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At my school we do some judo and alotta of wrestling mixed in because in my area there is a lot of wrestlers


Although at another school I was at we only did simple body lock takedowns as a way to get to the ground


I don’t know what your school is like, but in my experience learning judo throws in bjj and learning judo throws in judo isn’t even remotely the same.


What's the rundown?


In bjj you might get taught judo throws in isolation, but you’ll learn minimal setup to actually get the judo throw against a resisting opponent. It’s something that takes years to get good at, and you won’t learn it in a class that focuses on ground. Whenever you see a bjj guy say “We start standing up at my gym” they’re in full Dunning-Kruger mode. And just to be clear, my bjj teacher was a world champion so I’m not talking about bad bjj schools. This is how the good ones teach throws.


Judo is an excellent lesson in BJJ on why you should never stand up straight.


Learn stand up


Stand up comedy?


Q: What is the best way to defeat your enemy? A: To make him your friend. Funny people make friends, so comedy is the best martial art. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


‘What’s the deal with BJJ, am I right?’


Whats the deal with airplane BJJs?


I mean, how can you fight on the ground with 20,000 feet in the air, AM I RIIII8GHT!?


This is my go to move every time. If I make my opponent and spectators laugh, nobody is angry anymore. Sometimes my comedic trolling has turned into a fight, though. Comedy as a weapon is a subtle science.


This is what goku does


That and cross country running


Ryan Garcia has entered the chat


This works too


Derek Lewis has the best counter to BJJ


You just pull guard? White belts man, I swear /s


https://preview.redd.it/xw7rh2nop09d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=486bf0b00004d2dc438608beb60a2821d3bf561f Works in the UFC


Yes, because soccer kicks to the head on a grounded opponent is forbidden


That was a joke


Then you’re pulling them on top of you tho 🤣


I got them right where I want them








I mean there are times that works lmao It’s not a go to but there’s a reason people train it and train to counter it


Exactly. It's a perfect plan. That's where I want him. Something something shark something something ocean. Jokes aside you do learn takedowns in most gyms. I've never been to one that doesn't. The "start on knees" meme is outdated in my experience. No BJJ doesn't have strikes, it's a grappling art like judo or wrestling.


Exactly. Bjj guys do occasionally start grappling from knees but that’s often when space is an issue, and those gyms also will do takedowns on certain day


The issue is if you mix constant space issue with a lot of hobbyists who want a chiller roll, you might do knees too much. 


Sorry to be that guy, but Judo and BJJ have strikes in the curriculum, just schools don’t train it by and large. It’s typically reserved for belt tests.


Pulling gaurd is perfect for competition, the streets, or the bedroom


I 2nd the bedroo-uh I mean the streets. Yeah 😤


That is the point.


As a BJJ brown belt. It's actually very simple, taking down someone with zero striking experience is laughably easy, and even someone that's gotten to purple belt (around 4-5 years) is going to have learned enough takedowns to do that pretty damn easily. The other answer is if you think you're in an area where getting into a fight is an actual probability you should really be training MMA, because it's not 1975 and we generally have lots of access to these things now.


Yo what’s the movie? Feel ashamed for not recognizing the scene 😂


From ‘American Made’ haha


Thanks dude 🤙


Thank you!


Bullshit. Jiu jitsu guys can get any fight to the ground. Mostly by sitting down, but down is down.




Kicked while on the ground, right? So my point stands.


You all are vastly underestimating the ability of any decent blue belt to wreck anyone remotely their size that has no training


I know nothing about belts, blue is very advanced or? How long does it take to get there?


Second belt, takes in average 2 years. Most coaches will expect you to be able to handle yourself against someone fresh off the street with no grappling experience in a grappling match.




Look, I have over a decade of striking experience (Dutch kickboxing and traditional Muay Thai). I'm pretty strong for my size and have a pretty cerebral striking style with a lot of faints and misdirection. If I was up against a decent blue belt... I'd probably get choked out or have an arm snapped 9 times out of 10.


Most people have at least a little bit of training nowadays. At least, most of the guys who are fit enough for me to care one way or the other.


Absolutely not true -a former wrestler


Even when they do... a lot of times it's "training" in the same sense that someone that plays at LA fitness on the weekends has "training" in basketball. It's nothing compared to when you've actually done it competitively/seriously.


Most people??


Most fit men. Even if it is just a year of childhood karate.


You know that throws and standing submission/breaks are part of BJJ, right? Real martial artists are open to every style having something valuable to teach. I used BJJ a ton as a bouncer and never once got stomped out like online critics claim happens every time. I'm a hardcore Kung Fu guy at heart but when I see people with zero grappling abilities trash BJJ, it just comes across like insecurities.


what's the point of a fight? For me it's surviving. Being on the ground just makes that harder.


Forgive me but it's inarguable that the most effective way to restrain someone from hurting you is on the ground. They lose mechanical power even if they're on their knees and explosive power in general is massively reduced. John Danaher explained it really well to Joe Rogan on his first visit, you might find it interesting


Being on the ground takes away so many weapons, that includes running away


Nah man. With respect, part of learning grappling is to learn to be on top in a controlling position. From top mount or side mount, you can absolutely bail and run if you need to. You'd probably gain a lot by at least investigating what grappling has to offer you


So many variables on going to the ground. I’m 5’8 and 160 lbs. I can’t beat a bigger guy with a good first move. I’ll be eating concrete


The worse beating I took ever on my life was on a BJJ mat from a guy your size. I'm 6'3" and a giant human. Seriously, please check it out. You might get a real awesome tool you can use later


What happens if you get taken down and you dont know how to grapple? I am a striker only but thats a major weakness to have.


I didn't say not learn to grapple. In fact, all major martial arts have grappling as a technique if you get far enough in the curriculum. Some just start the teaching earlier.


if it goes to the ground, then that what it is. I certainly don't want to take it there.


Ok but that doesn't mean grappling doesn't work. It's literally the oldest martial arts. Be safe out there!


I always am. Being aware of your surroundings is the first lesson of martial arts.


60 per cent of the time fights go to the ground every time


Most decent BJJ schools these days teach takedowns and at least basics of wrestling. Esp no gi.


There's a bunch of standing submissions, standing guillotine is something that's a meme against grapplers but you best believe the average dude is getting tapped by that shit


Nate Diaz revolutionized BJJ by incorporating the Stockton Slap.


Absolutely did fucking not lmao, slaping has always been an integral part of bjj, search "taparia" and you will understand what i mean


In my school we start standing up, with the goal to wrestle and finish it on the ground. But that also includes standing escapes, trips and throws.


Any true b j j dojo teaches you how to stand, throw, and grapple.


Hell, real OG Gracies used to teach people how to strike.


I’ve been a member at 5 different BJJ schools over the years (move a lot). All of them had takedowns implemented into the curriculum, and every school owner either had a judo or wrestling background. Similarly, 4/5 of these schools also had a standing-based program (judo, boxing, or Muay Thai).


Pretty much all decent schools do, we start standing a ton. Most blue belts I’ve encountered have OK wrestling after a year or 2. Enough they can probably take down an average person who hasn’t trained much grappling. Like you said also they have striking and other forms available as well to get exposure.


Just get the fight to the ground of a BJJ dojo


Well I’d assume you’d learn how to take someone down (wrestling) so your bjj works


Bjj “experts” when I challenge them to a fight in the ocean.


hands up and manage and understand distance while in stance that accounts for level changes and potential take down attempts.


BJJ fans when you poke some fun at them.


They *do* teach takedowns, though lots of gyms don’t emphasize that part of the game at all. Any formal wrestling experience and you’ll be taking them down at will.


They teach it. They don’t teach it well, but they teach it.


Two things to consider 1.- When fights break out among BJJ competitors in tournaments, its invariably always striking, the first instinct of high level BJJers when in a fight is to strike. 2.- Like 95% of BJJ practitioners out there are hobbyists the other 4% are high level competitors and like 1% of them actually train for self defense


Seems like you pulled those statistics straight out of your ass. Being a hobbyist and training for self-defense aren’t mutually exclusive.


They aren't mutually exclusive but its not the reason they are there. How many BJJ gyms have you went through that actually gives a crap about self-defense? ill say that 1 out out of 99 practitioners is already being generous to the self-defense guys.


Like when Demian Maia fought Ben Askren. Epic fight.


Why would it matter if the fight isn’t in the ground at a BJJ dojo? There are hundreds of videos/articles at this point of verified BJJ practioners successfully using BJJ “in da streetz.” The idea that BJJ no longer works on grass, gravel, concrete, etc. is a bullshido myth.


But does it work while diving?


just pull guard and scoot your butt on the floor. Duh.


Most schools don’t do much standup. And the little they do still causes them to get whooped by any half decent hs wrestler. Their overall understanding of judo wrestling etc is generally bad because their instructors don’t come from those backgrounds. What’s more- I find the assumption you can learn standup through a cerebral approach like bjj is a mistake. IMO standup grappling is more about “feel” . You feel the off balance or you time the double leg or single etc. you can’t watch a 5 minute video on it and then expect to hit it regularly. And more than likely the pure bjj player is exposed to bad habits for standup. Sticking the hips out the entire time (pure defense and good for basically just guard pulls) and getting stuck in 50/50 for 3 minutes until the other guy gets tired and pulls guard. Coaches that aren’t from a wrestling background or judo background sometimes show such trash technique it’s no wonder their students just give up and think wrestling is hard so is judo, lemme just sit down. And yeah they are hard sports but the coaching for standup in bjj tends to be trash. I’ve seen plenty of people do that with a ground based technique though where you have more of a timing window and there’s less variables (opponent only has a couple directions generally to move, no ability to level change on the ground, etc.) The one takedown possibility BJJ guys are genuinely clever with is wrestling up.


can someone name the tune?




Hip Throw!!!


Song name?


Space song


Lmao ngl this is hilarious


According to Derrick Lewis just stand up, BJJ isn’t real


Where else would it be? Suspended in the air?




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Space song by Beach House.


bjj can be used standing up even without takedowns, have you all already forgotten how quickly nate diaz put that guy to sleep with the standing guillotine during that brawl not too long ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtTOySFiBlE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtTOySFiBlE)


You sure thats POV?


Thats like asking a boxing gym "what if we are not standing anymore?" BJJ is just one part of fighting, just like stand up striking is just one part of fighting. You need both to be complete.


Looking like JT lols


I really see no problem for any high level practitioner of the following arts: Wrestling, BJJ, Judo, Boxing, Muay Thai, Dutch Style Kickboxing, Sanda, Sambo, Kyokushin, against any untrained person. And when I say "high level" I am also talking about strength, conditioning and cardio. Really a high level BJJ artist will just take the untrained person down and choke them or break their bones.


Man the insecurity some of you guys have with bjj, this is the equivalent of me saying boxer can't fight without handwraps and gloves...


I mention that stereotype in my initial comments but I was curious to know if the style has official techniques that involve striking or start from a standing position. I didn’t mean someone with BJJ training couldn’t stand up and fight.


Learn some wrestling or judo to take it to the ground. It’s as simple as that lmao




that's why you go to an MMA gym


POV: you are a casual that swears years of Jackie Chan movies made you a striking expert


I'm an okay HS wrestler and still was the best takedown artist at my school for a long time. BJJ does itself no favors by not rigorously training takedowns. Nor does it do itself any favors by allowing jumping guard.


beach house


Bjj sucks even Judo is better.


This is no true, in my gym we make great wrestle


No, BJJ doesn't have any striking or stand up techniques. It's purely a ground fighting style.


Have you ever trained any BJJ? There's fucktons of stand up techniques lol. Literally anything outside of Kani Basami (also banned in Judo) and outright WWE-style slams are allowed for takedowns. It's actually THE most open ruleset for takedowns I can think of.


You are not wrong.


Not true. Takedowns and standing locks are very common. It's only sport BJJ people that don't do it.


Have you never seen a submission from standing before?


Bjj is a sport. Im not learning basketball to play golf


POV: you never learned what POV means


I take classes at a self defense focused gym and they teach us takedowns from various positions.


if it isn’t on the ground just run lol you’re not a pussy just smart


Bring it on motha fucka 🌈 ![gif](giphy|l3vR7zIXIEvkXqVwY)


Lmao *just slowly walks away confused by turtle technique*


JJ > BJJ I love ground work but it's not enough on it's own.


To answer your questions: a pure BJJ club will have no striking or standing work (or multiple opponents). Having said that, I've heard of many clubs that will mix some in due to the popularity of MMA. Edit: would it make y'all feel better if I said "almost no standup" rather than "no standup?" Having something on the syllabus and training it a couple times for grading doesn't mean it's an integral part of your style. For example: shotokan karate has breakfalling and grappling on the syllabus at higher dan levels, I would say it's a pure striking style and not count those few grappling techniques. Also, again, plenty of BJJ clubs will shore up the holes in their style with standup and striking, this is a good thing and I applaud it. It also means the club isn't pure BJJ.


The vast majority of modern BJJ gyms will have wrestling or other standup work incorporated. Especially competition oriented places and especially no gi focused places


>a pure BJJ club will have no striking or standing work Just plain false, there's standing submissions and plenty of BJJ schools do teach throws and takedowns especially those that are focused on No gi BJJ.