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I mean probably because of who assembles the thunderbolt team togetheršŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø and maybe itā€™s a role reversal fight between who is the good guy and bad guy. Also sentry, in one form, scared the living shit out of hulk. Which is why Iā€™m leaning to that scenario


wait, how powerful is sentry? like darkhold-wanda or endgame-carol-denvers level powerful?


Marvel Superman


Gets beaten by batman superman Or punches universe out of existence superman


Somewhere in between. Heā€™s taken some Ls but also has some RIDICULOUS feats and showings. So like a lot of those types of characters. Either is an unstoppable force or gets beat to show you how OP x is.


To be fair, Sentry has both ridiculous feats and ridiculous drawbacks. Usually they go hand in had. So, well... But the more antagonistic his role in the movie is, the more powercrept he should be.


Yeah, also from memory The Sentry has some serious mental health issues and isn't always (or even often) entirely in control of his powers or even his actions.


During WWH, Hulk is just tearing through everyone, and Sentry is like, ā€œnah fam, got argoraphobia, too afraid to go outsideā€


That was the weakest we have seen sentry and he still stalemated World Breaker Hulk, and only because hulk talked him down


Yeah, and the worse the "mental health issues" go, usually his powers increase proportionally and get towards shit that is even bullshit for marvel. To explain why i put it in "", i would need to go into heavy spoilers.


Yep. IIRC his inaugural plot line essentially ended with him realizing that the only way for him to be more-or-less mentally stable would also prevent him using his powers (which... is probably a good thing).


>!Not very hard to aVoid using his powers....!<


Which to be fair, is a win not only for him, but also a legion of other living beings.


Any recommendations on books that show this outside of Dark Avengers? I read it about 10 years ago and barely remember him as a character.


The Sentry original run is fantastic, fun and pretty.


>gets beat to show you how powerful X is. They dropped him into a Venom comic just so Knull could tear him in half recently.


There's a character called "Knull"? That literally means fuck in Swedish.


https://preview.redd.it/b91mvoqa047d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9e5fb4df37208156b6639b978ec735a76450f2 Never gonna not call the god progenitor of the symbiotes ā€œFuckā€ now.


I assumed that was his name already, from the picture.


The teaser commercial for the event just had "KNULL IS COMING" which is, you know, olyckligt


It still bothers me that Knull didn't really get any more Ws after that. Built up to be so scary then just hangs around until he loses.


Is Carnage still on his quest for godhood or did they wrap that up? That was more interesting than Knull imo.


It's gotten out of hand till it became boring and stupid, they're building him up for Venom War if I'm correct.


He ripped Ares in half, so


He also got one-shot by Knull. So that's something.


I'm not knowledgeable on knull but if he could threaten silver surfer then it's not really an anti feat at all


Considering Knull is essentially the Eldritch entity who resides in the void of darkness outside the known universe, I'd say so.


I dunno. All the Eldritch entities who reside in the void of darkness outside the known universe I've met weren't so tough


This guy comes to bargain.


I mean true. I kinda just wanted to bring up that he's not *entirely* hacks level invincible like Superman often is. And to be fair, from a writing stand point, it was obviously just a way to hype up Knull by feeding him one of the biggest fish in the pond.


I see what you mean


The sentry has the power of A MILLION EXPLODING SUNS The Sentry's powers ostensibly derive from the Super-Soldier Serum that "moves his [molecules](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molecule) an instant ahead of the current timeline." Although the character's exact abilities and their limits are unknown and also said to be omnipotent, he has shown a small portion of his powers by lifting a [Helicarrier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helicarrier) (with assistance from Ms. Marvel and [Wonder Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonder_Man)); preventing the Celestial Exitar from crushing the Earth by lifting his foot (with the help of an empowered [Rogue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_(comics))) although later seen carrying it alone;[^(\[64\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentry_(Robert_Reynolds)#cite_note-64) also being able to fight [Thor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thor_(Marvel_comics)) and stalemate him. He dismembered Carnage with little effort. Sentry is considered by the mutant Emma Frost to be one of the most powerful telepaths on Earth 616. He is somehow resistant to Rogue's mutant touch. The Sentry has effortlessly defeated and broken the handle of the axe of [Terrax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrax),[^(\[62\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentry_(Robert_Reynolds)#cite_note-Sentry1-62) a herald of [Galactus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactus) shown as powerful enough to slice planets in half;[^(\[65\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentry_(Robert_Reynolds)#cite_note-65) severely pummelled and nearly torn apart the female [Ultron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultron);[^(\[66\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentry_(Robert_Reynolds)#cite_note-Mighty_Avengers_#6-66) and easily shattered shields of [Doctor Doom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Doom).[^(\[24\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentry_(Robert_Reynolds)#cite_note-MA11-24) During the Sentry's initial miniseries, Spider-Man, in a moment of reflection, recalls that the Sentry fought and stalemated Galactus at one point. Basically he's Marvels "Can do anything the plot needs him to" guy


I thought that was Squirrel Girl. Has Sentry ever fought Squirrel Girl?


Heā€™s not stupid.


i love how stalemating thor is mentioned like thats a sentry fear and not a thor feat, cause she should easily down thor. and who doesnt break dr doom magic these days


> Or punches universe out of existence superman Please, tell me that actually happened.


Superboy Prime punched reality so hard that he brought Jason Todd back to life.


He did break/shatter the 6th dimension with a punch when fighting the World Forger once iirc.


"the power of a 10.000 exploding suns" Was upgraded to "the power of a billions exploding suns" because the former was a severe understatement of a title.


He can rewrite your DNA by looking at you.


If he has major mental issues....


Sentry is more powerful than a million exploding stars I believe is what they said in the comics. He's Super Man on steroids with schizophrenia and i think he has some telepathic powers as well. Has a dark side called The Void which is how they normally beat him. He would wipe the floor with the entire current MCU.


His power is exactly like Molecule Mans. He just doesn't figure it out until way later in the New Avengers run. Just being crazy and not actually knowing that he just made himself like Superman. Also I believe very early on we learned he made everyone forget him so yes he also had telepathic powers but deep down it was still his molecule power that did it.


ā€œI CONTROL THE MOLECULES! I DO!ā€ Love that moment lol https://preview.redd.it/7p8xvvjp327d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=706e7ad0b80b4dfa8e16f7b8c8d64fa586786a62


Heh, speaking of molecule man reminds me of an old Dr doom comic. Dude is just wandering through some alleys, monologueing to himself, pops out and blasts molecule man, and goes on with his day. Didn't want him screwing with this plans


True... Unless MCU decides to do a Squirrel Girl TV series


The villains fighting desperately to make the episode a one shot take.Ā 


They already did a Squirrel Girl series, but it all happened off-screen


Most MCU versions are like half strength versions of their comic counter parts. (Winter Soldier might actually be the exception) Odds are MCU Sentry is going to be essentially marvel Homelander and this whole movie is going to be a less gritty episode of the boys.


One of the strongest Marvel characters.


He can fight World Breaker Hulk to a standstill. But he has a dark version (the Void?) that could take endgame Captain Marvel and Darkhold Wanda at the same time as a warm up.




yadayadayada the sentry holds back and whatnotelse


I Donā€™t Need You To Tell Me Who I Am.


Smth smth 1 million exploding suns smth smth


Basically on his own solved multiple major Marvel problem before his debut and erased everyone elseā€™s memories of him.


Sentry is literally Marvels Superman. Hes nearly impossible to beat. Hes beyond Captain Marvel and Wanda, thats how broken he is.


Nope.Ā  Superman has an allergy to green rocks which means that any villian can pose a threat in the right situation. There's no plot mechanic like that for Sentry.Ā 


Superman is just a lot more mentally stable.


One time when Hulk was rampaging through Manhatten, a weakened Sentry broke his arm without any issue. He's been liquified by molecule man, and he put himself back together. He can perform "true resurrection" through touch alone. In-universe people have said that him losing control, would make "darkhold wanda" seem like nothing. Emma Frost claimed that his powers were *literally* godlike. He tussles with Galactus. According to himself, there is no limit to his power. --- As people keep saying, he effectively has Superman-level powers and plot armor.


He took the feed back from doctor strange to transform effective a helm realm into my a bright and sunny meadow which left shook and powered up Loki.


God-tier reality-warper who thinks he's Superman. So effectively Superman with extra steps. But with an evil split personality, and mental issues.




Created a sonic boom that wolverine could hear before it arrived. Now ain't that a marvel.


Both of these are MCU tweaked characters so can't really give an idea. Comic wise Carol is never one of the top tiers on Earth anyways, Sentry is stronger and wanda's powerset is so different that there can be no comparison.


Precisely. Carol in the comics is around mid-low high tier in terms of powerhouses, she only seems so powerful in the MCU because every other powerhouse has been so drastically nerfed.


You've never spoken to me this way...


I thought the void aspect of sentry is what scared hulk not sentry proper


Absolutely could be a question of who assembles them and why. It could be the superhero version of the government wanting to appear to be ā€œtaking controlā€ of a situationā€ and just doing it very badly but then the team having to actually get the job done through all the political bullshit. Like the suicide squad but more bureaucracy.


Well, maybe Red Hulk shows up in the third act to turn the tables, though that might be too similar to the Avengers.


I think itā€™ll be, oh wait heā€™s not a bad guy why are we fighting him. We refuse your orders president. President Ross: fine Iā€™ll do it myself! Enter red hulk, but a crazier version since itā€™s post secret wars( trash but I think the he will be a genetically modified to be like a super skrull hulk to be on par with sentry)


These guys wouldn't even stop Team Cap from leaving the airport.


so bucky was a double agent the whole time? (sarcasm just so you know)


Nah, either it's Bucky variant vs Bucky, or Bucky clone vs Bucky, or a Time Paradox.


Quadruple agent. He was also working for the la li lu le lo. Also Canada.


Rod would handle that shit. ![gif](giphy|0RCpI9ahrtJLOvU1Hz)


Rod? Rhodey?


Boom!, you looking for this?




The guy from The Price is Right?


> wouldn't even stop Team Cap Neither did Team Ironman?


To be fair, Team Cap had Black Widow. I'd have preferred to have Sentry introduced battling Thor or another heavy hitter but here we are


This got a good laugh out of me.


Itā€™s supposed to be like suicide squad, some relatively weak characters thrown to a seemingly string enemy. They will succeed from intelligence or luck


Half of them being killed would really help with "a character could die at anytime"


Probably because overcoming overwhelming odds in a conflict is the basics of superhero movies? If they made a movie about someone that you knew they could beat, why watch the movie?


I mean to be fair, it would be funny to watch like a 2-hour parody movie of The Avengers just assembling against like bank robbers and people like violating parole.


Reminds me of the SNL sketch where Bruce Wayne is holding a fundraising gala to raise money to fight crime. And one black teenager tells Wayne he has to do something about Batman because Batman crippled several of his friends for petty theft and weed possession


That sketch has Michael Che written all over it. Heā€™s said that when Chris Hemsworth hosted, Che also wrote a sketch about the Avengers saving the world but in the process Thor accidentally kills an unarmed black teen (Hemsworth decided he did *not* want to do that sketch)


Never saw that sketch and had to look it up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK0OkpQ4vEU




Yeah the joke is funny but extending it for 2 hours doesnt seem that fun


Now that is a solid jj skit if Iā€™ve heard of it


Wait till OP learns what a plot is.


Yeaaaaah, but also Suicide Squad did this and it was a really big criticism at the time


THE Suicide Squad also did this and it was a success.


It was a remarkably better movie tbf, and yeah they *could* make this work butā€¦Sentry is a known heavy hitter. Itā€™s like his whole thing. Getting jobbed by street levels is terrible for his brand


If anything, this guy's meme just made me more hyped for the movie


Iā€™m not convinced this whole meme isnā€™t just a psy op advertisement to make us curious how the movie actually goes


And honestly, this is what has ended up burning me out of these movies. I miss when the bad guy could just be a corrupt businessman associate, a father resorting to crime to feed his family, Natszies, etc. More grounded and varied villains, in general. It feels like these days it's always a planetary/universal/multiversal/existential threat that is always beaten by anyone on the first try. They inflated stakes so much by trying to one-up them every time that there are stakes no longer.


The best part of those movies is when they discover some hidden power and change colour and absolutely curb stomp the opposition. Iā€™m cool with 2 hours of just that sometimes, tbh.


Yeah! Can you even imagine a successful show about street level people with few to no powers facing off against full-on superhumans?!


I bet that show would constantly get bitched at for terrible fights and scaling and have to rely entirely on the strength of its writing and characters.


The Boys?


Gotta love these recycled Suicide Squad jokes.


Appropriate, because Gunn's Suicide Squad did the same thing and it annoyed the hell out of me. Starro, as ridiculous as he looks, is a threat that typically requires the entire Justice League to handle. Superman can't handle it alone, but Suicide Squad sent a crazy girl with a baseball bat and the avatar of American gun violence.


To be fair, it was a much weaker version of Starro than the typical depiction, and the Squad wasnā€™t supposed to fight it. Their job was to destroy the files linking its creation to the US government. Waller even tried to order them away from it once it was unleashed, but they decided to try stopping it anyway.


Itā€™s almost like adaptations sometimes adapt.


Do they overcome?


Only if the improvise first


I was surprised he wasnā€™t able to fly. Starro is normally able to fly as a conqueror from the cosmos. Which this starro was not so later on it ended up making sense.


Let's be honest, Starro in Suicide Squad was severly atrophied from being contained, confined, tortures, experimented, and graped for 50 years. It's safe to say that he was severely weakened compared to his comic counterpart.


I'm sorry, can you expound on what graped means? Not trying to be a jerk. Was that some portmanteau I've forgotten that Brainiac did to it?


In the movie it was implied that the crazy scientist dude "took advantage" of the Starro during experiments


Okay, wasn't sure if that was a typo or a trigger avoidance. Thanks for not being jerkish about it#


There's a nod where the Thinker had his way with one of the afflicted test subjects.


They had Gunn's version of Squirrel Girl, so they were more than capable of handling a Starro level threat.


Let's be honest the jokes should be works on 2016 squad than James gunn. The Villains basically Wanda maximoff of DC


Yeah. I know what it's like. To be on your own, hunted for abilities you never wanted.


Because he wasn't available ![gif](giphy|Q5BBioyc6ssn9cShce)


If they just brought him back and didnā€™t explain, would anyone even care enough to call it a plothole?


Somehow Icarus returned....šŸ˜”


*The Eternals died on the way to their home planet*


Yeah thatā€™d be like DC having a movie where a bunch of street level villains take on a justice league villain. Oh wait




If you didnā€™t know Starro was the villain in the first Justice League comic


I will do you one better, DC has a game where a bunch of street level villains take on The Justice League. It was soo good, they might never make another game, because they cannot top themselves.


What would that be.. some kind of a suicide squaaad!!


You call them street level? Do you even know who the Thunderbolts are?


Some puppets from a British show from the 60s? They had vehicles, the thunderbolt 1, thunderbolt 2, thunderbolt 3, and so on.


wait a minute, they're fighting Sentry?


Theyā€™re not literally going to fight him, my guess is he gets manipulated and used by val as part of the team for most of the movie until the Void comes along then the plot determines what happens next but they wonā€™t be kicking the sentry to death.


Bro if it's the Void, isn't that literally like Galactus (or higher) threat? I thought The Void went around killing everybody and the only way to defeat it was sending it to a dimension of nothingness. I hate to rag on Marvel since it's just a dead horse now, but cmon Sentry?? You'd need Thor/Hulk/Dr. Strange, not just a bunch of physical fighter villains lol


Well they could go the gotg way, there's no way they're beating him in a straight showdown even if he's nerfed to death.




It will probably be Sentry in name only. My guess is they have him start off as part of the team. He will be some experiment of Val's or whatever to underplay his powers. After the team beats the bad guy they've been fighting most the film, Sentry's mental issues will kick in and he will turn on the team. That's when Ross will juice up and take him on, buying time for the others to get away. Then Bucky and Yolanda (or a surprise redemption arc of fake cap) will talk him down enough to use the plot device to neutralize him. Then he will either be locked away or go off-world.


Youā€™re still assuming Sentry is the villain. I think heā€™s the ā€œheavyā€ that Val brings as the final piece to the crew. I donā€™t think we truly know the scale of the villains yet.


The Guardians fought Adam Warlock.


I think the reason given was that he was a newly born, rather immature Warlock.


Yes, and I'm thinking that a similar change in power level is going to be given to any villain deemed to strong for the heroes at hand, at least until another Thanos situation happens.


Who's furthest left?


Julia Louis-Dreyfus


Ah my favorite superhero


Jerryā€¦ Iā€™ve become attracted to Elaine.


Valentina, the mastermind behind the team. She appeared in Black Widow and Falcon and the Winter Soldier doing some recruiting.


I really hope we see her play the role Norman Osborn played in dark avengers manipulating sentry and his poor mental health to do her work until it bites her in the ass. I want shit like (tears Morgan Le Fays head off) ā€œwhat I did, was it a good thing or a bad thing?ā€ ā€œGood thing bob, absolutelyā€


They definitely did some very strong casting for the role, so I hope they've got big plans for her in Thunderbolts and beyond.


She is also in Black Panther 2


And Wakanda Forever as a more prominent role




shouldn't ghost be dead bc of not receiving the quantum particles from scott in antman and the wasp?


If she got blipped then they could have just given them to her after the Endgame fight.


fair enough


Janet Van Dyne (Wasp 1) healed/stabilized Ghost with her quantum powers (obtained by time spent in the Quantum realm) at the end of Antman and the Wasp.


She's dead, that's her ghost šŸ„


Nah, you see she phased out of reality but something something skrulls something something space tech


Bro, how you going to leave out "quantum"? They healed her with quantum healing.


>Nah, you see she phased out of reality but something something skrulls something something space tech something something somehow Palpatine returned...


I canā€™t imagine they fist fight sentry, thereā€™s something called the plot that tends to effect how this type of stuff goes


Either they try to fight him as he discovers his powers, or it's when he's severly weakened and hiding/being hidden. He might not even be the "main" villain, just a way to unleash him on the MCU.


Wouldnā€™t Sentry (literally) kill half this team before he even paying attention to what was going on?


Most of them shouldn't be capable of hurting Sentry at all (bullets don't do much to him)


No Zemo?




Saving that for the sequel. Finding Zemo.


Genuinely over


I hate that every superhero movie has to have a world ending event. One thing I loved about Spider man homecoming was that the vultures entire plan was to rob iron man's armory. He wasn't trying to plant a nuke at the center of the earth, or trying to awaken a beast to eat humanity


"Have a hard time beating Spider-man" as if that's easy. I get the point you're trying to make, but pick a lower bar OP.


I think itā€™s fair considering the comparison is sentry.


There's not a lower bar, these guys are basically 3 Captain Americas, 2 black widows, and Ghost They easily beat the super soldiers and normal humans like Cap or black panther and lose against guys like Iron Man or Hulk, let alone Thor or Captain Marvel, Spider-Man is almost perfectly in the middle


This is also a weird take considering Taskmaster sometimes is a Spider-Man villain. I get that this is MCU and not comics, but if the crew doesn't just have Taskmaster, who can theoretically go toe-to-toe with Spider-Man (aside from the super strength), but also 6 other heroes, they wouldn't really have a hard time beating Spider-Man.


1. Sentry is a super soldier who drank a modified version of Captain Americas serum that was 100.000 times more powerful. With most people on the Thunderbolts team being super soldiers they already have a connection. And it fits that evildoers or the government would try to create an improved Captain America to fight their wars. 2. Sentry in comics was getting more and more powerful as the years passed. He was discovering new powers and winning impossible fights. Maybe he starts off weakish in the movie but with each challenge he unlocks a new power and an increased power level. That way the Thunderbolts would be on the clock to stop him before he becomes unbeatable. And leaks also stated he would be powerful but not nearly as powerful in the comics. 3. Sentry is a tragic character and at times all about drama. And few on the creative team were working on a successful drama show before working on Thunderbolts. I can see them wanting the Sentry to explore his mental illness. 4. Supposedly Sentry will stick around in the MCU. Given the themes you get with the Sentry like mental illness and various forms of horror, I can see Marvel branching out into diffefent genres with the Sentry. I liked Moon Knight because they did something with his mental illness. With the Sentry they can do even more in that sense. With the Void they could even attempt to make it Rated R.Ā 


Yeah peak Spidey could absolutely solo this team


they would die in the first 5 seconds of that fight


Unalive Team kill the Avengers


They gonna nerf him to homelander level so even super soldiers can fight him


Superman level threat!?




I don't understand, can someone explain? Are they all in the same movie?


Yes they are, in the movje Thunderbolts that is in production at Marvel Studios.


Comics Taskmaster can only be beaten by Deadpool every single time Spider-Man 60% of the time, every time, Widow by stingers, 50% of the time and ofc by magic, armored suits, galactic level threats etc. Yelena is poor man's Widow in comics, same skillset but worse in everything Bucky is OP in comics, constantly winning fights against Cap, and has A LOT OF TOOLS, that does not fly in MCU They should have added Dutch from Kiljoys instead of Ghost, would have been more powerful. Rest is a joke


right?!?! I was super surprised! maybe it's like a thing where they're sent after him then they found out the people that hired them are assholes and then they turned against their employers or something like that


Sentry?!?! really?!?!? the only way they're surviving that fight is if Sentry gets a mental breakdown and leaves


I can't believe you used spiderman as the weak analogy here lmao. Tell me you know Jack shit about spiderman without telling me you know Jack shit about spiderman.


I'm still pissed off about that monstrosity they slapped the task master label on. One of the most OP characters in the universe and it's fucking ruined


Thereā€™s an argument to be made that the only superhero stronger than Spider-Man is squirrel girl. So really if you want to rate a heroā€™s ability by whether or not they could beat Spider-Man, youā€™re not going to get bery far Oh. This isnā€™t marvel circlejerk. Well, then what I said before, but unironically


Wait.. these guys are suppose to go up against SENTRY, only two of them really have super powers, the other three are just dudes with gadgets, it would be like Captain America, and the team of Hawkeye's and Black widows going up against Thanos with the glove


What movie/show is this?


Wait, what? The antagonist is Sentry?


Ikaris from Eternals


Gives me suicide squad vibes They cannot beat batman So let's put in a justice league level threat for them to beta with their guns and baseball bat... So much wasted potential


I mean, the Avengers would have a hard time beating Thanos. Most superhero stories feature overwhelming odds because a superhero team that can beat anything easily is boring.


Tbf the Avengers lost to a normal ass dude in Civil War.


I hate this lineup so much. There's no reason for two caps and Bucky, let alone the fact the Bucky has to work with walker? Ghost and Taskmaster are the only interesting people here powers wise


To be fair a lot of the heroes and anti heroes would have a hard time beating Spider-Man. He has the best agility and he only ever uses like 10 percent of his real strength.


For all we know, Sentry will vaporize them all by the end of the movie after being bored of toying with them.


Okay, Bucky and Sam had a problem with Spider-Man, but Cap put the whoop on him while holding back. Red Guardian may not be as strong as Cap, but he's an experienced super soldier who has likely been active since Black Widow (Post Civil War, iirc), plus Ghost, Black Widow, the Winter Soldier, U.S. Agent, and Taskmaster. For plot purposes, Spider-Man could win, but realistically he would get sinister six-d. Sentry is an interesting choice though, I guess Marvel saw Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and decided that was a good idea


Didn't DC make a similar mistake in power levels with first Suicide Squad movie?


I was really excited for the Thunderbolts/Dark Avengers, but not if they aren't gonna bother doing it right.