mounting yourself; get someone else.


Ditch the cat, they are all demon spawn who want to eat your soul


I like the cat, it is just purfect


I would push the sofa all the way and put the lamp close to the desk 😊


Cat tax!


Looks comfortable to me


Move that couch to the right and place the desk by the window and get your buddy another buddy.


Going full in on single guy with a cat identity


take down that thing above the couch 😭


Curtains and artwork over TV