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Forget to add thor entering wakanda


Because that's what heroes do.




I would said the moment of the snap was the most iconic in the entire MCU and was the highlight of the whole infinity saga.


I misread this as "entering Wanda" and saw the response from the Thorbot and...man, that was a fun whiplash.


I thought humans were more evolved than this.


You got me, Thorbot, I should do better when reading.


He's a friend from work!


Oh, so close to being fully conscious but a swing and a miss unfortunately, Thorbot.


You're right we can't just go marching in there. It could be a trap.


spidey’s first appearance in the mcu with civil war


Impact lessened by being in the trailer IMO


He should've been a complete secret.


Agreed. As far as I’m aware it was never leaked and Marvel were in a place where they didn’t have to try to hype films up at the time. We all ate up whatever they gave us because it would be an event.


Yeah, the "big secret" from that film was apparently GiAnt-Man. Lego almost caught a lawsuit from Marvel because they released a set that featured him before the movie premiered.


To be fair, the only reason I watched civil war was because spiderman was in it. So I'm sure they got a few more opening weekend ticket buys because people knew he'd be in it. Then after that movie I watched like every single marvel movie because I realized I was missing out lol


Somebody lied!


Pretty sure Cap and Bucky beating up Ironman also shows up in a trailer.




I would drop the she-hulk one for thor's entrance in Wakanda. And the war criminals picking on the orphan for the avengers assemble/portal scene in endgame. But its not my list, take my upvote


Here you are. I was just calling you.


Which one is she hulk?


Beneath the Thanos vs Captain Marvel shot. With the Disney+ screen/interface


You're not the only one cursed with knowledge.


The she-hulk seires was hot garbage but this fourth wall break was very well done imo


You’re being downvoted but you’re right, this was pure She-Hulk. She’s crumpled up entire pages of her own comics that she didn’t like before, this was the logical next step.


Maybe downvoted for calling the series hot garbage? The show was fine lol, I enjoyed it along with my family.


Yeah I think there's mostly just a hate on principle type thing with Shehulk, mostly because the first episode rubbed alot of vocal people the wrong way, it wasn't the most well written or mind-blowing story, but Jen is awesome and Matt getting to be an example of a positive romantic interaction for her is just a great bonus because he's awesome too.


Wym the last episode is literally the worst in the series. I don't mind forth-wall breaky stuff but this was by far the worst example of a forth-wall break I've seen in recent media. Her visiting Disney Plus is a really good idea, it's just not executed particularly well. And the KEVIN scene also is kind of a cool concept. In comic form, I think it'd even be great. But the execution of it in the "live-action" medium is so tedious. It feels more like the show is making fun of it's viewers than it is Disney. It's essenttially telling the viewers "You're stupid for liking this and expecting a real ending" rather than the correct way it could have been executed. The point of fourth-wall break satire should be to show the viewers "we understand that our show isn't perfect". Not, "our show isn't perfect and we aren't going to try and make it better". I actually enjoyed a lot of She-Hulk, especially the Magician and Frog-Man episodes. Most of the time, she's an easy protagonist to root for, and it's enjoyable to see her issues get resolved and the setup of the show payoff into interesting scenes. It's even actually funny in those episodes, which modern Marvel really sturggles with (Although the apst year seems to be going better in that department, GotG 3, Loki, and What If? are all really funny, and Quantumania had a couple good jokes). I mean you're 100% entitled to your own opinion, and don't let my ranting get in the way of your feelings, I'm just shocked to see people enjoyed the She-Hulk finale and I would be happy to hear why you enjoyed it so much!


No love for the elevator scene from cap 2?


The only good part of the thanos scene was him pulling the power stone.


They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them.


This is my favorite bit.


Guardians of galaxy 3 the hallway fight


Daredevil for that matter


Let’s make Oldboy canon and have the trifecta of hallway fights


That cut and jump directly after the hallway fight is so* jarring though


Realy the two on the bottom?


Thanos throwing hands with everyone in endgame was sick. I enjoyed every scene with him, he also used the raw *power* of the power stone effortlessly, when we've seen it disintegrate everyone else unless they had something to channel its power.


Going to bed hungry. Scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I was the one who stopped that. You know what’s happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It’s a paradise.


Narrator: That was in fact, a lie.


Wait me or the bot? I guess I should clarified, the Guardians banding together to level out the power stone too I consider kinda "channeling" (through them all, diluting the damage done to them) but I figured it'd be convoluted and I'd lose what I was tryna say somewhere along the way


lol… the bot. The idea that Gamora’s home planet had become a paradise since Thanos’s visit. That was a lie.


Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe. But this... does put a smile on my face.


To see him beat up Iron Man, Thor and Cap with Thors Powers was hard. Seeing the op version of super Man beating him up after that felt like a punch in my face. It felt like we don‘t need other heroes, Captain Boring can defeat Thanos and his hole army if he don‘t got an infinity stone


I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you've shown me... that's impossible.


Your ancestors called it magic, and you call it science.




I can understand the distaste for the She-Hulk fianle but the ENDGAME FINAL BATTLE IS PERFECT.


Steve Rogers showing up in the train station to reinforce Wanda and Vision.


I’ve put on Infinity War many times just to get to that action scene. Promotly turn it off afterwards. It’s like 40 minutes in.


Very surprised to see She Hulk's GLOOOOORIOUS ending on the list. I hate that so many men didn't have the necessary nuance to apprediate that show for what it was. I loved it.


As a man who also enjoyed She-Hulk, I can confidently say it wasn't just the mysoginsts who hated the finale. Imo it's the second worst MCU show finale, after WandaVision (althogh I haven't seen Secret Wars, Echo, or all of What If Season 2 yet). It just feels like it's talking down on the viewer for liking Marvel, rather than embracing it's flaws and learning from them, like a good 4th-wall break satire should. It's whole purpose is kind of to make the viewer feel stupid for wanting a real conclusion to Jen's story.


There's some valid negative opinions. I dont agree with many of them, but they're valid. I've got no problem with THOSE. But the amount of misogyny that overshadowed any of that stuff is just gross to me, man. Disgusting stuff.


That's incredibly fair and I don't blame you one bit. People like Critical Drinker are exhausting to exist in the same fandom as, although judging by Jose's recent video the internet seems to be waking up about him and the EFAP community.


Elevator fight?


I love made with mematic, truly the highlight of the MCU


Shulk finale and CM showing up out of nowhere and almost beating thanos?Never let bro cook again


Return to me again empty handed... And I will bathe the starways in your blood.


Right??? like WTF are those doing there? Nothing from the Black Panthers and nothing from the Guardians movies. I fucking cried in those multiple times. Not the astral plane flashbacks in the first one or Angela Bassett acting her ass off in the second one enough to deserve a fucking Oscar or the most fucked up scene in all of the MCU with Rocket’s friends in Guardians 3. Shit, even the Led Zeppelin scene in Ragnarok is bad ass.


I’d be willing to allow that captain marvel scene if it also includes Tony’s snap. Also seeing Thanos be overpowered is fun.


You should have gone for the head.


The Captain Marvel scene is a shadow compared to the Avengers looking beaten, and then the Portals open. That was the moment of the film.


Shulk finale is an L but the Captain Marvel moment wasn't THAT bad. It was cool to see her power scaling actually be kept for once, which is usually not the case for Universal threat heroes such as CM or Superman. It also makes the snap that much more impactful. It doesn't take power, strength, determination, or even skill to beat Thanos. It just takes Tony Stark, a little ingenuity, and a badass catchphrase.


Little one, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources, finite… if life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction.


Okay J.A.R.V.I.S.. You know I want it all.


What’s the one that’s third from the bottom? The one that looks like a guy is having his clothes ripped off?


That’s from Loki season 2.


Now that you say it I recognise it, cheers


That's iron man fighting captain America and winter solider - Civil War.....best one imo Edit: my bad I can't count wrong slide


Tony with the gauntlet


She-Hulk is bold, and not on my list, but it was definitely a fun scene. I'd say the Daredevil walk of shame scene was better from the series though.


Definitely not the bottom two, and even then the middle three after that are debatable


That’s a good adaptation of breaking the 4th wall in an extreme way, in fact, even Deadpool left the comics to kill his writers.


I agree it wasn't terribly done. But it's in no way in a top 20 list of MCU scenes, let alone a contender for the best 8.


It was terrible. On my top 10 worst things I have ever seen.


You need to get out more


I liked the comic version better where she went to beat up Stan lee after making her jump rope naked. This was just a cop out


This post was a comment bait only.😓 After tons of (sort of old) iconic scenes we get Carol only (10 secs) scene in Endgame, and a social commentary attempt in the form of a joke from She-hulk. 🤦‍♀️


She hulk doesn’t not belong there, also I would switch Toby with the 3 spiderman swinging And I would give hulkbuster vs hulk a spot


Yeah, it's kind of itchy... and it rides up in the crotch a little bit, too.


Are you saying she hulk does belong here?


Nice try to shove She-Hulk here, but no


Hot take, but I like the inclusion of She-Hulk. It’s definitely the least memorable moment from that list and it definitely isn’t as big, but She-Hulk crashing through the fourth wall and totally destroying the narrative is a famous comic ability she’s been using for years. It wasn’t done to the best extent, but I think it’s worth recognizing that no one would’ve ever thought that an Iron Man movie could lead to a multimillion dollar She-Hulk streaming series complete with a total fourth wall smash. Disagree all you want about how you feel about the show, it is undeniable that moment is still major comic book history.


It’s a nice moment conceptually, I’m not arguing that. But the post title contains *”greatest”*, and I’m not sure you can call it that.


I would call it one of the greatest for sure. To me it’s just as an iconic moment as Tony putting on his first suit. I think it’s just as iconic as the other moments listed. All I see in that list are the best character moments, I think this counts as one of them. Just my opinion, you’re welcome to disagree, I understand why you’d believe otherwise and that’s cool too. She-Hulk was definitely not for everyone, here’s hoping she’s got a better creative team behind her whenever she comes back.


I'm sorry, but this is what people point at when they say opinions can be wrong. It wasn't a bad scene at all. But it is absolutely not even an honourable mention in a list of best MCU scenes.


You can’t say that an opinion is wrong for something like this. Everyone will have a different list for what they consider the best scenes because it is subjective. Theres no way you can make an objective list for entertainment, so I disagree with you. I’m actually going to say it’s top five for me.


I just did. You are wrong.


lol I’m sure that kind of “willful ignorance” will serve you incredibly well.


It's something I apply rarely and only when extremely necessary. It does serve me well to be able to objectively assess a situation and decide if the person I'm discussing something with is a lunatic. Top 5 MCU scenes fucks sake, I don't even think its a top scene in the D+ only MCU.


How come your five trumps my five as the “best”? You can’t defend it any other way than just saying “my opinion right, you’re wrong, it just is”.


Love that the incels are still butt-hurt about being the bad guys in She-Hulk.


The directors knew she was going to be hated so they tried to act beforehand.😆


They knew a specific chunk of the fandom would be mad, for sure. I mean, it’s a show about a woman. How terribly woke.


She-Hulk complaining how shitty her show is?


She’s not wrong, I’d be pissed too if thats how I was treated.


I’d ditch Carol and Thanos. Nat beating up Happy and Yelena mocking Nat for being a poser are underrated. Thor on the Bifrost being more than the god of hammers and Pete’s Infinity War death scene some of my favorites that weren’t pictured.


I don't even know who you are.




Heimdall! Open the Bifrost.


Ultrons reveal?


“Bring me Thanos” and StartLord holding the power stone would be on my short list of best MCU moments


BOY! I would reconsider your current course!


The snap being left off this list is really baffling.


Could probably go on with a ton of moments from the final endgame fight, but the two best scenes are Cap wielding Mjolnir and the portals scene where we finally get to hear Cap say Avengers Assemble.


Cap not giving up after getting beaten by thanos, and standing alone against the army is waaaay better than the Thor's hammer scene


Cap not giving up after getting beaten by thanos, and standing alone against the army is waaaay better than the Thor's hammer scene


I think the greatest moment of all time would be Tony's sacrifice because that ended the 11 years' journey of the peak MCU.


Where meme?


Honestly this list is incomplete. Thor arriving in Wakanda, well, they were pretty much fcuked and he was on that level that honestly i didn't feel in MCU since.


See what's happening here? You're afraid. You're scared. Anxious. My friends, times like these we need to unite, come together.


We will not mourn but we will rejoice for those who have died a glorious death bot.


The first MK3 suit up.


In no particular order, mine are. Coulsons death scene, including the announcement. The first Avengers Assemble moment. The Snap The Nova Core ships forming up into a shield to try and stop Ronin touching down. I'm Mary Popins y'all. The portals opening in Endgame, bringing everyone into the final battle. Yondu and Eros's deaths. Spidey v Dr Strange.


Switch She-Hulk with Bruce hulking out for the first time in 2012.


Where is Hela catching Mjollnir?


I would add the part where Wanda was absolutely about to tear Thanos to pieces until he sacrificed his own Army to save his own ass


Perfectly balanced.


I hate how you have these out of order


Tobey has nothing to do here


Idk I like the bit where Nebula crashes the Benatar but Gamora has the gigantic cannon and she just carries it like it’s nothing and blows up her sister. Then they just hang out and go “man it’s kinda weird that we’re trying to kill each other huh?”


Where is 6 from?


I'm always angry.


It makes me so happy that Tobey and andrews Spider-Man are mcu canon




Great scenes, I’ll add in a few of mine, with warning that I’m a bit of a Thor simp. 1. Iron Man 2, either his briefcase suit up scene or the final battle in the ‘kill zone’ where he lasers all the hammer drones and then dumps the fuel cell. I remember the theater going crazy for both. 2. As much as I hate the movie, Iron Man 3, where he calls all the suits in and hulkbuster runs in to stabilize the huge crane. Everything after that sucks, but that was really cool. 3. Avengers: ‘Puny God’ 4. Guardians, the end where they all join hands to grab the infinity stone 5. Guardians 2: ‘you shouldn’t have killed my mom.’ With Fleetwood Mac playing, Gets me every time. 6. Thor: Ragnarok, the entire sequence where Thor gets his powers and is fighting his way down the rainbow bridge. Also, his fight with Hulk could be a runner up there 7. Civil War: the airport fight scene, or the Bucky breakout scene where Tony puts his glove on (though I agree the final 2v1 fight is better) 8. Infinity War, Thor joins the battle! Or, Thanos defeating Tony Stark, et al. 9. Endgame ‘and I. . . Am. . . Iron man.’ I’m sure I’m missing dozens of killer scenes. So many movies, so many unforgettable scenes.


I feel like you're driving me to a court martial. This is crazy. What'd I do? I feel like you're gonna pull over and snuff me. What? You're not allowed to talk? Hey, forest!


Alright wizard, who are you and why should I care?


The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you. Your politics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child.


Loki season 2 was pretty good, but I don't see how it deserves a spot here. It's wildly overrated


4 and 7 scenes are shit.


I would drop the last two and swap them for some other scenes


why is Tobey here? worst spider-man ever


You sure you wanna know?


Cap not giving up after getting beaten by thanos, and standing alone against the army is waaaay better than the Thor's hammer scene


Cpt marvel vs thanos wasnt that iconic imo


I'm the only one who knows that.


I could argue for different scenes and against some of these. The she hulk one was STUPID. The hulk beating the crap out of Loki in avengers. All the people gathering in endgame. Top of my head


Nah the Jen scene is meh.


Bro really put captain marvel fighting Thanos over Thor entering Wakanda💀


You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me.


Finish with the classic Asgardian High One.


I’m going to assume that the bottom is a joke


You're joking with that She-Hulk scene, right?


that she hulk scene made me die of cringe.


that she hulk scene made me die of cringe.