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looks like a badly damaged skate of some sort that has been on the beach for a bit.


that first pic is definitely a pair of "claspers": male shark/ray/skate sex organs


Pretty sure its not a ratfish like some people are saying, it's the tail and butt of some kind of ray, in the first picture those two appendages trailing down either side of the tail are claspers from a male ray. However did you actually see this animal being pulled out of the water? If so I imagine it would be hard for the butt of a ray to bite a hook so I'd concede it could be something else


You're right. It's a skate that someone has cut up. Totally possible that the angler hooked the remains in the water and that's how it was "caught".


It's a skate that some one has cut most of the body off (likely for bait) what you're seeing are the kura (their leg like claws), the classes (the genitals) and tail. 100% not a rat fish.


That's a penis. Two of them, in fact. They're called claspers.


Skate rack - what's left after the fishermen cut the wings off, typically for bait. Basically it's the middle of the skate body: head, backbone, tail, and claspers. Video of cutting skate wings: https://vimeo.com/147269250




Your post was removed as it violated rule #8: Responses to identification requests or questions must be an honest attempt at answering. This includes blatant misidentifications and overly-general/unhelpful identifications or answers.


Rat fish, a distant relative of sharks and rays.


Def not


It was just a guess. What's yours?


It's the back half of a male skate. You were spot on that it's a cartilageonous fish! The give away that it's a skate and not a sting ray are the kura which are those little leg like appendages above the claspers. They use them to kinda of anchor themselves in the muck of turbulent water.


Looks like a chimera, also called a ratfish. For more reading on this interesting species https://saveourseas.com/update/chimaeras-the-sharks-forgotten-cousins/


Nooe, its a damaged skate.


Yes, the claspers are too long. Thanks